@FedexGuy however another user created an account and released associated email and password with the idea of a communal account for collaboration and other things. A novel, but really bad idea that had no hindsight behind it.
I took it upon my self to change the password and then deleted the account.
This brought back memories of when me and Deez Ducks used to throw out P-51s and F-82s, getting better and better at them until the designer suite came out. Those were good times.
Tell ya what. Maybe try for yourself? You are on pc after all so there's no reason to copy and paste others planes.
@Planebuilder2123 Please keep in mind the fault isn't on the developers. Apple, Google and Android are actively trying to make their OS's incompatible with modded games. Why that is is beyond me. But, THAT is why I think the devs should discontinue developing games for mobile, or, find a way to ewrite mods into the base games.
@Planebuilder2123 Waaayyy to late. And on top of that you did not comprehend what I was saying. Perhaps this explanation will help.
I'm not mad that mobile players can play Simpleplanes. I sometimes play on my phone from time to time. However because of how advanced the game has become, and how advanced Juno has become, I don't think it's reasonable for the developers to continue developing mobile versions of either game.
Especially with the fact that mods are becoming an essential part of the game.
This has been a thing for 4 years now.
I still think the developers should continue supporting the games and fixing bugs, but the pc versions of the games already are different and I think they should focus on those versions.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It is my hypothesis that Simpleplanes is not being developed anymore. my supporting intel is that most of the crew is working on big things in Juno N.O. the only person who was working on Simpleplanes was WNP78, who is in University. based on that I can assume they are too busy to work on the game.
(Edit here: Philip Tarpley was also working on the game as of 1 year and 3 mounths ago. oops) but on that we haven't had an update in almost a year and a half.
Now to play devils advocate there are sources who claim they read or heard first hand from Andrew Garrison that Simpleplanes IS still under development, However I can not actually find the source of this info, leading me to assume this came from the Simpleplanes Builders Chat Discord. and anything that happens there is not to be taken at face value, at least to me.
@TheCommentaryGuy it's not that simple. The developers have to actually go on, read the suggestions, decide what is acually doable. and then take the time to develop those suggestions. this takes time and money.
I don't know why you're getting hate on the site. Perhaps I need to pop back in to multiplayer and see what all the fuss is about. What time are you usually on and what days of the week?
Listen kid. You joined 7 months ago. Please Please do more research. Better yet just stop. There's alot of stuff that has gone on and still goes on thatyou don't know about that has effected your data.
@ZeroWithSlashedO there was noone on board the balloon
@Kazin yep that's him.
@Kazin He wasn't always. So maybe there is something going on and he was acting out I don't know.
@PapaKernels Jeff Gordan
@FedexGuy however another user created an account and released associated email and password with the idea of a communal account for collaboration and other things. A novel, but really bad idea that had no hindsight behind it.
I took it upon my self to change the password and then deleted the account.
Users don't get there account deleted. But users have gotten canceled by the comunity for inciting drama intentionally, bullying, and racist uploads.
Check my profile. I have a plane you might like. If it's still there.
This brought back memories of when me and Deez Ducks used to throw out P-51s and F-82s, getting better and better at them until the designer suite came out. Those were good times.
Tell ya what. Maybe try for yourself? You are on pc after all so there's no reason to copy and paste others planes.
trust me it's not
@RocketguyFORUMS i hope so but I doubt it.
@Planebuilder2123 addons would actually be a viable work a round. i didn't think about that.
@Planebuilder2123 Please keep in mind the fault isn't on the developers. Apple, Google and Android are actively trying to make their OS's incompatible with modded games. Why that is is beyond me. But, THAT is why I think the devs should discontinue developing games for mobile, or, find a way to ewrite mods into the base games.
@Planebuilder2123 Waaayyy to late. And on top of that you did not comprehend what I was saying. Perhaps this explanation will help.
I'm not mad that mobile players can play Simpleplanes. I sometimes play on my phone from time to time. However because of how advanced the game has become, and how advanced Juno has become, I don't think it's reasonable for the developers to continue developing mobile versions of either game.
Especially with the fact that mods are becoming an essential part of the game.
This has been a thing for 4 years now.
I still think the developers should continue supporting the games and fixing bugs, but the pc versions of the games already are different and I think they should focus on those versions.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It is my hypothesis that Simpleplanes is not being developed anymore. my supporting intel is that most of the crew is working on big things in Juno N.O. the only person who was working on Simpleplanes was WNP78, who is in University. based on that I can assume they are too busy to work on the game.
(Edit here: Philip Tarpley was also working on the game as of 1 year and 3 mounths ago. oops)
but on that we haven't had an update in almost a year and a half.
Now to play devils advocate there are sources who claim they read or heard first hand from Andrew Garrison that Simpleplanes IS still under development, However I can not actually find the source of this info, leading me to assume this came from the Simpleplanes Builders Chat Discord. and anything that happens there is not to be taken at face value, at least to me.
@TheCommentaryGuy it's not that simple. The developers have to actually go on, read the suggestions, decide what is acually doable. and then take the time to develop those suggestions. this takes time and money.
@TheCommentaryGuy user voice has been dead for a long time.
there's alot more to the story. preach or don't.
@MOPCKOEDNISHE don't know what old bad code you speak of. I'm working on addapting it into the F-135 engine.
No. Mods have to go on your boot drive.
I would also like conduits to cover rotator joints
At first I was like
The USS Tiny
Than I read your post and yeah I agree we need one
@Planebuilder2123 yep
@TheCommentaryGuy yes sorry
you should do the AC6 Idlemasters plANES
@Planebuilder2123 I'm thinking it's more like which car is lighter and which has more torque.
Blue and silver
I don't know why you're getting hate on the site. Perhaps I need to pop back in to multiplayer and see what all the fuss is about. What time are you usually on and what days of the week?
@Gdawg have you tried volume up? I phones nowadays store everything on the cloud
If you were lucky enough to see this on another device, hold down the power button and volume down for 5 seconds
This is how drama starts
Gives three examples of planes built and tested, one of witch crashed, taking out an F-104. please read up on aircraft included in your post.
@Gestour DOH!
-Homer Simpson
@Gestour is it set to my system location or latitude longitude 00
Alt accounts
People who pirated the game
People why got the game but didn't make an account.
People who got all games Jundroo made
This post is so inaccurate its almost blasphemy.
If you want to be relevant as a player, focus on making good crafts, rather than spewing bs.
Don't be a Bogdanx
@Dragoranos at least 25%
Listen kid. You joined 7 months ago. Please Please do more research. Better yet just stop. There's alot of stuff that has gone on and still goes on thatyou don't know about that has effected your data.
Interesting trend that was conveniently started right before mine is done.
Flyout has quite a ways to go but Stone is working fast. in my opinion it just needs retractable wing gear in order to be worth transitioning too.
For anyone following this post, something special is coming. Keep an eye out!
This isn't TikTok you fruitloop!
Time to add captcha to membership creation
You should do Voodoo (before Steve Hinton) and Strega
To protect the site against spammers like you.
@asteroidbook345 damned if I know
I don't know what Royal Pizza is but they can't out pizza the hut.
I've already suggested an eraser block. Everyone hated it
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 np
@L3FTxR1GHT yeah. It was a test build to test the website.
They like to reveal what they've been cooking in September and let us play with it un November