Yes, that is not specifically the swastika used by the Third Reich; however the description of the craft indicates it was used in a way that contradicts that. Here's the relevant quote from the description:
Swastika: Represents loyalty to the Supreme Democracy Party (the longest ruling political party), Supreme Minister and Leftist Nazism (yeah I call it low key Nazism or Nazism with Krakabloan characteristics)
@Kangy You can (probably) expect to see more of me with Eternal gone. That said, most of the stuff I do has always been stuff you can't see, so it will always appear that I'm not around much.
@geek1love Through research, discussions amongst ourselves, and speaking with the involved party, we have determined that, while not unfounded, your assessment about this user's profile picture is incorrect. The user in question is from Russia, and the stuff in their profile picture is all Slavic symbology. We spoke to the user and they confirmed this, as well as the fact the text in the profile picture is also Slavic symbolism. A trusted Russian user we talked to gave us confirmation regarding that as well.
The outline of a man, with a look resembling a "skinhead" with a knife, is based on a photo of them and has nothing to do with neo-nazism, as far as we can tell.
In the future, if you have such concerns, please take them to a moderator in private, either by tagging one of us on an unlisted post, or, preferably, sending a direct message on Discord (you can find mine in my bio) instead of making a public forum post about it. As for the rest of the commenters here, I expect you all to conduct yourselves respectfully from here on out, as you have failed to do thus far.
@RamboJutter @Strikefighter04 You raise a good point, so let me clarify: The rule specifically mentions that you can't have misleading thumbnails. An image of an anime girl can, for all intents and purposes, be considered the same as something like text. It should be pretty clear that said text/anime anime girl is not part of the build. Now, if they were trying to claim that the image of the anime girl is somehow in the build when it isn't, then it would be grounds for removal.
@Wallaby @BuiltBionixInd10 I'm aware of the actual intent of this post, but the "I'm a toddler" part could easily go poorly for you in some other places. @Numbers I know about that, yes. There are some actual instances of that happening but I struggle to think of names off the top of my head.
@GhostMach i am a former moderator for this website and a current moderator on its sister site, i have had a few months of experience with the automod at this point, so you can trust what i have to say. as stated, you don't have to be concerned about false bans as the automod does not perform moderation actions on its own, it only submits potentially problematic posts for manual review
@asteroidbook345 For the record, I'd like to say that @Clory is correct, and he would know that because he's a moderator on the SR2 site, which has the exact same moderation tools. We cannot restore a deleted user's account; only Andrew can. We also cannot see an account's private information beyond basic IP-sharing logs. Please do not spread misinformation.
@SledDriver Misinterpretation or not, there are still other occasions where you've been, let's just say, a bit less nice than the rules generally allow. While yes I may have misinterpreted what you said, no one else seems to agree that what you said was particularly "nice" so regardless I had to tell you off.
Congra-- wait, isn't middle school 11-13? In that case you were under 13 when you made your account, which would violate the terms of service, and some other stuff I'm too lazy to get into right now.
@X4JB Then you should re-read our rules, specifically the section about politics and religion. This applies to everyone. Fact or not, it was a very politically charged statement that served no purpose other than to provoke people that disagree with it.
@CC1010 @Sparky6004 Pirating the game is not cause for a ban, or even a strike. When you pirate a game, however, you are putting yourself at some level of risk as the safety of illegal downloads is often far from guaranteed. What will result in action being taken against your account is promoting the use of pirated content or sending links to pirated content, which is against our Terms of Use.
@Kakhikotchauri1 I recommend buying the game when you can, not only because of the above but also because just because you own the game on Google Play doesn't mean you legally own it on Steam. They are two different storefronts, on two different platforms, therefor you need to purchase both.
@ThatKindaWeeb It's not necessarily that they don't care about the game anymore, it's just that it would take away too much time and resources to update when they have other, higher priority things going on.
@rexrexThezion @Strucker I didn't think it would be necessary to make a post about it. I figured people would be able to see the new dropdown menu before making a forum post about their unlisted posts being "gone".
@JediWolf It's not a joke. A vote was held with the devs and moderators and everyone unanimously agreed that this was the proper way forward. Us moderators even get the Ultra subscription for free!
@Chancey21 @DuckMint Thanks for the advice. Those were all things I was planning on doing (though don't expect any decent builds from me anytime soon haha) but I do intend to be more active here than I was before now. :)
@JustLookingForFriends That shouldn't be happening! I don't think it's anything I can fix myself, so could you please send Jundroo an email? They should be able to help you. Sorry about that.
We are aware of some of the behaviour present in multiple unofficial community outlets, including SPBC, and it is something I personally would like to deal with in some way in the future; however it is beyond our direct jurisdiction as website moderators. I see a decent amount of distasteful or downright hateful things being said about certain groups of people, mainly transgender people and furries, and it makes me sad to see that a lot of this is just allowed to slip by. This is a game about building vehicles, people shouldn't ruin it for others just because they're being themselves.
It applies site-wide. Contrary to what's being said by @IceCraftGaming and @7, the current events in Ukraine are not an exception to this. We want this to be a place where most people can discuss aviation.
@JoeriV Fair enough. Like I said, though, there's plenty of reason to play SR2 over KSP, and vice-versa. It's up to personal preference at this point. KSP is never getting procedural fuselages or engines or anything of that sort like SR2 has because that kind of isn't the point of it. KSP isn't getting a planet builder, a user-friendly in-game programming system, actually good visuals and optimization (that point in particular can be in KSP 2), and there's one major factor you don't seem to be considering: SR2 is the only game of its kind (that is, a 3D rocketry game) that is available on mobile devices. If nothing else, that is a reason to make it when there's already KSP. You have basically an entire market all to yourself. It's worth noting as well that on PC SR2 is less than half the cost of base KSP. It's $15 US, KSP is $40 US. Mobile version is $5 US. Also, for the record, I don't really like to include KSP 2 in discussions such as this one because it is a AAA game with tons of people working on it daily, whereas KSP and SR2 are not. I prefer to keep comparisons exclusively between those two games. In any case, competition such as KSP and SR2 is good because it makes both games strive to get an edge over the other, resulting in a better product for the consumer.
I wasn't the person who removed it, however:
- It is a bit too far off-topic
- Yes, that is not specifically the swastika used by the Third Reich; however the description of the craft indicates it was used in a way that contradicts that. Here's the relevant quote from the description:
+8@Kangy You can (probably) expect to see more of me with Eternal gone. That said, most of the stuff I do has always been stuff you can't see, so it will always appear that I'm not around much.
+8good to see this community still has a sense of humour. nice job
+8@geek1love Through research, discussions amongst ourselves, and speaking with the involved party, we have determined that, while not unfounded, your assessment about this user's profile picture is incorrect. The user in question is from Russia, and the stuff in their profile picture is all Slavic symbology. We spoke to the user and they confirmed this, as well as the fact the text in the profile picture is also Slavic symbolism. A trusted Russian user we talked to gave us confirmation regarding that as well.
The outline of a man, with a look resembling a "skinhead" with a knife, is based on a photo of them and has nothing to do with neo-nazism, as far as we can tell.
In the future, if you have such concerns, please take them to a moderator in private, either by tagging one of us on an unlisted post, or, preferably, sending a direct message on Discord (you can find mine in my bio) instead of making a public forum post about it. As for the rest of the commenters here, I expect you all to conduct yourselves respectfully from here on out, as you have failed to do thus far.
+7@pedro16797 there's something I want to say in response to that comment but site rules probably prevent me from saying it so to the mod server I go
+7@RamboJutter @Strikefighter04 You raise a good point, so let me clarify: The rule specifically mentions that you can't have misleading thumbnails. An image of an anime girl can, for all intents and purposes, be considered the same as something like text. It should be pretty clear that said text/anime anime girl is not part of the build. Now, if they were trying to claim that the image of the anime girl is somehow in the build when it isn't, then it would be grounds for removal.
+7@Wallaby @BuiltBionixInd10 I'm aware of the actual intent of this post, but the "I'm a toddler" part could easily go poorly for you in some other places. @Numbers I know about that, yes. There are some actual instances of that happening but I struggle to think of names off the top of my head.
+7you didn't know this?
also bonus fact: it's called Jundroo because that's a nickname people used to call Andrew
+7None shall disrespect the almighty auto-mod
+7@GhostMach i am a former moderator for this website and a current moderator on its sister site, i have had a few months of experience with the automod at this point, so you can trust what i have to say. as stated, you don't have to be concerned about false bans as the automod does not perform moderation actions on its own, it only submits potentially problematic posts for manual review
+6@Rb2h not really. the automod doesn't remove content on its own, it requires manual action to be taken on the things it reports
+6welcome to the cult
+6go to bed
+6@NexusGaming Next time, don't look at Urban Dictionary for definitions. It is a place of satire.
I'm honestly not sure. Anything NSFW/suggestive or otherwise violates the rules is definitely a no-no, though. We'll just have to see how things go.
+6@asteroidbook345 For the record, I'd like to say that @Clory is correct, and he would know that because he's a moderator on the SR2 site, which has the exact same moderation tools. We cannot restore a deleted user's account; only Andrew can. We also cannot see an account's private information beyond basic IP-sharing logs. Please do not spread misinformation.
+6Please update your description to include a list of changes made over the original post, as per this post.
+6@LastManStanding I don't see how a moderator removing a post like we've always done means you don't have freedom
+6@SledDriver Misinterpretation or not, there are still other occasions where you've been, let's just say, a bit less nice than the rules generally allow. While yes I may have misinterpreted what you said, no one else seems to agree that what you said was particularly "nice" so regardless I had to tell you off.
+6Looking a bit pale in the eye area there, @AndrewGarrison
+6Congra-- wait, isn't middle school 11-13? In that case you were under 13 when you made your account, which would violate the terms of service, and some other stuff I'm too lazy to get into right now.
+6I thought facebook was a bad joke?
+6Temporarily banned. He'll be back in a couple of weeks.
+5@X4JB Then you should re-read our rules, specifically the section about politics and religion. This applies to everyone. Fact or not, it was a very politically charged statement that served no purpose other than to provoke people that disagree with it.
+5Automod removed it. Sorry about that, it doesn't violate any rules, but people spam reported it because of a certain flag being present.
+5@CC1010 @Sparky6004 Pirating the game is not cause for a ban, or even a strike. When you pirate a game, however, you are putting yourself at some level of risk as the safety of illegal downloads is often far from guaranteed. What will result in action being taken against your account is promoting the use of pirated content or sending links to pirated content, which is against our Terms of Use.
@Kakhikotchauri1 I recommend buying the game when you can, not only because of the above but also because just because you own the game on Google Play doesn't mean you legally own it on Steam. They are two different storefronts, on two different platforms, therefor you need to purchase both.
+5this @pedro16797 person seems cool, though I don't think I've heard of him before
+5@ThatKindaWeeb It's not necessarily that they don't care about the game anymore, it's just that it would take away too much time and resources to update when they have other, higher priority things going on.
+5@rexrexThezion @Strucker I didn't think it would be necessary to make a post about it. I figured people would be able to see the new dropdown menu before making a forum post about their unlisted posts being "gone".
+5I've probably seen those legs in my nightmares somewhere
+5He has been IP banned.
+5I want a pet octopus now
+5@JediWolf It's not a joke. A vote was held with the devs and moderators and everyone unanimously agreed that this was the proper way forward. Us moderators even get the Ultra subscription for free!
+56/10 not enough radioactive fallout
+5@Chancey21 @DuckMint Thanks for the advice. Those were all things I was planning on doing (though don't expect any decent builds from me anytime soon haha) but I do intend to be more active here than I was before now. :)
+5I knew I shouldn't have dumped all that wind into the ocean.
+5If you see "free downloads" for any Jundroo games, report them to the developers.
+5'1000k' Everyone welcome @belugasub, inventer of new numbers! :p
+5This unfortunately describes most multiplayer games.
+5@JustLookingForFriends That shouldn't be happening! I don't think it's anything I can fix myself, so could you please send Jundroo an email? They should be able to help you. Sorry about that.
+4@Bummer Of course, but a new user showing up with something like this deserves some attention. It is, after all, what the feature system is meant for.
+4I believe this warrants being featured due to being such a high quality build for someone so new to the site. Nice work, keep it up.
+4We are aware of some of the behaviour present in multiple unofficial community outlets, including SPBC, and it is something I personally would like to deal with in some way in the future; however it is beyond our direct jurisdiction as website moderators. I see a decent amount of distasteful or downright hateful things being said about certain groups of people, mainly transgender people and furries, and it makes me sad to see that a lot of this is just allowed to slip by. This is a game about building vehicles, people shouldn't ruin it for others just because they're being themselves.
+4It applies site-wide. Contrary to what's being said by @IceCraftGaming and @7, the current events in Ukraine are not an exception to this. We want this to be a place where most people can discuss aviation.
+4Featured because of WarHawk's challenge
+4interview me
+4@YubukiShimada What did @ShiroNeko contribute to the mod?
+4@SheriffHackdogMCPE It was not the auto-mod, it was deliberately removed by a moderator.
+4@JoeriV Fair enough. Like I said, though, there's plenty of reason to play SR2 over KSP, and vice-versa. It's up to personal preference at this point. KSP is never getting procedural fuselages or engines or anything of that sort like SR2 has because that kind of isn't the point of it. KSP isn't getting a planet builder, a user-friendly in-game programming system, actually good visuals and optimization (that point in particular can be in KSP 2), and there's one major factor you don't seem to be considering: SR2 is the only game of its kind (that is, a 3D rocketry game) that is available on mobile devices. If nothing else, that is a reason to make it when there's already KSP. You have basically an entire market all to yourself. It's worth noting as well that on PC SR2 is less than half the cost of base KSP. It's $15 US, KSP is $40 US. Mobile version is $5 US. Also, for the record, I don't really like to include KSP 2 in discussions such as this one because it is a AAA game with tons of people working on it daily, whereas KSP and SR2 are not. I prefer to keep comparisons exclusively between those two games. In any case, competition such as KSP and SR2 is good because it makes both games strive to get an edge over the other, resulting in a better product for the consumer.