It was me that did it. By signing up to the site you agree to the terms of service, and the terms very clearly state that you must be at least 13 to use this site and its services. This is due to how the law works and there is nothing that can be done about it. Assuming you're actually his brother and not just an alt account (I find that very unlikely given previous experiences) you can tell him to create a new account when he is 13.
imagine how funny it'd be if I featured the Corsair just to spite you all
In all seriousness, though, I'd prefer it if you all would stop making posts about it. What can be said has already been said, and if anything you're just making things worse by drawing more attention to it.
Very nice! Being a SR2 moderator originally, I always like when I see a rocket on this site haha. Also, I've gone ahead and made this a successor to the challenge, as requested. @232287168147825
Sorry about that. Some recent website updates have flooded the report queue with over a hundred previously invisible copy reports, so we didn't see this one. The post has been deleted and the user was given a strike.
Also, you can delete the comments on your own craft post which is how your comments got deleted.
He most likely resigned due to personal issues. He did the same on the SimpleRockets website, the SRC, and presumably SPBC, though him leaving SPBC was more because it was really toxic than anything else. Just give him space.
One thing to also keep in mind about SR2, is that it is overshadowed by its big brother, KSP. Meanwhile SP for the most part doesn't have any competition other than SR2.
Jundroo isn't in any danger from this, especially considering the changes may not even come to pass. If Unity themselves don't end up backtracking on it, then potential lawsuits from huge companies like Microsoft (who would have to foot the bill for Unity games on Game Pass) could force them to backtrack anyway. I wouldn't worry about Jundroo.
@Tetrodotoxin Yes, maybe that's true, but I'm inclined to believe it's simply symbolism in this case. We can't just remove someone's profile picture because someone thinks it's hate speech. Again, we spoke to the person the profile picture belongs to, and another person for good measure. Neither have any reason to lie about it.
@YubukiShimada In that case, I have removed them as a contributor. I will also have a discussion with the other moderators on whether this mod itself is considered high effort enough to warrant a post on the mods page.
Post removed as it is no longer April Fools' day and as such violates the misleading thumbnail rule. For obvious reasons, you will not receive a strike.
While it is true that there's a lot of rather talentless stuff out there, there is still some great music if you look hard enough. An example that comes to mind is TOOL's Fear Inoculum album that came out last year.
How about adding something like "Hi! Nice build! Flies really well!" before your question?
Rather than answer his question you instead decided to completely dismiss it and essentially told him you compliment you instead without considering if he actually thinks it's deserving of those compliments.
As a moderator on the SR2 site I feel I should share my own thoughts on this matter:
I don't think permission should be required to make a successor to someone's craft, nor is it up to the original creator to decide if a successor post is enough of an "improvement" to stay up unless a moderator specifically says otherwise. The rules state this:
It is okay to download someone else's airplane, make some tweaks, and re-upload a new variation.
In fact, the original designer may even receive bonus points.
However, if your variation does not offer any improvements over the existing airplane, then it may be removed.
As you may have noticed, nowhere does it say you need any permission. Yes, it's nicer to ask, but that's just a courtesy and not a requirement. If you feel offended over a successor post then, sorry, but that's not really the uploader's problem. It is up to the moderators to decide if a post should be removed, not the original creator of said post. If you think a post violates the rules, please report it rather than try to take matters into your own hands.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 hi hello yes i'm still around, potentially more often once SP2 is out. dunno what i did to be your lord but i appreciate it i guess lol
@geek1love I've taken a look at the profile in question and, while it's certainly odd, I can't see anything that would violate the rules. That being said, I'm fairly uneducated on matters such as these, so if there's something I'm missing please explain it to me.
Also, probably not happening because it'd be a bit complex to do, but having him be able to sit down like in this scene (which is probably my favourite scene in any movie) would be awesome
@JuanNotAnAlt Featuring probably isn't happening since Winterro is platinum and we try to only feature people that are below that, but it is certainly neat
Ban had four strikes so we perma-banned him. WiiMini's ban has been reduced to seven days.
+4It was me that did it. By signing up to the site you agree to the terms of service, and the terms very clearly state that you must be at least 13 to use this site and its services. This is due to how the law works and there is nothing that can be done about it. Assuming you're actually his brother and not just an alt account (I find that very unlikely given previous experiences) you can tell him to create a new account when he is 13.
+4@Gameboi15 Then you can give the key to a friend
+4imagine how funny it'd be if I featured the Corsair just to spite you all
In all seriousness, though, I'd prefer it if you all would stop making posts about it. What can be said has already been said, and if anything you're just making things worse by drawing more attention to it.
Congrats! :)
+4Very nice! Being a SR2 moderator originally, I always like when I see a rocket on this site haha. Also, I've gone ahead and made this a successor to the challenge, as requested. @232287168147825
+4Damn you really outdid yourself here.
+4Sorry about that. Some recent website updates have flooded the report queue with over a hundred previously invisible copy reports, so we didn't see this one. The post has been deleted and the user was given a strike.
Also, you can delete the comments on your own craft post which is how your comments got deleted.
@ThePilotDude What an intriguing idea that I might get around to doing someday
+4Fools, your tiny respirators that aren't even airtight have no use!
+4@EternalDarkness Yeah, the improvements to the mod notes are really nice. They're actually readable without making my eyes bleed now.
+4He most likely resigned due to personal issues. He did the same on the SimpleRockets website, the SRC, and presumably SPBC, though him leaving SPBC was more because it was really toxic than anything else. Just give him space.
+4One thing to also keep in mind about SR2, is that it is overshadowed by its big brother, KSP. Meanwhile SP for the most part doesn't have any competition other than SR2.
+4Jundroo isn't in any danger from this, especially considering the changes may not even come to pass. If Unity themselves don't end up backtracking on it, then potential lawsuits from huge companies like Microsoft (who would have to foot the bill for Unity games on Game Pass) could force them to backtrack anyway. I wouldn't worry about Jundroo.
+3@temporaryplanetester possibly
+3mod settings? more like.. uh.. mod settings
+3@Tetrodotoxin Yes, maybe that's true, but I'm inclined to believe it's simply symbolism in this case. We can't just remove someone's profile picture because someone thinks it's hate speech. Again, we spoke to the person the profile picture belongs to, and another person for good measure. Neither have any reason to lie about it.
+3@YubukiShimada In that case, I have removed them as a contributor. I will also have a discussion with the other moderators on whether this mod itself is considered high effort enough to warrant a post on the mods page.
+3It's possible that maybe people just like different things, and that they don't need your or anyone else's approval to do so. Just a thought.
+3Post removed as it is no longer April Fools' day and as such violates the misleading thumbnail rule. For obvious reasons, you will not receive a strike.
+3Ignore the last link, I didn't realize it would make you download it. Now, peak efficiency
+3I'll be honest, J-10 is probably one of my favourite planes
+3@FrostyYeti no idea who tagged it because it wasn't me
+3While you're here, check out Flyout. It's an upcoming aircraft building game.
+3Ask the moderators and we can write one for you, free of charge. Just look at this happy customer!
+3Want to find out first-hand?
+3@TanksWorldwide What about the old menu that was just copied over from SR1?
+3@Mostly I'm silver now :)
+3I pinned it site-wide, and apparently that pins it to some places that aren't intentional.
+3While it is true that there's a lot of rather talentless stuff out there, there is still some great music if you look hard enough. An example that comes to mind is TOOL's Fear Inoculum album that came out last year.
+3I've edited the title to remove the expletive. Please read the rules.
+3@robloxweponco It's not toxic. Some people just feel ignored for whatever reason.
+3@asteroidbook345 I think the minimum point threshold for upvotes only applies to airplane posts.
Rather than answer his question you instead decided to completely dismiss it and essentially told him you compliment you instead without considering if he actually thinks it's deserving of those compliments.
+3@UFNNICF5TF That's not racist. Plenty of other places have english-only rules to make them easier to moderate.
+3Please, no more mask posts. They're just spammy at this point.
+3oh god this got spotlighted
+3As a moderator on the SR2 site I feel I should share my own thoughts on this matter:
I don't think permission should be required to make a successor to someone's craft, nor is it up to the original creator to decide if a successor post is enough of an "improvement" to stay up unless a moderator specifically says otherwise. The rules state this:
As you may have noticed, nowhere does it say you need any permission. Yes, it's nicer to ask, but that's just a courtesy and not a requirement. If you feel offended over a successor post then, sorry, but that's not really the uploader's problem. It is up to the moderators to decide if a post should be removed, not the original creator of said post. If you think a post violates the rules, please report it rather than try to take matters into your own hands.
+3Quick, everyone mass upvote all of Andrew's posts!
+3how to use italics?
+3@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 hi hello yes i'm still around, potentially more often once SP2 is out. dunno what i did to be your lord but i appreciate it i guess lol
+2@F1849 No, it didn't, it just said something provocative.
+2@X4JB fixed :)
+2Superb work! I'm a little late to the feature, but better late than never
+2@geek1love I've taken a look at the profile in question and, while it's certainly odd, I can't see anything that would violate the rules. That being said, I'm fairly uneducated on matters such as these, so if there's something I'm missing please explain it to me.
+2It looks like it's nothing within our control. You'll have to reset it through Gravatar.
+2@samuraj The only one that ever gets spam reported on this site.
+2Also, probably not happening because it'd be a bit complex to do, but having him be able to sit down like in this scene (which is probably my favourite scene in any movie) would be awesome
+2@JuanNotAnAlt Featuring probably isn't happening since Winterro is platinum and we try to only feature people that are below that, but it is certainly neat