18.9k Thelegitpilot13 Comments

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.1 years ago

    Personally, I'm okay with the community. My only gripe is people who post WIP builds publicly, and then the finished product. Just make a teaser post. It's just as effective.

  • SR2 - Procedural Landing Gear 5.6 years ago

    Even if this is in SR2, I hope we get something like this in SP eventually, so that this doesn’t COMPLETELY die due to this. Although I understand since they are probably ridiculously busy.

  • Goldfish Cracker 5.5 years ago

    The snacc that smiles bacc

  • Human stupidity amuses me 5.1 years ago

    Ah yes, I too enjoy my cutting edge stealth biplane bomber

  • I know there’s been a heck lot of forums about him, but he’s permabanned! 5.5 years ago

    Dang... I wish we could still have him here. He shall be missed. O7
    Why am I getting teary eyed?


  • User Has been Stopped 5.5 years ago

    Well boys, we did it again. Trolling is no more.

  • xddxdxdxd in the game as a popup? 5.5 years ago


  • A criminally underrated plane (sort of) 5.5 years ago

    I see you trying to undermine the 420 upvote meme!

    Though legitimately it is a great plane and deserves all the love it can get.

  • Collision model 5.6 years ago

    What I see: Ooo, a pretty plane!
    What the computer sees: 01000010 01001111 01011000 01000101 01010011 00001101 00001010

  • I wont be responding to comments for a few weeks 5.2 years ago

    Mission: Survive
    Progress: In Progress
    Description: Don’t die, dumbxss
    Get better soon buddy.


    Congrats, nothing was gained

  • Turret control 5.6 years ago

    You turned this game into War Thunder. And I love it.

  • not scientifically possible 5.6 years ago

    Excuse me whaaaaaaaaaaaaat
    Also, your lack of music disturbs me

  • Loop in a glider! 5.6 years ago

    *Shades fall down, only adding to the coolness effect *
    Too bad a Schweizer can’t do that.

  • KV-1E 864 3.5 years ago

    My God...

    It's beautiful!

  • Anyone know how to make an after burner look like this? 3.7 years ago

    IIRC, you need whole rings of VTOL nozzles.

  • Lego city commercial but It's in Simpleplanes 5.1 years ago

    That explosion at the end tho, lol.
    Nice animation with the LEGO person!


    I see no reason as to why not. It’s not hurting anyone.

    Unless it’s Gore, then they deserve a dishonorable death

  • AN 225 VTOL 5.5 years ago

    Two pilots flying this:
    Comrade 1: <<Comrade, we do not need runway!>>
    Comrade 2: <<What do you mean, Comrade?>>
    Comrade 1: <<Observe!>>
    Comrade 2: <<*Slavic Screaming *>>

  • Why did I find this under "Airplane Videos"?? 5.6 years ago

    If you listen closely, you can hear an A-10

  • plane form... 5.6 years ago

    My prediction is invisible supports and rotators

  • BM-335 5.6 years ago

    I am a simple Belkan. I see Belka, I upvote.

  • The An-225. 3.1 years ago

    There’s official confirmation from the Ukrainian government: It’s been destroyed. Awaiting word from Antonov, but all signs point to us having lost the beautiful bird.


  • PC 1400X "Fritz X" Guided Bomb 4.0 years ago

    @Jaspy109 Yes and no. The MXY-7 was dropped and propelled by either a motorjet or a rocket, while the Fritz X just used gravity and a flare to keep it visible.

  • Cake Air Force (Cake plane) 4.7 years ago

    Wait... it’s all cake?

  • Mental illness awareness 5.1 years ago

    Get better soon, buddy.

  • Stukas aren’t helpless in a dogfight anymore! 5.2 years ago

    Bombs and modified guns: Are we a joke to you?

  • What to do about it? 5.4 years ago

    Pencil F-104 looks cool!

  • Girls und Panzer KV-2 5.4 years ago


  • Why did Pearl Harbour happen? 5.5 years ago


    Japan was expanding their empire violently and rapidly, and the U.S. was their main oil supply. So, the U.S. stopped supplying them oil. The Japanese didn’t have the means for producing it themselves in large enough quantities to use their military in the strength they had, so, in a move to try and scare the Americans back into giving them oil, they planned to attack Pearl Harbor. Many people were against it, including many high-ranking officials, but they agreed it was necessary. So, they did, and it backfired, because 1. They didn’t take out the bases oil supply, 2. No aircraft carriers were in the base at the time (though carriers had yet to prove their worth), and 3. The battleships that were damaged were repaired in the next couple years, bringing their strength back up from what the Japanese thought would be crippling. The U.S. declared war the next day, and the rest is history.

  • (User Has Been Stopped) 5.5 years ago

    @MediocrePlanes Thank you so much. Now let’s hope that he learns his lesson and not mess with the SP community again, lest he learn the combined power of super planes and the nukes mod.

  • Was clearing out the attic, found this 5.5 years ago

    Supermaneuverable craft to 18:
    I’m about to do what is called a pro gamer move.

  • Why are there so many accounts that have no points and don’t post anything? 5.5 years ago

    Or just because they can’t build and want to just download stuff. My brother I know has an account, but doesn’t use it or post anything on it. He says he’s always happy when he can make something that just barely flies.

  • My next project 5.5 years ago

    Looks like an engineer made this.
    I am very jealous.

  • SimplePlanes Released In 1982 5.5 years ago

    Imagine how unplayable the game would be in 1985. Landings would be IMPOSSIBLE.

  • Earth, made out of guns 5.6 years ago

    If the world was made of America.

  • FA-47 Bristol Blenheim 2 2.5 years ago

    Accelerates rather fast and has a weird flight model, but it’s so damn beautiful I can’t care about the flaws. Talk about an amazing design!

  • [Mobile Friendly]Simple F--15 2.5 years ago

    Hey, wait a second… Something seems off, buddy

  • I've come to make an announcement! (Build ideas) 2.9 years ago

    @ShiroNeko I don't think the Doctor would like to be the wrecking ball, just a few thwacks from a specific blue spiky ball and it blows up.

  • Tf2 soldier 4.9 years ago

    Awesome work!

  • Update 1.9.205 5.0 years ago

    When will gyroscopes be fixed?

  • kobe bryant is gone 5.2 years ago

    Even though I've never been a big fan of basketball, it is still sad to see a person lose their life so early in it. May they all rest in peace.

  • I'm leaving for good 5.2 years ago

    See ya. Alas, we barely knew ye.

  • Battle the Worms!! 5.2 years ago

    Despite the soldier’s best efforts to kill the w o r m s, one third of one slipped past his defenses. The town was later attacked by it, killing tens of civilians before collapsing from its injuries. The soldier was still given a medal for nearly destroying the w o r m forces

  • Is TheLegitPilot really Legit? 5.3 years ago

    Depends on the definition of “legit”

  • 44.4k 5.3 years ago

    You! Solitary, now!

  • I think Jim1the1squid’s account is glitched (or I’m glitched) 5.5 years ago

    Yeesh, that’s bad. The world record attempt I was ok with, since we were testing the tag system to see how many we could get to be tagged (and he did okay with them in a previous forum, asking for participants)
    The pirating of the game though I was not aware of. @Tully2001

  • This was a strange set Pictures 5.5 years ago

    [UNKNOWN], TAC Name: “Trigger” is the protagonist in Ace Combat 7. He is a member of the Osean Air Force, and part of Mage Squadron, the 444th Penal Squadron, and is currently a member in the Long Range Strategic Strike Group, Strider Squadron.

  • The birth of a legend (Assault horizon II RP) 5.5 years ago

    Another day where Brownie gets killed...

  • My first attempt on a meme (but its minecraft) 5.5 years ago

