It’s actually kind of a sad story, after joking around with ATC and performing some aerobatics he said,
“I’ve got a lot of people who care about me. It’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this. I would like to apologize to each and every one of them. Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose I guess. Never really knew it, until now.”
Then he crashed.
The 3018 toyota tundra, ready to take your family on a roadtrip through the desolate wasteland or haul your gear (and loot) through the exclusion zone! Let’s go places!
Seitwälder is a thriving nation with a culture comprising of a rich mix of Western European, Eastern European, and Scandinavian influences. The primary language is English, and the currency is the Seitwäldan Mark (Equivalent to 1 USD). Seitwälder is now a serious military power, requiring all citizens to complete at least 4 years of military service. Seitwälder is located in the Atlantic Ocean just west of France with a territory (Nordland) west of Norway.
@Freerider2142 oh alright
I'm traditionally a fighter guy but playing on MP servers made me want to learn sling loading and ground attack to help the team. Plus Ka-50 is badass
I actually find it pretty useful since I make most of my stuff on IOS. I can post a plane from the phone and then get on the computer, quickly find it in my jet stream, and write the description.
Maybe draw some inspiration from these: Aegis Avenger Aegis Gladius
and I'd be a bad person not to link something from Star Wars, but I actually like the A-wing
when I saw MiG-23 I was 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 but then it was just a low-quality export model which made me feel 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 cause I have a 𝒮ℴ𝒻𝓉 𝓈𝓅ℴ𝓉 for the 𝙼𝚒𝙶 ☭))))))
well Seitwälder is gonna go away for a little bit (probably will come back when I'm bored), you can leave the country name on your posts but the link will be broken now
@MyMessage oh yeah I used to have it bad for Space Engineers but then I saw the pricetag. Well if you want to get back into SP you can always have a spot in Seitwälder
Seitwälder will be watching, but not participating because cobra seems like a small threat. If things go nuclear, though, we'll light up their world like the 4th of July
to my knowledge, people don't usually go onto MP to do wars, though a dedicated war server seems like a cool idea. If I remember correctly (I wasn't really involved) Cobra was a little... troublesome (but maybe not?). @Freerider2142 @Strikefighter04
@Mymessage regardless, we are not really in proximity. Truly, the islands "Krakabloa", "Snowstone", "Maymar", and "Wright" are codenames for the actual islands. There is no relation to simplelandia's islands though if there was Seitwälder would have indisputable sovereignty due to the classic "I was here first" rule.
@Strikefighter04 Peregrine can produce three over the course of one and a half years. You'll have to build your own missiles and radar though, that stuff is classified.
It’s actually kind of a sad story, after joking around with ATC and performing some aerobatics he said,
+4“I’ve got a lot of people who care about me. It’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this. I would like to apologize to each and every one of them. Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose I guess. Never really knew it, until now.”
Then he crashed.
@F104Deathtrap or how about the Kremlin
+3I tried to learn how to make maps (was gonna make the nurburgring) but it didn't work lol
+2now unity just spams me with emails
I have submitted my plane, but keep in mind that if the AI crashes it, it's an F-104, and thus crashes are realistic
+2This has changed since the old days, I think
edit: did not work

Mission failed we'll get 'em next time
+2Oh thanks @SupremeDorian
@tylerdeveneuxmusic thanks
+1@The1Big1Finger1111 @Tw1st3dPs7ch0 @Phantom1
+1Good to hear!
The 3018 toyota tundra, ready to take your family on a roadtrip through the desolate wasteland or haul your gear (and loot) through the exclusion zone! Let’s go places!
+1Seitwälder is a thriving nation with a culture comprising of a rich mix of Western European, Eastern European, and Scandinavian influences. The primary language is English, and the currency is the Seitwäldan Mark (Equivalent to 1 USD). Seitwälder is now a serious military power, requiring all citizens to complete at least 4 years of military service. Seitwälder is located in the Atlantic Ocean just west of France with a territory (Nordland) west of Norway.
Do you need a description for Seitwalder
+1I'm gonna claim a little atoll military base over in the pacific too so I can be part of that pacific party @Strikefighter04
+1𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕞𝕖
+1Jundroo doesn’t show up either @NaCl10
+1@BaconEggs lol
+1@Freerider2142 oh alright
+1I'm traditionally a fighter guy but playing on MP servers made me want to learn sling loading and ground attack to help the team. Plus Ka-50 is badass
Congrats my man fast dan
+1@Freerider2142 lol yeah I want BS2 in DCS but I have yet to buy it... just have the Su-27 and F-15 for now...
+1Do you mind if I use the rotor assembly in a project? I will credit you if you let me use it, of course.
+1@AnOlympicWalnut its supposed to make it so you can always land with the wind in the ideal direction
+1I actually find it pretty useful since I make most of my stuff on IOS. I can post a plane from the phone and then get on the computer, quickly find it in my jet stream, and write the description.
+1Hmm ok might try to build on that @randomusername
+1Oh yes @F104Deathtrap
+1DCS makes one of the best simulation MiG-21s for the computer. It looks amazing and all the switches are clickable
Maybe draw some inspiration from these:
+1Aegis Avenger
Aegis Gladius
and I'd be a bad person not to link something from Star Wars, but I actually like the
when I saw MiG-23 I was 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 but then it was just a low-quality export model which made me feel 𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣 cause I have a 𝒮ℴ𝒻𝓉 𝓈𝓅ℴ𝓉 for the 𝙼𝚒𝙶 ☭))))))
+1Just to confirm, @Seitwalder is legit
+1well Seitwälder is gonna go away for a little bit (probably will come back when I'm bored), you can leave the country name on your posts but the link will be broken now
+1@MyMessage oh yeah I used to have it bad for Space Engineers but then I saw the pricetag. Well if you want to get back into SP you can always have a spot in Seitwälder
+1@FastDan ok, that's all right, I'll link you the unlisted cars to test out
+1Also if you could make some smooth wheel wells that would be perfect
Seitwälder will be watching, but not participating because cobra seems like a small threat. If things go nuclear, though, we'll light up their world like the 4th of July
+1@FastDan I've made a car and a tank out of 'em, it sorta works
+1to my knowledge, people don't usually go onto MP to do wars, though a dedicated war server seems like a cool idea. If I remember correctly (I wasn't really involved) Cobra was a little... troublesome (but maybe not?). @Freerider2142 @Strikefighter04
+1Accurate depiction of Simplelandian Alliance members when Kruola declared war on Simplelandia @Strikefighter04
+1@communisticbanana @FastDan what are your special forces called
+1that edit though for the frigate picture
+1@FastDan ah ok
+1wait why does your plane have a swastika on it @diegoavion84
+1darn it john we told you not to stand under the supply drops
+1Nuclear war is no small matter... I blame space nazis
+1@MEERKAT978 Thanks!
+1@Mymessage regardless, we are not really in proximity. Truly, the islands "Krakabloa", "Snowstone", "Maymar", and "Wright" are codenames for the actual islands. There is no relation to simplelandia's islands though if there was Seitwälder would have indisputable sovereignty due to the classic "I was here first" rule.
+1@Thueerra I just like how it looks and it only has two upvotes lol
+1@Strikefighter04 Peregrine can produce three over the course of one and a half years. You'll have to build your own missiles and radar though, that stuff is classified.
+1You should enter this in the bus challenge
+1Kept popping my tires instead of filling them with air. Returning to Amazon. 0/5 stars.
+1Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum :)
+1@mojoyup Thanks but I'm still hardly active
I just come on pretty rarely now
@mojoyup Shoot man same I dont know how long its been since I last signed in