9.9/10, the interior carpet and walls aren't falling off and there isn't a random loose screw that seems to magically spawn in the registration holder pocket.
(This is amazing!)
People don’t just blindly give you points unless you deserve them. Obviously you deserved the points and followers you had.
I always loved your smaller aircraft, you can sorta see how a few of my aircraft mimicked the shapes in the front.
Why do people keep deleting amazing content? I’m starting to get really disappointed when this happens.
Don’t be scared of planes. Planes want to fly. You can let go of the controls and the plane will stabilize itself. Be scared of helicopters. Helicopters are just 50,000 parts flying in close formation, and all of them want to crash. It’s a constant battle between man and machine to keep those things in the air.
So you’re telling me that SnowStone diplomats and government officials are using their diplomatic immunity to street race random citizens in the county they’re visiting?
I love these guys! Now this is how you do public relations!
I’ve printed some aircraft that I modeled specifically to be printed, as well as airsoft sights, grips, and mag adapters, plus random things for around the house, brochure holders for CAP, and things for friends.
holy shit, dual 150mm guns on an IFV. How much space is left that isn't used for the gun and the engine?
Classify it as a superweapon or let me buy one
the interstate interchanges in Texas can sometimes be three or four layers tall.
A giant tornado will usually try to kill you at least once a year.
Some Emergency Operations Centers in Florida are almost as secure as the gold vault on Ft. Knox.
Illinois is just a Minecraft Super-flat world, and the roads turn at 90 degree angles.
NYC is allegedly horrible, and they’re screwing over immigrants instead of helping them. (From what I hear, not confirmed)
why oh why is food and rent so expensive????
the fire department will hose you down in the summer under certain circumstances.
the road signs and traffic cones are free, as long as the cops don’t catch you.
social engineering can get you into just about anywhere
9 specific power substations being taken offline, either through error, mechanical faults, or physical or digital attacks, can cascade into the entire country losing power.
A black start after a major power outage could take weeks
services and society may break down before three weeks without power.
the nuclear reactors are literally hand-cranked to initiate start up.
again, our critical infrastructure is so damn unsecure. It is ridiculously easy to get into some places. Pray to God that the NSA and DHS don’t miss something or someone.
How to make it more American (semi-suburban “redneck” edition) according to FatGPT:
- Squated landing gear.
- giant diesel exhaust pipes
- Cummins engine.
- headlights powerful enough to blind every other driver(pilot) and ignite a piece of steel from a mile away.
- GAU-8 Avenger
- full sized fridge, none of that puny European crap.
- enough M4/AR15 pattern rifles, M1s, cheap Chinese bolt actions, and pistols to arm an average-sized militia.
- dog.
- debt.
- drywall.
- a defense budget big enough to fight God.
- French frys (not chips)
- five thousand two hundred eighty feet.
- propane.
- freedom.
- and a solid slab of 36x36x4 inch marble.
Those are AGM-88 HARMs on the A-10’a outmost pylons, not AIM-120s, which is way more exciting!
Will we get simulated radars? Jamming?
Will Jundroo dive into the chaotic world of electronic warfare?
now this is how you make a goodbye post, none of that cringe forum stuff, look at that handsome gentleman. See you soon!
+10“Hello, SCP foundation?
+9It’s me.
Yeah, it happened again.”
Sorry because you got caught?
+8Either way, forgiveness is given freely, but respect needs to be re-earned. Welcome back friend!
9.9/10, the interior carpet and walls aren't falling off and there isn't a random loose screw that seems to magically spawn in the registration holder pocket.
+7(This is amazing!)
I do it often.
+7Mod comments are an effective way to keep up on drama and “stalk” certain people.
the darn sharks bit the cable again, nothing Andrew can't handle
+7I’m gonna sell your phone number to the French telemarketers
+7SimplePlanes is like Legos or Minecraft, the only true limit is your imagination and motivation.
+6People don’t just blindly give you points unless you deserve them. Obviously you deserved the points and followers you had.
+6I always loved your smaller aircraft, you can sorta see how a few of my aircraft mimicked the shapes in the front.
Why do people keep deleting amazing content? I’m starting to get really disappointed when this happens.
"A dead rat"
+6I have several questions.
I believe that’s the one used in the grey blueprint-like pictures when you upload a plane to the site.
+5if you can see them, then you ain't the target
+5Pollution means progress
+5Clean air is for communists
+5You fools, look at it, it’s so easy
It’s obviously an airplane
I’ll leave now, take my updoot
+5"Kirov reporting"
+5hol' up I recognize that engine...
+4I will edit your death into the All Dogs go to Heaven 2 Wikipedia article
I have returned, as the prophecy foretold. Now, the question is: will I stay?
+4do not.
(.22LR is cheaper and easier to find)
+4Don’t be scared of planes. Planes want to fly. You can let go of the controls and the plane will stabilize itself. Be scared of helicopters. Helicopters are just 50,000 parts flying in close formation, and all of them want to crash. It’s a constant battle between man and machine to keep those things in the air.
+4Police! Search warrant! Open the door! Anybody in there!?
+4Aight boys, time to dust off ye old F-4
+4So you’re telling me that SnowStone diplomats and government officials are using their diplomatic immunity to street race random citizens in the county they’re visiting?
+4I love these guys! Now this is how you do public relations!
can you build peace in the middle east pls thx
+4what about Washington D.C.'s restricted airspace
+4I’ve printed some aircraft that I modeled specifically to be printed, as well as airsoft sights, grips, and mag adapters, plus random things for around the house, brochure holders for CAP, and things for friends.
+4Yeah I completely agree with you man, the local gelato is rather over-priced.
+4Hey, um...
+4I dont know what the crap is going on but cool
+4Killer fish from San Diego
+4Oh mighty baller, may I modify this vehicle?
+3Heh heh
holy shit, dual 150mm guns on an IFV. How much space is left that isn't used for the gun and the engine?
+3Classify it as a superweapon or let me buy one
Incredible! Will we have an aim down sights mode?
+3programming, especially for lights, but that’s just me
+3there will be consequences.
+3boy oh boy do I love violating Title 49 Subtitle B Chapter XII Sub-chapter C Part 1542 among other TSA regulations
I'm very jealous of your adventures, friend. Have fun!
Also, that fighter jet is an L-39 I believe. It's a fighter-trainer, popular, and relatively cheap (Compared to other limited options)
+3My random America experiences/observations:
How to make it more American (semi-suburban “redneck” edition) according to FatGPT:
+3- Squated landing gear.
- giant diesel exhaust pipes
- Cummins engine.
- headlights powerful enough to blind every other driver(pilot) and ignite a piece of steel from a mile away.
- GAU-8 Avenger
- full sized fridge, none of that puny European crap.
- enough M4/AR15 pattern rifles, M1s, cheap Chinese bolt actions, and pistols to arm an average-sized militia.
- dog.
- debt.
- drywall.
- a defense budget big enough to fight God.
- French frys (not chips)
- five thousand two hundred eighty feet.
- propane.
- freedom.
- and a solid slab of 36x36x4 inch marble.
The cheap ones usually taste the best
+3stomach bug rank update!!!!!
+3bro what is he doing in there?
+3Dude just made 193 comments, i ain’t upvoting all of those
+3Very fair points, I may attempt this in the future
+3WarHasComeToSanSalvacionAgain sauce
+3Those are AGM-88 HARMs on the A-10’a outmost pylons, not AIM-120s, which is way more exciting!
+3Will we get simulated radars? Jamming?
Will Jundroo dive into the chaotic world of electronic warfare?
Y’all are getting videos in the jet stream?!?!
+3Must I fight to prove I earned the title Fastest Updooter in the West three years ago?
+3Holy crap, that looks like a logistical nightmare