I swear the military should hire this guy. If I could I’d 3d print these, sand them, and wind tunnel test it. Then I’d put the designs through a program to determine how stealthy the designs could be and how they would perform in the combat type they are designed for. All together these designs might have a chance in today’s combat environment
We will be awaiting your return and when that day comes we’ll all be ready to celebrate your return but for now just know if you need help from the community we will be here. Have a great life and always remember we hope to see you return with a smile on your face and the same creative spirit you have now
if you’re running out of ideas how about you make an experimental planes series where you make things like tacit blue. It would be a great learning opportunity and you’ll be able to teach us about it.
I just posted about this and I am very sorry for the families of the people on both aircraft’s and I’m just amazed on how 2025 has been going. First it’s California Wild Fires, then it’s the Bird Disease and now it’s a Aircraft Collision.
@Ku Hey I have a Funky Trees idea: a guided bomb based off a Paveway,JDAM, or any laser guided bomb where the players camera direction on a targeting pod guides the bomb to where the players looking on that camera selection
@RX9115S how’s the B-21 going? I’m not impatient I’m just wondering if you’re following through with its creation. If you do make it I’ll be one of the first to upvote
Can’t Forget Mobile mods and different worlds like one is the real world and others can be fictional worlds so we can do roleplays of real life scenarios or fantasy stories
@RX9115S Awesome! If you’re open to ideas I’d like to propose multiple versions with different loadouts like all JDAM in one and LRASM/JASSM in another. You can post them as unlisted and link them in the original build
If we get modular bombs like real life with different guidance systems and kits and warheads and delayed explosions and bunkers and bunker busters. Just everything the military ever had or used put into game (I MEAN EVERYTHING). Don’t forget every single type of designation system and in multiplayer people can use what others have designed with their targeting systems to guide their own bombs as well as the other persons
Guns with a lot of spread and little bullet velocity so it looks like a sprayer and if you use wing guns you can make it look like the crop sprayers with multiple nozzles aligned in a straight line left to right
@JSTQ I got everything working except the auto look. It keeps doing odd things I’ll find out how to fix it eventually but thanks for your permission to use it
@TateNT34 I heard you were interested in history in the 1930s to 1999 and I wana know if you want to join my Operation desert storm challenge because it took place within that century and use Cold War era vehicles
Also more warhead options on every weapon like Shrapnel or delayed explosion/Fused or proximity, I would also love to see mods for mobile and a built into the application mod download section
I suck at building rn but for those who are good some cool ideas are the 747 cruise missile carrier for the ALCM cruise missile and the 747 ICBM carrier you can find both videos on found, and explained, and another good channel to look at is mustard
Okay so when it says over speed adjust the vtol to slow the engine to an acceptable speed and pitch. You do this after takeoff and throughout the flight
I swear the military should hire this guy. If I could I’d 3d print these, sand them, and wind tunnel test it. Then I’d put the designs through a program to determine how stealthy the designs could be and how they would perform in the combat type they are designed for. All together these designs might have a chance in today’s combat environment
+5We will be awaiting your return and when that day comes we’ll all be ready to celebrate your return but for now just know if you need help from the community we will be here. Have a great life and always remember we hope to see you return with a smile on your face and the same creative spirit you have now
+5if you’re running out of ideas how about you make an experimental planes series where you make things like tacit blue. It would be a great learning opportunity and you’ll be able to teach us about it.
+3I just posted about this and I am very sorry for the families of the people on both aircraft’s and I’m just amazed on how 2025 has been going. First it’s California Wild Fires, then it’s the Bird Disease and now it’s a Aircraft Collision.
+2@Ku Hey I have a Funky Trees idea: a guided bomb based off a Paveway,JDAM, or any laser guided bomb where the players camera direction on a targeting pod guides the bomb to where the players looking on that camera selection
+2@CorporalWojak That’s how they made the F-4 Phantom II
+2My friend has cancer and survived I know you can too
+2Not cook
Jessie we need to bake!!!!
+2Can you make one without tracks2 so we can add our own wheels on mobile?
+2Ha ha.. Stand up bomb-ity
+1Only one pack!?
+1@RX9115S thanks! I’ll be there as soon as I know it’s posted
+1@RX9115S how’s the B-21 going? I’m not impatient I’m just wondering if you’re following through with its creation. If you do make it I’ll be one of the first to upvote
+1Sign me up
+1Can’t Forget Mobile mods and different worlds like one is the real world and others can be fictional worlds so we can do roleplays of real life scenarios or fantasy stories
+1@Christiant2 fuel cells and engines
+1T and my grandpa worked on the f-14 so I’m always excited for an F-14 post
+1@RX9115S Awesome! If you’re open to ideas I’d like to propose multiple versions with different loadouts like all JDAM in one and LRASM/JASSM in another. You can post them as unlisted and link them in the original build
+1@RX9115S Are we ever gonna get a “non simple” B-21 or no. I’m just curious.
+1No word in the world can describe this man’s immense talent, imagination, and dedication.
+1RQ-4 is Global Hawk, USAF
+1MQ-4C is Triton, USN
Still cool though and good build quality
If we get modular bombs like real life with different guidance systems and kits and warheads and delayed explosions and bunkers and bunker busters. Just everything the military ever had or used put into game (I MEAN EVERYTHING). Don’t forget every single type of designation system and in multiplayer people can use what others have designed with their targeting systems to guide their own bombs as well as the other persons
+1Guns with a lot of spread and little bullet velocity so it looks like a sprayer and if you use wing guns you can make it look like the crop sprayers with multiple nozzles aligned in a straight line left to right
+1@JSTQ I got everything working except the auto look. It keeps doing odd things I’ll find out how to fix it eventually but thanks for your permission to use it
+1How about the B-1A or B-1B lancer
+1@TateNT34 I heard you were interested in history in the 1930s to 1999 and I wana know if you want to join my Operation desert storm challenge because it took place within that century and use Cold War era vehicles
+1Ok I’ll do mobile device testing
+1Also more warhead options on every weapon like Shrapnel or delayed explosion/Fused or proximity, I would also love to see mods for mobile and a built into the application mod download section
+1Targeting pods and more realistic weapons like Laser pods or tv pods and corresponding weapons that use the pods as guidance tools
+1I suck at building rn but for those who are good some cool ideas are the 747 cruise missile carrier for the ALCM cruise missile and the 747 ICBM carrier you can find both videos on found, and explained, and another good channel to look at is mustard
+1Happy birthday
+1Modernized F2Y Sea Dart
+1Okay I’ll wait years if I have too (Heck I’ll wait for decades) I got time
+1Could you make a Palettized Munition launcher like Lockheed Martins “Rapid Dragon” System if you’re free and willing to
+1Okay so when it says over speed adjust the vtol to slow the engine to an acceptable speed and pitch. You do this after takeoff and throughout the flight
+1Childhood memory unlocked
+1Are you gonna upload the craft when you are done with testing or is it just your little project
+1First here
+1Ground or air target
+1Oh just realized it has two engines not four might need my eyes checked
+1@OkaNieba I like your E-3 profile picture and this plane is great to fly btw where did you get the giant android OS bot
+1Thx man your great
+1I did your glitch For mobile and the part count didn’t kill me @Rjenteissussy
+1@Rjenteissussy make this thing do a psm plz😁
+1It blew up right after launching
+1Hellfire is AGM-114
The Penguin claims the AGM-119 designation
@Graingy If I see it I will. Trust me