The lights for sure, or at least a style like them, and for sure a new island for even iOS users, I know the devs have are probably pretty busy, at least for that last update they were, but these ideas have been brought to the table for multiple updates, I want to test some builds on unknown terrain
Lllllllladies and gentlemen we see army guy take a shot from a wide left, soaring up the field-past the others- into the featur-GOALLLLLL, ladies and gentlemen he’s in the featured
Been on hiatus from simpleplanes for a minute, as someone who grew up on Lake Superior I HAD to log in to comment and upvote. Thank you for showing this community a important piece of nautical history.
First off I always admired Star Wars with their audacity to do this stuff, how would they build this? The amount of crew-It’s literally a country, imagine commanding this like, we can’t land on this planet it’s too small
Can we get a full bike model build from you?
+3Who would win,
+36 patriotic Sherman tanks
A single feline boi
Kinda hot ngl
+3You should build the actual stonks head, it would probably work with this new smoothing edges
+3This looks so bad...but so good Also
+3Really unique, those gifs are a bit retro but eh, I like it
+3Should have made an elytra so he can fly >:D
+3It’s too powerful
+3I notice some builds are able to do a timing system for the landing door to close after the actual gear retracts, any idea on how? @jamesPLANESii
+3I survived the Hindenburg crash and am having post traumatic stress disorders from it so I expect everyone to be sorry for me
+3Imagine not having a description
+3YES I FINALLY WAITED TO BE THE 69th mwuahahahah
+3The lights for sure, or at least a style like them, and for sure a new island for even iOS users, I know the devs have are probably pretty busy, at least for that last update they were, but these ideas have been brought to the table for multiple updates, I want to test some builds on unknown terrain
+3Very very very relatable,
spends A good 2 weeks on a build, gets 7 upvotes... eXsCuSe mE?
+3Lllllllladies and gentlemen we see army guy take a shot from a wide left, soaring up the field-past the others- into the featur-GOALLLLLL, ladies and gentlemen he’s in the featured
+3Can this just be featured again for the fun of it? @EternalDarkness ?
+3Clearly the simpleplanes community doesn’t know peak entertainment.
+3Gg mate, you gon be top tier in like...two more builds lol
+3everybody gangsta until they see
+3Version 0.81 (7/8/2019 6:07:15 PM)
Thank you for the spotlight @Ryn176 @Axartar
+3The power this man has given us is beyond science
+3Now just gotta mirror to the other side of plane and I’ll have tw- oh would you look at that my game crashed
+3This is some seriously advanced technology for its time, we must preserve this artifact. @Spacedoge12345plane
+3Like all three hinges in one
+3God called, he wants his computer back
+3Been on hiatus from simpleplanes for a minute, as someone who grew up on Lake Superior I HAD to log in to comment and upvote. Thank you for showing this community a important piece of nautical history.
+2Interior plus no track mod? This does put a smile on my face
+2This does put a smile on my face
+2Thank you for an interior too, very rare these days
+2Can hardly even see the mountain, wait you still post? Holy cow your alive? When you gonna post a build? Look at this dude… downvoted
+2Or, OR… here me out….. you could add more content to the existing game :o
+2Floating city when
+2Woah! Very nice truck! Love the suspension on it!
+2It’s not just megamind, it’s gigamind
+2This some stuff you’d expect from ww1 If it was made of wood
+2First off I always admired Star Wars with their audacity to do this stuff, how would they build this? The amount of crew-It’s literally a country, imagine commanding this like, we can’t land on this planet it’s too small
+2been waiting for this, should add vapor cones to this mod too
+2Mans just @ the entire server, nice boat tho lol
+2Kinda hot ngl
+2Nice trucc
+2Woooaaahh, stoool with no back!
+2Also beautiful ship hull! Wow!
+2Ohhhoh that’s hot! HOO that’s hot!
+2This is the modern version of the RATTE
+2Many Chair, very sit, such cushion
+2I love it When youve been playing a game for years and you suddenly find something new
+2Literally was just playing it too
+2I like the color
+2Ww1 for aircraft was as steampunk as it will ever get imo