Simpleplanes still has a bright future.
just look at how active those users are.
New posts,new planes,new maps……
No more updates doesn't mean things are finally coming to an end……
@ThatRandomCouchPotato well it seems that other users had already made this livery before,like
@RangersSP umm i'm working on unity 2020.3.26version and there isn't even a button to export the mod as an andriod version😂so there's only pc version avialiable
@Sense2 you mean by this?
it seems to me that the previous plane wasn't edited by you......🤔The tire style and sharklets style are different.I surely did download a pre-edited 737 max 8 from the site,but forgot where i found it.the max 8 you edited was pretty good anyway
Simpleplanes still has a bright future.
+8just look at how active those users are.
New posts,new planes,new maps……
No more updates doesn't mean things are finally coming to an end……
+2i really like those Chinese characters you've made
@CR929thenewSPplayer 左侧襟翼的确有问题😭,但对飞控和气动没啥影响,只是放出动作有点问题。
@realSavageMan 呃呃呃 这个涂装是我当时做世园会彩绘时留下的,那会没想着发((((
+2@1714 那样p数太高了……上一个国航350的汉字就是拿圆筒捏的,最后整机下来几乎2000parts了,我自己的设备带着都有点吃力
+2@Ponob nope,they're made by rastermatic and can be used without enabling any mods
+2我超 巨
+2@ThatRandomCouchPotato well it seems that other users had already made this livery before,like
+2As always,if you like this livery please consider upvoting🥰🥰it's free and i'll make more detailed liveries later,good day🥰
+2@bibib17 多见见世面吧孩子,开开眼界
@GeneralUnitedSTATS I truely respect him alot🤩🤩
+1(悄悄地说一句 B-2482背部貌似有个Wifi盒)
+1you've completed what i've been dreamin' of since i started playing this game
@ReignSUPREME 有的有的 B站私吧
+1@FlyingPatriot aaaggghhh my bad my bad
+1i was in 1.12.1 when i can't open the mod file
now i'm in 1.12.203 and the mod worked out perfectly
@LM0418 Yeah i just exported the simpleplanes' model and imported into blender to get a more realistic rendering effect
+1i'm wondering whether mod tools in unity for SP1 and mods made for SP1 will still be compatible in SP2🤔
@RangersSP umm i'm working on unity 2020.3.26version and there isn't even a button to export the mod as an andriod version😂so there's only pc version avialiable
+1@RangersSP some of those pictures are taken from a map created by myself.I won't release this map cuz it's not finished yet
+1我超 爱了爱了
+1@Jojoooo hummm the engine fan blades are different.I didn't remember changing those fan blades myself🤔Anyway your version of the 7m8 is good too.
+1@Sense2 you mean by this?
+1it seems to me that the previous plane wasn't edited by you......🤔The tire style and sharklets style are different.I surely did download a pre-edited 737 max 8 from the site,but forgot where i found it.the max 8 you edited was pretty good anyway
+1@1714 也就把航司英文字样挪了个位置,改了改大小,换了注册号又加了几个text label的事。B-KQI是2013年9月引进的,今年9月是B-KQI引进10周年,觉得蛮有纪念意义,就捣鼓了这么个涂装。
+1great addon!
+1@AeroflotBilibili 在这架飞机之前,官网好像还真没有海航真机,之前有架虚构的
+1@Laamm that jet already exists on this need to make it again
+1@2010YQZS 东航logo的确是我做的,点击这里
+1@CR929thenewSPplayer 感谢支持嘿嘿嘿
@ZerkkZxeSP It takes time and effort,try to slow down and focus on details,sucess is waiting for you ahead
+1wow,i'd like to see the final version of that Qantas 787