i hate it when i have to think (i haven't learned or experimented with it anyways) so what i'd do would be attaching the beacons to two pistons. one piston will extend by half if a condition is met (let's say it's the landing gear input), and another one if the speed is above certain number).
If both conditions are met, then the piston would extend fully and make the warning to go off.
it surely requires alot more parts but i think it sounds simpler for me
instead I played SP for way too much on my phone lol
played so long that my eyes are nearsighted now
not epic but I managed to improve so they cancel eachother I guess
@jamesPLANESii that's what I did. But parts just randomly connects even when nudged out of place. It's frustrating not to mention part connection editor broke about 80% of the time.
And what about mobile version
Is this even possible with the current game engine
Because you'd have to panel the bucket one by one, and people are too lazy for it
@JakeTheDogg ofc no lmao
Who knows i might sell 3D models at some point
You can see on my tank
It's stabilized as well
@TrislandianAlliance nani
@Randomdoggo it looks nice but the way sp wheel work made the tank do sudden braking after big jumps
I'm trying to work my way around tho
@JakeTheDogg like how people asks you to make something
I gain no points but i do get alot of experience that i can use to my build
@ThePrototype glad we're on the same page
I have just discovered about boomerang suspension and now I can't stop looking at it
@DeidaraEnterprises compensating for your tank
gotem B)
@Saber89 ree
@Lizardman06 thanks
it took me awhile to set it up and learn about it lol
@FlipposMC yeah that's the problem currently.
the funky tree in SR2 looks nicer imo. Wonder when they're going to implement it to SP
@FlipposMC didn't dllama made the autoflap on his cropduster plane using v< (speed) in the input?
afaik it has existed before 1.9 was out
are things made to scale now? I remember having stuff way bigger in the last version
@CrashFighter05 k
i hate it when i have to think (i haven't learned or experimented with it anyways) so what i'd do would be attaching the beacons to two pistons. one piston will extend by half if a condition is met (let's say it's the landing gear input), and another one if the speed is above certain number).
If both conditions are met, then the piston would extend fully and make the warning to go off.
it surely requires alot more parts but i think it sounds simpler for me
instead I played SP for way too much on my phone lol
played so long that my eyes are nearsighted now
not epic but I managed to improve so they cancel eachother I guess
@JakeTheDogg got my experience from doing commisions uwu
otherwise I would be slacking way too much
but then again, people might just ignore the entire post because there's too many words there
@SnoWFLakE0s lol it's ok
I wish they allow to add description on video post so I can explain the system better
@SnoWFLakE0s like I said on the teaser post it's connected by an arm to the first suspension arm
@SnoWFLakE0s no. I thought it was done using shocks, but after digging further I figured it was connected by an arm.
the devs underpaid the AI to allocate fund for cannon parts
@UGANDA who tf even still use full build mirroring in 2020 wtf
+2@jamesPLANESii that's what I did. But parts just randomly connects even when nudged out of place. It's frustrating not to mention part connection editor broke about 80% of the time.
+2@HarrisCraft so basically inheritance war 2 : electric boogaloo
@HarrisCraft but I disowned you
never talk to me or my son ever again, hiss
@jamesPLANESii thanks. The real effort is to stop the tiny parts from connecting to random parts every 5 steps
+1@AverroesIndustries thank you for coming to my TED Talk <3
@Braynie0904 not happening
@Braynie0904 mods don't work in ios
you didn't use my TC
not epic
Literally change your battery
i'd spend 6 months slacking before redoing the cowling
+1Thank you
can you help me please
it worked on my old laptop but the script doesn't work on the new laptop
the 1.9 meme should be skeletons coming out from graves lol
+1There are a few blacklisted members of the community
that gotta be me
look at how C H O N K Y that plane is
+2if you actually read the post Andrew made, the reason android stopped supporting mod is because Google now requires 64 bit support
+1doesn't flares have separate input
i just want my present thanks
+1two months ago
@Numbers well, you can just delete the virtual machine instead
@Numbers what