23.9k plane634 Comments

  • Antonov AN225 3.0 years ago

    @plane634 It appears that unfortunately, the Mriya is indeed no longer with us, or at the very least severely damaged, hopefully she can still be restored or if not, some of her remains can be preserved to honor her service all these years.

    Here is the supposed satellite image of the 225 burning in her hangar, I know it's just a plane but viewer discretion is advised.

    If this makes it any better, the An-225 will be rebuild (if it was indeed destroyed), it'll take a couple of years, but hopefully the aviation legend will take to the skies again.

  • Could anyone tell me the names of all the stock aircraft? 3.4 years ago

    It's these:

    Bush Plane
    Gator 2
    Kicking Fish
    Sea Plane
    Twin Prop
    Little Bugger (it's a car)

    There's also the simple version of these planes, they have the same name (except the P-51s, it's simply P-51, and the Little Bugger doesn't have a simple version)

  • F-15J-ANM 4 months ago

    The plane had a weapons bay but it's empty, because I forgot the plane had one to begin with 💀 (the consequences of forgetting a completed plane for a year)

  • Downloading aircraft takes tooooooo long to load 2.7 years ago

    Ah these usually have something to do with your internet connection, try switching from WiFi to cellular data or vice versa and see if the download speed changes

  • Mercenary's Last Flight 1.4 years ago

    @DatMaluchGuy19 Currently making a Mil Mi-35P, but the next upload would probably be an Iranian F-14 or the F-15s in this video.

  • MiG-29MU1 -Ghost of Kyiv- 2.3 years ago

    @ShinyGemsBro yeah I too am aware of that, which is why I uploaded this plane just as a mere add-on to the other MiG-29MU, this was meant to be a secondary airplane to go along with that first MiG-29, I also don't put much emphasis on this being a Ghost of Kyiv plane, it's just a MiG-29MU with standard loadouts, hence the very short description compared to the first one, but turns out it's this one that got more upvotes so yeah ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • MiG-29MU1 -Ghost of Kyiv- 2.3 years ago

    @MAPA In simple terms I made it like this :
    - I chose a fuselage part which I want to paint on
    - I then bring in a hollow fuselage and copy the shape of the designated fuselage block (length, width, height, inclination, etc), then color that hollow fuselage in a different color
    - Then I put the hollow fuselage in the same position of that fuselage block, until they clip inside one another, then make the hollow fuselage just a tiny bity bigger so that the 'clipping' effect doesn't appear
    - I then simply change the shape of that hollow fuselage accordingly, utilizing fuselage cutting most of the time to get the desired shape, whilst making sure that the hollow fuselage doesn't 'sink' into the fuselage block but also not poke out too much, I then repeat this for every step of the painting

    Sorry if it sounded convoluted, it's easier to understand while doing it, it's quite literally just like painting something

    Edit : as for how I did this camouflage specifically I basically followed a blueprint

  • V-750VK 2.4 years ago


  • 9K52 Luna-M 2.6 years ago

    @SELWYN101 I'll think about it

  • 9K52 Luna-M 2.6 years ago

    @UmbrellaCorporation No I am from Indonesia

  • JAS-39 Gripen Variants 2.7 years ago

    1. There's 7 variants so far, A, B, C, D, NG, E, F
    2. Unsure but I think the NG is a technology demonstrator while the E is a more finalized version of the NG
    3. Yes, it only needed 500 meters of runway to takeoff and 600 meters to land, 400 and 500 with the older A and B models

  • Community questions! 2.7 years ago

    1. Scrambled or fried
    2. I think 7 years?, here's is what I believe is the first plane I have downloaded ever
    3. Anything MiG-23 related
    4. White bread but sometimes wheat
    5. I use my phone to build stuff but use my PC to record, idk it's just easier that way
    6. 👍

  • cursed A-10 WARTHOG 3.9 years ago

    Hmm yes, the A-24 Warhind

  • How to rename weapons? 4.2 years ago

    There's an XML code for this, it goes like this if I recall correctly :

    Go to XML -> select weapon (the selector is on the top of the XML tab, and the weapon category should be under parts) -> add column -> on the left side, write "name" no caps no space -> on the right, put the name of the weapon you'd like

  • F-5E Tiger II TNI-AU one month ago

    @TheUltimatePlaneLover In Indonesian, AU means Angkatan Udara (Air Force), whereas AURI means Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia (Indonesian Republic Air Force). The Indonesian Air Force is typically refered as TNI-AU (Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara, lit. Indonesian National Military Air Force)

  • A SimplePlanes Tribute Cinematic 2 months ago

    Builds used (Part 1)

    P-51D-30 Mustang by hfusiwjf29
    Antonov An-225 by QinSheng
    F-14S SkeleCat by TakeYourLife3000
    Concorde SST by flyingsteve88
    Fc-912C by Leehopard
    Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner by realSavageMan
    Southwest 737-8H4 ''Freedom One'' by Timplanes
    JNR C51 Steam Locomotive by pancelvonat
    The Eliminator by L1nus
    Starlite Ferries Salve Regina by Sano24
    Gundam GP03S Stamen (RX-78GP03S) by Ian_Yashima
    RainWorld - Elder Void Worm by AWESOMENESS360
    S.S.D. Executor 2020 by De2020
    IJN Yamato by MikeWallace (stand in for YAMATO 1945 by Onedream because if I tried to run it my PC would kablooey)
    F-22 'Raptor' update 1.11 by GuyFolk
    MiG-21Bis Fishbed-L by ReinMcDeer
    Ryusei A6R “Suisei” by Panzerwaifu69
    Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II (Extended Range) by MAPA
    Simple J-10 by Xamesria27
    T-75 LTS Checkmate by K2HB
    Warbird Dynamics | F-19 | Eclipse by Sauce
    STRIKERX2 dragon by X99STRIKER
    ADFX-01 Morgan by sKyCoS
    [UK] Challenger 2 by LunarEclipseSP
    M103A2 Heavy Tank by Kendog84
    AI Rotorcraft ASAP - Mi-24D by WHNineTripleOne
    Tank fv4004 Conway simple by t10m
    RM-70 Vampire by Kanhnasgor
    FLAK Tower (Target) by Makotolto
    QRS Aurora by Fineilldoitmyself
    Project 20380 "Steregushchy" Corvette by Empergyd
    Admiral Graf Spee [ML] by LocalDealer
    Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer by YY
    Ohka by Aceaircraft
    Simple SBD Formation by Monarchii

  • F-16C - Cinematic Teaser 4 months ago

    Despite the resolution, this cinematic beats basically everything I've made, well done!

  • [17th August Special] Cinematic of The Indonesian Air Force 5 months ago

    @LunarEclipseSP Thanks, I made all the planes myself, though only 5 of them were built from scratch (K5Y, P51, MiG-17, Mig-21, and A-4), the rest are older builds with liveries painted

  • [Special Effects] - Fire and Smoke 7 months ago

    Requested tags :

  • "Attack At Dusk" Cinematic 7 months ago

    I will be posting the fire special effects later on, there's also lore in the description if you're interested in that.

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum - Iraqi Air Force 10 months ago

    @DasAbhinab Sure man, do anything you want with it

  • Goofy ahh cinematic one year ago

    @WisconsinStatePolice The bearing was relative to the plane, so front of the plane would've been 000 and the rear 360, and the 104 was heading from east to west, that's why the pilot called out a seemingly contradicting bearing. I admit that's probably not how it works realistically, as they'd probably use a Bullseye, a floating point in the sky that's relative to earth, but I used this method instead to create a different battle management system for the Sakuriyans (the 104's home country). The Rokushe AWACS was also using bearings relative to the planes too FYI.

  • End of the year cinematic 1.2 years ago

    @CCCP0000001 F-15 would be the first plane post of the year most likely, Su-30 (in this case the Su-30SM) would come much later

  • End of the year cinematic 1.2 years ago

    Happy new year, enjoy.

  • S-200VE Surface-To-Air Missile Battery (200 Followers & Subs Special) 1.8 years ago

    @combinetheelite well, any island really... As long as you're shooting from the other island
    but fr though, if you are on PC, Maywar's big enough, but on mobile, Snowstone is enough

  • P-35 Surveillance Radar 1.8 years ago

    I will publish this later, apparently I had too many posts in the past 24 hours

    Update : published

  • Cinematic I made last year 2.2 years ago

    Last year was like yesterday but you know

  • Passive Homing Tutorial (but also a teaser) 2.2 years ago

    @UmbrellaCorporation battlefield 4 theme song

  • MiG-29MU1 SEAD Configuration 2.2 years ago

    @DatRoadTrainGuy19 yep it got taken down, it's unfortunate but it is what it is, didn't think about the post's controversial nature before posting and it attracted just that, controversy, so no wonder why it got removed. I will be posting an unlisted regular loadouts version of this plane and place the link in the description soon

  • JAS-39D-ANM 2.3 years ago

    @plutoshouldbeaplanet Oh snap I think I got the supermanueverability AG wrong, AG1 does nothing and it's AG2 that activates it, it's fixed now, sorry for the inconvenience I got the supermanueverability AG mixed up with the Blue one

  • How many hours or days do you build a craft? 2.3 years ago

    Accounting for total time (including times for rest, work, etc), best I could do was about 3 days to a week depending on the model, but on average it's about 1.5 - 3 weeks, longest was 3 months I think. However accounting for only the time in-game, it was about 0.58-1.16 days of work (14-28 hours), though this may vary, as this was just seven 4 hour game sessions in a month

  • (100 Followers Special) M2020 Main Battle Tank 2.3 years ago

    @Pepopi I see, sorry that the post bothers you and potentially many other people, I didn't think it thoroughly before posting the entire thing around that character, it was a final minute decision to make the airplane look 'cooler', but instead it generated a controversy, and that's entirely my fault, I could've posted it as a standard Mig-29 with no association and it would've done just fine, again, sorry for the actions I've done, it's up to you to forgive or not, I wish to stay neutral on the conflict, hopefully it will be resolved one day.

  • JAS-39D-ANM 2.3 years ago

    Oh snap i forogt
    Dynamic skin thingy is based on Neji's F-18 Iona

  • MiG-29MU1 SEAD Configuration 2.3 years ago

    Just a note, max range of the AGM-88 is 80km

  • 15 Second Dogfight 2.3 years ago

    @UmbrellaCorporation Well... I bought it off of an online marketplace so it's sort of in-between

  • 15 Second Dogfight 2.3 years ago

    @UmbrellaCorporation Yea, Filmora9 to be exact

  • 15 Second Dogfight 2.3 years ago

    @Aarav Fair enough

  • 15 Second Dogfight 2.3 years ago

    @Aarav I'm Southeast Asian

  • What's your fictional nation/faction lore? 2.4 years ago

    Oh boy, this brings me back to the old times...

    I used to have several fictional aircraft (and one weaponry) corporation 2 years ago, the biggest ones are Tavorsky and Kenworth, Kenworth is essentially the Western aircraft corporation (Boeing, Lockheed, Grumman, etc) whilst Tavorsky is the Eastern aircraft corporation (Mikoyan, Sukhoi, Ilyushin, etc), these two are based on the two biggest island, Wright for Tavorsky and Krakabloa for Kenworth, all they essentially do is to build military aircraft to constantly one up each other, I haven't continued their series as I found replica builds to be more enjoyable lol, the latest planes I've made for them are the Tavorsky T-50, basically a copy of the S-70 Okhotnik-B Drone but as a bomber, and the Kenworth K-14 Bugs, a crossover between the F-14 and the ducking XF-85 Goblin, though the best planes I've made for each side are the T-14-27-RV for Tavorsky, a copy of the Su-27, and the K-4 Water-C, a copy of the F-35

    There are also other companies that exist during this period, such as Babylon, basically Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industrial Company (HESA), that produces like 3 planes, one of them being a copy of the Qaher-313, then there's Zukaiku, a Chinese based aircraft corporation, with it's competitor being Takoyaki, as you'd expect a Japanese based corporation, and finally the sole weapons manufacturer, Sendjata Ksatria (SK), basically my own version of the Indonesian company PT Pindad, which produces tanks, ships, and some planes, I believed I made my first custom missile under this company

    So yeah I guess now you learned something new today, I didn't upload these planes cause by the time I started uploading things here those planes were already a year old, however you can still see the K-14 and an earlier version of the T-14 in action on my Blinding Lights video at 2:15

    Edit : TL;DR basically my own attempt at recreating aircraft development of mid to late Cold War, the lore is very shallow though as I didn't make any kind of sophisticated lore at the time

  • What in the Planet Fitness just happened 2.4 years ago

    @BaconAircraft Well I've actually just found out what the issue was, it was the gyro installed on the missile, it was installed on a 45deg angle as a measure by me to stop the missile from just slamming into the ocean when on it's way to the carrier group, and for whatever reason when that rotated gyro was rotated 90deg it does... well this

  • What in the Planet Fitness just happened 2.4 years ago

    Additional notes : I also couldn't press anything when the game goes black, that's why you can see me bring up the back button of my phone to actually pause the game as opposed to just clicking the pause button, seems like something's causing the game to lag so badly it freezes all other functions

  • Community questions! 2.4 years ago

    @Hii Yeah I commented in approval to @Zaineman but I realized he asked the wrong person so I deleted that comment, sorry bout' that

  • F-16C Block 40 - US Air Force 2.4 years ago

    @StugnaATGM yeah sure man!

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum - Iraqi Air Force 2.6 years ago

    @Rocketguy2079 Sure!, here you go mate

  • Tank Stabilization Method 2.6 years ago

    @SpartanBallistics cool! thanks

  • Tank Stabilization Method 2.6 years ago

    @ProfessionalLander just add the input just after the main code, and don't forget to put said code in a bracket first

    It should look somewhat like (Stab2/{elevation}) + {whatever input you'd like}

  • 9K52 Luna-M 2.6 years ago

    Lmao the word scale is cut off 💀

  • how do i download planes on laptop? 2.6 years ago

    Copy the URL of the plane's page and in the editor press Ctrl+L

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum - Iraqi Air Force 2.7 years ago

    @CallsignSkywalker Sure!, here you go, no credit required
