Hey jared, the look of the plane is great. But I was a bit surprised to see an engine flying off at the beginning... You also have a cockpit that was mirrored on the other, the right one. You have to be carefull when you use the mirror feature and a main cockpit not on the middle of the plane like that. Your plane is also unstable, try to move the COM forward and the COL to the rear. Good luck!
The look is great but the handling is... Your plane is too heavy, you need to remove the fuel blocks and reduce the distance between your COM and COT. I know it's hard with the landing gears on the main wings but you have no choice...
I love the bicolor feature but the inverted ailerons are really disturbing for me... You just have to put the elevators on the tip of your wings. I also invite you to read that to understand where it comes from : http://www.reddit.com/r/SimplePlanes/comments/2nlf3t/inverted_elevators_on_flying_wing/cmen0ou
Very nice! You can gain a lot on pitch if you put your elevators on the tip of the wings :
Thank you everybody.
Lolivier, un pays change tout le temps et des mises a jour des carte sont faites regulierement. En plus cet avion date de 1950, les satellites n'etaient pas encore tres au point a l'epoque...
I wanted to finish it last night but it was maybe a little too soon. It's not as worked as I intended to do...
But on my side, with high grqphics I don't need the wheels. It's just so unintuitive to control the pitch, you must dive to pitch up and opposite for pitch down... It's mainly due to the fact that the glider is pretty heavy compared to the tractor plane.
With wings fwd I stall and changed my geometry while in the spin to recover, great!
Really good work! And I'm even more pleased that you didn't use glitch!
Cool design and very "liberal" adaptation! Slightly unstable, but that's fun. Try to work on the paint job a bit maybe
I want to give you more than five stars! I love this plane and you nailed it, bravo!
Excellent attempt! Wait for the next update that should come soon, rotating parts will be introduced!
Hey jared, the look of the plane is great. But I was a bit surprised to see an engine flying off at the beginning... You also have a cockpit that was mirrored on the other, the right one. You have to be carefull when you use the mirror feature and a main cockpit not on the middle of the plane like that. Your plane is also unstable, try to move the COM forward and the COL to the rear. Good luck!
Try to make it fly!
A lot of work that we can appreciate!
Wow that's good!
It handles like a cow but I like the look! Please continue! Your plane is slightly unstabe, increase the gap between your COL and COM.
That's perfect but warbirds are too much representated I think...
The look is great but the handling is... Your plane is too heavy, you need to remove the fuel blocks and reduce the distance between your COM and COT. I know it's hard with the landing gears on the main wings but you have no choice...
@CaesarSeizer Thanks for the truck!
I love the bicolor feature but the inverted ailerons are really disturbing for me... You just have to put the elevators on the tip of your wings. I also invite you to read that to understand where it comes from : http://www.reddit.com/r/SimplePlanes/comments/2nlf3t/inverted_elevators_on_flying_wing/cmen0ou
Keep going, I'll wait for the next version ;)
For the amazing look! does it fly?
Very nice! You can gain a lot on pitch if you put your elevators on the tip of the wings : http://www.reddit.com/r/SimplePlanes/comments/2nlf3t/inverted_elevators_on_flying_wing/cmen0ou
Looks really good! I never think of using the RCN for windows in my designs...
Nice unusual look
That's very kind of you! too bad it didn't get famous!
Good looking!
You are on the right track. Just observe a little more the planes of other users, learn technics, and work on the paint job: you gonna be great!
Are you Russian?
How could I miss that post!
I love clever designs
@Nassassin Yes I hope I'll be able to transform it! And also to retract those big landing gears... We'll see next month
@Lolivier Why do you never rate...?
You can try the Avro Vulcan or the Brittan-Norman Trislander. Very styles though.
That's very fun to fly! but more VTOL nozzle don't mean more power, onlly one will provide the same thrust as 10 together!
Ok that's good!
Paint jobs are always nice to have!
@Teus Sorry I didn't read the description, I was referring to the rockets you had on the third picture thinking it was extra engines.
Why don't you put the engine on the belly inside the plane? It would be more aesthetic right?
@Lolivier Pas evident! J'allais plus essayer le scaled composites ATTT (pas francais)
@Lolivier Certainement pas! J'en ai un peu marre de tous ces chassuers dans tous les sens... Je prefere les trucs un peu plus hors du commun!
Can't try it for now but I like those detachers... I think I'll have a lot of fun!
Thank you everybody. Lolivier, un pays change tout le temps et des mises a jour des carte sont faites regulierement. En plus cet avion date de 1950, les satellites n'etaient pas encore tres au point a l'epoque...
I wanted to finish it last night but it was maybe a little too soon. It's not as worked as I intended to do... But on my side, with high grqphics I don't need the wheels. It's just so unintuitive to control the pitch, you must dive to pitch up and opposite for pitch down... It's mainly due to the fact that the glider is pretty heavy compared to the tractor plane.
Un stage! En aéronautique bizarrement... Et toi?
Souds like a copy to me! https://simpleplanes.com/a/1ZUiyo/Ultralight-glider
Your canards are inverted, was it on purpose?
Nice, but I like bombers heavy and less powerfull.
I tried to go underwater but didn't worked
Design interesting. But yoou might need to work on global proportion, but I'm not the best out there either so...
"Understand" haha quelques efforts a faire encore :) Et Miami Floride!
Looks fantastic!