13.9k vonhubert Comments

  • Convair CV-990 (without Simple Wings, with updated SP_Extra (no missing parts error) 2.1 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries @ApplePies84 @AlbertanPlaneMaker @asteroidbook345 @VittonVitor @asteroidbook345 @CR929thenewSPplayer @SARACONIKaviationIndustry @BaconAircraft @Suubk27 @JCHmanufacturing @MrSilverWolf @SemedianIndustries @KerlonceauxIndustries @ThomasRoderick

    Hi Guys!

    I've made a version without simplewings for those of you for whom the mod is still not working. I've done my best to tune it to fly correctly, but still do not like it. Flaps make not too much difference whether they are extended or not, top speed is supersonic (simplewings allowed to increase drag with speed) and so on....

    Though it appeared that SimpleWings still works not only for me, PlaneFlightX was also able to reinstall the mod and load the plane correctly. I suggest you try also, the plane is much nicer with a mod

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison the update is totally glorious but we definitely need more Activate groups, or at least Activate9-Activate20 and so on variables that can be assigned to switches and levers. Also - it would be very nice if guns start accept FT input

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 3.4 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX i've made a code for altitude autopilot based on your video and it works flawlessly. And i just enjoyed both the way you have written and organised the code and your videos. I gonna use it in some of my planes, as said below, giving you a credit of course.

  • _Mechanical_Instrumentation 6.8 years ago

    OH MY @@@@@@ GOD!!! That is so much that i needed just yesterday!!!! Thank you a LOT!

  • Tupolev Tu-104-Nk-12 (semi-fictional turboprop version) 6.8 years ago

    @Sonicandknuckles @F104Deathtrap @BaconEggs Thanks a lot! Don't promise to be too active though... having hard time with my job and lots of personal problems, including some time consuming legal actions due to a car accident with my new car...

    If you liked this one, take a look at my last VIP plane, gonna be my best 100%. Its a Tupolev Tu-114 (tu-95 wings with wide pressurised passenger fuselage and slightly increased wing area), the biggest, most luxurious and longest range airliner before 747. Also - the fastest mass produced propeller airplane in the world (870 KPH) flying more or less the same speed as modern jetliners (contemporary 1960s jetliners tended to be a nbit faster at 850-950 kph)
    I also think that it is the most elegant and handsome airliner ever build - like Lockheed Constellation meets modern jet.
    it is completely finished regarding the flight model, wing structure is extremely complex - it is very flexible but to make it flex right - it is full of invisible joints that connect different parts of the wing between themselves and to different points on the fuselage. Flies extremely well, but there is still a lot to make regarding fuselage, cockpit and landing gear.

    !Tu-114 v0.4 VIP

  • Can a Rotator/piston return to 0 when AG is deactivated? 7.2 years ago

    Nevermind) zeroondeactivate works)

  • Tu-154M 2.1 years ago

    @DEC12 well, i will soon release tu-114, it has quite flexible wings, but i've added a lot of free spin connectors on wing joints and 2 pairs from wing tips and mid span to the fuselage, they keep wings flexible, but not completely jelly like)) Tu-154 had quite crusty wings compared both to tu-114 and to modern airliners

  • Convair CV-990 (without Simple Wings, with updated SP_Extra (no missing parts error) 2.1 years ago

    Update, no missing parts error, better lights arrangement, less sensitive pitch control

  • SimpleWings 2.7 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE Wow. Thats promising. Like so many features that SP still lacks, i.e. engine modelling, nice sound. Is it possible to test the game already? Will it include smth like funky trees, i hope?

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    @poenix yep. But even 10 more on-off variables like activate1-8, even without GUI (if they work only from switches is good enough) at first would suffice for individual engines on-off, lights, opening doors, etc

  • Engine Expansion Pack 6.8 years ago

    Tested the engines. Perfect. Bloody perfect! Bloody freaking perfect!!! Including sound. Only 2 additional wishes - would be cool if it will be possible to change position of an engine block mesh relative to the prop (for example to make a P-39 Aircobra with engine behing a pilot), or make a separate propeller with no sound and engine block, so you can place them separately. and would be triple awesome if you can make a smoke and a fire bursts from exhaust on high throttle)

    p.s. diving in a WW2 era from my favourite 60s because of those engines. Starting a very detailed B-29/tu-4/tu-85. And have an idea to make a reallife 90s racing mustang with swept wings from a learjet (yes, americans pimp muscle planes just like muscle cars)))) sadly, it has crashed the second time several years ago, this time beyond repair, Learjet Mustang) and my idea of a similar BF-109.
    p.p.s... Badly need countrarotating props, as said before... may be if you scripted a mesh of an engine block to spawn behind an engine part, you can scrip another propeller to spawn in front?... i can actually just add a t-1000 in front, but i like to play with agressive bots firing on my huge planes like this Tu-114 and it looks incredibly stupid when on a single engine one prop is rotating while another is not. It's impossible as in real life they are rotating from a single shaft via a gearbox. Either they both work, or they both jam or feather.
    p.p.p.s. really grateful, great mods, this and rocket engines

  • AG Sans Serif 7.6 years ago

    most useful plane ingame ;)

  • Boeing 767(dynamic wings) 7.6 years ago

    Great plane! just like i like)
    p.s. i suggest you take a look on my gear doors mechanism, wil fit nice on this plane


  • Antonov An-22 "Antei" 1.6 years ago

    @FatPilotOne такая же хрень, мало играю) во многом потому и предложил) но надеюсь ту-114 всеж доделалю, а дальше все просто будет перетасовать в твою модель. кабина уже есть, все остальное похожее, надо будет только запихать и подогнать приборки. дам знать если доберусь)

  • Smoke Trails 2 1.6 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX thanks a lot!

  • SP should have new mirror system 1.6 years ago

    and i dont know whether it is mine or common problem, but mirroring has ceased working correctly for me. I if i mirror a complex flexible wing with a lot of joints and mechanism, the other side becomes interconnected randomly. Some parts just fall off, some get connected to totally differen parts than initially

  • Convair CV-990 (no mods Version) 1.8 years ago

    @UnfairchildFH227 HM, weird. i'll check in teh evening

  • Tu-154M 2.1 years ago

    @DEC12 Well, i've just took a closer look, the model is fantastic! Bloody fantastic.
    But russian inscriptions in the cockpit are hilarious))))
    i will try adapting instruments and coding from my CV-990 and will send it back to you as soon as ready. Also wings are too flexible, i know how to fix it.

  • Tu-154M 2.1 years ago

    @DEC12 ok, cant say i`ll make it quick,but i will do. Suggest you try my first plane that use this code, may be you can add some ideas.


  • Convair CV-660 "CaravAir" (For SimpleWings!) with autopilot and autoland 2.1 years ago

    @LimesLusania thats why i've sent it to you)
    I'll make a simpler ones single props for an-32 and 12 later
    When i finish tu-114 cockpit, i will also share it. An-22 cockpit should be quite similar

  • Convair CV-990 (for Simple Wings!) 2.1 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX Thanks a lot for your review)
    About download - That was mine SPExtra old version to cause problems. i've updated from 1.0 to 1.1 and reuploded the plane a couple days ago. Parts names for SPExtra has changed to SP_Plus prefix with 1.1, thats why it lacked parts before,
    I will upload a 2-engine fantasy version this or next evenening, i think. Though only for simplewings yet (it is really difficult to fine tune it with stock wings and the plane is modified with t-tail and engines in the back)

  • Convair CV-990 (no mods Version) 2.1 years ago

    @Dimkal Thanks a lot!
    Yet at least 50% credit goes to @PlaneFlightX, mine would not work without his code for vertical axis autopilot. My previous attempt at altitude code was unsuccessful, plane was jerking up and down. Only the horizontal part, autothrottle and autoland code is completely mine. And judging by his videos, he might soon release a new version of a code based on PID controller function. It wont be necessary more functional, but at least it will need less code. I tried this too, but again, wasn't able to tune PID coefficients correctly.

    BTW, if you play on PC - i totally recommend fully modded version, with SimpleWings and SP_Extra. It flies a lot more realistic and i was able to tune it much better. SimpleWings actually still works for many players, at least if you do not add a part from parts list in designer.
    Convair CV-990 (for Simple Wings!)

    p.s. I will soon release another complex plane - Tu-126. Though i'm not yet sure whether to include autoland capability there. CV-990 never actually had it in reality, but it is at least somewhat advanced and automated, definitely less so regarding tu-95-114-126-142 family...

  • SP Extra 2.1 years ago

    @BigBushy Hi! Can you please clarify, do lights have to accept FunkyTrees input as an activation group? Previous version definitely was not - it returned an error right when saving in Overload window, now it allows to save, but writes an error in part's options and treats in as "allways ON"

  • Convair CV-990 (no mods Version) 2.1 years ago

    @SemedianIndustries well i did not promise it would be really mobile friendly) i just did my best to get close... Guess it is still not really convenient to click dosens of tiny switches on a cellphone. I think it takes around 25 clicks to start it up and get ready to take off)))

  • AN-22SH Never Built Challenge 2.1 years ago

    @LimesLusania only on the one i plan to release soon. Current version of controls was not yet released.
    I'll post you when its done

  • Convair CV-990 (without Simple Wings, with updated SP_Extra (no missing parts error) 2.1 years ago

    @Bryan5 oh, thanks a lot! Didn't know

  • Convair CV-990 (for Simple Wings!) 2.1 years ago

    @ApplePies84 Potentially yes, i'm trying to fine tune it to fly nice without simplewings now, and other mods are purely cosmetic, but will it ran smooth? 1,7 K parts) My old but somewhat formerly powerful laptop kinda strugles already) and i'm not sure i'd be able to delete more parts. I will try

  • Mil A-24 Thunderhind II 2.2 years ago

    Looks weirdly natural))))

  • SimpleWings 2.2 years ago

    @Maosulli i will soon. Somehow a mod works fine for me on the physics side. Visual effects, though, are only visible at night. In day time light they are barely visible. Like they had became too transparent. Anyway, for me this mode is more useful to adjust flight model, than for visuals (though they were really good). And as far as i remember mod has disappeared after the update, but i was able to install the mod again.

  • Debug logging? Is it possible in console? 2.9 years ago

    @Brayden1981 Yup) im here, listening

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 3.4 years ago

    shure, of course i will (would not tell you otherwise ))))). Given i'd be able to understand and adapt it.

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 3.4 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX sorry, but i thing i gonna steel your code if i'd be able to understand how it works) Watching your tutorial now.

    BTW, your ILS is even cooler concept. Just started to think whether it is possible and found your post.

  • Fully Functional Autopilot! 3.4 years ago

    i bloody cant make a plane hold altitude that steady... it always overshoots target altitude like by 200m and oscillates a lot after... nice job!

  • New Beta - Version 1.11.104 3.5 years ago

    Can i also add some wiches?
    1) Please add smoke effects with FT input (there is a good mod, but it only takes AG)
    2) Can you please port wonderful turbojet engines from SimpleRockets? They are more needed here))
    3) Can you please add lights that actually illuminate the terrain? Again, there are 2 good mods, but they only take AG inputs, and FT is better for switch control (so there is no limit on AGs, and i can bind them to a master power switch)

    P.S. and as correctly said one message above - we need FT input for guns) I've wrote a code to fire guns when the target is more or less aimed at, just to understand that there is nowhere to put it)))

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison My problem with engine turning on but not turning off with a switch was simple as hell, and your link explained it completeley - its just that a parameter "interactionType" was not added to the switch and by default it equals "once" when i needed "toggle". Please add this parameter to GUI

    Thanks a lot again. The game has really became exactly what i was waiting for! Now i basically can do almost anything i wished

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison thanks a lot, ill take a look. It still seems the way i did it doesnt look right, even working. I'll try to find out whether it is me or some kind of a glitch that a variable sticks at 1 and i had to use second variable, a button and an ft code to reset it

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.5 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick to me it actually got much less laggy. There is one my plane that for some reasons was always lagging - now it almost literaly flies)))

  • Textured Fuselage Block 3.9 years ago

    It is somewhat difficult to use, but it is very powerful.
    Can i make some wishes?
    1) button to fix points on crossection editor in place, so they do not move when moving other points
    2) numerical inputs... (i now it is possible in XML editor, but usually it loads too long for this type of a part)


  • Can a Rotator/piston return to 0 when AG is deactivated? 3.9 years ago

    @ConnorB same block as input, right after it. like in example below

  • Semedian Beribus CAC542-100LR "Sea Otter" 4.1 years ago

    @SemedianIndustries thanks, i'll try and report the result

  • Thrust, Drag and max Speed 6.8 years ago

    Totally agree. It seems that engines do not lost power with height, both jets and props. It makes it difficult to find a ballance. For example, i'm making a racing p-51 with learjet wings (one guy made 2 of them in 1980s) - in reality - it was able to reach crasy 800+ km/h in low altitude. But if i make it possible - it goes supersonic in high altitude. If i make it subsonic in high altitude - it barely manages 500 km/h below 1000 m. I also think that drag is overestimated ingame - real size and weight planes cant glide at all.

  • Could anybody help me plz? 6.8 years ago

    Help with what?

  • Focke-Wulf Triebflugel 6.8 years ago

    It's a pity that it seems hard to fly probably only due to game engine limitations. But it's still awesome! Would like to spotlight, but don't know why i can't.

  • Can a Rotator/piston return to 0 when AG is deactivated? 7.2 years ago

    @Kerbango So, if anybody needs, the string is simple:

    zeroOnDeactivate="true" in a InputController.State section, like following:

    <Part id="13135" partType="HingeRotator-1" position="-5.538485,4.061267,-6.644369" rotation="2.502312,150.2056,266.8441" drag="0.0005835054,0.0005835054,0.002,0.002,0.04119694,0.001085937" materials="3,3,3" scale="0.2999999,0.3,0.3">
    <InputController.State activationGroup="1" invert="true" min="0" max="1" input="Activate3" zeroOnDeactivate="true" />
    <JointRotator.State range="20" speed="0.2" />

    It allowed me to make flawless 3 input interceptors, so when i activate em as ground spoilers at full deployment, it cancels out input as inflight airbrakes (half deployment), and when they are used as airbrakes, it changes roll control in spoileron mod, so instead of moving a spoiler further up for roll (it is barely rolls the plane when spoilers deployed), it instead closes the spoiler on the opposite side. You'll see the mechanism when i finish my Convair CV-880

  • Real working artificial horizon v0.9 7.3 years ago

    cant still solve a problem - when you gain speed above 300-400 mph, the ball starts floating towards the camera and out of the box...

  • Sachsen-class Battleship 7.3 years ago

    @DemoNn Dam you re right. I missed the mid turret completely) But for Konig - it misses front funel anyway. Its more like bayern with a turret in place of a funnel. And you are also right, Sachsen was third in a series by the date it was laid down.

    btw, i still have a Konig (actually, a Grosser Kurfurst) class model somwhere in my old apt.


    heres a photo, i ve made it RC

  • FIAT 500 with Lupin the 3rd ver1.0 7.6 years ago

    Great model and a great movie))

    well may be only Daisuke's ass is not so great ;)

  • A bomb exploding at the water surface 7.9 years ago

    brilliant idea!

  • XML help needed for engine exhaust size 7.9 years ago

    My god, i just realised i ve spent 240 parts on 4 engines alone, without a plane itself =]]
