This tank was never used in World War One. It was used in the beginning on World War Two during the Battle of France, where they were practically invulnerable to current German AT weaponry. Unfortunately, the tank by itself wasn’t enough to stop the Germans from taking France.
Nice! I must point out that the ERA we supplied is called Aegis G3. Archangel VII is the composite armor system (unless I forgot I supplied that) other than that it's very well done and thoroughly written!
It's 1942, which means:
ERA isn't feasible or even a concept
120mm guns are unnecessary, anything between 80-100mm caliber guns would suffice
The 12.7mm gun is in a RCWS mount, a pintle would be more accurate
This is a 1960-70s vehicle, not a 1930s designed, 1940s adopted vehicle.
It's an IFV. The turret has two men in it. The turret doesn't have to be big to mount a gun as small as a 30mm. If it was say a 57 or 76mm, I would agree
Amazing story
I love it! Have you considered an MGS version like the M1128?
That is, if it’s hit on the front slope. If it was the roof or engine deck he tank is screwed. @PyrusEnderhunter
Look, a competent tank design. Well done.
@PyrusEnderHunter the gun is different, but it’s kept in the same mount as the M172 to ease maintenance
@FlyingFishTank thanks!
May I use this?
This tank was never used in World War One. It was used in the beginning on World War Two during the Battle of France, where they were practically invulnerable to current German AT weaponry. Unfortunately, the tank by itself wasn’t enough to stop the Germans from taking France.
@TemDesBur we tell the truth. 9,900 troops died.
@TemDesBur Of course the stats are from a government office, where everything is more censored that the Soviets ever did.
@jamesPLANESii thank you! It was a several day endeavor
“Actus non Verba”
UDCs motto and quite fitting to the actions of the 38th Mechanized.
If someone were to port over the WW2 Destroyer, would the flak mechanic work? I'd love to shoot down planes myself.
Nice! I must point out that the ERA we supplied is called Aegis G3. Archangel VII is the composite armor system (unless I forgot I supplied that) other than that it's very well done and thoroughly written!
Heck you should make a story on the M9 smoothbore itself. Nice tank I must say I like the turret.
Noice. I will note the Destrier's nickname is simply "Scandal" and is used as a radio designation
96 or 97% eclipse here in NC
I'll take them. We aren't really interested in the Commando.
@Waemoth can I use the turret? You'll get credit.
Are you making a modless version?
I wouldn't say Nazi insignia, that is the German Cross. Great tank though!
@DankDorito np. You should write a description for it.
It looks like it belongs in the sixties, not the forties
It's 1942, which means:
ERA isn't feasible or even a concept
120mm guns are unnecessary, anything between 80-100mm caliber guns would suffice
The 12.7mm gun is in a RCWS mount, a pintle would be more accurate
This is a 1960-70s vehicle, not a 1930s designed, 1940s adopted vehicle.
Just my opinion, still a cool tank
A 120mm for WW2 makes no sense, a 75-90mm gun would make sense. And it looks like it's from 1944, not the late thirties
Could you make one with detached cockpit?
@Pilotmario that hatch looks great!
@Supercraft888 no problem!
@General360 thanks!
4, the main protagonists name was Recker
This is the in game Bomber. Sorry dude.
That said. I have a huge respect for the T-90, and we know that rare for a guy like me who loves the Abrams
@Aaron2107 plus why give a country in a civil war top of the line standard issue equipment? That would be like the Russians giving the Syrians T-14s
99.9% chance that it was an older Abrams with a 105mm gun and no DU armor
My father has an SKS. Family heirloom. Hasn't been shot on over 15-20 years lol. It's actually a Type 58 Chinese SKS.
@DisferGoatz thanks!
@Swiftsure thanks! But no, this isn't real.
It's an IFV. The turret has two men in it. The turret doesn't have to be big to mount a gun as small as a 30mm. If it was say a 57 or 76mm, I would agree
@Pilotmario edited.
Thanks @Testin123
@SunFire if only the part count was lower :(
Different turret and my own gun. It's part of a family of vehicles.
Looks great!