I just discovered that, using the rotator setup you figured out for you camera operated turret(range set to 10°, InputControler min & max set to 0.1) but using targetHeading & targetElevation as the input, you can make work an auto-aim turret, but without the enormously complex funky trees coding that all other auto-aim systems uses, aka, a auto-aim system that anyone can make. I might even make a post about this.
Fun fact: my brute force method of disabling the turrets is making a location right between them, when spawning a cockpit with a bomb above it in that spot. When the bomb drops, it takes out the turrets
The name for a character of mine, that has long since since gotten a different one. I've thought a few times of changing it, but frankly, I probably won't anytime soon.
For the swarming issue, I tent to make simple enemy aircraft with a low processing cost, so you can spawn a ton of them and it won't cause too much lag.
As for the lack of a gun reticle, this might offer a way to solve that issue(notice the third screenshot).
I am pleased to see SimplePlanes getting a revamp. I only ask a few things.
1. A part that allows the creation of custom guided weapons, as while the adaptation of missiles into guided bombs/drones does work, is isn't perfect, and can even cause glitches.
2. Will the multiplayer mode be able to be disabled(I was always satisfied with just spawning A.I opponents)?
3. Will, at the very minimum, the Overload and Fine Tuner mods be carried over to the new SimplePlanes(adapted to work with it of course)?
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG @LunarEclipseSP
Just letting you know, keep an eye on this post, it shows all Skypark weapons and their numbers and status. I think it may be important with hostilities about to begin again.
I have a slightly complicated solution. Basically I make a custom location right between the missile turrets, then make a build that's just a bomb sitting high enough to cause it to explode when allowed to fall, then spawn said build in that custom location, destroying the turrets. Its a bit hairy, but it gets to job done.
I can see how one could get the chase view locking circle(just put a camera some distance behind the aircraft), but how'd you get that inner circle, & it's ability to track targets?
+6When is the next update coming out?
Yes, but, how??
Show us how you did is, please. 🙂
+5Add an option to fuselage blocks(block, hollow, and inlet) editor that lets us make custom front and back shapes(Triangles, hexagons, SR-71 etc..).
+5It's time everyone find out what Skypark can really do. >:)
+4I just discovered that, using the rotator setup you figured out for you camera operated turret(range set to 10°, InputControler min & max set to 0.1) but using
as the input, you can make work an auto-aim turret, but without the enormously complex funky trees coding that all other auto-aim systems uses, aka, a auto-aim system that anyone can make. I might even make a post about this.Yeeeess! Someone points out that low part count doesn't mean low quality.
Do a house. If aircraft and tanks can race, why not buildings?
+3Actually, the quintuplane did exist in real life, only with a different wing arrangement.
+3How on earth did you make the shield strong enough to resist missiles??
+3Is it possible you could show me how to make the FT guided weapons?
Fun fact: my brute force method of disabling the turrets is making a location right between them, when spawning a cockpit with a bomb above it in that spot. When the bomb drops, it takes out the turrets
Pollen, my nemesis.
+2Skypark is ready for war.
Something new and terrible is about to be unleashed.
+2I do plan on releasing some content that'll show the drones aren't bright enough to do something like that(especially one).
I'm kinda liking this lineup of anomalies(now I'm wanting to join in). 👍
+2Hmm, I've never made the first upvote before. 🤔
+2The name for a character of mine, that has long since since gotten a different one. I've thought a few times of changing it, but frankly, I probably won't anytime soon.
+2Wait, so true and false are inputs?
+2This is inspiring me.
For the swarming issue, I tent to make simple enemy aircraft with a low processing cost, so you can spawn a ton of them and it won't cause too much lag.
As for the lack of a gun reticle, this might offer a way to solve that issue(notice the third screenshot).
+2Alright, for real, what on earth are you trying to comment?
+2How did you make the energy wings???
+2defiant scoff - Tester
Expect Purifier, Omitter, Compiler, & Observer Zero in the near future.
+2I'm considering getting back into mecha building, especially since IanYashima is gone. I always yearned to make mecha like his.
+2I am pleased to see SimplePlanes getting a revamp. I only ask a few things.
+21. A part that allows the creation of custom guided weapons, as while the adaptation of missiles into guided bombs/drones does work, is isn't perfect, and can even cause glitches.
2. Will the multiplayer mode be able to be disabled(I was always satisfied with just spawning A.I opponents)?
3. Will, at the very minimum, the Overload and Fine Tuner mods be carried over to the new SimplePlanes(adapted to work with it of course)?
@Majakalona @TheUltimatePlaneLover
+2Gleipnirs, gentlemen(aka giant flying thermobaric weapon systems).
Yeah, Kvochur's bell leaves you pretty vulnerable to guns.
+2@FOXHOUND26 @MonarchiiwithastolenMG
Is is weird that this war has become has confusing as real ones?
+2Rabbit Day.
+2Skypark has struck.
I'll be posting my update very soon.
+2Are you considering in becoming an ally of the Stratocracy of Skypark? :)
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG @LunarEclipseSP
+2Just letting you know, keep an eye on this post, it shows all Skypark weapons and their numbers and status. I think it may be important with hostilities about to begin again.
@Yish42 Or make war on those attacking Monarchii. Or be my ally for my upcoming operation(so many possibilities....).
+2You mean to tell me a war broke out, and nobody told me?! I've been itching to get involved in one, and war challenges have gone extinct!
+2I've heard that song, and I kinda like it.
+2I remember making one, though under a different name.
+2What's the code you used for the description?
+2That isn't a pencil.
+2Yrros, tahw?
+2Don't know how well the mods will take this.
+2Impressive, I'll say
However, I may be making aircraft that might be able to challenge it...
+2I have a slightly complicated solution. Basically I make a custom location right between the missile turrets, then make a build that's just a bomb sitting high enough to cause it to explode when allowed to fall, then spawn said build in that custom location, destroying the turrets. Its a bit hairy, but it gets to job done.
You're correct. 👍
+2@ZurielXD @TheTomatoLover
+2I most definitely agree.
Looks fine to me. I'm also a fan of anime mech design.
+2I can see how one could get the chase view locking circle(just put a camera some distance behind the aircraft), but how'd you get that inner circle, & it's ability to track targets?
Mobile friendly tanks with 'working' tracks, at long last.👍👍