3,160 GenericWhiteGuy Comments

  • Sputnik 1 6.6 years ago

    "Sputnik 1, also known as the Sputnik 1"

  • fully mechanical car 11 months ago

    holy shit

  • Diamondback 300 6.3 years ago

    This thing can take a seriously rough landing, love it!

  • Not a flamethrower 6.4 years ago

    Y-your dog seems sick. It's puking piss and blood. And it's got this weird tube going.... Nvm.

  • Scyther 6.5 years ago

    Thank you!

  • SAM Launcher 6.5 years ago

    On the surface he's smiling. But deep down he wishes it would all end. Our thoughts and prayers to SAM.

  • Abusing Simple Planes Physics 6.5 years ago

    You might not like it, but this is what the peak performance male body looks and functions like.

  • super star destroyer star wars 6.6 years ago

    The little fleet that follows it is pretty cool!

  • Despacito 4 6.6 years ago

    You may not like it, but this is what the perfect male\female body looks like. This is the last stage of of human evolution and not even God himself knows what how to make it any better. Perfect aerodynamics mixed in with that sexy sleek body with some shine on the side. Aliens havent visited us merely because they are scared to learn, and scared we'd put them in shame for their wrinkled skin. This is truly, what turns the frogs gay... Beautiful.

  • Airbus A-420 6.6 years ago

    Why thank you.

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    That's pretty neat!

  • RM 262 P (Luxury Interior) 6.3 years ago

    This truly does deserve more attention. This is really good looking.
    Well done!

  • AH-4 Dragonfly (non mobile friendly) 6.3 years ago

    @diegoavion84 Ty!

  • AH-4 Dragonfly (non mobile friendly) 6.3 years ago

    @Hyattorama Yea.

  • Maxair Hummer 150 6.4 years ago

    Hey! A fun and cool plane as always. And the LG jigglyness is completely fine.
    Keep it up!

  • Transformer Jet Bike (fully functional robot and bike, robot flys too.) 6.4 years ago

    Okay, you've seriously out done yourself. This is amazing and transforms nicely both ways. Also the overall looks are really well done. Idk it just looks and works great ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Keep it up!
    Only thing is that the gyro is a bit much when pitching. Either add another jet that activates when transformed or make the gyro a bit weaker. Nonetheless a great build!
    And you should get the XML editor mod. It's a really great tool. If you need any help with that ask me or anyone else in the community. There are plenty of great people more than willing to help with anything. As far as I've seen at least.

    Take care

  • Vickers Type 161 6.4 years ago

    This is really cool. I'm not that into planes and haven't seen that kind of prop placement, which is pretty neat imo. Although the prop seems to tend to kill itself when I pitch too hard. I fixed it by simply disabling aircraft collisions on the propeller. And not sure about that gun/cannon angle. I ain't a great enough pilot to down someone with this complexity :D Great build nonetheless. Love this!
    It truly is a shame that I can't spotlight your stuff.
    Take care.

  • Elitch Tomboy update 6.4 years ago

    Okay, I'd love to work on the heli on a computer where I could run it a bit better, but I have no idea how to set up the payment stuff and stuff on steam :p And the heli isn't good enough to upload yet. and idk real life stuff's in the way kinda. and then some. I'm a busy bee.

  • GWG-T20 6.4 years ago

    @CruzerBlade Ty!

  • Elitch Tomboy update 6.4 years ago

    Looks great! Only that I do not yet possess a computer. I will get one this week, but I haven't a clue when I'll be able to get SimplePlanes on it. Till then I'll upvote for the pictures.
    Oh and I also re evaluated my life choices and continued building my helicopter that I released a while ago. Take care.

  • OT ATS battleship MK2 6.4 years ago

    @DarkRainbow2 Ty!

  • Lavochkin La-9 USSR 6.4 years ago

    I'm sad that I'm not able to turn it, but the cockpit looks lit as heck. Heh. Wonderful screenshots, and an even more wonderful plane!

  • GWG-T20 6.4 years ago

    @DarkRainbow2 Ty!

  • Blurry Eyes (update) 6.4 years ago

    Beautiful creation. Also love how the rolling looks and how the main wing's parts just bend individually one more than the last. And yes. You should be proud of yourself. 👍

  • GWG-T20 6.4 years ago

    @Hyattorama Made my morning. Really thank you.

  • Birds? 6.4 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot Can't help it ¯_(ツ)_/ ¯

  • GWG-T20 6.4 years ago

    @Mustang51 Appreciate the feedback. And thank you!

  • Birds? 6.4 years ago

    @HistoricBirds "Hmm. That engine didn't have a bird in it a second ago. The world truly is a wonderful place"

  • Birds? 6.4 years ago

    @CursedFlames understandable.
    And uhh. Fried birds, anyone?

  • Quicksilver Sprint 250 (last fix I promise) 6.4 years ago

    @Hyattorama that'd be cool.

  • Quicksilver Sprint 250 (last fix I promise) 6.4 years ago

    Flies well and can take a hard landing like no other. Would love to see you make a weaponized plane with this kind of style 🤷. Wonderful craft.

  • GWG-01 Tornado 6.4 years ago

    @CruzerBlade ty!

  • Macchi M.C. 72 6.4 years ago

    @Hyattorama no-no, it's ight I'm gonna buy a computer soon anyway. So I'll play em' in the future. In a week or two that is. I hope.

  • Macchi M.C. 72 6.4 years ago

    Can't fly this in high phys, and keeps evaporating in low. But it looks cool. I'm sure it flies just fine.

  • GWG-01 Tornado 6.4 years ago

    @FastDan ty!

  • GWG-01 Tornado 6.4 years ago

    @Hyattorama Thank you so much! Made my night. I might've rushed a bit with the upload. I'm re working the wings right now to make them smoother. I might end up removing this post and re uploading the newer version in it's place.

  • Pioneer01-Gunship 6.4 years ago

    Not the best flying controls, but the looks are definitely on the more badass side of things.

  • Flamethrower MK-1 6.4 years ago

    Okay this is legit cool. Sadly not big enough to give this any more attention that it deserves :v

  • LAF-3 6.4 years ago

    Overkill indeed, love it!

  • U3 - Estonian anti-ship cannon (w recoil) 6.4 years ago

    Thank you all!!

  • Hughes H-1 6.4 years ago

    Wish I was big enough to spotlight this.

  • Sarnnox Skyslicer VI 6.4 years ago

    This was quite enjoyable to fly. And I don't even like jets that much!

  • T-55 6.4 years ago

    A nice realistic house pet. I appreciate your service.

  • Autocannon w recoil 6.4 years ago

    @TheCreatorandDestroyer99 ty!

  • Harold Z8 6.4 years ago

    @Hyattorama Ty for the compliment. But I'm not sure with what you mean by prop strike. My plane-o terminology isn't that great.

  • Harold Z8 6.4 years ago

    Okay the 420 parts was not intended. 🤷

  • Harold Z8 6.4 years ago

    @Hyattorama Made it look neater.

  • A helicopter 6.4 years ago

    @Dikey Ty!

  • Red spray can 6.4 years ago

    @Hyattorama W-what do you mean "weird" it's an immobile spray can which can destroy a ship within seconds. It's completely normal and this is what spray cans sould be used for, proved by this. This is the future of ground warfare. This is a... a spray can.

  • OT ATS battleship MK2 6.4 years ago

    @Spacedoge12345plane yes
