15.5k Kangy Comments

  • SP died today 1.3 years ago

    uhm ogey

  • guys what one is your favorite 1.3 years ago

    i lofe hapy hugy wugy looj how hafy he id!!!!!!!!!

  • Name Change #2? 1.4 years ago

    @Pan relatively at your age sure
    You’ll be surprised how quick life moves.

  • Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat 1.4 years ago

    This is a really good build!
    The nose’s scoop inlet is really good, most hellcats on the site should use this technique but don’t.
    I’m glad you’ve left the gap between the verti stab and the tail, again most hellcats here miss such details.
    The gear is also amazing to see done properly, a hellcat is possibly one of the toughest subjects to properly replicate in sp due to that.
    The canopy and spine of the fuselage is very well done too.
    One thing I think should be done in future is some of the more minute external details such as some of the aerials atop the spine around half a metre from the rear of the canopy, there’s a few other things but I wont gargle on I think my point is made.
    Haven’t flown it yet so I won’t comment on the FM.
    Great work Anton!

  • What happened to BogdanX? 1.4 years ago

    he’s had health complications for a while now
    Plus no one has heard from him anywhere else. So yeah no one really knows

  • "Swallow" from Race The Sun 1.5 years ago

    one of my childhood games :))

  • Simpleplanes is neglected. 1.5 years ago

    the game is old
    runs on an old build of unity which makes things hard to work with
    i agree that its neglected, but at the same time, sp2 has been talked of, so i think that's probably the right direction for this game to take.

  • An important announcement regarding curation. 1.5 years ago

    Fair well man, you'll do great wherever you go!
    I'm kind of shocked with this news, I feel like this news should've been brought by the devs rather than you.
    Hopefully we see something soon about it

  • Why are replicas so popular? 1.5 years ago

    its hard to make a fictitious build seem realistic. plus replicas are super recognisable, and much easier to build

  • guh tank 1.5 years ago

    new war thun update

  • Where is BogdanX? 1.6 years ago

    he has had some health complications recently, i advise we leave him be and wish him well.

  • Say Oh No! Anyway if you're a man and not trans 1.6 years ago

    He left
    Leave him be. He’s got a lot of problems in his life right now.

  • Map editor leaked 1.6 years ago

    this is the most edited map of all time
    i cannot believe a five year old (wallfish age 5) achieved this level of detail

  • AI Drone 1.8 years ago

    thid buil is so goo becaus recces builted it in his gara whist seepig 😀😀

  • republic f105 thunderchief [TEASER] 1.8 years ago

    i'm a thud pilot

  • Cardboard Tornado 1.9 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf i thikm it id siplepanes 4 (lije foor) (4) actuayl becuads it id so adancef

  • Hawker Hurricane Mk.1A 1.9 years ago

    @AntonWings Hey if you're making something it's better than nothing right?
    Hope you're well

  • Hawker Hurricane Mk.1A 1.9 years ago

    Welcome back my friend!
    As always a lovely build

  • [CAUTION] SEVERE MEMETIC HAZARD AHEAD (People with OCD beware) 2.0 years ago

    As a person with ears

  • Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress remaster 2.0 years ago

    boing fying fortred

  • SimplePlanes - Player Content Feature #17 2.1 years ago

    it would be really cool if you could link to all the builds in a pinned comment

  • FW300 10.3 2.1 years ago

    @HololiveFan I’ve read the rules
    This is appropriate as it is based within the time period that Germany was under the third reich.
    So please, leave it be.

  • SimplePlanes stream 2.1 years ago

    vincn do livstrem on elicpy WEHAG/?!???!?!

  • F-22A Raptor V2.0 2.1 years ago

    it’s 2022 and people still care about random people’s (you’ve probably never met them before irl by the way) interests
    Grow up lmao this isn’t twitter it’s an Indie game about making vehicles.

  • AUSSIE POWER 2.2 years ago

    righto dimmo let’s git home and grab some tucka now mate

  • is it against the rules ? 2.3 years ago

    in all seriousness it's not like it matters like it's just fake internet points

  • Sukhoi SU-27KUB (SU-33UB) 2.3 years ago

    yay grog upload

  • F9G-1A Mustang 2.3 years ago

    interesting design

  • Eurocopter Tiger 2.3 years ago

    um, the raaf doesn't have helicopters. only the army does
    other than that though this is really good

  • F-14B Tomcat V1.0 2.3 years ago

    f14 tocat!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Something is coming 2.3 years ago


  • We need more realistic flares! 2.3 years ago

    the 'modern' weapon systems need an update in general - they're far too unrealistic unless you modify it

  • Super Wasp Top Gun Maverick 2.4 years ago

    omg it's mavicks wap from dji top gum mavrik!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Alisa 2.4 years ago

    no way i never upvoted this wth

  • Who made the default planes? 2.5 years ago

    @rexzion im sad ther no recion no pipne

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk VB 2.5 years ago

    Looks are good
    It feels like you barely read my feedback though.
    This thing safely lands at speeds the mustang would even be told to go around at

  • BAe Hawk 200 2.5 years ago

    We wish you well Otaku.

  • F/A-18E -Maverick- V1.6 2.6 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer You stand out to me from other builders now, for one great reason, you're committed to the experience that the user has.
    I'm so glad to hear you'll update the XML :)
    Tag me when she's ready :)

  • Snow Maps Bug 2.6 years ago

    Nah they were just lazy lol. @Bellcat

  • F8U-1P 2.6 years ago

    landing on the carrier was pretty sucky
    looks good tho

  • Description of Reshade 2.7 years ago

    one thing i hate about sp is that reflections are based on an image of that really weird bit on wright island and even reshade doesn't fix it (i think)

  • CAC Boomerang 2.7 years ago


  • Why do I never get upvotes? 2.7 years ago

    @ColonelCanada call your builds 'effort'
    i've spent hours making this
    yet here we are, with a barely finished build, really poor techniques, and i'm probably going to remake this anyway.

  • New maps please 2.7 years ago

    We just need a whole new game at this rate.
    It'd be cheaper than reworking the current state of the game - I mean it's really old now and SR2 updates come easier than SP ones do.

  • Ive given up….. 2.7 years ago

    @CarrotSlicingCompanyCat pull apart other people's builds, learn better techniques, use blueprints and scale them etc
    from looking at some of your other builds you've got a lot going for you, get the looks right first, then work on the flight model once you've got the basic fuselage down

  • VTOL Challenge 2.7 years ago

    *straight forward
    the description has a minor spelling mistake (i win)

  • 25 Part Draken 2.7 years ago

    @BeastHunter no one asked

  • im ready to join spmc 2.7 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii elitist is a good word to describe it lol
    loads of talented builders here - never to be recognized by it for some 'unknown' reason
