17.5k Ku Comments

  • [FT SAM] RIM-116 Rolling-Airframe Missile 5 months ago

    @Ashdenpaw1 In game this thing is able to target anything that can be targeted
    IRL these are more like missile interceptors or point defense weapons

  • [FT SAM] RIM-116 Rolling-Airframe Missile 5 months ago

    @localf15enjoyer yes but does it roll and track by FT?
    Rolling-Airframe Missile isn’t an exclusive name to the RIM-116, but a type of missile flight control and that is what i am claiming to have achieved first.

  • [FT SAM] RIM-116 Rolling-Airframe Missile 5 months ago

    @overlord5453 @TheMouse @Marulk @Graingy @Boeing727200F

  • [ Misc. ] Reaction Image. 6 months ago

    As per my last email

  • [FT AAM] Spear MK.1 6 months ago

    @CorporalWojak Yes, but it's a little more complicated than drag and drop...

    1. go inside the missile and find the flight computer, detach it and save it as sub-assembly

    2. take the missile with the pylon and save it as sub-assembly

    3. go to your new plane and attach the missile where u want

    4. attach the corresponding flight computer to the missile, preferably inside and aligned with the center of the missile.

    5. Copy in all of the variables from this plane

    If you did these steps your missile should in theory work. It's a little bit of a process and kinda hard to explain without going into why you need to do each steps

  • [AI Heli] Mi-2 6 months ago


  • Pagani Utopia 6 months ago

    @windshifter1 I would appreciate if you share the preset file with me! Find me on discord @kuatta4

  • Simple RWR 6 months ago

    @Zillyguy2 yes it does; it is displayed as a SAM ping

  • Okratovsk-5 8 months ago

    @liuzehao did u press the correct buttons?
    And did u press the fireweapons button, even though it doesn’t light up?

  • [FT AAM] Spear MK.1 8 months ago

    @llDeadboyll try flying the missile manually with pitch roll yaw and etc. If you can’t even fly the missile straight by urself the funky trees code is gonna have a hard time doing it

    If that isn’t the problem then ur code is 100% the problem

  • [FT AAM] Spear MK.1 8 months ago

    @Ku or more specifically
    the missile tracks the elevation of the target by aligning the pitch angle of the missile to a calculated pitch angle that will enable the missile to hit the target
    if the missile is too low to the ground, the calculated pitch angle will simple become 0 and make the missile fly level, thus avoiding going into the water

  • [FT AAM] Spear MK.1 8 months ago

    @llDeadboyll when the AltitudeAgl approaches sea level the missile levels out to avoid going in the water.

  • Is there a remotely simple way to get a rotator to respond to angle of attack? 9 months ago

    @OrangeConnor2 did the elevator completely not respond or did not respond in the way you wanted

    If the elevator completely stop moving you may have a typo in the input

    If it’s just not responding in the way you wanted, as I said, mess around with the number

  • [SCRAPPED][ MSL ] THAAD - Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense 9 months ago

    Hi @Monarchii , do you think I can take over this project and see if I can make it work? I will credit you again for the missile design when it comes out

  • The first ballistic missile that is a fighter 9 months ago

    @Otana absolutely
    Talk to me on discord @kuatta4

  • KC 300 MK.2 9 months ago

    @SatanIsMyPookie999 crazy

  • Project nearing completion: looking for testers! 9 months ago

    This looks awsome btw

  • Project nearing completion: looking for testers! 9 months ago

    I can test and make screenshots

  • differential braking help 9 months ago

    The wheels in this game work very weirdly in that if you use Brake, it will brake every wheel on the plane no matter what and you can't change that. What I'd do is install two car engines and connect a wheel to each one. Then you are going to make a funky trees code for each engine to activate and stop the wheel's RPM on command. For example, if I'm yawing left, the code would activate the left wheel/engine and the engine would trying and make the RPM of the left wheel 0, thus achieving braking.

    I've found that this is very useful in making parking brakes as well

  • [Poll] naming help 9 months ago


  • Variterra Archipelago 10 months ago

    @FlyingPatriot Hey I have a quick ask could you upload the map of the map again? The link said that the image is no longer available

  • Quick question: About helicopter control preference 10 months ago

    As a funky-trees purist:
    I would love to see an AI helicopter that I can use as target practice

  • Okratovsk-5 10 months ago

    @FlyingPatriot Give it some time perhapes.

    I personally love the map though! It would be even better if I had AI to shoot at

  • Okratovsk-5 10 months ago

    @Tingly06822 I see, thanks for the heads up! updating the XML now.

  • Okratovsk-5 10 months ago

    @Alternation Perhaps; again I did not originally make the airframe.

  • Okratovsk-5 10 months ago


  • YF-14A Tomcat Airshow Demo 11 months ago


  • FT Air-To-Air Missile, Aim-7M 11 months ago

    @Lorenzexe I will be re-making this missile in the near future with an attached installation guide. However, if you must know now:

    1. Go inside the missiles, take the flight computer out, and save it as a sub assembly
    2. Take the entire missile (that now has no flight computer) with the pylon and save it as an sub assembly
    3. Copy all of the expressions and corresponding names in the variables menu and save it somewhere (for ex google docs)
    4. Go the the plane you intend to mount the missile on and mount the missiles
    5. Now mount the flight computers on the missile
    6. Copy in all the variables

  • How to stop autopilot from overcorrecting? 11 months ago

    you make ur own Autopilot using PID controllers

  • [AI-MSL] Patsen AShM one year ago

    Do you think you can make target cruise/ballistic missiles? I would love to use them to test the capabilities of my funky tree missiles. I'm building a Patriot battery so I need something that can really stretch the capabilities of my missile to the max.

  • Airbus A300B2-202 Eastern Airlines one year ago

    @Mal0ne ah yes am stupeed

  • How is everyone and what are you building rn in SP one year ago

    A lot of bombs

    Guided by funky trees

  • Okratovsk-3 1.1 years ago

    @Monarchii hey I am interested in using your helicopter to mount funky trees guided weapons in the near future, perhaps as a test bed for a replica AGM 114 Hellfire Missile. Do you think I would be able to publish it with this helicopter carrying it and I would fully credit you?

  • Simple RWR 1.2 years ago

    @pram1234 Did you go into Air to Air or Air to Ground mode and select a target?

    If you did try installing the whole thing again and make sure that you are moving the entire thing together

  • Simple RWR 1.2 years ago

    @Jackty how so?

  • FT SAM, RIM-7 M 1.2 years ago

    @llDeadboyll I could but most SLBM are just that, Ballistic Missiles; the Simpleplanes map is simply not big enough for that kind of missile to be useful since they usually have ranges of thousands of kms, and the sp map is at maximum 300 km in either direction. Not to mention i have no experience with building submarines.

  • FT Air-To-Air Missile, HYAM MK.2 1.2 years ago

    @Federico050312 First you have to to into Air-to-Air mode and select a target

    Then, so you know how the button which you fire missiles and drop bombs with is greyed out because you technically didn't lock on to anything? Just press it anyways when you get near a target and the missile will launch

  • FT Air-To-Air Missile, HYAM MK.2 1.2 years ago

    @Federico050312 don't worry about trying to shoot it like the default missile, just press left Alt or hold the fireweapons button on mobile (even if it's not lit up)

  • FT Air-To-Air Missile, HYAM MK.2 1.2 years ago

    @Federico050312 Could I get a more detailed description of how it doesn't work?

  • How to disable smoke from missles 1.2 years ago

    @heylongboi 30 ish each

  • How to disable smoke from missles 1.2 years ago

    You could use one of my Funky Trees Guided Bombs :)

  • Simple RWR 1.2 years ago

    @xYoshii_ Might make that happen

  • FT Air-To-Air Missile, HYAM MK.2 1.3 years ago

    @Fighter119Su35 Are you on mobile? If you are you need to open your weapons selection, tap on the name of the missile to select it (even though it will say unavailable) and then press Fire Weapons while you are within range of the target.

  • Next Funky Trees Missile Project 1.4 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO I believe I read from somewhere that it does

  • FT Air-To-Air Missile, Aim-7M 1.6 years ago

    @Dracul0Anderson There is the possibility, however, I'm not sure how many people are actually interested in learning how to make such things given how much foundational knowledge they would have to be taught.

  • FT Guided Bomb KGB 3000 MK.1 1.8 years ago

    @BraxtonSkipper What part of it does not work

  • FT Guided Bomb KGB 3000 MK.1 1.8 years ago

    I did not expect this to blow up over night

    pun intended

  • Funky trees guided bomb demo 1.9 years ago

    Will be releasing within this week with some final adjustments to flight model and launch authorization parameters, and strapping two more bombs onto the plane.

    T for tag when released

  • How to remove wobble on Hinge Rotator 2.2 years ago

    In Overload, go to JointRoator page, then you're gonna add a property called damperMultiplier and then increase this value as much as you need

  • So Jundroo accidentally added 1 part custom images to the game... 3.0 years ago

    Hi, the code works now, but where do I find the sub-assembelie folder on my PC? I've opened the Simpleplanes folder through Steamapps->common->Simpleplanes, but I scrouged through every file and could not find anything called "sub-assembelies" or any file that can potientially contain my sub-assembelies in my game right now.