You first need to use a joy stick base to connect the yoke and mess with the rotation axis
Then, in your custom yoke model, you need to add the "Cylinder Grips" somewhere along the yoke so that you can actually grab the yoke. Unfortunately, you cannot change the shape of the Cylinder Grips so just try your best at integrating it into the Model
Most importantly There are two properties you need to add to the grips in the overload menu under "Posed Grip", those should be "screenYPositionAxisMap" and "screenXRotationAxisMap" and the values for them should be "0,0,1" and "0,0,-1" respectively. These will actually allow the Cylinder Grips to be grabbed by the player and be moved in the two axis.
Play around with the overload values/properties of the default yoke and the cylinder grip to see what you need to add and fine tune
Indeed screenshots are a big factor; they don't have to be clickbaity or meme-fied but having a professional one with reshade will take you a long way. You also can add gifs, just only in the description.
But yes it is what it is; for me as long as one person found my build and understood the amount of effort I put into it, it was worth it at the end. My philosophy is that I don't post for likes/upvotes, I post to practice and challenge my engineering skills.
@F8boa i haven’t experienced failure of detonation myself, it may be that the missile just didn’t get close enough to the target to detonate since the proximity fuse is set very close
And i didn’t make a sub assembly and publish the code since it is quite complex to move the missile around, and i don’t foresee anyone really needing it since not many planes actually used it in real life.
@OrderlyHippo Well see the games gives you the heading distance and the elevation of the target you have selected, and so that's how I can calculate where the target is without using an in game missile to lock onto it. You can also do it with memory variables by setting priorities to the variables (They are basically activation groups but instead of the value returning to 0 when they are deactivated they freeze thus making them permanently that value until it activates again) but why would you do that when you can just slap a flight computer onto something and find the deviation between where the flight computer is, where your plane is, and where your target is. I can go on more but that's a little bit about how it works. As for the maffs I highly recommend you to learn some that is at least relevant to what you are going to make so that you can be interested and be educated at the same time. I also highly encourage you reverse engineer other people's work not only to see how the maths work but also how they get around the game's limitations, because that's at least half the battle coding in simpleplanes.
@waylaymythz someone already beat me to it. I think someone made an ultimate countermeasure to all missiles in game and it was posted like a month ago. It works well against my missiles to and I recommend u checking it out.
@UltravioletBlood a lot of trial and error. Make sure both the bomb and the fuselage section you intend for it to smash into have collision enabled, and it's just a matter of finding how far the bomb needs to be from the fuselage, how fast/far the piston needs to extend to squeeze the bomb to make it blow up, etc.
@ThomasRoderick no this finding is indeed based on wetted area of an object, because i tested this with only fuselage blocks. In addition, wings do not change the drag value the game displays to you. This is pure parasite drag. The total parasite drag must be found and added up with the wing profile drag and induced drag, then be non-dimensionalised by dividing it with dynamic pressure and wing area, giving you the overall drag coefficient of the aircraft.
@Monarchii I started to make Viper, the mech from Titanfall 2, but I'm not sure if I am willing to finish the frame by myself, as I am more interested in the funky trees and making it fly than anything
@snaffi it rly is not that hard as an aerospace engineering student, but perhaps more difficult for people who do not have the proper background. And no there is not currently a guide on how to make such things; however i am considering creating one in the future.
hi @Monarchii, ik you have already mentioned that it's free to use above but I would like to let you know that I would like to modify this heli into an ai target. If you have an objection to this please let me know. Otherwise, it is a very well handling helicopter and I think it will make a very good basis for an ai program.
first you need to go into the variables menu of your wheels and set a variable name for the RPM. I'm gonna use LRPM and RRPM to reference the left and right wheel RPM respectivley
Your code for the left engine is gonna look something like this abs(clamp(Yaw,-1,0))*PID(LRPM,0,1,0,0)
and right engine abs(clamp(Yaw,0,1))*PID(RRPM,0,1,0,0)
make sure that the engine is turning the wheel the right way and mess with the thrid term in the PID function to either make the braking stronger or shake the wheel less
This will make it so that for the first 3 seconds Activate 1 is activated it will output 1 (turns whatever you want on) and it will stop activating for 10 seconds and then repeat the process. Catch is that the activation group needs to be pressed down for it to recharge
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG Lol good luck. It's not that I don't have the technical know-how to make it, but I simply don't have time to make it right now, plus I never considered my builds to be aesthetically coherent or pleasing; perhaps someone else would do a better job at it.
@MonarchiiwithastolenMG Honestly if they can just fly around the map in big circles at high altitude at high speed, I'd be happy.
And yes a Hera or an Iskander or something would be amazing
@SuperSuperTheSylph This problem is fixed from my Aim-9 P missiles and beyond where i came up with a better fuse code that would actually reliably self destruct the missile after it misses. This missile is not popular enough for me to re-release it with a new code just yet.
@F8boa ofc it is possible, and yes you’d have to first disconnect all of the flight computers from the missile, save the launcher, then put it on ur own build, reconnect all the flight computers, and copy in the variables; not to mention this is over 600 parts by itself.
@BadahhMuscleCar001 what do u think
+4@MosquitowithaMachineGun Weather mod by MisterT. You can use one of the lower cloud settings in combination with Simpleplane's default sky box.
+3@MrCOPTY 500 lbs TNT equivalent produces 2.5 Mega Calories yes
Still no sugar though
+3You first need to use a joy stick base to connect the yoke and mess with the rotation axis
Then, in your custom yoke model, you need to add the "Cylinder Grips" somewhere along the yoke so that you can actually grab the yoke. Unfortunately, you cannot change the shape of the Cylinder Grips so just try your best at integrating it into the Model
Most importantly There are two properties you need to add to the grips in the overload menu under "Posed Grip", those should be "screenYPositionAxisMap" and "screenXRotationAxisMap" and the values for them should be "0,0,1" and "0,0,-1" respectively. These will actually allow the Cylinder Grips to be grabbed by the player and be moved in the two axis.
Play around with the overload values/properties of the default yoke and the cylinder grip to see what you need to add and fine tune
+3pretty much on track to making ur very own FT missiles
+2@KSB24 I would like to apply for membership of the Anti-Gyroscope Association (AGA) as the deputy chairmen on account of my creations
+2@Otana Hey remember when you asked me to finish the flight model of this thing? I finished it a while ago and you never got back to me on discord...
+2Too easy
+2In your pitch control, copy in this
mess around with the number at the end to get your desired result
Indeed screenshots are a big factor; they don't have to be clickbaity or meme-fied but having a professional one with reshade will take you a long way. You also can add gifs, just only in the description.
+2But yes it is what it is; for me as long as one person found my build and understood the amount of effort I put into it, it was worth it at the end. My philosophy is that I don't post for likes/upvotes, I post to practice and challenge my engineering skills.
POV war thunder lobby when there's F-14s
+2@F8boa i haven’t experienced failure of detonation myself, it may be that the missile just didn’t get close enough to the target to detonate since the proximity fuse is set very close
And i didn’t make a sub assembly and publish the code since it is quite complex to move the missile around, and i don’t foresee anyone really needing it since not many planes actually used it in real life.
+2@TouhouFan11 lol yes the fifth part is the cockpit which doesn’t count
And yes feel free to use it.
+2@Vulorian I had that idea but I can't find a good enough blue print for it yet.
+2@OrderlyHippo Well see the games gives you the heading distance and the elevation of the target you have selected, and so that's how I can calculate where the target is without using an in game missile to lock onto it. You can also do it with memory variables by setting priorities to the variables (They are basically activation groups but instead of the value returning to 0 when they are deactivated they freeze thus making them permanently that value until it activates again) but why would you do that when you can just slap a flight computer onto something and find the deviation between where the flight computer is, where your plane is, and where your target is. I can go on more but that's a little bit about how it works. As for the maffs I highly recommend you to learn some that is at least relevant to what you are going to make so that you can be interested and be educated at the same time. I also highly encourage you reverse engineer other people's work not only to see how the maths work but also how they get around the game's limitations, because that's at least half the battle coding in simpleplanes.
+2@SuperSuperTheSylph oh my bad lol
+1@waylaymythz Ofc
+1@waylaymythz someone already beat me to it. I think someone made an ultimate countermeasure to all missiles in game and it was posted like a month ago. It works well against my missiles to and I recommend u checking it out.
+1@UltravioletBlood a lot of trial and error. Make sure both the bomb and the fuselage section you intend for it to smash into have collision enabled, and it's just a matter of finding how far the bomb needs to be from the fuselage, how fast/far the piston needs to extend to squeeze the bomb to make it blow up, etc.
+1@ThomasRoderick no this finding is indeed based on wetted area of an object, because i tested this with only fuselage blocks. In addition, wings do not change the drag value the game displays to you. This is pure parasite drag. The total parasite drag must be found and added up with the wing profile drag and induced drag, then be non-dimensionalised by dividing it with dynamic pressure and wing area, giving you the overall drag coefficient of the aircraft.
+1@XEPOH It in fact, to some degree, does; it’s how physics work.
What kind of satisfactory result r u looking for?
+1@Ashdenpaw1 This was a known problem, as stated in the description.
+1@IMCI wdym
+1@XiaoPiao141 I never mentioned that it can detect missiles so no
+1@Monarchii I started to make Viper, the mech from Titanfall 2, but I'm not sure if I am willing to finish the frame by myself, as I am more interested in the funky trees and making it fly than anything
+1@CorporalWojak you get them from the variables menu
And it depends. If you are only using 1 missile you are going to copy past in every variable that ends with SP1 AND TLAT TLONG and TALT!!!
If you are using both missiles then copy in everything
+1Excellent screenshots! May I ask what reshade settings you use for these photos?
+1@snaffi it rly is not that hard as an aerospace engineering student, but perhaps more difficult for people who do not have the proper background. And no there is not currently a guide on how to make such things; however i am considering creating one in the future.
+1hi @Monarchii, ik you have already mentioned that it's free to use above but I would like to let you know that I would like to modify this heli into an ai target. If you have an objection to this please let me know. Otherwise, it is a very well handling helicopter and I think it will make a very good basis for an ai program.
+1will weapons be allowed to be added...
+1@OrangeConnor2 Overload Pitch input
+1I can potentially help you out with this
+1@F8boa @DatFiat126Fan19 @CaptainBrayden @MobileBuilder21
first you need to go into the variables menu of your wheels and set a variable name for the RPM. I'm gonna use
to reference the left and right wheel RPM respectivleyYour code for the left engine is gonna look something like this
and right engine
make sure that the engine is turning the wheel the right way and mess with the thrid term in the PID function to either make the braking stronger or shake the wheel less
+1@llDeadboyll My next big project is probably going to be a paper on how funky trees missiles work and how to make them.
+1@MobileBuilder21 no lol, I’ve always made planes, they were just never much good is all
More missiles coming soon
+1@UseGooglePlay yes everything is made by myself. Contact me on discord @kuatta4 and we can talk more about it there
+1You can also simply turn off main rotor torque, that will solve the issue of the heli sliding left and right while static
+1@ArshiyaKing dm me on discord @kuatta4
+1Learn some physics and funky trees; you've got some real potential here.
+1This will make it so that for the first 3 seconds Activate 1 is activated it will output 1 (turns whatever you want on) and it will stop activating for 10 seconds and then repeat the process. Catch is that the activation group needs to be pressed down for it to recharge
+1@GuardianAerospace lol
+1@DatTrainAndCarGuy19 @Mousewithamachinegun122 @Randomplayer tag
+1@MonarchiiwithastolenMG Lol good luck. It's not that I don't have the technical know-how to make it, but I simply don't have time to make it right now, plus I never considered my builds to be aesthetically coherent or pleasing; perhaps someone else would do a better job at it.
+1@MonarchiiwithastolenMG Honestly if they can just fly around the map in big circles at high altitude at high speed, I'd be happy.
+1And yes a Hera or an Iskander or something would be amazing
Is it just me or are the flaps not working?
+1Interesting excecution
+1@Tanglednebula19 What do you mean by that
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph This problem is fixed from my Aim-9 P missiles and beyond where i came up with a better fuse code that would actually reliably self destruct the missile after it misses. This missile is not popular enough for me to re-release it with a new code just yet.
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph Yes i am aware of this unfortunate problem xd
+1@F8boa ofc it is possible, and yes you’d have to first disconnect all of the flight computers from the missile, save the launcher, then put it on ur own build, reconnect all the flight computers, and copy in the variables; not to mention this is over 600 parts by itself.