5 - To select a whole craft just remove the cockpit part or use the select tool in finetuner
6 - You can change size of overload window by clicing and draging the icon in the corner
7 - Smoke effect is here but doesn't work below a certain speed
8 - You can toggle the aiming mod on or off in settings via game menu
My feedback on 1.8 :
- The game runs smoother and I noticed anti-aliasing is much better !
- I love the new USS Beast and new carrier parts
- No more strobing colors when a part is too close to another
- The magnet part is a great addition
- The cockpit view leaning left or right when looking behind is a good idea
- Rotor parts are great, even if it was possible to build it before
- A few mods are broken, but the most important ones like overload and fintuner still work fine
- An option in custom cameras to lean left and right when looking behind (like cockpit part)
- Possibility to run or rise holow fuselage parts
- New wave effect (behind USS Beast) on other ships as well
- Glass parts or alpha option in paint tool
- Weather (rain, snow)
You did a really good job ! Thanks Jundroo team to keep this game alive !
Discord servers always active
And people keep saying this game is dead? Just because Jundroo launched SR2?
SR2 is a good game but sightly different, I'm not sure all the community will leave SP for SR. Anyway, i'm still playing Simple Planes because I like it, and I don't care if it's old or not.
Looks very nice but... A tanker by definition needs to be spawned with another ship, so 2415 parts is way too much if you don't want your game to become a slideshow while refueling. I think 700 parts is a maximum for this kind of build.
@Topfighter Turrets shots are the most tricky to do, first I need to maintain plane in formation with joystick in right hand (hard to do it with ball turret view), I use tank gun control mod to rotate turrets with mouse in left hand, and trackir headset for head motion. With all that, I need to deal with ai aircraft attacking me and try to have smooth shots. It's a kind of choreography and more than 20Gb video recorded.
Discord servers always active
And people keep saying this game is dead? Just because Jundroo launched SR2?
SR2 is a good game but sightly different, I'm not sure all the community will leave SP for SR. Anyway, i'm still playing Simple Planes because I like it, and I don't care if it's old or not.
I finally got it to work but I had to manually change the toggle key in the modSettings file. BTW I noticed it automatically clicks on buttons when you center it and stop moving the mouse, it can be annoying in cockpit view with detailed interiors. I waited so long for this mod, congrats !
@Tingly06822 It's a beautiful car, congrats ! I completely reworked the suspension, acceleration, steering, added an automatic gearbox, changing gear exhaust flame effect, realistic interior, inertial pilot camera, ability to walk away from car, saved almost 200 useless parts with no visual changes.
Problem 2 : don't forget to activate the fog in the render settings of your scene
Problem 3 : If the camera or objects are going through the buildings, put all your objects in the "terrain" layer
Problem 4 : Increase the aniso level of the runway texture if it's blurry in the distance
Also, don't forget to add lod group to every single object and use the exclusion option in map plugin to prevent it to spawn on modded maps.
@Kaizuru47 read the description, a ww2 plane never go straight during takeoff, you should use the rudder to counter the propeller torque. Btw, I’m tired to always repeat the same thing, if you want an « arcade » plane, this one is not for you.
@ThomasRoderick No Blackout/Redout effect and no camera motion when you look behind in the VR version. I also added a grip part in the flight stick and a lever to adjust the camera position.
Wow ! Looks amazing ! But I think you should lower the terrain to have the water level at the right place and make proper coasts, It's a bit annoying to see that satellite water texture floating above the surface. Other than that, this map looks gorgeous !
A map update, this is not only a plane game, maybe you can add something for ground vehicles, boats or submarines.
+20Now we just need inputs for firing weapons, counter-measures, RCN and wheel brakes. After that I'll not asking anything !
+145 - To select a whole craft just remove the cockpit part or use the select tool in finetuner
+116 - You can change size of overload window by clicing and draging the icon in the corner
7 - Smoke effect is here but doesn't work below a certain speed
8 - You can toggle the aiming mod on or off in settings via game menu
My feedback on 1.8 :
- The game runs smoother and I noticed anti-aliasing is much better !
- I love the new USS Beast and new carrier parts
- No more strobing colors when a part is too close to another
- The magnet part is a great addition
- The cockpit view leaning left or right when looking behind is a good idea
- Rotor parts are great, even if it was possible to build it before
- A few mods are broken, but the most important ones like overload and fintuner still work fine
- An option in custom cameras to lean left and right when looking behind (like cockpit part)
- Possibility to run or rise holow fuselage parts
- New wave effect (behind USS Beast) on other ships as well
- Glass parts or alpha option in paint tool
- Weather (rain, snow)
You did a really good job ! Thanks Jundroo team to keep this game alive !
+10Nice ! I found 2 bugs : the in-game messages never disappear, and when you spawn an ai plane, you feel the ai's GForce intead of yours.
+9@ValkyrieXB71 4:32
+9I think I saw this blackout/redout effect somewhere... Nice plane Btw !
+9And people keep saying this game is dead? Just because Jundroo launched SR2?
SR2 is a good game but sightly different, I'm not sure all the community will leave SP for SR. Anyway, i'm still playing Simple Planes because I like it, and I don't care if it's old or not.
Earth is flat ! I knew it !!!
+8I really like the idea of live challenges, very good to keep MP alive !
+8@KSB24 Thanks, btw congratulations for your ai cars, I use it a lot and really like it !
+7The next step : catch it with a magnet and bring it back to Yeager !
+7Lol, I just saw the "not compatible with ocean mod, goodbye" message !
+6Looks very nice but... A tanker by definition needs to be spawned with another ship, so 2415 parts is way too much if you don't want your game to become a slideshow while refueling. I think 700 parts is a maximum for this kind of build.
+6Now let us build computers !
+6Nice ! I will not participate !
+6"smooth(Throttle,0.05)" formula for slow throttle input, increase the number to make it faster, decrease it to make it slower.
+6Amazing ! I'm afraid to look into the code...
+5Congratulations !
+5@QingyuZhou Don't worry, it's not a competition, and your video is fun !
+5@Topfighter Turrets shots are the most tricky to do, first I need to maintain plane in formation with joystick in right hand (hard to do it with ball turret view), I use tank gun control mod to rotate turrets with mouse in left hand, and trackir headset for head motion. With all that, I need to deal with ai aircraft attacking me and try to have smooth shots. It's a kind of choreography and more than 20Gb video recorded.
+5And people keep saying this game is dead? Just because Jundroo launched SR2?
SR2 is a good game but sightly different, I'm not sure all the community will leave SP for SR. Anyway, i'm still playing Simple Planes because I like it, and I don't care if it's old or not.
I finally got it to work but I had to manually change the toggle key in the modSettings file. BTW I noticed it automatically clicks on buttons when you center it and stop moving the mouse, it can be annoying in cockpit view with detailed interiors. I waited so long for this mod, congrats !
+4@Tingly06822 It's a beautiful car, congrats ! I completely reworked the suspension, acceleration, steering, added an automatic gearbox, changing gear exhaust flame effect, realistic interior, inertial pilot camera, ability to walk away from car, saved almost 200 useless parts with no visual changes.
+4@IAlsoBuildPlane Yes
+4Problem 2 : don't forget to activate the fog in the render settings of your scene
+4Problem 3 : If the camera or objects are going through the buildings, put all your objects in the "terrain" layer
Problem 4 : Increase the aniso level of the runway texture if it's blurry in the distance
Also, don't forget to add lod group to every single object and use the exclusion option in map plugin to prevent it to spawn on modded maps.
@Kaizuru47 read the description, a ww2 plane never go straight during takeoff, you should use the rudder to counter the propeller torque. Btw, I’m tired to always repeat the same thing, if you want an « arcade » plane, this one is not for you.
+4@ThomasRoderick No Blackout/Redout effect and no camera motion when you look behind in the VR version. I also added a grip part in the flight stick and a lever to adjust the camera position.
+4Wow !
+4Thank you for using Warhawk95's fuel !
+4Nice ! Does it work with TrackIR ?
+4@WolfSpark No, a small device I built, using the wheel smoke. It's just pistons with wheels rubbing on fuselage.
+4Wrong plane but I love the picture !
+4Wow ! Looks amazing ! But I think you should lower the terrain to have the water level at the right place and make proper coasts, It's a bit annoying to see that satellite water texture floating above the surface. Other than that, this map looks gorgeous !
+4Lawn mower...
+4Sueur !!!
+4Best ornithopter on the site !
+4@mikoyanster I also made a no gun version of the sabre, then i spawn it as aggressive and adjust my speed to simulate a formation flight.
+4I really like this mod, can you update it to 1.8 ? It works fine but clouds don't despond to light anymore.
+4Petite traînée de pipi derrière le petit bateau !
+4(Pee trail behind small boat)
Very useful info, thanks for your research !
+4Nice ! You should add default map in the exclusion tab of the map plugin because some assets are showing in other mod maps.
+3Input for brakes in wheels !
+3What about a shooting range?
+3@Grob0s0VBRa Already tried it, it didn't work. The ai plane still shooting when you're in front of him.
+3I just visited his page, all his builds are stolen...
+3@FeatherWing Yes but there is no radio in SP, so I used it for Activation groups.