4,841 NovaTopaz Comments

  • air intake solution 9.2 years ago

    Well, most of my current builds need intakes due to the location of the engine and etc.

  • Release of the update 9.2 years ago

    @General360 ... And? I am in the beta test, and I accidently uploaded an aircraft from the beta that was not unlisted too. But you can't assume everyone knows what's in the beta. Why do you think we still keep a shroud of secrecy? The reason above^.

  • Release of the update 9.2 years ago

    @General360 I wouldn't go assuming things...

  • Release of the update 9.2 years ago

    @GINGER007 Unfortunately, if it gets released on PC and Mac, the mobile users will find out very quickly what it is unless they want to leave it as a surprise to them, or are oblivious.

  • We need Downvotes for forums 9.2 years ago

    @Acer500 ... Honestly, it's not necessary. In fact, it'll only cause more trouble than it's worth(looks at days where having a 4 star vote would cause entire plane pages to be covered in flame wars. And that's not including the dreaded one star).

    (Though muting would be nice in a few cases... but I personally think that should only work on certain things, EG some kind of PM and chat system)

  • [CLOSED] Bomber Challenge 9.2 years ago

    sorry, but I'll be pulling out of the challenge, for the moment. Have to do things like get aircraft ready for the update, and possibly host my own challenge once the update releases.

  • There is a very annoying problem to address 9.2 years ago

    I did it one time on my mobile device... it copied the parts I was undoing so many times, it litteraly crashed the game, lol.

  • 1000 points away from platinum 9.2 years ago

    Do you mean 100?

  • We need Downvotes for forums 9.2 years ago

    @Nickasaurus IKR? I didn't do it much, but I hated being ignored more than anything. Someone could even rate me one star, and I wouldn't care, if they provided evidence to back it up.

  • MQ-1 Predator Available 9.2 years ago

    RQ-1 is the technical term.

  • ANNOUNCEMENT!! READ THIS!!! 9.2 years ago

    Support granted. Pretty ambitious, but aren't we all? looks at ADFX-01 design

    I should also probably say that I will be rebuilding the current Ace combat aircraft I have for the update. I will also attempt to get a CFA-44 ready, but no guarantees on that, given how late I have been with building it... also will probably miss a few challenges, but atm, I don't really care.

  • Engine Malfuctions 9.2 years ago

    ^ have an option to do so. But most definitely don't make it an always thing

  • Copycat idea 9.2 years ago

    @BardofBricks Yeah, like I said, it's pretty rare these days.

  • Fresh Air 9.2 years ago


  • Old Fashioned Challenge 9.2 years ago


  • Old Fashioned Challenge 9.2 years ago

    I'll probably join. Also, I can't remember all the features of 1.1 at this point, lol. But things that definately won't be around-

    Fuselage Blocks

    BFE-150(or whatever it is again, lol)

    new prop engines(the engine in the submittion will have to be used for an old prop)

    Structural panels

  • Happy birthday simpleplanes!! 9.2 years ago

    ^ and whoever else we are forgetting. And also, we are not allowed to disclose the beta, so don't bother asking us.

    I was going to say that a few comments ago, but my comment got cut off abruptly. Apparently there is a character limit.

  • READ!!!!! 9.2 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 Lol. I honestly do not know. Go right ahead if you want.

  • Happy birthday simpleplanes!! 9.2 years ago

    @Rohan Same. Also, my thing got cut short, lol.

  • Happy birthday simpleplanes!! 9.2 years ago

    ... Huh. Something new I found out today, XD.

  • Happy birthday simpleplanes!! 9.2 years ago

    I've been here for SP entire year, minus the hiccup during this summer. Simple planes has changed... A lot. We used to only have simple parts, and needed to use the secret(not much of a secret now) part clipping ability to get any good looking aircraft. I found out about part clipping fairly early on. Back then, though, I only used part clipping scarcely. Only a couple of my aircraft ever used part clipping. I did started using it more and more as time went on. These days, I usually can't go a day without using some kind of part clipping.

    Anyway, moving on, planes back then were truely simple. It was rare to see anything that was out of place. Sure, there was dragon and bee and dragonfly designed, but no true innovations. I made one of the first(notice I did not say THE FIRST.) thrust vectoring systems, but from what I know, the first thrust vectoring system to use two nozzles which invert to produce the turning force(4 total), instead of just a single one at the rear. That was one of the few innovations before 1.1. When that came out, the doors opened. People started making tanks(I made, definitively, the first fully functioning tank. Simple, but effective), Ships(I made one of the first large scale ships, a bismarck, and a speed boat), contraptions(I can't name them off the top of my head, but there was a steamer using a 4 stroke engine, a 4 piston 2 stroke engine using VTOL, a train later on(@UnstableOrbit ), gears, wheels, etc), and everything in between. That's when the game became truely diverse to all things buildable. Of course, this is also when the community started later having problems. Many people got left behind when the voting system got implemented. This was the time when the devs really had to focus on fixing issues in the community. Trolls, (insert name for people who don't know what their doing that isn't insulting here), flamers, and everything else started popping up around that time. It was a kind of horror show, TBH. It was the worst time the community really faced. Nobody really trusted each other, fights got picked over the smallest thing such as getting 4 stars instead of 5, trolls trolled, and really, the community was in a semi-nightmare senario. Great designs were built, but it was mostly a lot of the above. I left the community during the summer because A. My macbook for school wasn't going to be home with me during the summer, B. my Ipad mini isn't going to do everything for building, XD, C. I was actually mad at t

  • Copycat idea 9.2 years ago

    @XVIindustries True. Plus everyone started hating on anyone who copied their plane, modifications or not.

  • Big Red 9.2 years ago


  • Devastator Mrk1 9.2 years ago

    @icecoldlava Yep. Old F22 didn't have it for automated, and it was only 1D, lol

  • Copycat idea 9.2 years ago

    @ThePlaneModifier Hey, making modifications to planes used to be a good thing. I did that with someone else's plane, way back when SP wasn't released to the general public yet. That plane also had one of the first very crude forms of thrust vectoring. It's actually kinda sad that these days, most people don't do it anymore. It's a very much a long lost tradition. So you can continue what you are doing. In fact, it should be more encouraged. But the copy cats and etc... well, yeah. I really hope that it can possibly be rekindled, as doing it was actually kinda fun. It really encourages people to 'think outside the box', so to speak.

  • Choice 9.2 years ago

    @AgDynamics Well, yeah. There is also acceleration and other things, but yeah, agreed.

  • Choice 9.2 years ago

    @AviownCorp Not all, and most certainly not me. There is a few minor exception's(ConSon's older creations, which most couldn't even do what they were made to look like, but they looked cool nether the less. But these days, creations that are only for looks won't go too much of anywhere if they can't do something other than sit and look pretty.), but for the most part, looks will only get you so far. It's like I always say in BSC(or really, any game like it). It may look like a really nice ship, but how long will it last facing a super ship that doesn't care for looks? Performance matters much, much, much more than looks in my opinion. Looks may get someone's attention(and maybe some upvotes), but Performance takes up the majority of the way people will respond and give feedback on.

  • Choice 9.2 years ago

    Performance above all else, regardless of aircraft or type(including replicas. Sure, it may look good, but can it fly like said jet? If not, it makes it kinda poor regardless of it's looks, to me at least). And any aircraft that doesnn't will get it eventually

  • Should I rebuild the navy? 9.2 years ago

    why not both? :)

  • Stalker 9.2 years ago

    just an FYI, I didn't actually fly it. I just upvoted you so you at least have some points to start out with.

  • Stalker 9.2 years ago

    Welcome to the website!(not a bot, BTW, lol)

  • X-24 9.2 years ago

    Welcome to the website!

  • Pearl Harbor Attack: December 7th, 1941 9.2 years ago

    @Brields95 IIRC, they are still technically a superpower. And I live in the United states... And yes, US went bankrupt. But they are still a superpower, and still control a large % of the world's GDP.

  • missile cameras? 9.2 years ago


  • About to give up. 9.2 years ago

    @AgDynamics So true. Replica's are more valued on this site, and people who can do it with custom aircraft are, in my opinion, special. I for the life of me can't make many original aircraft without them being completey ignored. I really do want to make original aircraft, the problem is that most people don't appreciate them. So I stick by replicas. I mean, my old aircraft show that very well. Most were ignored. My replicas usually got more praise and etc.

  • About to give up. 9.2 years ago

    ^ what @AgDynamics

    I used to want to get points. But that was way back when you needed points to even get the attention of people. Things have changed since the days of the old rating system. Points... Don't really give you a reputation anymore. Sure, it helps you get noticed still, but it no longer is needed for doing things. I made a ADFX-01 simply to make a ADFX-01(sure, there was a points motive, but the original motive came when I was talking to other people from a different community, of which one happened to play and own several Ace combat games), and the points streamed in. X-02 was upon request, and it also got lots of attention. I will have to make the CFA-44 and ASF-X soon, and those were from request as well. Don't take points seriously. They aren't really necessary anymore to stay afloat on this website. I may always prefer the reddit community, but TBH, that's where I first got my strong ties to the game. It's what let me stay when I'd have left otherwise. I left for the summer(to cool down from the rather annoying community at the time, and cause couldn't use school macbook), and came back when 1.2 released. Since then, I've gained a lot of points making things that would normally be impossible(YF-23, ADFX-01, X-02), or taking part in challenges for the fun of it. I might even make my own challenge one of these days.

  • Uber-Graf-Zepplin-6 (KM-Bf-108-B/KM-Bf-108-E-1) 9.2 years ago

    ... Why are you still using normal blocks? Fuselages would cut the part count immensely

  • About to give up. 9.2 years ago

    ... Well, depends on what you define as 'great'. Your aircraft don't look like they take too much time(I could probably make one of them in like 20min...). Sorry about not looking at your shipyards, though, they looked neat, but I was doing other stuff, so I largely didn't pay any attention to them.

  • Pearl Harbor Attack: December 7th, 1941 9.2 years ago

    don't worry if there is errors, I'll get to them

  • Cf 44 nosferatu 9.2 years ago

    Well, my plans for the CFA got delayed... mostly because SP beta and BSC building.

  • Lack of Air Resistance 9.2 years ago

    First off, fall distance isn't great enough. Until objects reach terminal velocity, no differnce will be noticed

  • A date which will live in infamy 9.2 years ago

    It's not december 7th yet, lol

  • Dev Update 9.2 years ago

    @Fishmonster Yes, always have, always will.

  • Am I the only one... 9.2 years ago

    I love building, mostly, but crashing aircraft can be stress relieving. Plus it helps take my mind off IRL whenever I play it. So instead of doing math or science problems all day, I can solve how to build a perticular aircraft or crash into things.

  • A BUILDERS club 9.2 years ago

    I'll probably pick jet tutorials. I can also probably do a lot of general tutorials(XML modding basics and part clipping among them.)

  • The Bronze Cockpit 9.2 years ago


  • Yey I'm finally on silver!!! 9.2 years ago

    Congrats! Welcome to silver.

  • Cf 44 nosferatu 9.2 years ago

    Actually, it tri-wields them, but whatever. Also, congrats on silver!

    Hope to build this over the weekend :3

  • A BUILDERS club 9.2 years ago

    Hmm... I could probably help with Q/A or tutorials(I have played this game for a while, so I could easily do those 2, though even I am still learning, so yeah)