Potato cause I thought it was xd lol random and 21 because of the "whats 9 +10 meme." I was an elementary schooler when I made my account if that explains it.
Lots of driving - A 2 hour drive is nothing here. I’ve done 8 hour drives to hang out with freinds for a weekend, and I have freinds who will drive an hour every day to college. Driving is central to American life. It doesn’t bother me too much because I love driving, but we definitely could do a lot better with our public transport.
Aircraft/Bases - You only get military planes often (as in daily) if you live near a base. I live nowhere near a base, and still see some planes/helicopters every once in a while (once every few months). I’ve seen a T-34, F-18, C-17, C-130, multiple Apaches, Blackhawks, Super Stallions, Lakotas, V22s, and a MH-6. We do have an insane amount of military bases. Near a sizable base, you see stuff daily. I go to the beach around camp Lejeune, and you can expect to see a few V22s and super stallions daily. Sometimes you’ll get AH-1Zs and UH-1Ys which is always a treat. Often you will get Harriers flying along the coastline. You can even hear bombs going off in the distance during military training. Cool stuff.
Guns - Gun violence is definitely real. The school adjacent to my old high school had a kid get shot and killed on campus, and I’ve been on lockdown a few times for gunshots in the apartment complexes or the park adjacent to my school. My school confiscated like 5 guns from students my sophomore year lol. Crazy stuff. It sounds insane writing it out, but it’s kinda just how it is sometimes. Of course I am only speaking for my city, which has had a rough few years!
Geography - Geographically, America is beautiful. In the east, you’re always an hour away from a gorgeous view, whether it be forests, beaches, or mountains. Out west, the views are pretty consistently beautiful, with deserts, huge mountain ranges, and vast plains visible most of the time. Americas geography is pretty great!
SimplePlanes is an older game (around 5 years old) so it has older code. SP2 would allow for many new things that the devs have wanted to implement but can’t because of code restrictions.
I just dream and I am playing sp and then I wake up! I also had a dream where the kindergarteners set up a acid tsunami Napalm to have a “ fun challenge”. Only peaple with long hair that I knew pretty well survived. And know you know I have long hair!
@Grroro Oh lol, I still think that SR2 will be the main focus for at least a year or two, but who knows. I probably came off more aggressive than I meant with my first comment lol.
@Aeromen @exosuit
Just remember that this is a game about planes, and should be treated like a game. There's no need to get this mad about anime thumbnails, regardless of what your opinion is.
No, I never said that, I just think that comparing racism, which has lead to the deaths of thousands and is life changing, to being disliked because you watch anime is ridiculous.@DarkMarble1
they forgot the airbrakes...
+11possibly the best plane on the entire site
+8Plot twist of the century
+7It's just so repetitive to me, there's only like 2 tracks, so it gets boring.
+7Cause I am playing with them right now.
+6Better than german corsair?
+5Cockpit hit him in the face and it stuck@BACconcordepilot
+5Making a post about drama only makes it grow larger. Just sayin...
+4I get people like anime, but its obviously just for upvotes most of the time.
+4imagine catching it with a magnet...
+4Just use unlisted@Apehorse19
+4Cyka NOOT!
+46S for life! The @Minecraftpoweer
+4Their actually an ant that looks like that, it’s called the hunny pot ant.@substygram
+4Rain is terryfiying, or when some planes appears in like half of your dreams... not even joking about the last one.@Chancey21
+4@danman12 keep in mind this was made 2 years ago and is ptobobly the best plane of its time. it paved the way for other styles of planes to be made.
+4I feel like a simple planes boomer lol. Congrats on 5 years!
+3Potato cause I thought it was xd lol random and 21 because of the "whats 9 +10 meme." I was an elementary schooler when I made my account if that explains it.
+3Lots of driving - A 2 hour drive is nothing here. I’ve done 8 hour drives to hang out with freinds for a weekend, and I have freinds who will drive an hour every day to college. Driving is central to American life. It doesn’t bother me too much because I love driving, but we definitely could do a lot better with our public transport.
Aircraft/Bases - You only get military planes often (as in daily) if you live near a base. I live nowhere near a base, and still see some planes/helicopters every once in a while (once every few months). I’ve seen a T-34, F-18, C-17, C-130, multiple Apaches, Blackhawks, Super Stallions, Lakotas, V22s, and a MH-6. We do have an insane amount of military bases. Near a sizable base, you see stuff daily. I go to the beach around camp Lejeune, and you can expect to see a few V22s and super stallions daily. Sometimes you’ll get AH-1Zs and UH-1Ys which is always a treat. Often you will get Harriers flying along the coastline. You can even hear bombs going off in the distance during military training. Cool stuff.
Guns - Gun violence is definitely real. The school adjacent to my old high school had a kid get shot and killed on campus, and I’ve been on lockdown a few times for gunshots in the apartment complexes or the park adjacent to my school. My school confiscated like 5 guns from students my sophomore year lol. Crazy stuff. It sounds insane writing it out, but it’s kinda just how it is sometimes. Of course I am only speaking for my city, which has had a rough few years!
Geography - Geographically, America is beautiful. In the east, you’re always an hour away from a gorgeous view, whether it be forests, beaches, or mountains. Out west, the views are pretty consistently beautiful, with deserts, huge mountain ranges, and vast plains visible most of the time. Americas geography is pretty great!
+3A better splash animation
+3SimplePlanes is an older game (around 5 years old) so it has older code. SP2 would allow for many new things that the devs have wanted to implement but can’t because of code restrictions.
+3That’s the Devs decision to make, not ours.
+3I just want “blank blank the blank” names to be banned that’s all. [unless your bogan]
+3Leave it, you have a lot of great builds, and it would suck for them to go away
+3Maybe comparing disliking anime to racism isn’t the best idea.@DarkMarble1
+3FBI OPEN UP!@JediWolf
+3Theirs a hole in your right wi- bucket.
+3I just dream and I am playing sp and then I wake up! I also had a dream where the kindergarteners set up a acid tsunami Napalm to have a “ fun challenge”. Only peaple with long hair that I knew pretty well survived. And know you know I have long hair!
+3It’s like paying respect to upvote it
+3@spefyjerbf np man it’s nice to know some of us older players are still active lol
+2@spefyjerbf yoooo it’s the 🐐
+2@PlaneSpike @001
+2@CrestelAeronautics lol I didn't even finish editing my description before you commented 💀
+2@Majakalona @TheMouse Dang, guess I gotta spend a few weeks uploading wips lol
outer fire effect: FFA940FF
inner fire effect: FFFFFFFF
Nose glow in order:
All 100% emission
@Grroro Oh lol, I still think that SR2 will be the main focus for at least a year or two, but who knows. I probably came off more aggressive than I meant with my first comment lol.
+2Why has this broken out into a warzone, it’s literally SimplePlanes. I love SimplePlanes and all but a lot of people here are letting it control them.
+2This community is fine, it is just a group of like 5 people that harbor drama, ignore them and you can see that the website is completely fine.
+2It's just the time of year, simple planes always has downtimes, and early in the year is one of them
+2Wow the new among us looks great
+2@Sadboye12 No problem, really interesting design!
+2Here we go again
+2@Aeromen @exosuit
+2Just remember that this is a game about planes, and should be treated like a game. There's no need to get this mad about anime thumbnails, regardless of what your opinion is.
No, I never said that, I just think that comparing racism, which has lead to the deaths of thousands and is life changing, to being disliked because you watch anime is ridiculous.@DarkMarble1