1,970 Rakoval500k Comments

  • Mig-15bis / Lim-2 3.0 years ago

    This plane is one of the greatest feats of USSR's aircraft design and manufacturing, despite you don't consider it to be one. The only actual resemblance of it with a Ta-183 are the single-engine layout, and even the T-shaped tail of it is quite different. By that "logic", just any single-engine jet fighter from F-86/MiG-15 to even F-35 can be labeled as a copycat of Ta-183. Also, the "RR Nene" engine on the BiS variant is a domestically manufactured and significantly modified variant of it and is called VK-1.
    It might be easy to blame them for using british engine, but thou shall remember that this MiG was made only 5 years after the WW2, where USSR suffered losses of 26 million of people, 17 of whom were civilians, since the Nazi Germany managed to establish a deliberate and complex program of genociding women, children, and elders, mainly the Slavic and Jewish. The entire cities were totally wiped out, and the country was brutally torn by war. So, when the British offered their Nene engine, it was truly an unrefusable gift, allowing to save resources and time. The process of studying the Nene was one of the things needed to regenerate and upgrade the USSR's aircraft industry.
    Also, this MiG of yours is awesome and special because it uses the 1.11 features.

  • Stealth Challenge 2.6 years ago

    Greetings! I strongly suggest you to move the deadline further, because not everyone can make a decent creation in that schedule. Since the design of a stealthy aircraft requires panelling, the fuselage slicing is less helpful compared to a normal creations. And it also requires a fancy internal bays for weaponry and landing gear, and a some funky equations for flight control, thus that kind of build can have a delays like real-life stealth fighters, albeit a bit shorter. As you probably see, all the creations of the participants look rushed.

  • Update v1.12.123/124 - SimplePlanes & SimplePlanes VR 3.1 years ago

    Greetings! How about to implement an opportunity to add a third/fourth flight control sliders along with making the said sliders to "retract" behind the screen? I think there could've been a lot of use for a third slider in many kinds of aircraft. For example, in a combat plane, if the VTOL is for flaps, Trim is for Elevator Trim, then the third slider could be allocated to adjust Roll Trim, control input sensitivity, or even something else, whether miscellaneous or functional.
    And add the activation groups for fuel tanks pls... I mean, it's like when the fuel from said tank isn't consumed when it's deactivated.
    Also, will it be hard for you to add some sort of "Detached from main aircraft" input/activator? It's like, if this input is implemented in the input/ag of a working part, the game checks whether the working part is connected to the main body that is connected to the main cockpit, then gives an input of 0 or -1 if it's attached, and input of positive 1 when it somehow happens to be detached from the main body whether by pylon/detacher or something else/attached only to the parts that don't have connection to "main body". I am asking for it because I don't want to saturate the 1-8 activation groups or use ammo number-based inputs.
    And, at the end, woulf you please add customisable sounds to engines and gatling guns, or atleat replace the sound of an ingame minigun.

  • Weapons? 2.3 years ago

    I think we rather need some fixes and additional procedural properties for present weaponry as well. For example:
    Add powermultiplier or a maxforwardthrustforce to an unguided rocket, so we could scale'n'change the thrust of it without using a lot of them. For now it is 500kgf, and cannot be changed. Also, make it stop smoking after it's designated burn timer expires. For now, the rocket smokes until it's destruction, regardless of it's burn timer. Also, an ExplosionScale for it would be a nice thing as well.
    Make Guns and Cannons to be able to fire from the Input Controllers.
    Give a changeable number of barrels to a gatling gun, so we could change it like we change it like we change a number of blades on our propellers.
    Add atleast some way to change the firing sounds of those guns.
    Maybe add an additional independent explosion damage multiplier for cannons that use explosive shell to simulate a Blast-Frag/HE shells, that have a low damage but high damage radius. Current "explosionScalar" cannot increase damage radius without increasing damage.
    Add an ExhaustScale to our missiles.
    Add an opportunity for a missiles to track'n'steer for some time even after engine stopped burning. Maybe call that property "maxTrackingTime" and even make it independent from "maxFuelTime" if specified.
    Add some countermeasure-proofness multiplier for guided missiles, when a missile requires a certain amounts of chaff/flares and an aggressive-enough maneuver of it's target to be fooled.
    Add an opportunity to select a dropped/launched enemy ordnance as a target like Ice Base Lasers do.
    I also have a more complex proposition on how to add a procedural missile with some external, appearance-related procedural properties that allow to imitate the appearance and behavior of most IRL missiles(and some guided bombs) in a single-part package, which I'll post sometime later.

  • It's time for a new name for SimpleRockets 2 2.2 years ago

    I think that new name sounds somewhat bland, and suggest you to choose another new name or just leave the old one. I have some suggestions if you'll ask.
    Also, would you please pin the comment where you tell that you'll give more attention to SP?

  • KUN 2.3 years ago

    Сунь Хунь в Чай и Высунь Сухим

  • Zaine chasing me in points 2.3 years ago

    His name is Lemmy Kilmister, if anyone wants to know.

  • A-10 CIWS 2.8 years ago

    Congratulations, you've made a replica of Goalkeeper CIWS!

  • Dio Road Roller - Remaster Challenge 2.9 years ago

    Hoho, you're approaching me?

  • Update v1.12.116 beta is live 3.3 years ago

    Greetings, dear developers! Is it possible for you to fix the mirror tool so it could always mirror all the part connections evenly? It fails to do that on a regular basis, especially if tasked to mirror the parts that are interlapping/very close to each other/have many connections/rotated to certain degree at certain axis. This failure oftenly results in undesired drag asymmetry, moving parts malfunction, and parts falling out in flight. Reconnecting the parts manually can be a pain in the butt if there's more than 400-600 parts.

  • Lockheed Martin AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile 3.6 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick About the rotators, you should just use the Designersuite, and connect the smaller ends of rotators to a smaller upper end of a missile's detacher. Of course, you better do this after you attach something(pylon/small fuselage block) to that detacher, so you can attach the missile in future. When you launch the missile, the detacher disconnects everything that has been connected to it's upper end, thus freeing the rotators to unfold the wings and tail. The good side of it - you don't need ammo-based funky inputs. But there's also downsides: first, the base game doesn't respects that connection, so those connections will be lost if you mirror the missile, so you'll have to connect them again - as you see, I left the rotators to be exposed; second - this know-how might cease to work properly, if the aircraft has too much parts for your device: for my old and frail laptop the limit is somewhere near 600 parts, for you this limit will be higher. In case of that bug, the missile launches correctly, but detacher "forgets" to "free" the rotators, otherwise it's still fine to use. Also, the small rotators seem to be a bit more reliable for that compared to a hinges. Here's the original solution @ChrisPy What about the gyro - i borrowed that from this cruise missile, and here's the purpose of it: when turning, the fuselage of the missile begins to rotate around the missile itself from overloads, as missile steers itself to the target. Also, it makes the missile a bit more comfortable to use at lower launch speeds. Also, i strongly disagree with you about warhead sizes, but my laptop is at maintenance now, so I'll adress that later with some proofs.

  • Individual Rocket And Rocket Pods 1.8 years ago

    But unlike rocket pod, the singular rocket has a changeable burn timer and weight, through which you can affect it's ballistics. Also, you can use it as a rudimentary mean of propulsion that has an unchangeable thrust of 500kgf per rocket, can't be turned off until burnout, smokes until destruction, but is independent from air and fuel tanks, and also has instant response(that was handy before introduction of ThrottleResponse to jets). For example, the BogdanX used them as droppable take-off boosters in his Tu-14. I used them as starting boosters for Brimstone ATGMs in my Tempest.
    (Damn, the mighty BogdanX got deleted with all his planes, WTF!?)

  • FA-10 Thundercat 2.1 years ago

    I found a fitting music to this thing, Meteor-Letum
    Also, you would be dead BEFORE hearing the BRRRRRRRT, since the shells are supersonic. If you hear the BRRRRRRRT, then you're not the target.

  • KA -50 BLACK SHARK 2.2 years ago

    I suggest everyone to listen Meteor - Blue Thunder when flying this thing.

  • [CLOSED] 5th Generation Fighter Challenge 2.3 years ago

    Greetings! Will my late entry count?

  • [CLOSED] 5th Generation Fighter Challenge 2.3 years ago

    Greetings again! Seems like I still missed the challenge even with this delay. The Tempest will be published in 2-3 days, in case if someone waits...

  • [Cannon Turret Auto-Aim] - Phalanx CWIS - Block 1B 2.4 years ago

    I'll test it with different muzzle velocities, from 600 to 2000 m/s...

  • [CLOSED] 5th Generation Fighter Challenge 2.4 years ago

    @tarikGR Then, thank you.

  • [CLOSED] 5th Generation Fighter Challenge 2.4 years ago

    Greetings! It seems like I'm failing to keep up with schedule. My request may seem overconfident, but would you please to move deadline to 1-3 weeks into november? I'll try to finish my BAe Tempest to enter this challenge. If I still won't keep up, then maybe some more builders will submit their entiries...

  • F-23a 'Widowmaker' 2.5 years ago


  • URC LJ-17 LANCER 2.7 years ago

    Beautiful, but stealth aircraft, whether Murican, Russian, or Chinese normally have their engine fans hidden by the curved inlet tonnel or radar blockers. It is done because the turbofan's fan part is a round, multi-blade rotating thing which has a large radar reflection if not hidden with something.

  • Weapon Design Challenge 2.7 years ago

    Finally, I participate!

  • [CLOSED] 5th Generation Fighter Challenge 2.8 years ago

    Since the definitions of 5th/6th generations of fighter jets are quite loose, can one enter this challenge with planes like BAe Tempest?

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 2.8 years ago

    It's almost like Stipa-Caproni!

  • VAZ 2103 2.9 years ago

    О, Жигуль!

  • Can anyone help me to find a certain non-aircraft build by description? 2.9 years ago

    @Axartar It was a relatively realistic vehicle mounted CIWS-alike, coloured in "desert storm" bright brown.

  • tesla cyberakbar 3.0 years ago

    Hmm, seems good for target practice.

  • IL-46 "Ikhatemyself" 3.1 years ago

    Maybe call it "Я ненавижу самого себя?"

  • Lockheed Martin AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile 3.5 years ago

    @Jhovin Read that very big comment of mine there where i respond to ThomasRoderick. There is an explanation. Essentially, there's three variants:
    1-use plane with less parts/reduce the number of JASSMs on your plane.
    2-If your money are not a concern for you, buy'n'try more powerful computer/smartphone.
    3-try to ventilate your room to provide a bit cooler environment for your computer/smartphone,
    Also, can ye provide me plane to which you attach my missile? Provide the link here in comments or post in unlisted and tag me.

  • F-6MJ Zenko Kai 3.5 years ago

    Greetings! Sorry for possibly stupid quiestion, but why does it have almost four times more drag points than previous version? Is it because drop tanks combined with this big cruise missile and/or intentionally updragged landing gear?

  • (Somewhat more) Accurate Ordnance Sizes (and old flight models) 3.6 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Greetings! Would you like to check my AGM-158 JASSM replica, if you don't mind? I'm asking for some constructive critique of it.
    Missile itself

  • Stopwatch - Fully Functional 3.7 years ago

    Greetings! I apologize in advance for possibly newbie question. How do i make a jet engine to work for a strictly limited time(0.5-10 seconds) after activation by certain conditions? I could possibly search the answer from your Funky Trees site, but it happens to be disabled by now. I am already know how to utilize ‘ammo(“MunitionName”)<x’ input, but I don't know how to make it work for a precisely limited amount of time of, let's say, 1.75 seconds and then deactivate/shut down after those 1.75 seconds of work. https://www.simpleplanes.com/Forums/View/1422450 Here's the link to the question on forum, respond there if you want.

  • Earth and Moon 2020 4.3 years ago

    @Destiny2020 Good thing you made there. I've seen a space mod on this site, but it's disappeared.
    Also, i have some criticism for it: it would be better as a plugin for default map, adding some space darkness and atmospheric tweaks over the 20km altitude, and the moon isn't necessary. Also, is it possible to make your earth multiple times bigger and with weaker gravitation? Maybe try to cooperate with Kenneth whom you can see in your comments?

  • My First Fuselage Art 4.5 years ago

    @Ruvien0Republic0Citizen Congratulations, you've made an Ahegao!

  • Orbital Killer 2 4.6 years ago

    @TTHHSSSS More like big YF-23 Grey Ghost.

  • Lockheed Martin AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile 1.2 years ago

    @tarikGR Um, you want to strap this under U-2 plane?

  • NSV-4 Capybara IFV 1.8 years ago


  • Van Darkholme Nextbot 2.0 years ago


  • Zhongli 2.0 years ago

    That's how we shall have Genshin without gacha mechanics.

  • X-05 FlyByWire (updated) 2.1 years ago

    Greetings! I apologise for an unrelated comment, but would you please help me with a variant of your Funky Missile which uses fast-response thrust vectoring for better maneurability? I'll tag you at unlisted build.

  • Boeing 747-8R7F Cargolux [LX-VCF "Not Without My Mask" Livery] 2.2 years ago

    Yay, that huge Boeing with fancy mouth from meme!

  • Fuselage Splitter, Version 2! 2.2 years ago

    This application requires Java Runtime Environment.
    I think it would be good of you to provide an instruction about how to "mate" the Java program with this tool of yours. Googling doesn't really help here due to understandable reasons.

  • [GCAP]F-3 Tempest Ver1.0 2.2 years ago

    Yay, another cool Tempest. Short time ago we had a shortage of them while having a plethora of mighty Su-57s and F-22s.

  • Lockheed Martin AGM-158 JASSM cruise missile 2.2 years ago

    @RX9115S Yes, I do mind.

  • BAe Tempest 2.2 years ago

    @Mantha Then Greetings, my brother or sister in misfortune!

  • GAMF-02R Camille Pro 2.0 2.2 years ago

    Someone will eventually make a girls'n'women from Chainsaw Man in there... If I only would be as skilled with funkies as you, I would probably make a Miyamoto Musashi from Vagabond.

  • Ilyushin Il-2 mod. 1943 (M-82) Shturmovik 2.3 years ago

    Ah yes, the Betonenflugzeug.

  • ADF-06 Stiletto 2.3 years ago

    I rather think it somewhat closer to a Hyperloop's F-22X King Raptor, but still quite very different from it. Weapons bay is cavernous, I approve it. It's part count without weapons is 660-670.

  • Anime Art #1 2.3 years ago

    What's the name of this character? I'd like to see more artworks with her...

  • Special Fonts/Text Features/Clickable Links 2.3 years ago

    How do I write that red text?
