9,353 SaintNPC Comments

  • [F·B] MINI M4 tank 4.9 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat Yoooo adding that extra r can make a sfw search go south real quick. XD

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.0 years ago

    @FlagsWorldwide If you want to look up "spaceships" and not "space" or "ships", then use quotes in your search query. "space ships" yields different results than simply searching space ships. You can use this function on most search engines.

  • Skyroad Circuit 4.9 years ago

    @ChallengerHellcat I uploaded it to the Steam workshop, so now you can enjoy it. Tell me what you think!

  • Patrice 4.9 years ago


  • HEY Vsauce, Micheal here.. Art 4.9 years ago

    Today, seven hours ago, Vsauce - Michael Here has been taken out of context to the furthest level.

  • Sharing this video hoping someone will be inspired to make a Papua-style Mountain Flying map ;) 5.0 years ago

    Man, I wish somebody would show me their gratitude with chickens. The best I get are bales of hay.

  • Planetags? Are they worth buying? 5.0 years ago

    that sounds waaay expensive, is that USD or Canadabux?
    i'd invest in a cheaper and more edible skin

  • Problem with terrain in Unity and Simpleplanes 4.9 years ago

    I'm glad you were able to solve this weird issue. Since I was tagged, I want to throw in my thoughts on your versions of Unity and the version of the mod tools you are using.

    I am using 3.8f1 for Android testing and 4.11f1 for official and stable releases. I'm using both Unity 2018.3.8f1 and Unity 2018.4.11f1 because there are multiple versions of the mod tools out, but they just aren't labeled well. 2018.3.8f1 seems to be the version that matches your current mod tools. If you get the mod tools from the Steam folder, those are the most up-to-date mod tools and use 2018.4.11f1. If everything is working right now, don't worry about upgrading to 2018.4.11f1, but I would keep in mind that there's a more recent version out right now if you encounter any weird problems in the future.

    I look forward to seeing your upcoming projects! Best of luck, and feel free to tag me again next time. 👍

  • Falcon Dynamics Concept A 4.9 years ago

    Hmmm, looks like candy!

  • Rally Challenge 5.0 years ago

    What controls do you prefer? I use an X-box controller, so for myself, my bindings are Pitch - Forward/Reverse and Yaw - Turn.

  • Panzerkampf-wagon 5.0 years ago

    This made me literally lol.

  • [Mod|Map|SimplePlanes] Your first map - page 4 5.1 years ago

    still waiting

  • Hazedrifter Fairweather Trotter R7.1 4.8 years ago

    @DickBrazen Oh, yeah. Spot on with that. Just scoped some NoGos and this one is especially similar.

  • Rally Challenge 4.9 years ago

    Ah yes, the newest update broke my build. :[
    Didn't notice until I started recording video to make gifs. T__T
    Hopefully one of the devs can help me out with an extremely simple line of code.

    Edit: I fixed it. :D

  • Rally Challenge 4.9 years ago

    I thought I had better hurry and upload my design, but I didn't realize the deadline was in May and not March. I should probably hurry and upload it anyways. I don't think we really need two months more. I've noticed that there are six downloads, so in theory that's six competitors. Invictus, SaintNPC, Sm10684, and Shadowed seems to be the confirmed bunch. Perhaps we should ping everyone today/tomorrow and get a progress report. If 3/4 of us are waiting on each other, and 1 is already uploaded, I'd say we should be about good to go?

  • Clicc bait 4.9 years ago

  • Hoptro Widowmaker Gen2 4.9 years ago

    Ahhhh yeah. I'ma sit here while you write that description. ;D

  • Need help with aircraft bank tendency 4.9 years ago

    I got you covered.
    Very awesome design, kamarade. I hope I can get a special mention from when you publish it. :)

  • Skyroad Circuit 4.9 years ago

    @freedompilot98 Yes. Sorta. I'll be playing around with the idea next. Might not be exactly from Ace Combat, but I will be playing around with the flying fortress idea. It might be a couple of weeks before you see anything though.

  • The SP map is BAD and NEEDS an UPDATE!!! 4.9 years ago

    @freedompilot98 This is the kind of inspiration I need for my next map project. I'm gonna experiment with the idea of a flying fortress that you can land and take-off from. I don't know how I'd make it crash into the ground, but I could make it to where you can disable the weapons on it.

  • The SP map is BAD and NEEDS an UPDATE!!! 4.9 years ago

    I agree that the main sandbox could be better. It feels like I'm playing on a mobile game or a game from the early 2000's sometimes. On an upside, we can make maps as a community and there are some great ones out right now.

  • Mother Horse 5.0 years ago

    @DickBrazen yooooo i'm gonna have to watch that with the bois tomorrow

  • Realistic Walkers: Biomechanics in SimplePlanes 5.0 years ago

    In regards to walkers walking backward, I was able to simulate walking backward in this design. It uses throttle to control stride length, and stride length controls how the feet contact the ground. Also, that knee joint example might be just what I need to simulate a gear shifter knob.

  • B1 BATTLE DROID Ver1.0 5.0 years ago

    @Pianoman The gyros are set a little too high and are causing the droid to twitch. For version 1.1, might I suggest setting the gyros to 60 strength and 60 stability?

    Edit: Messing around, I did 60/60 on all three gyros and toned down the center gyros yaw power to 150%, no twitching matched with smooth animation. :thumbs-up::skin-tone-5:

  • Room Romp 5.0 years ago

    @MisterT I tried to apply that to the ball, but for some raisin, it wouldn't spawn when I applied the component. (p-dang sure I included it in the build when saving too) Gonna have to do more experimenting on my end to see why it didn't work, because just begs to be rammed into.

  • How to Compile Maps for Android in 1.9? 5.0 years ago

    @TheMachinist I'm playing on PC, so the plane files are .xml, but can be unpacked from an .splane file. All mod files are not .spmod-android, only mods compiled to android are .spmod-android. Things changed from the 1.8 to 1.9 update.

    edit: olol i got beat to the explanation my b. i think i might just link people to the un-features for right now, until I can find a workaround or another update drops.

  • Moth 5.0 years ago

    don't forget to add tags ^_^

  • Corcle Island 5.0 years ago

    @DuckMint There's an option in EasyRoads to export the mesh it makes. Once it is exported, you can use it like any other asset in Unity.

  • Hecka Island 5.1 years ago

    @randomusername I'd love to find out. I did try the CROSSFIRE ATNVS-2 though, and that was an amazing drive. The driver scales nicely with the rest of the level. It really gave the off-road driving enjoyment I desire.

  • How to Build a Stable Helicopter 5.1 years ago

    @ArcturusAerospace Here's that helicopter fam

  • Art 5.1 years ago

    i swear i saw a hipster chick rock this design as her necklace before

  • Pickles's Bike ) 3.7 years ago

    looks like you ended up changing the colors for the dog. XD
    a note about dog color-blindness. They see more than black and white and can actually see colors, just not as many. ;D

  • Toby Honk's Pro Skateboard 3.8 years ago

    @nenebootsy7 I can only hope you googled Tony Hawk, then Toby Honk, and then got the same results as me. XD You're thinking of the other guy, Toby Honk invented "The 901" and runs Bïrdhaus.

  • Dirtboard 2.0 (DOESN'T WORK) 3.8 years ago

    this is amazing <3

  • Toby Honk's Pro Skateboard 3.8 years ago

    @nenebootsy7 It's Toby Honk..! I made sure to check the spelling and everything; it's even spelled that way in this video. :D

  • Beta Stunt: Dirtboard 4.2 years ago

    I'm loving the color scheme!

  • Hazedrifter Pursuer 4.6 years ago

    @An2k Thanks much for the warm comment. I think the lack of votes probably has to do with the screenshot. I've since learned how to make the thumbnail look a bit flashier.

  • What is your favourite game outside of SP? 4.7 years ago

    I can't just pick one, so here's a handful:
    -100ft Robot Golf
    -100$ Orange Juice
    -Earth Defense Force 5

    SsethTzeentach has some reviews for free games, just reach the description and watch the video for these games respectively:
    -Star Sector (Very interesting info at 17:20)

  • Rayong Caticlan 4.7 years ago

    Awesome! I can help with the wind turbines, I got some to spin in Farmer's Circuit.

    If you can split the towers into a parent and child object, with the main tower part as a parent object and the group of blades as a child object, you can apply a script to the set of blades with a pretty simple line of code in void Update().

        this.transform.Rotate(0, 0, 100 * Time.deltaTime);

    100 is the rate at which the blades spin. if you replace 100 with a variable, you can have each turbine spin at different rates.

    I haven't had any slowdowns on my computer with this code, since I think it skips a lot of physics processing. They're indestructible unlike the ones in game, but they won't slow down the game either.

    Let me know if you need anything explained further or if you need some pictures or something.

  • 7segment display 4.7 years ago

    This could be a useful tool for setting up and testing FT, p-cool fam.

  • (100) 32x32 Fuselage Art Challenge 4.8 years ago

    yo! good to see some activity on your end fam
    i noticed your gavatar is missing so i got a little worried 4 u

  • Is there anyway to remove the terrible looking shell trajectory predictor? 4.8 years ago

    As Minecrafterpoweer stated, you can hide it with the GUI. F9 is the hotkey to hide the GUI, which includes the predictor. A staple for photographers, and one of my fav hotkeys.

  • WARHAMMER 40K Marauder bomber (I'm kinda back) 4.8 years ago

    Perfect for purging the unclean!

  • Long board 4.8 years ago

    I really like this design! You should add strong gyros to it so you can do tricks, just like in this video! Here.

  • SLASHING PRICES! 4.9 years ago

    Yeeeessss. I had them all except Aero. Now I have them all except Aero, but with three copies of SimplePlanes instead.

  • I might join SP! 4.9 years ago

    Very cool stuff! I had a lot of fun with SR2. The editor in SR2 is better than SP, but I strongly prefer the way SP handles x-box controllers and cameras.

  • Desert Skies 4.9 years ago

    the detail on this is insaaaane
    I wish I could make things of this quality~

  • Update 1.9.205 4.9 years ago

    @WNP78 input: clamp(Pitch,-1,0) doesn't work on BeaconLight anymore. I was using it as a reverse light on a car.

    Edit: A fixed expression of what I want is Pitch<0.
    Dun need help, but I figure I should share the finding.

  • [F·B] MINI M4 tank 4.9 years ago

    such tiny anger