Does the image appear for you?
There are some people who have privately said that the image is not showing up, so is the image showing up for you guys? 😅
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Unfortunately no, I only have a save with about 2000 parts, even when I save it my phone gets really hot, Maybe it can be used to fry eggs
Teasers for both vehicles
T 4 tags
Kaya kenal, tapi apa yh 🤔
Are you using mod map for screenshot?
+1Does the image appear for you?
There are some people who have privately said that the image is not showing up, so is the image showing up for you guys? 😅
Teaser for both Tank
T 4 Tag
Both are Mizuhara planes BTW
One is the Air Force
And the other one is the Navy
Teaser for both aircraft
T 4 tag everyone
XIF-06 but Bigger
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Unfortunately no, I only have a save with about 2000 parts, even when I save it my phone gets really hot, Maybe it can be used to fry eggs
That also happened when I made Yamato and Iowa.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Sorry but I can't, my phone crashes even when loading the ship
Imagine when you are sleeping and this thing crawls on your face 💀
+1T 4 tags everyone
Teaser for both Tanks
T 4 tag
Guys, please tell me who knows how, Its have made 6 tanks and I can't upload them because I don't have a Turret Stabilizer.
I didn't have a train track map so I took a screenshot at Wirght Airport :v
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Sorry I forgot to tag you, and you already Upvoted 😅
Teaser for both Aircraft
T 4 tag
@SpetzavodHeavyIndustries wkwkwkwkwk
Soalnya kadang suka ane mainin di laptop ane
T btw
@SpetzavodHeavyIndustries Airstrike 2?
Does the Funky Tree also function for cannons?
Gw yg 2.5 tahun aja belom sampe 10k
@MasAgus hehe
@ThomasRoderick Correct
So I only use the Amphibious Version for screenshot purposes
@ProudWisper2 Sorry, but I can't, because when I tested the amphibious version it was very problematic
@Majakalona idk
+1@Majakalona yes :v
+1How to add clickable pictures?
@Panzerwaifu69 🤨📷
+1@BlinIndustry Thank You
@Mrgoofy Of course you can
+1@AdmiralGelvain mata loe
+1@ImmanYu19 bro, I also have a project in progress, so I can't make it
@ImmanYu19 Sorry I can not