@asteroidbook345 Oh, I'll make a JATO-version at some point. But it will probably be the one with the rack-mounted boosters, or the "dog collar"; the internal boosters were abandoned fairly quickly. I just didn't want to increase the part count any more at this point... hence the lack of a JATO set, and the mod-based cockpit instruments. BTW... did some B-47 models really have air brakes? Other than the "approach chute", that is..?
@Alta2809 Depends -what kind of "mobile" do you mean? My old iPhone 6 doesn't seem to have too much of a problem with anything 1500 parts or less, and I have even run +3k parts builds on it. My 1st gen iPad struggles -but that thing's ancient...
@TheMitsuboshiBoi That, I believe, is mainly a matter of opinion. The plane was never built, and the internet is rife with "artist's impressions". Some with glass nose, some looking like an airliner in camo paint, others with a B17-like cockpit sticking out like a sore thumb. But: for a bomber, the glass nose makes the most sense.
@BogdanX Hmm... I tried it, and it works just as well of course, but I don't really notice much difference. Same phenomenon; upon impact, the game seems to freeze for 2 or 3 seconds. Same with the standard bombs. Strange...
@BogdanX I noticed that the game freezes for a few seconds after sth with a camera impacts (the Ohka, two of the bombs...) and that the camera stays around even after the rest was destroyed. No idea how to fix that -if it's even "fixable" at all. Did I forget something, or is this just an SP quirk?
@BogdanX I'll keep the tip about calculateDrag in mind, thanks. Never gave it much thought... I just play around with the drag scale. My laptop doesn't seem to mind either way, so I had no idea this actually has an influence.
Well, it didn't shed all its LG of course. They got the idea from the Me 264; double wheels on each side to carry the takeoff weight, of which one wheel is dropped after takeoff... the idea being that the plane needs less/lighter LG when empty. Not sure if that's true though; the main LG structure remains the same, but you use two somewhat smaller & lighter wheels instead of a single heavy one. This being said, the LG probably takes more of a beating on an empty touchdown than on a loaded takeoff. It was an interesting idea perhaps, but I doubt it would have been implemented in a production model. One of my "Amerika Bomber" versions has this feature too, but in this case there was no AG left and I had to make a choice @Hedero @BogdanX
@ChisP at Tinian they had runways 8000 ft long... and that was described as "barely adequate" for a loaded B-29. You could tweak the engines a bit of course -but that would be cheating ;) :p
@Diloph I just didn't much like the original "night fighter" version myself. It handled strangely sometimes, and when pushed reached some 400 km/h -not great for a plane that should be able to hit 700 without too much effort. So -got rid of the (admittedly ugly) radar, the coffin-colour, tweaked controls and engines a bit, added some hardware (the original only had its .50's) and some other small detail stuff. Overall, I enjoy this version way more. So why not upload..? Nobody's forced to download it :D
@Potkuri hah... can't. Doesn't have 75 parts :D the "default color" thing just made me think of that painting, so I decided to enliven the grey lineup of entries so far. Just think of it as wall hanging...
@BogdanX well, They cooked up lots of weird & wonderful planes in '45, that's for sure. But keep in mind that those engineers were also salesmen; they made the design look cool to get their customers interested. If the project had gone ahead, you can be sure the engines would have simply ended up underwing "for practical reasons". It's like the Geneva car show; manufacturers build great-looking (but impractical and expensive) concept cars, but by the time a model is developed for mass production it's barely recognizable and looks pretty much like every other car out there...
Haha, wonderful! Now we can have the "old" and the "new" Tu-22's flying in formation ;) although, I guess, the shaky old Blinder wouldn't be able to keep up. Well done!
@TophatAirkraft actually, it was NOT meant to be American... the P51 was originally designed in response to a requirement of the British Purchasing Commission. The US air force only started using it later in the war.
@asteroidbook345 the Kfir came a few years earlier, I believe... the "Pantera" conversion was done with the help of the guys who also worked on the Kfir.
Thanks all! I was also brewing another luftwaffe-thing, unfortunately not suitable for the challenge cuz it's a jet. I'll just finish up on that one now...
@SchadeAircaftCompany Thanks... you can certainly dogfight it of course, I just don't think it will last very long. I'm still curious how it will hold up in a dogfight, though.
@WarHawk95 You're absolutely right -still, I wanted to give it a bit more air-to-air & less air-to-surface in this case. Guess it was a choice made by the air force in those days, there doesn't seem to be a real technical objection wrt size or weight. So yes, you could swap & put two Martels underwing and a single centerline-mount R530.
@WarHawk95 ah well, your R530 only lacked some nuts & bolts (a WIP, as you say), but I was referring to Matra's real thing. Don't think they ever managed to hit much with those things.
@WarHawk95 I did credit you in the plane's description. I saw your R.530, but didn't immediately download it at the time... and since the link was gone from my "notifications" I couldn't find it when I was re-ftting the mirage. Just quickly made one of my own, as well as a "Martel" AGM (modded cleaver of course), so no probs. Great idea to use these on the Mirage, though truth be told the real R.530 wasn't actually all that good... ;)
@asteroidbook345 those would be the built-in JATO rockets...
@asteroidbook345 I see the flaps, I see the built-in JATO, the brake chute compartment's hatch etc etc -no air brakes as far as I can tell
@asteroidbook345 Don't see 'em... :s
@asteroidbook345 Oh, I'll make a JATO-version at some point. But it will probably be the one with the rack-mounted boosters, or the "dog collar"; the internal boosters were abandoned fairly quickly. I just didn't want to increase the part count any more at this point... hence the lack of a JATO set, and the mod-based cockpit instruments. BTW... did some B-47 models really have air brakes? Other than the "approach chute", that is..?
@mrfeistyboo @Zuig5 the mod is non-essential, so you can use the plane without it. The cockpit view won't look very nice then, that's all.
Who knew the Latvians invented dieselpunk? Cool build!
+2looks like the Sulaco with a Tie-fighter stuck to its behind... :P
@Alta2809 Depends -what kind of "mobile" do you mean? My old iPhone 6 doesn't seem to have too much of a problem with anything 1500 parts or less, and I have even run +3k parts builds on it. My 1st gen iPad struggles -but that thing's ancient...
+1Fabulous looking Tunnan! Don't worry about the missing airbrakes -braking is for pussies anyway :P
+2@TheMitsuboshiBoi That, I believe, is mainly a matter of opinion. The plane was never built, and the internet is rife with "artist's impressions". Some with glass nose, some looking like an airliner in camo paint, others with a B17-like cockpit sticking out like a sore thumb. But: for a bomber, the glass nose makes the most sense.
@TheMitsuboshiBoi so... what's wrong with it, then?
@BogdanX Hmm... I tried it, and it works just as well of course, but I don't really notice much difference. Same phenomenon; upon impact, the game seems to freeze for 2 or 3 seconds. Same with the standard bombs. Strange...
@BogdanX yes... stick on a cam and set it to "chase".
@BogdanX I noticed that the game freezes for a few seconds after sth with a camera impacts (the Ohka, two of the bombs...) and that the camera stays around even after the rest was destroyed. No idea how to fix that -if it's even "fixable" at all. Did I forget something, or is this just an SP quirk?
@BogdanX I'll keep the tip about calculateDrag in mind, thanks. Never gave it much thought... I just play around with the drag scale. My laptop doesn't seem to mind either way, so I had no idea this actually has an influence.
Well, it didn't shed all its LG of course. They got the idea from the Me 264; double wheels on each side to carry the takeoff weight, of which one wheel is dropped after takeoff... the idea being that the plane needs less/lighter LG when empty. Not sure if that's true though; the main LG structure remains the same, but you use two somewhat smaller & lighter wheels instead of a single heavy one. This being said, the LG probably takes more of a beating on an empty touchdown than on a loaded takeoff. It was an interesting idea perhaps, but I doubt it would have been implemented in a production model. One of my "Amerika Bomber" versions has this feature too, but in this case there was no AG left and I had to make a choice @Hedero @BogdanX
@Diloph nobody's stopping you :D go right ahead... we can always use more B-29's.
@ChisP at Tinian they had runways 8000 ft long... and that was described as "barely adequate" for a loaded B-29. You could tweak the engines a bit of course -but that would be cheating ;) :p
Big Mouth Billy Bass :D :D great!
@JohnnyBoythePilot Sure, go ahead. Let me know what it looks like once finished ;)
+1@TitanIncorporated just connect 3 identical planes
@Zanedavid So then, do a Liechtenstein -lots of primary colors there. Bit more work to copy, though. Sorry :D :D
@Diloph I just didn't much like the original "night fighter" version myself. It handled strangely sometimes, and when pushed reached some 400 km/h -not great for a plane that should be able to hit 700 without too much effort. So -got rid of the (admittedly ugly) radar, the coffin-colour, tweaked controls and engines a bit, added some hardware (the original only had its .50's) and some other small detail stuff. Overall, I enjoy this version way more. So why not upload..? Nobody's forced to download it :D
@Potkuri hah... can't. Doesn't have 75 parts :D the "default color" thing just made me think of that painting, so I decided to enliven the grey lineup of entries so far. Just think of it as wall hanging...
@NightmareCorporation it's about a century old -not so modern ;)
+1@Mustang51 Thanks! If they had built it, it probably wouldn't have flown at all. First hurdle would be to find a pilot crazy enough to try...
+3@BogdanX the Tunnan is, after all, just a Me P.1101 :D
+1@BogdanX well, They cooked up lots of weird & wonderful planes in '45, that's for sure. But keep in mind that those engineers were also salesmen; they made the design look cool to get their customers interested. If the project had gone ahead, you can be sure the engines would have simply ended up underwing "for practical reasons". It's like the Geneva car show; manufacturers build great-looking (but impractical and expensive) concept cars, but by the time a model is developed for mass production it's barely recognizable and looks pretty much like every other car out there...
+1@asteroidbook345 not sure what you mean... anyway, just take 'em apart!
@BaunD7711 don't think the old '22 had a rotary launcher, AFAIK... thanks for offering though.
Haha, wonderful! Now we can have the "old" and the "new" Tu-22's flying in formation ;) although, I guess, the shaky old Blinder wouldn't be able to keep up. Well done!
+1These are great!
Design-wise it's an oreo with heavy guns. Hmm... strange.
@MAHADI Grazie...
@TophatAirkraft actually, it was NOT meant to be American... the P51 was originally designed in response to a requirement of the British Purchasing Commission. The US air force only started using it later in the war.
@asteroidbook345 the Kfir came a few years earlier, I believe... the "Pantera" conversion was done with the help of the guys who also worked on the Kfir.
@UFNNICF5TF it was a "zwilling"... does that count as one or two?
ahaa... ein plane for der people. Very gut!
+1@Diloph perhaps there was some influence, who can say... Bell simply built the X-5 from Messerschmitt P1011 plans, so why not.
@xXRaindropXx -just tested, seems to work fine for me. No idea what the problem is then, I'm afraid...
Thanks all! I was also brewing another luftwaffe-thing, unfortunately not suitable for the challenge cuz it's a jet. I'll just finish up on that one now...
@Zippy6 well, no... that didn't work on the prototype I believe.
@Tessemi as far as I know they were free-floating, but probably locked at a certain (high) airspeed.
@SchadeAircaftCompany Thanks... you can certainly dogfight it of course, I just don't think it will last very long. I'm still curious how it will hold up in a dogfight, though.
@hRmm :D :D nope, haven't a clue myself
@WarHawk95 You're absolutely right -still, I wanted to give it a bit more air-to-air & less air-to-surface in this case. Guess it was a choice made by the air force in those days, there doesn't seem to be a real technical objection wrt size or weight. So yes, you could swap & put two Martels underwing and a single centerline-mount R530.
+2@WarHawk95 ah well, your R530 only lacked some nuts & bolts (a WIP, as you say), but I was referring to Matra's real thing. Don't think they ever managed to hit much with those things.
@WarHawk95 I did credit you in the plane's description. I saw your R.530, but didn't immediately download it at the time... and since the link was gone from my "notifications" I couldn't find it when I was re-ftting the mirage. Just quickly made one of my own, as well as a "Martel" AGM (modded cleaver of course), so no probs. Great idea to use these on the Mirage, though truth be told the real R.530 wasn't actually all that good... ;)