83.1k SimplyPlain Comments

  • Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk 4.4 years ago

    Nice build, especially with so few parts. One question though; since it's indeed a ground attack plane, where are the GBU's?

  • Tupolev Tu-128 "Fiddler" 4.4 years ago

    Thanks all! This old soviet hulk is a lot more popular than I expected it to be ;)

  • Mistel / Fi 103R "Reichenberg" 4.4 years ago

    @Faulknerice You could be right. Still, though... the trolley will disengage as soon as you rotate; if it fails to do so, you either have an old SP version, are running this on a potato, or rotate at the (very) wrong moment. On a normal takeoff, I have no probs. On launching the mistel, the main plane just keeps going on its current course; if you crash, that probably means you're switching to the mistel cam and are completely disregarding the fact that someone has to fly the plane. Or perhaps you're just not flying straight; dropping the mistel is never a good idea when either diving or climbing. That's not an SP thing; it wouldn't be a good "real world" practice either. Same goes for simple bombing, by the way. I suggest you try a reasonable approach at high physics setting.

  • Flying backward through the bridge. 4.4 years ago

    I fail to see the point. In SP, it's easy enough to build a craft that defies the laws of physics; you can make a brick accelerate like a rocket, and pull 8+ G turns with funny stuff like a flying lawnmower. Building something that actually flies like a plane is a bit more difficult. Not a big fan, sorry.

  • Republic F-12 "Rainbow" 4.5 years ago

    @Hedero https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/kmra5M/Republic-F-12-Rainbow-sans-engine-glitch

  • Messerschmitt (Me 262 A-1a) 4.6 years ago

    One swallow does not make a summer... so we can always use more swallows. And this, I must say, is a rather nice one.

  • RJ-DeHavilland Werewolf (Mahadi 2nd entry) 4.6 years ago

    Horten hears a Ho... ;)

  • S.O.4050 Vautour 4.6 years ago

    Nice. But what's with all the grips? Is this the wingwalker-version..? ;)

  • Boeing B-47 stratojet 4.7 years ago

    @Raptor787 u can just DL the plane and use without mod.

  • Tachikawa Ki-94-I 4.7 years ago

    @Alta2809 Depends -what kind of "mobile" do you mean? My old iPhone 6 doesn't seem to have too much of a problem with anything 1500 parts or less, and I have even run +3k parts builds on it. My 1st gen iPad struggles -but that thing's ancient...

  • P-51R Mustang "Hard Air" 4.8 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot Sure, go ahead. Let me know what it looks like once finished ;)

  • P. Mondriaan - Default Paint Challenge 4.8 years ago

    @NightmareCorporation it's about a century old -not so modern ;)

  • Focke-Wulf "Super Lorin"-ish interceptor 4.8 years ago

    @BogdanX the Tunnan is, after all, just a Me P.1101 :D

  • Focke-Wulf "Super Lorin"-ish interceptor 4.8 years ago

    @BogdanX well, They cooked up lots of weird & wonderful planes in '45, that's for sure. But keep in mind that those engineers were also salesmen; they made the design look cool to get their customers interested. If the project had gone ahead, you can be sure the engines would have simply ended up underwing "for practical reasons". It's like the Geneva car show; manufacturers build great-looking (but impractical and expensive) concept cars, but by the time a model is developed for mass production it's barely recognizable and looks pretty much like every other car out there...

  • Tu-22M3 "Backfire" 4.8 years ago

    Haha, wonderful! Now we can have the "old" and the "new" Tu-22's flying in formation ;) although, I guess, the shaky old Blinder wouldn't be able to keep up. Well done!

  • Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger V1.1 4.8 years ago

    ahaa... ein plane for der people. Very gut!

  • Aero-3B Launcher 4.9 years ago

    @WarHawk95 I did credit you in the plane's description. I saw your R.530, but didn't immediately download it at the time... and since the link was gone from my "notifications" I couldn't find it when I was re-ftting the mirage. Just quickly made one of my own, as well as a "Martel" AGM (modded cleaver of course), so no probs. Great idea to use these on the Mirage, though truth be told the real R.530 wasn't actually all that good... ;)

  • Aero-3B Launcher 4.9 years ago

    @WarHawk95 Cool!

  • Dassault Mirage IIIc 4.9 years ago

    @edensk Thanx! My bad, not assigning AG6 to the left pylon. The exhaust though... I noticed it behaves a bit strange. Sometimes it looks quite normal, and sometimes it seems very narrow. Dunno why... height & width are the same scale. Any ideas what the problem could be?

  • Messerschmitt P.1085 / Me 264 5.0 years ago

    @Trijets Might be an idea for a future build...

  • Yakovlev Yak-15 5.0 years ago

    @AircraftoftheRedStar One Yak-15 was claimed to be shot down by a Douglas F3D-2 in Korea. The F3's pilot could have been mistaken of course... but the Yak-15 looks quite recognizable. It would, of course, have been in North Korean colors then... so the paintjob is off.

  • Republic XP-72 "Ultrabolt" 5.0 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 that's what they got for trying to squeeze a 28-cyl 4-row radial engine into a single-seater ;) ugly to look at, but it would have been a blast... only marginally slower than the Me-262 but with a much better rate of climb. With four 37mm cannons, something you definitely want to get away from -but can't.

  • P/F-82 Twin Mustang - "Double Trouble" 5.1 years ago

    @Diloph LOL not a tank... it's a radar pod. Looks silly, I know -blame the guy who actually designed it :D

  • P51 Mustang 5.1 years ago

    @Alta2809 Hardly worth a "tutorial" -it would be a very short one indeed. It's a simple XML-mod (best use Overload); just re-scale & re-color the exhaust of VTOL nozzles to suit your particular need. You can scour them off my build. It's not a perfect solution, since the smoke doesn't disperse like, well, smoke... but probably the closest you can get without using actual mods. I'm still waiting for SP to add exhaust smoke (and contrails, gun smoke, glass for cockpits, textures etc etc etc...)

  • Heinkel He 111 - North African theatre 5.1 years ago

    @BusterShortWolf The German government in those days was pretty thick-headed... small wonder they favored thick-winged planes ;)

  • Heinkel He 111 - North African theatre 5.1 years ago

    @Dragons103 Well... why not? I'll put it on the list, in any case. Still looking for a way to simulate random engine fires, though... ;)

  • F7U Cutlass - 1945-1950 Naval Aviation Challenge 5.2 years ago

    @Pietro Thanks. Just install the "upload with screenshots" mod...

  • F7U Cutlass - 1945-1950 Naval Aviation Challenge 5.2 years ago

    @Mustang51 Thanks. One more coming up, perhaps in a few days...

  • S-100 Class "Schnellboot" 1.4 years ago

    @PannerTerkins bah... no time, I'm afraid. I have a 98% finished X-wing on the shelf (it's been there for over a year) and lots of other ideas, but no time or inclination to do anything about it. Maybe in future, sometime, who knows...

  • Heinkel He 111 - North African theatre 1.4 years ago

    @GRoblox SC1000's didn't fit in the He-111's bomb racks and were always carried on the outside.

  • Savoia-Marchetti SM.92 1.9 years ago

    @Cocomax400 "many" usually refers to "more than one". Counting seems to be somewhat of a challenge, eh..?

  • Mig-15bis / Lim-2 2.2 years ago

    @realSavageMan thx -has double the part count though

  • Oid Family Car 2.8 years ago

    @Blueshift nah... certainly not an Integrale. They're a lot wider, what with all the plastic skirts 'n all.. would love to see someone do a proper Lancia Stratos in SP though.

  • Junkers Ju-52/1m 2.9 years ago

    @imunsure go right ahead, no probs

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 2.9 years ago

    Sure… @Kazin

  • T-47 Snowspeeder 3.0 years ago

    Thanks a million, all! Didn't think a vintage Star Wars build would attract any attention at all...

  • T-47 Snowspeeder 3.0 years ago

    @goboygo1 there's hostiles on the hill for sure... :p

  • Heinkel He177 "Greif" 3.0 years ago

    @MeuseFlugzeugbau Sure, go ahead -you're welcome to them.

  • Heinkel He177 "Greif" 3.0 years ago

    @MeuseFlugzeugbau That sounds like a cool feature indeed. Not for a WW2 bomber per se of course, it wouldn't be very realistic in VR... they didn't have "look-down, shoot-down" gimmicks in those days. Great idea in an attack 'copter though, I would love to know how it works. Oh, and if anyone knows a way to automatically switch to a particular camera view e.g. when selecting a weapon, THAT would be a great feature!

  • Heinkel He177 "Greif" 3.0 years ago

    @EternalDarkness ah... I'm not all that good at the photography thing... never seem to be able to get a decent angle inside a close space like the cockpit. But I'll try :p

  • Fw-190D "Long-nose Dora" 3.1 years ago

    @WojakArgento sure, go ahead

  • Budget-Me-262 3.2 years ago

    @MrACEpilot ouch... I don't think I want to know what you ripped out :p

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.2 years ago

    @FeatherWing AFAIK the 262 beat the Meteor in terms of first flight of the prototype (july '42 vs march '43) as well as first operational/combat use (april '44 vs july '44)...

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.2 years ago

    @BogdanX Thanks for the valuable input! The flaps issue is already fixed -silly mistake on my part. As for the rest, well... partly a matter of taste I guess. Making working trim tabs is a great idea; will keep that in mind for the future. I'm not a big fan of spending time on detailed gear wells though, except on some builds where they're highly visible when the plane is on the ground. But that's just an opinion of course.

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.2 years ago

    @RC1138Boss It's not possible YET, that's true. I will make a stripped-down version at some point, making it easier to run the thing on a phone or tablet... but all depends on what you call "mobile friendly". I'm never going to get it down to 300-400 parts, that's for sure...

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.2 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima Thanks! Well, I noticed some VR parts do behave rather erratic at times. Cylinder grips that don't behave like they should, switches that stop working for no apparent reason, label that suddenly blowing up to 400% just by selecting it etc... guess there's still a bit of debugging to be done there :P if I get some time I'll try to find out which part(s) exactly are creating the problem. But if I have to, say, remove the plane's main controls to make the guns work I'll have something of a dilemma...

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.2 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima very strange, since the parts are not related in any way. If this is a glitch, it may be quite random...

  • Me-262 "Schwalbe" 3.2 years ago

    @FDFZMaverick strange... I fixed that (and uploaded the new XML) hours ago...

  • Junkers Ju-52 "Tante Ju" 3.2 years ago

    @Kianoxley there's no mod there -no idea what you're on about, sorry

  • Junkers Ju-52 "Tante Ju" 3.2 years ago

    @Kianoxley https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/53358v/Ju-52-UPDATE