@WNP78 I know this isn’t a place to suggest things but we need a downvote comments button because all these people still saying UpDaTE sP are annoying. 😒
ound is important when it comes to having a good feel to a vehicle. The gauge part is AWESOME and I’m definitely going to make more cars from now on! But I know me and my friends have been wanting the car engine sound since it came out lol.
The color is how much Andrew likes you and the number is how much simplecoins you have.
You can buy simple coins by paying me directly via PayPal.
+26Upvote this comment if you get the joke
+21That sounds great! Thanks Andrew, shows that you care about us.
+16Andrew when 8 players ask about an update: I sleep
+14Andrew when someone harmlessly uses his name real shit
I bet if it was furry killer no one would have a problem.
+14this is why we cant have tournaments
+13Kinda looks the same :/
+13Also perma ban if you say kthxbye without being platinum.
it is something to read on the toilet tho.
+12Every time someone asks Andrew pushes it back 2 months
+11Stepping down from the unknown is very dangerous!! You could’ve fallen!
+11Simple physics is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench
+9Andrew: makes game about planes
+9Users: make waifu
I like the part where he said hic
+9Drag strip (redneck)
+8Why even call it SimplePlanes anymore. It really is the ultimate sandbox game.
+8this is something I think we will never get.
+8so is ur mom
+8Today’s not April fools day Andrew!!
+8Why isn't this guy a dev??
+8y e s
The world needs you.
You have so much to live for.
We all go through a low point in our lives but choosing not to give in to these trials determines how strong we are as persons.
Your dreams need some fulfilling to do.
Nobody can ever replace you.
The world will miss you once you’re gone.
Heck, I will miss you like crazy.
+8Committing suicide will never solve your problems, it will only make some one else have them
@WNP78 I know this isn’t a place to suggest things but we need a downvote comments button because all these people still saying UpDaTE sP are annoying. 😒
+7Lets be honest, 1.12 might be the last update coming to the game.
+7Will it work on my iPhone 5?
+7Cruisin' on down Main Street, you're relaxed and feeling good
Next thing that you know, you're seeing...
An octopus in our neighborhood?
Surfing on a sound wave, swinging through the stars,
Take a left at your intestine, take your second right past Mars
On the Magic School Bus, navigate a nostril
Climb on the Magic School Bus; spank a plankton, too
On our Magic School Bus, raft a river of lava
On the Magic School Bus, it's such a fine thing to do
So strap your bones right to the seat; come on in and don't be shy
Just to make your day complete, you might get baked into a pie
On the Magic School Bus
Step inside; it's a wilder ride
Come on, ride on the Magic School Bus
+7Please enter a comment before submitting
+7Seems like an interesting fella
+7Me who has never beat it:
+7ound is important when it comes to having a good feel to a vehicle. The gauge part is AWESOME and I’m definitely going to make more cars from now on! But I know me and my friends have been wanting the car engine sound since it came out lol.
+7I’m honestly surprised that all the devs are online lol
+7I don't think the devs have even thought about the user voice in a while.
+7another one bites the dust
+7Isn’t this already in the game?
@alrmaa7 shut
+6dude what a clickbait
+6I live in the United States. School has tried to kill me several times.
+6That upvote count is missing a few zeros.
+6Is that thing removed again or did you take it down?
+6@wurenya I could be from canada and then move to taiwan.
+6@wurenya I wouldn't care. I'd think you like new york and china. and there's nothing wrong with that.
+6Your phone must be old as crap then.
+6no, the building interface is horrific.
+6but what if you order same day delivery at 11:59:59