29.2k Viper28 Comments

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.3 years ago

    So beautiful

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.3 years ago

    Holy freaking

  • 1.8 Beta now available 5.8 years ago

    Guys pls put bug reports in the bug report form so the devs see them. Putting them in comments and forums just clutters up everything and is likely to be missed. Suggestions are fine tho, however I’m sure the devs have a lot on their plate already.

  • Working Stealth Confirmed 5.8 years ago

    I’m betting you started in the base, then flew out. The turrets won’t shoot you then.

  • Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird 7.9 years ago

    The wingtips tend to bend and flap at high speeds (I found in excess of 2200mph).

  • HELP!! PLANE TILTING BY IT SELF 4.7 years ago

    Often this bug is caused by a mis-calculated drag model, causing non symmetrical drag. Try disconnecting and reconnecting the cockpit, or finding the part that is causing the problem by just looking at drag view or in the overlord menu (anything on rotors, lights, paneled nose sections, things attached directly to wings or pylons are common culprits)

  • New beta - 1.8.3 (Steam today, mobile tomorrow) 5.8 years ago

    Because apple man @Cleaver1111998

  • Working Stealth Confirmed 5.8 years ago

    No I don’t need a video, I don’t think you’re lying. I just wanted to make sure that you know that. @LordAidanYT

  • Weird chase camera? 5.8 years ago

    I like the new camera more...

  • H steel 5.9 years ago

    Their I beams dude, what is this H you speak of

  • F18 5.9 years ago

    Good nose, my noses never come out that smooth!

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 5.9 years ago

    I've been gone so long they're updating the game! (no offense I just mean the last time I was here the devs were talking about starting Simple Rockets 2) lol

  • I believe I've broken a speed record of some sort. 7.6 years ago

    But don't let that discourage you, you're on the right track! @CrazyCodeC

  • Sukhoi Su-37 Terminator 8.0 years ago

    It's handling reminds me of one of my favorite of my personal builds! Beautiful!

  • In Game Refueling 8.4 years ago

    I've asked the devs for thiss many times and they shoot me down every time

  • Open Letter to the devs from a first year Aerospace Engineering student 7 months ago

    @GuardianAerospace I have a Bachelors in Aerospace, working on a Masters, and have worked in the aviation industry for 2 years now on avionics. My takeaway is that I use relatively little of my aerospace knowledge, and that is the case for most college graduates I know since there are very few purely aerospace roles. My current academic research is primarily mechanical and materials engineering, while my job is mostly electrical and systems engineering. Both involve a healthy dose of math and programming. My recommendation is that if you want to work in the Aerospace industry, get an aerospace minor with one of those other engineering majors and the added flexibility will serve you much better. If you are 100% dedicated to a pure aerodynamics role like an aerodynamicist that sits and does computational simulations or wind tunnel testing, do the opposite and get an aerospace degree with a minor in something else. There are very few pure “aerospace engineering” jobs but there are many engineering jobs in the aerospace industry if you’re open to them. The important things at your age are to get good grades, take every opportunity to learn what school doesn’t teach, and try to do or replicate projects even if you don’t think you know enough.

  • Anyone want to finish this ARC-170 4.5 years ago

    I literally built this probably more than a year ago, I haven’t built anything in a while because of college and how busy I’ve been. I’m fixing my laptop right now so I’ve been stuck with only my phone for a little bit and just decided to offload some of the really old builds I have stored on my phone. Maybe one day I’ll come back, but I’m hoping by the time I finish my Aerospace degree there’ll be an SP2 lol. @AWESOMENESS360 @Carbonfox1

  • Open Letter to the devs from a first year Aerospace Engineering student 4.9 years ago

    @Homemade I don't care, maybe mention me somewhere :)

  • New beta - 1.8.3 (Steam today, mobile tomorrow) 5.8 years ago

    Right click on the game title in your library and then hit properties I believe. Idk for sure I don’t have the steam version. @Topfighter

  • New beta - 1.8.3 (Steam today, mobile tomorrow) 5.8 years ago

    You have to go into the menu and opt into the beta @Topfighter

  • JAM typeII 5.8 years ago

    Can you make one without mods

  • Sylphid 5.8 years ago

    Thanks, hopefully 1.8 will be out soon so more people can use it @XHale

  • 1.8 Beta now available 5.8 years ago


  • Archangel 5.9 years ago

    I’m active in the shadows lol @TitanIncorporated

  • Archangel 5.9 years ago

    Thanks @Gauss

  • Archangel 5.9 years ago

    If you say so, but I’m pretty sure the wings are shrunk slightly through .xml. I would go find a 1.8 plane with regular wings to test your theory again. @randomusername

  • Archangel 5.9 years ago

    Mate the wings are modded @randomusername

  • Is there anything an iOS user can do to prepare for the worst (Beta Testing) 5.9 years ago

    Just back up your device, and upload any planes you want to keep safe. I’m on IOS and joined the Beta, it runs fine for me.

  • Sukhoi SU-47 Red-devil berkut 5.9 years ago

    Good stuff, I would suggest maybe using rotors to make control surfaces, and moving the cockpit forward so you can see better.

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 5.9 years ago

    what is this comment upvote system I see OwO


    Excuse me what, I can just change the drag on iOS?@jamesPLANESii


    Yessss, this bug and when the game thinks one side of a plane has more drag than the other even after mirroring

  • I know it’s been a while, but does anyone care about some starwars builds I started on before I quit? 6.3 years ago

    Just posted the T-70 @randomusername @ThePilotDude @XjayIndustrys

  • Viper missile pack 6.9 years ago

    Yeah sure @FlyingManiac

  • Shadow Shark: Vi-F-26S 7.1 years ago

    Why thank you sir @pk41382

  • Shadow Shark: Vi-F-26S 7.1 years ago

    Thanks! @hopotumon

  • Shadow Shark: Vi-F-26S 7.1 years ago

    @pianoman @AtomicCashew @Hecky2k Hope I spelled all these right. Thank you peeps for the support

  • Shadow Shark: Vi-F-26S 7.1 years ago

    @spefyjerbf @Ephwurd @Z3RO thanks guys

  • Shadow Shark: Vi-F-26S 7.1 years ago

    @ShatSlanger @Pilotmario @sxy thanks for the support!

  • Shadow Shark: Vi-F-26S 7.1 years ago

    @LiquidFox @AceOfSpade @phanps thanks guys, much appreciated!

  • 360 degree lock-on Interceptor 7.1 years ago

    Go to my newest build, it had them

  • Shadow Shark: Vi-F-26S 7.1 years ago

    Hioh @TMR9001

  • Canberra MK2 7.2 years ago

    This was made forever ago when I sucked at building @LightMindedJedi

  • Nobody remembered? 7.2 years ago

    I did, the USAF had a flyby over my school to celebrate. A F-15, F-16, F-22 and F-35

  • Do you remember me? 7.2 years ago


  • I was on USS Midway yesterday! 7.2 years ago

    I’ve been there too, however not recently

  • Vi-B-155F Kuda 7.2 years ago

    Don’t mess with me and Manuel’s bombs 😂😂@AceOfSpade

  • Vi-B-155F Kuda 7.2 years ago

    Lol, don’t judge I’m tired. @AceOfSpade

  • Vi-B-155F Kuda 7.2 years ago

    @Liquidfox always gotta be sneaking around to get here first lol.

  • Vi-LAAT-14E Centurion 7.3 years ago

    Thanks! @Steve497