2,101 WojakArgento Comments

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 3.6 years ago

    Hi, I would like to ask if the update it’s going to take into account the possibility of components for cockpits such as throttle, VTOL, and HOTAS Joysticks, HUD’s or gyro sights like the ones used in WW2 (example this HUD mod https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/1012976/HUD ) and a customizable pilot. Ever since I discovered SimplePlanes I really enjoyed it every second invested on it and I’m really happy to see it got better and better. Also I want to apologize if I ever came to sound rude and just ask that you all take your time for this amazing update and don’t forget to rest, I do not wish to get the update at the price of the developers health, as a part-time employed medicine student who also volunteers in his free time I know firsthand that doing something for other can be exhausting

  • Update v1.12.123/124 - SimplePlanes & SimplePlanes VR 3.1 years ago

    Thanks for the update it adds much needed detail to custom Landing Gears plus the zoom for cockpit, really appreciate it! Is it possible in future updates to get air-to-air rockets with proximity fuses?

  • Daslan Icarus 2.6 years ago

    Nice design as usual!! Quick question. Did you recycled any FT code from previous posts or on each one they are similar? Because imn some areas (and glimit) its fairly similar to the Idris

  • FMA I.Ae. 37 3.2 years ago

    @Foxxo thanks for the upvote! Actually it is very probably that ill reupload it with some stuff that wasnt enought polished and the post proper with more love! Also I will use this message to anounce that the 1960 version of this plane is in development!!

  • Holographic projection probe 2.7 years ago

    @asbe this is great indeed and a revolutionary piece of fine tech, but there something that I don’t understand, did I made something wrong during installation in my plane or the probé can only mark targets up to 2.5km of altitude?

  • FAL-40S Hipster 2.8 years ago

    An ideed beatiful design! So smooth! So elegant!
    Can I use some stuff from it in my creations? Plus, I would like to ask you if I can promote your profile in my creations as my official weapon supplier each time one of your weapons or sistems are used!

  • FMA I.Ae 30 Ñancú 3.1 years ago

    @Cosmopolitan sorry for the waiting, got college stuff. Can’t promise when the Super Eternard might come out because I prioritize Argentine designs but I can tell you it’s on the list. BTW you will be tagged in its description when it comes out!

  • AF-55B 'Adelaide' 3.1 years ago

    A great design: a Can’tberra that can be used both as an attack aircraft and bomber, 11/10. Really, the maneuvering is great for being a bomber!

  • X-02S Strike Wyvern ''Archange'' 3.2 years ago

    Best wyvern ever!

  • Gyro gunsight with label 3.3 years ago

    @GuyFolk fully understandable, thnks. Can I ask for your lead code and start it by myself?

  • Gyro gunsight with label 3.3 years ago

    @GuyFolk @PlanariaLab can I ask for any advice of you in case this isn’t possible to be made?

  • TIE interceptor 3.5 years ago

    Hello @soldier289 !!!! I’ve loved this design and I’ve spent some time modifying it in order to transform it into a Tie Defender with its specifications (according to available data). Because it’s your 100% original creation I was wondering if there’s anyway I can send it to you in order to be tested by its creator and perhaps uploading it with full credit going to you?

  • Cold War cannons pack (1960-onwards) 4.6 years ago

    Forgot to tell something. I’m also planing to do more autocannon packs for early Cold War (1950-1960) and even interwar/World War 2

  • Vought F4U Corsair v1.0 6.9 years ago

    Hi @SpiritusRaptor! I would like to know if you can make a mobile version of this plane but keeping the cockpit and features. Thanks!

  • X-02SN Strike Wyvern ''Mister Blue'' 2.9 years ago

    @GuyFolk how does the hud distance variable work for the huds in your wyverns? because i have been trying to fully use them with planarialabs formula but the TD box and the lead indicator do not work properly

  • FAD-90S Galleon 2.9 years ago

    A great design indeed!!

  • X-02S Strike Wyvern ''Archange'' 3.1 years ago

    @GuyFolk well, I’ve been around here a while and in FT I consider you and @SnoWFLakE0s the best in the subject. BTW thnks for the notice on the discord server, I might get in and see

  • X-02S Strike Wyvern ''Archange'' 3.1 years ago

    @GuyFolk yay thanks, I really value that you allow the use of your build for learning, right now I’m trying to do a Flying wing with FT yaw stabilization, your YT vids where of GREAT help. Ever thought of having a discord server for asking and learning FT or direct communication?

  • Messerschmitt BF-109 G-2 3.2 years ago

    @Alisuchanka oh thanks

  • Messerschmitt BF-109 G-2 3.2 years ago

    this i great! I noted that the wings cannons are harmonized, do you know at wich distance they coincide?

  • Focke-Wulf Ta 152 H-1 3.2 years ago

    @olliebananaCFSP this rework is fantastic! Can I look the code of the gauges and use them? I am mostly interested in the Variometer and homing indicator, btw, how is the procedure for the correct use of the homing indicator?

  • X-02S Strike Wyvern ''Archange'' 3.2 years ago

    @GuyFolk I tested this awesome wonder kid and can take out in dogfight both your su-57 and F-22, all I can say is kudos and by far your best work. Alongside the others PSM-capable fighters I’ve flyed this one is overkill, even could make Sukhoi engineers faint that PSM can be pulled to this level!!!

    BTW I’m asking for your permission to research and learn from the lead indicator, relaxed stability flight model, fly-by-wire, and rotatory missile launcher for use in my builds, ever since I’m doing my best to learn about FT

  • Mitsubishi F-1 3.2 years ago

    @saki can i use the radar you made?

  • If you make a build for VR, don't forget to tag it! 3.2 years ago

    Then I shall pump up my builds. Argentinian Aircraft can into VR!!

  • FMA I.Ae. 30 Pallavicino II 3.2 years ago

    Parish Notice!!!
    I’ve commited some mistakes in areas such as measures, thrust power and other variables due to conflicting sources, so in not a long time a proper redeemed version doing a proper replica with corrected sources! Be aware!

  • FMA I.Ae. 30 Pallavicino II 3.2 years ago

    @Catte thanks, but there are some issues with it

  • Medium Bomber Challenge [CLOSED] 3.2 years ago

    @FeatherWing sorry i got confused between you and @Walvis lol

  • CH-14 Aguilucho 3.2 years ago

    Ahhh el eterno potencial de la industria argenta

  • Medium Bomber Challenge [CLOSED] 3.2 years ago

    @FeatherWing it’s 100% compulsory to use poweplants? The design I’m replicating is designed as a medium bomber and has all characteristics required but it uses two jet engines.

  • F85-B Bullshark 1.11 corrected 3.2 years ago


  • Medium Bomber Challenge [CLOSED] 3.2 years ago

    I will be taking part! Argentinian engineering can into challenges!

  • CIAB C.001A 'Chimango' 3.2 years ago

    @Bife esta buenísimo el Chinango!!!

  • Gyro gunsight with label 3.3 years ago

    Thank you for the proof of concept, I’ll be playing around with it for a while, but also I thought and wanted to exchange opinions with you. Wouldn’t also work (at last as a patch-up measure) using auto-aiming rotators with labels in order to achieve a sort-of gyro sight?

  • Fw-190D "Long-nose Dora" 3.3 years ago

    @SimplyPlain i really enjoyed yot build!! Can I ask your permission to use part of a tail in a build of mine? full credit for that part will go for you

  • FMA I.Ae. 37 3.3 years ago

    @KfcGaming ohh I see. Do you remember around which was your speed? I’m gonna fly it and add it as a warning

  • FMA I.Ae. 37 3.3 years ago

    @KfcGaming it’s an Argentinian flying wing interceptor, at last that was the original idea. In the end it was suposed to become a transonic trainer, here there is a newspaper note but is in Spanish

  • FMA I.Ae. 37 3.3 years ago

    @simpleplayer1 thank you for both the upvote, but can I ask you how to put pics in description?

  • FMA I.Ae. 37 3.3 years ago

    @GuyFolk can I ask you to test this aircraft? BTW i uploaded the Bullshark with the changes you suugested, even there is something else being cooked!

  • FMA I.Ae. 37 3.3 years ago

    @simpleplayer1 I know, now i kinda feel dissapointed because i have been working for months in collecting data, building and testing, and now has been ruined because i did not take screenshots

  • FMA I.Ae. 37 3.3 years ago

    @simpleplayer1 my sincere apologies I forgot to take more screenshots

  • Yak-38 3.3 years ago

    Absolutely loved it although I adjusted the camera based upon previous comments. The handling in vertical takeoff is GORGEOUS.

  • SU-57 'Felon' Update 1.11 3.3 years ago

    @GuyFolk well I’ll tag you lol. About the TIE fighter computer I’ll give you this link that might explain it a bit https://youtu.be/sXB7QZrhiTc , although I can ask Plenarialab’s if it has some idea. Even though my idea would be like a radar in a 15-30 degree range that marks a target in front of the plane in a horizontal manner, but when the target it’s between 6 to 0 degrees the dot becomes red, indicating that it’s adequate to fire

  • F85-B Bullshark 1.11 3.3 years ago

    @GuyFolk ohh I see. Sorry I misunderstood that only the Z axis had to be calculated and did not require further calculus depending on scale, I’ll get to fix that soon. Also you mentioned using FT in the TVC, in the first place thanks for the feedback, secondly any particular code do you recommend?? And it should be applied only to main thrust or also to the vtol nozzles used when hovering??

  • F85-B Bullshark 1.11 3.3 years ago

    @LarryTad thank you very much, i have spent almost 2 months refining and testing this, plus waiting for 1.11 and adapting the stuff i credited. Did you found anything that could be refined?

  • SU-57 'Felon' Update 1.11 3.3 years ago

    @GuyFolk I tried to tag you on my last post but I don’t know yet how, just wanting to let you know and thank you for the authorization to use your stuff, it was great help! Also ever since I watched the radar on the felon I thought… wouldn’t it be possible to make a TIE fighter style targeting computer?? I mean that in a let’s say 5 to 15 degrees in front of the pilot it indicates how close is the target to the guns area

  • F85-B Bullshark 1.11 3.3 years ago

    Also I forgot to say that this is my first post with custom screenshot and formated text! please leave any sugestions and suggerences of both the plane and post format here please

  • SU-57 'Felon' Update 1.11 3.4 years ago

    Hello! I’m a big fan of yours, I would like to ask you permission to use some of the FT codes in the labels such as hud and radar in a plane I’m upgrading. Of course you’ll be fully credited since you’re not a FT genius, you are a goddamm forest!!

  • How to make afterburner with only vtol engines? 3.4 years ago

    @ZeroWithSlashedO oh, I’ll see it thank you!

  • Target Tracker 360 Radar 3.5 years ago

    Anyone knows if it’s possible to adapt this radar to work like a TIE Fighter targeting computer ( this link gives a reference https://youtu.be/sXB7QZrhiTc ), my idea is to use it a sort of aiming mechanism (the dot who is the fighter moves following it and the crosshair has to be centered upon upon. I theorize it shouldn’t be different from FT used in auto turrets but I’m new into Funky and I have no idea

  • Functional FT HUD 3.6 years ago

    How can I change the hud color?? (The green lights, I wish to change it to a light purple