49 c144538707 Comments

  • Wasp Woman 2.0 years ago

    What have I smked

  • CAMERA AIM Phalanx CIWS 3.2 years ago

    @SmokeyNagato It can't
    Can you make a version for AI ?(Most of the old auto aim have malfunction after the new version of game is updated

  • RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 3.7 years ago

    Good craft But there is something that can be improved.
    1. The connection between the backpack and weapon of the FA unicorn is too strong. When the shield on the back is destroyed, the backpack will also blow up.
    2. As the vtol has no any function, I think you are better to control the left arm with vtol(if There are no auto aim function on the left arm) ,that is more easy to keep the position

  • Buso JK Exoskeleton one year ago

    How to use the Riffle?

  • Starscream 2.1 years ago

    Holly ——, incredible
    But the walking system will let the altitude control become uncontrolable.
    Also, after it is teleported, it will be berserk
    Personal question, Do you think that is a good idea to let wepon be be external, not internal?
    @MikeWallace 這個的飛行系統你可以參考一下

  • RGM-89 Jegan 2.2 years ago

    started well but still has room to improve

    Arm will twist into weird shape

    Auto and manual aiming system doesn't complete yet. Simply not accurate enough. Need to do adjustment on altitude

    Separate the flying system and the walking system

    And you reverse the control the walking system

    Also the flying systemis a bit weird, the flying speed will extremely slow down after fly for few seconds

  • MS-06R Psycho Zaku 2.5 years ago

    Oh my god you mother fucker.
    A masterpiece level craft come into the world suddenly.
    Flight System is good, but the Flight System after turn off the PID is a bit easy to loss the balance and control after huge movement ( maybe the mass of this zaku is too heavy for oggo's flight system
    The performance of the nozzle is really good. not, is fucking brilliant!
    But there is one thing I want to say...is there too much HP on the backpack?
    One question, how can I lower the "reload" time of the Bazuka? I think the reload time is a bit long

  • CAMERA AIM Phalanx CIWS 3.2 years ago

    Can it be used in AI?

  • RTX-440 Ground Assault Type Guntank Ver1.0 3.9 years ago

    Fuck, can't be played in phone

  • ZGMF-X56S/a Force Impulse Gundam 4.9 years ago

    I can only say...this is a great toy but not suitable for battle
    Still can improve

  • 00 Raiser Docking 27 days ago

    only one thing to say
    Make the particle more a bit blue

  • ASW-G-08 Barbatos 1st Form 5 months ago

    @StinkyRice I apology but never feel sorry 😆(mean might happen again XD
    Happy to test your things

  • A.M.M.U. - 001 P : Kibo no hikari prototype 1.4 years ago

    Finally, another detachable armor again!
    And then talk about the problem
    Thrusters behind right thighs and the right arm doesn't move

    And an advice about DON'T USE BODY MOUNTED WEAPON WITH ARMOR ON UNIT, then please add armed group limitation on the body mounted weapon

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 1.9 years ago

    Holy shit

  • Gru's Airship 2.0 years ago

    Better to lower the Delay time of the air to air missle

  • [Tribute] Rushia Plushie 3.1 years ago

    Never forget

  • CAMERA AIM Phalanx CIWS 3.3 years ago

    Add tag "air defence"

  • FD-03 Gustav Karl 3.5 years ago

    The design is not as I expected
    I though it is for AI target with battle ability, You have said and showed the video in youtube( AI can't use AG
    If that part need to be customised by myself, tell me the part that I need to change the data
    I will send you the Assess report later

  • RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex 3.6 years ago

    Only talk about the new part

    The tail is a failure, it will become berserk and fuck the Mech when you use more speed (LITERALLY). Later I might send some of the report to you by twitter.

    And the more speed in AG7 is a new test version?I think that prototype design is good

  • NHG Erlösung 3.6 years ago

    It is good, but the fire power is a bit weak
    And it is too big, I remember the size of it is same as the aaa wunder.

  • Gundam Zabanya(Final Battle Style) 4.0 years ago

    優秀的機體, 可以做到自動瞄準. 行走雖然有點慢但很穩定. 操作os也很良好(參考了starlight的強襲魔女?) . 而且浮游炮展開非常有趣
    1. 飛行模式下機體的制御仍然是遲鈍(主要是前進和後退, 旋轉沒有問題) , 仍然有點飄移
    2. 自動瞄準的技術,你在使用上尚未成熱,準繩度有待改善
    3. 導彈發射的間隔有點長, 而且導彈不能做到同時可以對地和空有點小失望。另外,我建議要做到全彈發射
    4. 自動瞄準能用 AG切換, 並不是使用武器的時候就切換可能會比較好?

    另外兩個自私的建議, 可以的話請無視

  • FA-78 FULL ARMOR GUNDAM ( THUNDERBOLT E.F.S.F) 4.2 years ago

    Can you make it not bulletproof

  • Q & A 4.9 years ago

    @Starlight oh, you like the 00 series more. Then I have nothing to talk.
    Also, I love 00 too.

  • VF-1J SSP 23 days ago

    Dude, tag the "mech"

  • Can anyone try this? [Solved] one month ago

    @AfkSlot most of the time has crashing
    When it can run at some lucky time, except the pitch power is not enough , everything ok

  • 00 Gundam Play test one month ago

    @AfkSlot you mean the shooting pattern change or gun-sword mode change?

  • 00 Gundam Play test one month ago

    Next time try to do mode change on gn sword 2

  • Releasing 5 months ago

    Great things

  • //Untitled Last Post// 21-02-2024 6 months ago

    @Quartz05 the zeta plus

  • Optimus Prime 2008 7 months ago

    @Rjenteissussy Why is there an unnecessary rotating mechanism on the belly?

  • Gawain 8 months ago

    After I test your lancelot... maybe the problem is your style.
    Even the normal size slash harkens on your lancelot is not durable.
    Maybe you need to ask that building skill from StinkyRice

  • Gawain 9 months ago

    The PID(Float) flight mode. But at the normal plane mode, roll ok, pitch is a bit not enough than the roll

  • Gawain 9 months ago

    @KudaOni Only the turning is a bit not enough smooth
    And about Slash Harkens, not against you, I mean it's really not easy to make Slash Harkens in this game.
    Even gurren from StinkyRice, he uses a more monotonous, fixed pattern and bigger size to keep the quarter and durability

  • Gawain 9 months ago

    Good work but a bit hard to control
    And I need to say, Slash Harkens controled by vtol is not a very good idea

  • Where are the Mech Builders? 10 months ago

    Seriously, where the hell are them?
    StarlightRE (Starfrost) - The master who applies simple techniques to the extreme
    wybz1997, Ian_Yashima - masters from China
    Pianoman - extremely relic level mech master( one of the first generation senior )

  • GAT-X102 DUEL GUNDAM 10 months ago

    Try to make it with ejectable assault shroud

  • Takodachi 11 months ago


  • F-41A CopyCat one year ago

    Where is cockpit control instruction?

  • Buso JK Exoskeleton one year ago

    @RYAviation I mean the whole thing need to be bigger, even the human

  • Buso JK Exoskeleton one year ago

    @Tohu yeah, the one at the back
    Not the cannon on the head

  • A.M.M.U.- 001EDT: Kibo no hikari Early design type one year ago

    This gun will interfere with the body and damage itself.

  • JDEX-74FF Monarch 1.3 years ago

    Forget to tell you. I really like this compact design, but too compact
    To support this kind of design, maybe you need a larger/wider frame or a different layout for armor and weapon( such as freedom and gundam zabaniya this layout distributes weapons throughout the body
    At first, I never expect you would use such a high-density weapon layout as Zi Gundam for first try.
    Your layout is good but the frame(or the size) is not big enough to support your weapon layout

  • JDEX-74FF Monarch 1.3 years ago

    @InsertNameHere01 ok... But at least let the Stabs (gyro's) can be controlled at the AG pannel (It's really painful to switch visions frequently just to turn this on

  • JDEX-74FF Monarch 1.3 years ago

    Improvement part:
    Still don't understand the way to active the cannon at back
    Cancel the manual control of the gyro(stab) on the panel. Maybe set that to be on by default on AG8( It's a bit troublesome to turn on the gyroscope in the control panel every time
    Find out a smaĺl problem of your style from this mech. The rotation sensitivity of this mech is too strong, not obvious in other mechs you made before
    A bit design problem(maybe too strong) on the auto aim and cause unstable berserk. ( Perhaps you need to limit waist function in this part
    Attitude control function is not enough obvious. I can't use it to move downward. And if I move forward and attitude upwardsame time, attitude control will not make me upward. It will only become the burster to strike to the ground.
    Accurate advice: Use back the O.S. of your Gundam GPP-0118 first, this version of the O.S. still needs more improvements
    Not important point: You didn't fill all function at all AG( such as the weapon eject

  • JDEX-74FF Monarch 1.3 years ago

    @SETSUNA0414 對呀就是這個XD

  • JDEX-74FF Monarch 1.3 years ago

    In my country, there is a joke that is very suitable for this mech, That is"Fear comes from lack of firepower" and "phobia of lack of firepower"🤣
    Great, my favorite detachable armor
    The appearance evaluation ends here. I will give you the usage evaluation after that.(A bit complex, need a bit time to test

  • GN-003 Kyrios [Normal Ver] 1.3 years ago

    Great design but few problem
    1. Thrust power in MS mode is a bit weak
    2. The delay between missile launches in hand missle version is a bit long

    Also an advice
    Integrate transformation and gyro switches into one AG

  • A.M.M.U. - 001 P : Kibo no hikari prototype 1.4 years ago

    In addition, you also need to improve the eject force of the shoulder and leg armor.(Positional issues make it difficult to be ejected

  • Gundam GPP-0118 1.5 years ago

    Or you can do this atypical large arm

  • Gundam GPP-0118 1.5 years ago

    @InsertNameHere01 yeah~aldnoah zero great
    About the updating of the body structure, I only have one advice, make it a bit bigger if you can.
    Bigger size, larger capacity, and it can hold more things
