23.4k marcox43 Comments

  • Trial operation 4.8 years ago

    what on earth did I just watch... this is really amazing!

  • MF 220 C-3b Drachen (Luftwaffee challenge) 4.9 years ago

    @Sutairs @munchakoopa @ CenturiVonKikie thank you very much!, I hope you enjoy this aircraft!

  • MF 220 C-3b Drachen (Luftwaffee challenge) 4.9 years ago

    @RicardoAs1515 @Locurapuntocom @emanuelga, thank you very much guys, I hope this aircraft can meet your expectations.

  • MF 220 C-3b Drachen (Luftwaffee challenge) 4.9 years ago

    @MrVaultech Thank you very much! really apreciate it!

  • Words in Russian I have seen people use that they don't understand 4.9 years ago

    @ThePilotDude I swear in whatever language coms to my mind first xd

  • Weebs of SimplePlanes, unite! 5.0 years ago

    Watashi wa, Yoru Kitsune desu

  • DTM Wheel 5.0 years ago

    @DickBrazen thank you! n.n

  • DTM Wheel 5.0 years ago

    @Omel @Sm10684 @jamesPLANESii thank you very much! I hope this wheel is useful for future creations.

  • Fuselages, Hollow Fuselages and Hitboxes 5.0 years ago

    @Type2volkswagen yeah, that would be awesome (like in NFS Undercover and Carbono)

  • Skyroad Circuit 5.0 years ago

    @robloxweponco nice, I modified my Audi Quattro S1 for it, but I still haven't been able to finish the race yet xd

  • Skyroad Circuit 5.0 years ago

    this is awesome! we should host a Multiplayer car race just for this, and upload it on Youtube!

  • Just Some Screenshots 5.1 years ago

    procastination intensisfies, very cool pics and vehicles!

  • Hecka Island 5.1 years ago

    I'd suggest that you re-scale your assets, since road signs, cones, the wrecked car and other stuff are 3 times the size of what they would be irl. the bridge is a special case, while it is as well 3 times bigger than it should be, it only needs to be adjusted in height and width, lenght is ok. also the watch-towers are like 3 times bigger or more...

  • I'd Like to pay some Respect to those aboard Coulson C-130, ID number 4134 5.1 years ago

    So, this is the 2nd C-130 to fall under peace time... this is bad (first one was Chile a couple of months ago). my sincere condolences to the fallen ones.

  • BETA "Equus pedis" 5.1 years ago

    oh no... not the BETA again has PTSD flashback of Marimo being eaten alive...

  • Subaru Impreza R30WRC 5.2 years ago

    another competitor for the Rally championship awesome!

  • o c t a h e d r o n 5.2 years ago

    I'm having some Neon Genesis Evangelion PTSD...

  • These new features bring a tear to my eye. 5.2 years ago

    @adeleteduser did you use a Gyro for your turret traverse?

  • Are game bots smarter? 5.3 years ago

    I guess it's time to teach AI how to land properly and do boom N zoom

  • VATC 10 5.3 years ago

    pretty impressive build! who would've thought that arresting hooks could serve as antennas? I like that creativity.

  • BMW E30 M3 Rally Group A 5.3 years ago

    @Mustang51 ty! nwn

  • Submarine Engines 5.3 years ago

    @Goaty1208 I... don't know how to answer to such praising.

  • What are your riding dirty times? 5.4 years ago

    a reliable 1:50 with my BMW E30 rally car, I can't really push it more due to it being a 1:1 scale car, so yeah... it's a pretty small car.

  • M.A Jet racer A8 5.4 years ago

    @MrVaultech thx for the upvote, such a shame that my "realistic" plane required more time for takeoff than other planes...

  • what's the max rpm you can push a piston engine on Simpleplanes? 5.4 years ago

    @ZHUAREVONI well, I calculated how much time it took to give a spin at 1x multiplier, then multiply that value for the input multiplier (4.25 as the case, as 4.3-4.4 blew the engine and the transmission too...)

  • M.A Jet racer A5 5.5 years ago

    @tylerdeveneuxmusic Also, I still own the ultimate tuning version, the one he copied is the downgraded since the V7 had such little drag that it exceeded the maximum cornering speed that the car allowed before drifting

  • M.A Jet racer A5 5.5 years ago

    @tylerdeveneuxmusic I dont really care much about it, I made that car as part of my tournament series, my only condition is that they add their own colour scheme or decal. feel free to tune the car to your own tastes.

  • CHL Kitsune M Class Patrol Boat 5.5 years ago

    @tylerdeveneuxmusic thank you for upvoting this ship! Enjoy your sailing!

  • Engine Failure-Safety Challenge 5.6 years ago

    Time to show off with the M.A jet family!

  • GAMF-02A Camille 5.6 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick nah, just a 2013 laptop, but the specs are fairly decent:
    I7 3rd gen with 3.4Ghz boost, 12GB DDr3 Ram, AMD Radeon R9 2GB and 500GB SSD

  • Chevrolet Blazer K5 5.7 years ago

    as a fan of Stranger Things, I approve this vehicle

  • KpfPz.IX Taika 5.7 years ago

    @MrVaultech @Roswell thank very much! hope you guys enjoy this Panzer, and for you Vaultech, yes, the MBT is finally out

  • Messerschmitt BF-110 C-1 Nachtjäger 5.7 years ago

    as a Me Bf110 pilot in WarThunder, I'm very happy with this plane, only thing is the roll is a bit too fast, but the rest is perfect. I'd love to know how did you make the roll so fast with custom wings, since in my current prototypes, the roll is kinda awful and has some input delay...

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    I have to admit it, this is the best Tournament introduction I've seen in a while hahaahah

  • HMC Corellia 5.7 years ago

    my god, I can't believe how much I missed sailing one of these, it brings back memories of sailing in Age of Pirates T-T

  • Piston plane (No fuel Challenge) 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 thank you very much! hope you enjoy flying this beauty1

  • The Duccs are Rising 5.8 years ago

    @Ryn176 yes I do

  • What causes the “drifting” when stopped on the tarmac? 5.8 years ago

    it is especially noticeable on heavy weight builds (+70 ton tanks)


    2nd one looks good

  • Comet GTR 600 5.9 years ago

    @Spikerya I'm surprised you found this old racing gem hahaah, thx for the upvote!

  • M.A Light Sport 5.9 years ago

    @tylerdeveneuxmusic thank you very much!

  • Simple Fighter Challenge Result 5.9 years ago

    so my plane lost because lack of fuel... I wonder why AI doesn't climb to the operational height of that plane, which is above 20.000ft...

  • The Saltwater Carrier Air Force 5.9 years ago

    how can I test the F-52 Juggernaut? the Dark arrow is giving me some serious headaches at close range, but it's vulnerable to interceptors at long range

  • What’s you favourite game? (Other than SimplePlanes) 5.9 years ago

    WarThunder, Wot, The Crew, Nier Automata, Borderlands 2, FFXIV

  • Scaled Composites Model 158 "Pond Racer" 5.9 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot the only Fw190 in reno air race to my knowledge is "What da Focke-Wulf" This Fw190 is a Flugwerk model, meaning it's a Post-production model, recreating as much of the original plane with the original blueprints and the addition of new component's or improvements (such as underwing radiators) here we can see this Fw190 with the Galloping ghost on his tail back in 2010 and here doing a lap in 2011

  • Scaled Composites Model 158 "Pond Racer" 5.9 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot a cool alternative would be replica planes, I just want to see a Flugwerk Fw190 D run in Reno with a modern engine, it would make a decent competitor I suppose.

  • CHL Kitsune M Class Patrol Boat 5.9 years ago

    @ZHUAREVONI thank you very much! hope you enjoy sailing!

  • Leonardo A-4 Saetta 5.9 years ago

    very good aircraft, but I have only one complain, the rear suspension is too stiff in comparison to the frontal one, making the frontal one bottom out nearly always

  • Multiplayer Racing League 5.9 years ago

    you have to consider lag, I've done races on MP before, and cars tend to "teleport" a lot. for this you'll have to set up a max part count. for two cars or even three, the server can perfectly handle +800 parts cars, but for more players, you need lesser parts vehicles(300 is fine and allows for lots of creativity), as not everyone has a top-end pc that can handle the burden withouth crashing to desktop. For close maneuvers or overtaking a player, it is important to keep your distance, as lag and teleporting can make you crash that vehicle as if it was magic. it is very important to have a stable car, so it doesnt wobble around or lose control in mid of a straight, making everyone behind it crash or explode.

  • A Question for the SimplePlanes Community 5.9 years ago

    1) I discovered this game via Phlydaily, who is one of my favourite youtubers. he used to do a lot of SP content 3 years ago. Currently he's my N°1 source for WarThunder content.
    2) I play this game to test out my designs, as a child, I loved playing with legos and I've designed a lot of vehicles through my life, but never been able to test them in a live platform until I found simpleplanes. I know SP has it's limits, so I can't test my full range of designs, but it's enough for the simple ones like planes or cars.
    3) I do specialize in complex-precision mechanisms, I like building stuff as smooth as possible and give a try to low part-complex designs (my F1 car is proof of that). my only rule is to make designs realistic, wich can give me quite trouble during tournamets, but I like the challenge nontheless. Bonus: I'm studying car mechanic, so I try to apply everything I learn on my designs on SP.
    4) Both, I like the old challenge/tournament community, sadly lots o players from that era have left. I did a lot of roleplay back then too. From new community: SP is being pushed beyond its limits, with insanely complex designs and smooth beautiful planes. also the guy who made that anime doll some years ago, to think he made a walking doll with just gyroscopes is insane!
    5) my nickname can be traced back a decade ago or so, my nick is just my name but replace an "S" with an "X"(putting X in your name was the cool thing back in the day)
    43 is because of my favourite Nascar racing car, as I have the hotwheels car since I was a kid, and I loved watching nascar races on the TV.
