44.2k ollielebanania Comments

  • Question to the whole community 8 months ago

    @Randomplayer everybody will rush it, but that doesn't mean it will be good stuff. I'm willing to take a little bit more time than others to drop the first really good build of SP2. I'm not the best player out there but I'm sure that I can do something great :)

  • What happened to BogdanX? 1.7 years ago

    @MTindustries if you weren't in the drama, there's no need for you to know, it will only cause more drama

  • Andrew, don’t let your game die. 2.0 years ago

    The game isn't dying, I would even say that it just entered a new golden age thanks to the last update.
    People just think there is less and less players because as always, new players buy the game, play for 1 hour, think that the game is too complicated and leave, always has been like that.
    The only difference is that at the time, good builders posted more oftenly, because there was less to play with (less coding, no variables, no cockpit parts, less parts). Now most good players take a lot of time to post because they take a lot of time to build, not because they are lazy, because there's so much more to explore now.
    That's way there is much more shitty builds out here than good builds : most new players don't stay, good builders take their time, casual players post every two days shitty builds.
    The community is still as big as before, it just doesn't act the same as before.
    I agree with one thing : better advertisement or more advertisement would be awesome.

  • Radar? | Game Suggestion post | 2.0 years ago

    @WrightDefense just don't put a radar in it ? duh

  • New island 2.0 years ago

    @PZLAerospace why do you want my age ? like if I'm younger than you I'm the one in fault ? I'm 20, cool right, but this as nothing to do with this discussion lol. I didn't start anything, just asked you to say "please" when you ask stupid stuff to the devs, but you keep answering which is stupid (I do the same but everybody already know Irm stupid haha)

  • Cardboard Tornado 2.2 years ago

    screenshots made by me

  • Wishlist for 1.13 2.2 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX For real, the game is almost perfect, but this would be awesome. Also be able to choose which VTOL nozzle is connected to which VTOL engine to be able to make a fully functional two engine plane with After burner, it works but it has limitations when it comes to realistic start ups and engines split throttles

  • Focke Wulf FW-190 A-8 (v1.3) 2.3 years ago

    testing notes :
    -When you look around the cockpit (in cockpit view) on the ground, the plane will move a lot and change it's heading, especially when looking behind.
    -The manual is a great addition but isn't always very clear, especially the start-up part where it's not always well said where to find what.
    -Suspensions are pretty hard.
    -Lacks of a second cockpit view camera for the gunsight, would have been a little easier with one, simulating the pilot looking closer to it.

    Beside this, the build is awesome, I'm a big fan of DCS and this clearly is a fantastic work. The model is great, the livery is very cool and wow this cockpit interior, so many details just looks so good. The plane flys great and when you take care of it while flying it's fantastic.
    Awesome work !

  • Ac450 challeng mi mayor efuerzo 2.3 years ago

    @YellowThing @IAlsoBuildPlane @Hannyboy guys, chill out. Everybody can enter the challenge, it's just at their own risk.
    Thanks for the help but don't worry about it.

  • My discovery on Variable Swept Wing 2.3 years ago

    @Rifimaka no it doesn't, it's not about the center of lift, in fact, the more you're COL will be close to your tail, the more maniability (making your aircraft more unstable) you'll get. And when you retract variable sweep wings, the COL goes closer to the tail, so it should give you more maniability.
    When you do this, you change the way your wings create lift, enough to make the airplane actually less agile than before.
    In SP however, it doesn't work, well it work for the "agility" part, but the drag doesn't change so the speed isn't affected, but IRL it is how it works.
    The only thing that makes the plane go fatser (IRL, since it's not replicated in SP) is the reduced drag due to the wing being sweept back. Indeed you can test it in-game, your top speed won't changen but your agility will.
    And keep in mind that there's no "the less or the more you turn", since IRL pilots doesn't use a kyeboard (so full inputs), they can decide how hard they turn, you can keep a high speed even with un-retracted wings, just pull too hard on the pitch. And it's not really about how hard you turn, but how much AoA you reach.
    But top speed doesn't have anything to do with turning speed, so it isn't even a thing to talk about I guess.

  • Bell P-63F-1 Kingcobra 2.3 years ago

    @OUGHTO it had to be done, beautiful planes, beautiful builds, bravo guys.

  • Projects Sitrep 11/22/2022 2.4 years ago

    having this simulated ammo count in guns is pretty unique, very usefull for realism.

  • How do you get points to upvote? 2.4 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming then wait for me to cause drama

  • Dassault Rafale 2.4 years ago

    @Henacwhnsv he isn't here to make whatever you want, just wait

  • 1-part custom images: easier, larger, lighter 2.4 years ago

    @11qazxc it's more about the fact that the game doesn't like label text displaying too many pixels, that's what is causing the lag.
    I was just saying that making this kind of thing is lighter with fuselage blocks even if it doesn't seem to and that it is more difficult.
    But this application is still impressive.

  • 1-part custom images: easier, larger, lighter 2.4 years ago

    say hello to the lag

  • Su-57 Felon 2.4 years ago

    Why am I tagged on this ? Please don't tag people that asked to be tagged. I have nothing against this build since I didn't test it but it doesn't make me want to test it.

  • AI-Aggressor-16 (69 parts) 2.4 years ago

    Well I'm sure that the AI is good at flying it but it's impossible to dogfight it since it takes like 25Gs and accelerates to mach 2 in three seconds and doesn't loose any energy.

  • afterburn TVC part (free to use) 2.4 years ago

    @OrdinaryTankBuilder if he deserve it, I don't have to ask for it, if he don't, he souldn't ask for it, so in both cases asking is useless, and not allowed.

  • idk anymore 2.4 years ago

    leave her lol, not everybody can find a girlfriend as perfect as mine :)) (she's pointing a gun on me help)

  • Wright Island 2 2.5 years ago

    that looks cool and heavy lol, 8K is nice but why didn't you use just full hd textures ? it would have looked the same a less heavier. the result looks awesome tho, great work

  • FA-21 Salahudin (VR) 2.5 years ago

    How can you make a old school prop plane, and compare it to a supersonic delta configuration jet plane (and a lot of funkytrees (if you even know what it is), custom made wings and parys) ? you just can't compare these planes... (oh and the pigben is better, nice try tho)

  • On my future ambitions, and my plans for SP. 2.5 years ago

    "I lack the motivation to make realistic builds that would fetch high upvote counts".

    you're doing that for points, so sad.

  • MiG-25 Foxbat 2.5 years ago

    @Rjenteissussy It never did tho, and even if it maybe could do it, the top speed of the Mig 31 is lower than the one of the Mig 25 for several reasons : no need to go as fast since the Mig 31 as better avionics and missiles, so there isn't really the need to get as close to the enemy as the Mig 25 needed to be. Second reason, the soviet/russians learned a lot with the Mig 25 and how stressfull it was for the plane to go mach 3 so they limited the top speed, that doesn't mean the Mig 31 isn't capable of it, but a combat operational one isn't mean for it and will only reach that speed in special conditions, unlike the Mig 25 that could reach that speed more easely.
    Wikipedia is great but the specs on it aren't that great since it doesn't do the difference between different versions, and as I said, a combat operational Mig 31 is slower (mach 2.8, which is still insane) than a combat operational Mig 25.
    Growling Sidewinder is a DCS player and you can't use a game as a reference, especially when the Mig 31 and the SR 71 aren't real moduls in the game but mods.
    The Mig 31 is an advanced version of the Mig 25, but that doesn't mean it's faster, it as more advanced avionics, weapons, weapons systems and flight specs thanks to composite materials.

  • Simple Mirage 2000 2.5 years ago

    @Whills haha that's why, you'll see, SP is far better for building complicated stuff ;)

  • for people that like upvotes lol dumb internet points 2.6 years ago

    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII being popular at school is already a dumb thing, wanting to be popular here is some brainless stuff.

  • 'Against All Odds' - SimplePlanes FW-190A-8 Trailer 2.6 years ago

    @Sergio666 you forgot the spitfire one

  • **STOP ASKING FOR TAGS** 2.6 years ago

    @TRD for a teaser post I don't even see the problem with saying "t", I was talking about the fact that people ask to be tagged even on non-teaser posts and that's really annoying since some of my post are made for peope to talk about what they think of my build and help me making it better, not for asking tags

  • **GOOD SCREENSHOTS GUIDE** 2.6 years ago


  • **STOP ASKING FOR TAGS** 2.6 years ago

    @Bellcat Forgot to mention that, yes, if it is a teaser post, everything's ok

  • I need your opinion! 2.6 years ago

    coulb ba a good idea, keep them unlisted and you'll have a nice and clean account when your new build will arrive

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb 2.8 years ago

    @LeaveUsAlone how the hell is mikoyanster better ? even bogdan isn't as good

  • I TALKED ABOUT SP AT SCHOOL 2.9 years ago

    @ZWLenning they wouldn't get it

  • I TALKED ABOUT SP AT SCHOOL 2.9 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming I'm a master in my art

  • Sad…. 2.9 years ago

    you took hours ?

  • **BRONCO interception by my F-5 TIGER II** 2.9 years ago

    @rexzion he did way too much by just existing

  • Points 2.9 years ago

    @DeveloperKorzalerke @MrCOPTY @ColonelCanada Laughs in real platinium

  • A cinematic masterpiece: Focke wulf fw190 2.9 years ago

    @PapaKernels and it wasn't lol, I used pistons and rotators to move the camera around @soldier289

  • **Updated Rules** The Great SimplePlanes Dogfight Tournament 3.9 years ago

    making a tournament and not even knowing how MP works, that's fun

  • MisterT 3.9 years ago

    @SneakySniper just look at all the funky tree in it and you will understand :))

  • Spitfire 3.9 years ago

    spitfires always win, it's incredible. must be one of the best vid of the site and for sure the best dogfight scene out here, even some movies don't know how to record a dogfight better than this. Amazing work, BRAVO

  • J-10 EX 4.0 years ago

    @edensk damn you're pretty good too for making high part-count builds ;) just kidding I agree with you, Qingqiu listen, having almost 3000 parts is already way to much, but so many parts on a build that doesn't look like having so much and doesn't have the right shape sometimes is even worse. Also the flight model is...weird ? not funny to fly ? boring ? The panneling is lame and that weird concave part is ugly, you could have used concave parts instead, the back of the wings are squarish. For me, this build is n't good, it's a "meh". (and I'm not happy because your thumbnail made me click and now I'm disappointed)

  • French Air Force Flag 4.1 years ago

    all those upvoting this build won't be able to win

  • real plane 4.2 years ago

    @Simps no that """kid""", that's obviously a troll

  • F-35E Lightning II 4.2 years ago

    drama, the plane does actually reach Mach 1 pretty easely, this isn't a problem but don't say it doesn't. I also want to say that ok it's a game and a """"fictional"""""" version of the plane but it's still a F35 so a replica and you can't make a real plane fly like a space craft in star wars

  • PF-42 A 4.3 years ago

    Yak 3 vibes

  • supermarine Scimitar 4.5 years ago

    A look, another scimitar ! (just joking my last plane is a Scimitar) looks good tho

  • Supermarine Spitfire MkVb 4.5 years ago

    I'm speakless in front of a build like this, the last Spitfire was already a master piece but now it's almost perfect (it's not perfect because I didn't make it ;) )

  • Submarine free diving propultion and ballast system 4.5 years ago

    perfect for making planes

  • ugh 4.5 years ago

    the rules are the rules, if you say that a collab can be done you don't have to "take down" a plane because it's a collab. Also even being gold, platinium, bronze or silver shouldn't be something to look at when somebody post for a challenge, it's not because somebody is brone that he will have more points (everybody need to be judge with the same eyes), also there's a lot of gold better than some platinium and some silver players better than golds. People with lower point count will improve if they want or have too. If you make peope win because they have a low point count they will think they are good enough and not improve. I didn't participate in this challenge so ego as nothing to do with me, it's just logical. I did two challenges and I know that some guys have why to much ego, but sometimes (and it's the case with the etendard IVP) the plane really just is the best.
