515 small1324 Comments

  • Port Island Map Mod 5.9 years ago

    It's been said a billion times, but Android support would be great, although optional. As it's a simple map, it wouldn't be too difficult to port to Android.

  • Corvega Atomic Air V8 6.0 years ago

    Beautifully built and faithfully recreated!

    Does the warranty cover fuel cells after a dangerous atomic fireball?

  • Ah samechi 2019-K 5.3 years ago

    @Remote Mother of god that thing is quick. If you were a little more smooth with the Yaw in the big sweeping left I'm sure you could manage an even quicker time through that section than repeatedly jerking the wheel left, which might've slowed you down because the game needed to account for sideways traction, as well as some amount of inertia.

  • SPE-Orbidyn Corvidae 5.5 years ago

    Absolutely amazing, I love the hover ring, and the use of colors and I always love the way you create intriguing descriptions to create the continued universe.

    I especially liked your Orbid craft, you should do more ships with turrets, and it would be even more awesome to design a turret to fit in the hole of the hover ring, which would probably limit its capabilities to fly but increase the usefulness of a one-pilot turret significantly.

  • How to create twists using inlets! 5.7 years ago

    I doubt I'll ever use this despite how cool it is since I'm not actively making wrought iron fences, but I'll keep it in mind as a useful trick. And I don't want to get sued over physics.
    Remember those days before they passed the laws of physics? Man, space cowboys were great.

  • Scaled Composites Model 158 "Pond Racer" 5.9 years ago

    This is an incredible plane design, and your accuracy in modeling it is mind-blowing! Almost looks like the cockpit is lunging forward with the propellers :)


  • Map 5.9 years ago

    @Grandmother Nice to hear that, I'd be glad to see a highway map come to Android, as I've been really missing that when it comes to driving around in my land vehicles :)

  • PROJECT: Dual Vector | Toulumne Class Fighter 6.0 years ago

    Incredible. The plane itself is beautiful and I see that you've added design art like the ones on Wakerider.

    Not only is the plane and its artillery and use of technology absolutely amazing, your mathematics and images are comprehensive, almost a military manual's worth of information.

    You've outdone yourself on this one!

  • v1.8 is now live! 6.0 years ago

    Helpful little extras that would make 1.8 better for mobile users:
    I don't know about iOS but on Android the app will freeze all picture-in-picture apps like YouTube and cut music. You'll have to reactivate music through the notification menu and picture-in-picture stops working the moment you focus back on the app.
    Adding the Maywar island to mobile would be great. Setting it far off to prevent lag and making it discoverable would be a nice touch, and adding the missions and races it comes with would be going above and beyond!

    Thanks, and consider my suggestions!

  • Dodge Charger 1970 R/T 6.0 years ago

    I lost all my planes on my old device so I was browsing for new ones. Holy. One of my favorite cars of all time is the '69 Charger. Take my upvote.

    Edit: how did you do the Torq Thrust wheels in the images? Just some image editing?

  • Mini Cooper S 6.4 years ago

    Just like the real deal. Slow, fat, driven aggressively, and wallowy steering! Just kidding, despite not enjoying the real life version or many of the people who drive it, this adds a great model of a car to my hangar, hehe

  • Squirrel Topia 6.6 years ago

    I decided it was a good idea to land in a nondescript volcano. Me and my Sunburn fighter fell through the lava and was promptly blown up by Rick Astley.

  • Time Warp 5.3 years ago

    @Plane66373637 Android already has both mouse and keyboard support. If it's a wired mouse, just get an adapter cable. I did this frequently with my custom mechanical keyboard until I got the PC version. And of course, like WNP78 pointed out, this mod is less useful because of the buttons now being built into the menu after the 1.8 update. (or was it the 1.7 update?)

  • SPE-Orbidyn Corvidae 5.5 years ago

    @spefyjerbf Awesome, and thanks for pointing me towards other users, those hoverships look awesome.

    Also, still can't get enough of the Orbid fighter.

  • Bomber versus fighter... who would win? 5.7 years ago

    I know this is an old post, but I have an answer:
    Bombers, if your enemies are stupid (https://youtu.be/crHdruqqamw)

  • Mod suggestions. 5.7 years ago

    Hey, I've got a simple idea. I've really enjoyed the races and everything in SimplePlanes, but there's no way to save my times and other scores. A singleplayer leaderboard that logs the name of the aircraft (or car, if it's a car race) that you can scroll through in the gray box that describes the race, all under the race menu would really add to it.

    Also, your refueling mod is really useful, and I got SimplePlanes on desktop so now I have the processing power to use the Underwater Camera.

  • SimpleWings mod coming soon... 5.8 years ago

    Nice! It's amazing that you're getting and utilizing data from wing physics and creating particle trails for it.

    Hopefully you make an Android release, that would be greatly appreciated as I am a mere mortal with a phone.

  • AS-AC-10 5.9 years ago

    This looks great on land, but slows my phone down in the water...
    Still though! It's got a lot I enjoy.

  • Boeing KB-50J 5.9 years ago

    @Sgtk ah, I'm running Android so I can take mods, although understandably iOS users were really screwed out of a deal by Apple not letting them put mod files into app packages.

    I also found the very front cockpit to be pretty interesting, a lot of users have tried and failed to make good looking dome cockpits for B-29's but yours looks pretty good.

  • Boeing KB-50J 5.9 years ago

    WNP78 has a refuelling mod, you could use some actual drogues and drag them behind the plane. However, this looks great even without mods.

  • Boeing 767-300ER (Updated version) 5.9 years ago

    @SimpleDesigner I can run the plane just fine in Mobile. (YouTube only records in 720p, sorry) https://youtu.be/pYQwPJd9usM

  • Announcement 5.9 years ago

    @Paper r/woooosh

    Also, stop taking it so seriously. It's a freaking April Fool's joke.

  • Custom Muscle - I've been working on this for a couple months. 6.0 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii No. It's doesn't quite stick out of the engine, so it's not visible. The pulleys are under it though, and there will be actual belts.

  • New Steam patch is live, v1.8.304 6.0 years ago

    @NeonEndo @Prolex917 I'm using Android and all my Android mods seem to be working fine. I suggest you save all the XML files for your planes and then reinstall SimplePlanes. Remember to save all your planes, I didn't and I still regret losing all my cool Android planes sometimes.

  • Realistic gear shifting mod? 6.0 years ago

    I think @Gestour would be up to the task.

  • Repair damage in-game! 6.0 years ago

    Nice sly XML work, I'm probably going to use tiny versions of the plasma flame to heal bull bars and things of that nature that take a beating often.

  • NEVER ENDING CHALLENGE 6.0 years ago

    I wish I could submit some of my improved builds that other people built, but that's against the rules and I probably couldn't keep to the time constraints anyways.

  • A-10A Thunderbolt II 'Warthog' 6.0 years ago

    I like this a lot but the cockpit looks a little flattened to me. It's just too skinny comparative to its length. However, no amount of nitpicking can hide how much I love this plane, you've integrated the two engines smoothly into the body of the plane and the replication of the armaments are on point.

  • Suggestions needed! +Screenshots 6.0 years ago

    This is so Wakerider. You have to add graphics to it. Please.
    Even if New Portum is a done deal, adding more content to the catalog of planes is pretty great.

  • Dragonfly-X 6.4 years ago

    Oblivion was a good movie. About time someone had some fun with spherical flight.

  • Griffin CTS [iOS Build] 6.6 years ago

    Yeah, when I originally considered the ramming tool I had multiplayer in mind. If you're able, BogdanX has made a suicidal craft challenge. It appears as though @LiamW 's idea might work in this situation, an explosion large enough to take out the USS Beast might be in order. Hopefully you can enter, I want to see what you can create if I were to theoretically force you to enter and restrict you to watercraft. If you're too busy to be around, that sucks. However, if you can make time I'd like to see one last creation.

  • Griffin CTS [iOS Build] 6.6 years ago

    I was thinking it would be more effective in multiplayer. Collisions affect your craft and others when they collide. Make a boat that can ram like Greek Warships! Your ship is strong, and your willpower is stronger. Bullets are nothing, just go straight for that player that keeps shooting REFLEX missiles at you.
    Edit: And bolt a GodRender onto the second deck. You can't go wrong with the GodRender.

  • Griffin CTS [iOS Build] 6.6 years ago

    Hey @spefyjerbf, I saw this go up yesterday and I loved it! The Gryphon isn't all that fast, but this version is lovely. I had a spur-of-the-moment idea while playing around with one of your old boats. I haven't seen many recent ones, and Actus is finnicky on mobile. Making one with a high-health battering ram like Greek ships of old would be awesome! The physics engine hates collisions, so making it with shocks to buffer the rest of the ship would be pretty great. Maybe redesign a more mobile-friendly version of Actus? I like it's angular looks, but it and Archangel lag too much on my Razer Phone. I'd like to see this idea come to fruition but as I'm on mobile and don't understand fuselages well, it'd be great to hand my ideas to more skilled builders. Good luck with whatever greets you in life. The community will be waiting for you when you return.

  • Yangtze Submarine 4.9 years ago

    @HappyBoi Let it automatically go into orbit mode - you need the Underwater mod by Gestour as well. If you're on mobile, tough luck - no mods for you.

  • Angle of Attack Indicator 5.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Thank you! I'll get around to watching it.

  • Angle of Attack Indicator 5.2 years ago

    Do you have a tutorial for how to change the AoA setting? I want to be able to put this in more planes that have different stall angles rather than just ask you to make more indicators for different AoA stalls.

  • Update 1.9 - High Caliber 5.2 years ago

    Awesome to hear all this! And definitely really cool to see you guys working with people like @WNP78 to make sure targeting makes it into the game.

  • M19 SMPA Stalker 5.3 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer I have a feeling script injection is one of those unwritten rules. Speaking of, let's see if anyone can populate the site with a self-replicating comment and test if the site devs have sanitized their <script> tags!

    NOTE To anyone who sees this comment and has brains but not morals, this was a joke. Don't do this.

  • M19 SMPA Stalker 5.3 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer Ah, fancy. My sleep deprived brain was thinking something along the lines of replicating the entirety of the code that sends a token for an upvote. Now that I've woken up, that makes so much more sense. I know I can't give two upvotes, the joke is mostly YouTube-based where someone likes something so much that they need to give it more than one upvote (or thumbs up).

  • Turbo Engine 5.3 years ago

    I like the custom "shell" you've made for the engine, as well as keeping it looking good with a propeller at the front to simulate the turbofan intake. Looks great, if a little simple.

  • M19 SMPA Stalker 5.3 years ago

    Can I give two upvotes for that "Upvote" button you threw into the description? It's super fancy, and I want to do that now, but I can't fathom what kind of site scripting SimplePlanes uses.

  • Ah samechi 2019-K 5.3 years ago

    @DemonSniper8 That's pretty awesome. Also, may I congratulate you on managing suspension geometry and keeping suspension while making it incredibly stiff like a good supercar. That s**t difficult, man. The biggest issue facing the Charger I'm building might just be rocking from side to side unrealistically and the springs ignoring the hinge system I've set up.

  • Ah samechi 2019-K 5.3 years ago

    @Remote Of course, but at least keep two of the wheels on the ground. It's... an unofficial rule.

  • Ah samechi 2019-K 5.3 years ago

    @Remote I managed an 0:33 on Gold Prix in the Scythe Hybrid SuperSport that @DemonSniper8 built, and his new build of the Scythe chews it up in 0:32. I don't think it's physically possible to do it much faster, especially as we approach the limit of our average human reflexes, compared to, say, literally anyone from South Korea.

  • Turret control 5.5 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE That's unfortunate. I think that the mod you've created right here right now is awesome though and doesn't need any more changes. The Advanced Targeting mod I mentioned before should solve it, I'll just have to turret using the cursor.
    I bought the PC version of SP recently but if I hadn't I'd thank you for making an Android version available, it's got a significant lack of mods. How's your hand at coding or modeling some detailed landscapes? We could all use some good landscapes for Android.

  • Turret control 5.5 years ago

    Thank you for the existence of this. It's absolutely amazing and will definitely simplify attack a lot, the very primitive experience of trying to hit targets is made so much easier with this mod (as well as WNP78's Advanced Targeting).
    Do these turrets account for projectile lead, like firing further ahead of an enemy at a longer distance so that the bullet and the enemy intersect properly?

  • Wright Airport terminal building 5.6 years ago

    @Vanilla1c3 Yea, I was thinking of chrome paint. If you set your reflections to "High" you'll be able to enjoy reflective paint. However, unless you use a paint mod, it still isn't possible to get chrome paint because paint shinier than "Glossy" requires mods.

  • B-Roll Pictures - Scythe Hybrid Sport, Trophy Truck 5.7 years ago

    @JamesBoA Thanks for the info on how to hide HUD, the map that's city streets is Zenrin Sapporo, a scale model of Sapporo, Japan. Unfortunately it's a bit broken after the 1.8 update so you may need to use it in 1.7 if version switching is possible.
    The second map is ISC_Crawl 1. It doesn't have trees, and trees tended to be the thing that broke after the update so this map works fine. I took the pictures just off of the Hill location.

  • Wright Airport terminal building 5.7 years ago

    @TOMJeb117 It's not possible in iOS. You need a mod to create chrome parts by increasing the reflectivity using mods in the paint menu. The problem is you cant use mods in iOS, as it requires being able to insert mods into a folder inside of the app itself, which isn't possible in iOS.
    The long and short of it is that it's not possible, because you need mods and iOS doesn't support mods.

  • Concorde SST 5.7 years ago

    This thing looks amazing! I'm glad I can actually fly larger planes in their full glory as well, and on top of this, it's a great and full-featured experience.
    What happened to your other aircraft? Should I pull and remove any planes that I posted that are versions of yours?