Collision model for fuselages that have same shape as visible fuselage.
Because we can do camo from from many parts, we can hide resizable wheel inside custom rim, but we can not change collisions.
too many airbrakes
theoritically, airbrake(or engine,wing, or something else works with air) cannot work in low-pressure flow(on small speed, on upper surface of wing, behind airbrake etc).
Bomb can still destroy a part with 3.4028237E+38 health.
To survive after bomb hit you need four-six layers of thin blocks instead.
The drag coefficient is used to compare the solutions of different geometries by means of a dimensionless number.
A drag count is used as a more user-friendly measurement(bullshit) as the coefficient of drag is usually much less than 1. A drag count of 200 to 400 is typical for an airplane at cruise.
A reduction of one drag count on a subsonic civil transport airplane means about 200 lb (91 kg) more in payload.(not really)
in result:
velocity v=83 m/s
gas density p=1.225 kg/m^3
reference area a=15.6088 m^2
drag points 911.002
coefficient drag cd=0.0911002
drag force fd=6000 n
DebugExpression tan(deltaangle(Heading,TargetHeading))*TargetDistance DebugExpression tan(deltaangle(PitchAngle+AngleOfAttack,TargetElevation))*TargetDistance
Could actually hit Tiny around 20m away from center
For "part" in general you can make light work always and attach sort of shutter to part you're interested in.
So if part will be destroyed shutter will fall off and reveal light.
Guys, do we at least have weapon that deals same damage each time?
UPD: i downloaded this craft and changed explosion scale to zero and impact damage scale to 0.2 and tried to destroy that block 50 times.
12 times i needed 6 shoots to destroy it
20 times i needed 11 shoots to destroy it
17 times i needed 16 shoots to destroy it
and 1 time i needed 17 shoots to destroy it.
It's very strange results.
If damage is choosen randomly for each shot it will need something between (HP/min damage) and (HP/max damage) shoots to destroy a block. But it gives just three peaks (11 shoots plus-minus 45 percents it seems) as if damage is choosen one time at level start.
I'm interested (information is always a good thing (as long as it's not information about me, lol)), but i don't have much info. HP of connected parts affects number of shoots needed to destroy "this" part, but i was testing it with miniguns (average of ten attempts to destroy a block) and it was very much random.
About "one block at a time": perhaps shell disappears when it touches something, and since it's spherical or sharp-nosed it may be hard to make it touch two blocks simultaneously, so it only touches the block in front of cannon while it's alive.
My concept about connections was "HP pools": similarly to your concept, i was trying to use few blocks with high HP and standard blocks connected to them and them only (see link above).
Yes, it is possible. TGTPos_Local_x/y variables from 1part hud divided by TGTPos_Local_z but with aircraft's position and rotation replaced with bomb's position and rotation.
You need to rotate cockpit to make use of coaxial minigun. It's possbible and actually shorter than autoaim you currently use (pd controller for local-space x,y target position), but it will work either for gun or for cannon.
It's not really health, but you can check if engine is alive using it's thrust output.
Target name may be a good idea, but we don't have such thing irl.
Ability to track unselected aircraft
It will be overcomplicated. You know, FT doesn't even have arrays to store it properly.
At the moment it's possible to get radar-like system that saves position and speed of target and updates it while target's selected, it's not a problem to store four or five targets, and maybe add some info from user's camera. You should know about it as "a person who uses a lot of FT in every build".
ability to distinguish if target's in the air or on the ground
That "AA-AG" system is not about air and ground, it's more about builds and game objects.
AI this, AI that
Just don't treat it as AI, it's autopilot+auto targeting. Even weapon selecting is not it's problem. Use FT.
"aircraft is deemed not airworthy"
AFAIK there's some differences in autopilot outputs and that's all.
Will adding HE round to gun really worth it? IMHO guns are arcade-like and they're as simple as they must be, if you need something complex use cannons.
Entire f.cking year...
So many things changed, but tournament still says "The first Dogfights start at the 6th June at 6pm CET" as if it's still 2021-05
I actually made something like that (iirc it's named "turtle graphics"), but gun's bullet flies away with speed given by "smaller box", so you need sort of blocker that will stop turtle before firing.
If you have more than two bullets at almost-same place, you will see two different boxes instead of one colored, because tracerColor can't use 32-bit colors.
You will need 8-128 guns (one for each color) and sort of multiplexer linked on AGs (Activate1&!Activate2&!Activate3...) (you can add blocker from previous paragraph here).
You don't need huge grid, you need one small (like 12x12 bullets +circles for radial coords) attached to turtle, because in most cases human remembers relative coords (twenty hands above old tree) instead of absolute ones.
Winch is very, very fragile, let's use old good pistons instead.
And still i don't think it will be very accurate.
Just see at this build in game - each gun is connected to some others, but still it looks like a rope from guns instead of solid rod.
Why can't you make stabilizers out of jets inside this block?
How many blocks per 1000 kg do i need?
What if i can't attach vertical stabilizers?
Is it stable in horizontal axis?
She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute.
It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon... for twelve seconds.
Just grab, not simple.
Version tree at 2024-11-17T08:01Z:
JSON (starting at a7bta6): {"uXG6QL":{"Juqh0F":{"yUqF40":{"V7mG41":{"CAiXMf":{"rVbbR6":{"6t93Bx":{"3gzkmM":{"lK9P1j":{"Iwbo7a":{"6csf1s":{"1qS1l7":{"107i4I":{"hVNvmA":{"86gnwh":{"Wk3a92":{"yi1Fs5":{"zgO3lP":{"ReQ53F":{"BiQO9o":{"Y71Du7":{"Y03wZj":{"oKuPV3":{"HmD5Eb":{"curO5f":{"fWqxB0":{"0hE2s9":{"EEU7OU":{"d4O2lO":{}}}}},"o9Y216":{"5dGUjf":{"LVzyx7":{}}},"z07iGr":{},"vCfb0G":{}},"UChFa4":{"rY957g":{}}},"7s1zIT":{"y58pg5":{"fJvU3W":{"YA13zl":{}}}}},"YRyM8N":{},"GOVncl":{"wmONxo":{}},"74e1BJ":{}},"l15867":{},"V3d46F":{},"AVCY24":{}}},"jAffBm":{"k9nMbp":{"V9r3f3":{"iQ27gM":{}}}}}},"w2V1Jw":{"B0741s":{"DenG2i":{}}}}}}}}},"7hhqJ2":{"JMEc48":{"a9976O":{"lJ25nM":{"I83BTS":{}}}}}}},"Xd40z0":{}},"l6J2Y7":{"99Cgr1":{"ATKJa1":{"y7qaP7":{"iBz858":{}}},"250Ug3":{"zZO4s2":{}}},"JW32OA":{},"8RYxBA":{}},"66qjqO":{}}}}}}}},"P9TM0B":{}}
Does anyone know, who is this girl on banner?
+9Collision model for fuselages that have same shape as visible fuselage.
+8Because we can do camo from from many parts, we can hide resizable wheel inside custom rim, but we can not change collisions.
@DEADSHOT15 ... And all this is rendered on your 2d screen, which is old and boring...
+7Next step - 129 600 guns (one gun per squared degree of surface)!
+5too many airbrakes
+4theoritically, airbrake(or engine,wing, or something else works with air) cannot work in low-pressure flow(on small speed, on upper surface of wing, behind airbrake etc).
+4You're go bananas? Or can't read? it says here "Do not spotlight"!
Maybe it's not "tera", maybe it's "terra" i.e. ground-level?
If i understood correctly it's gimbal lock and it isn't a bug.
Sorry for off-topic message.
+3i understand it's april fool, but it isn't fun at all.
+3please choose better topic for your jokes next time.
+3Nice build, but 11 tons is too heavy for a car.
+3Real ones is just 700-800 kgs including meat.
+3Bomb can still destroy a part with 3.4028237E+38 health.
To survive after bomb hit you need four-six layers of thin blocks instead.
"just a cube" with 24 parts and 8 control surfaces?
+3The drag coefficient is used to compare the solutions of different geometries by means of a dimensionless number.
A drag count is used as a more user-friendly measurement(bullshit) as the coefficient of drag is usually much less than 1. A drag count of 200 to 400 is typical for an airplane at cruise.
A reduction of one drag count on a subsonic civil transport airplane means about 200 lb (91 kg) more in payload.(not really)
in result:
velocity v=83 m/s
gas density p=1.225 kg/m^3
reference area a=15.6088 m^2
drag points 911.002
coefficient drag cd=0.0911002
drag force fd=6000 n
+2DebugExpression tan(deltaangle(Heading,TargetHeading))*TargetDistance
DebugExpression tan(deltaangle(PitchAngle+AngleOfAttack,TargetElevation))*TargetDistance
Could actually hit Tiny around 20m away from center
But what about flight data? GS/IAS/TAS and every thing that depends on it?
AFAIK there's no way to get RWR in the game, but mention me please if you'll ever get one.
+2There's two pages from author on renderdock, perhaps there's more info than you found on old blueprint.
+2link1 link2
I mean control base can act as a spring both for position and rotation, and with some tweaking you can make it bend just as much as you need.
+2For "part" in general you can make light work always and attach sort of shutter to part you're interested in.
+2So if part will be destroyed shutter will fall off and reveal light.
I rebuilt it with vertical bars to make actually wireframe.
+2I tried.
+2@Kendog84 IDK then, sorry.
+2Guys, do we at least have weapon that deals same damage each time?
+2UPD: i downloaded this craft and changed explosion scale to zero and impact damage scale to 0.2 and tried to destroy that block 50 times.
12 times i needed 6 shoots to destroy it
20 times i needed 11 shoots to destroy it
17 times i needed 16 shoots to destroy it
and 1 time i needed 17 shoots to destroy it.
It's very strange results.
If damage is choosen randomly for each shot it will need something between (HP/min damage) and (HP/max damage) shoots to destroy a block. But it gives just three peaks (11 shoots plus-minus 45 percents it seems) as if damage is choosen one time at level start.
I'm interested (information is always a good thing (as long as it's not information about me, lol)), but i don't have much info.
+2HP of connected parts affects number of shoots needed to destroy "this" part, but i was testing it with miniguns (average of ten attempts to destroy a block) and it was very much random.
About "one block at a time": perhaps shell disappears when it touches something, and since it's spherical or sharp-nosed it may be hard to make it touch two blocks simultaneously, so it only touches the block in front of cannon while it's alive.
My concept about connections was "HP pools": similarly to your concept, i was trying to use few blocks with high HP and standard blocks connected to them and them only (see link above).
will work fine. But to be honest it's not really random, it's just counter.Yes, it is possible.
variables from 1part hud divided byTGTPos_Local_z
but with aircraft's position and rotation replaced with bomb's position and rotation.My entry. You know, one upvote doesn't costs building new airplane.
+2You need to rotate cockpit to make use of coaxial minigun. It's possbible and actually shorter than autoaim you currently use (pd controller for local-space x,y target position), but it will work either for gun or for cannon.
+2It's not really health, but you can check if engine is alive using it's thrust output.
Target name may be a good idea, but we don't have such thing irl.
It will be overcomplicated. You know, FT doesn't even have arrays to store it properly.
At the moment it's possible to get radar-like system that saves position and speed of target and updates it while target's selected, it's not a problem to store four or five targets, and maybe add some info from user's camera. You should know about it as "a person who uses a lot of FT in every build".
That "AA-AG" system is not about air and ground, it's more about builds and game objects.
Just don't treat it as AI, it's autopilot+auto targeting. Even weapon selecting is not it's problem. Use FT.
AFAIK there's some differences in autopilot outputs and that's all.
Will adding HE round to gun really worth it? IMHO guns are arcade-like and they're as simple as they must be, if you need something complex use cannons.
+2@IAlsoBuildPlane try again, then open web console (it's usually in dev tools, F12) and send me screenshot
+2@IAlsoBuildPlane Because it's svg, it's not even raster
+2Try to use png instead
Entire f.cking year...
+2So many things changed, but tournament still says "The first Dogfights start at the 6th June at 6pm CET" as if it's still 2021-05
+2save this link, maybe you will need it one more time later
Maybe SP website need separate tag for anime stuff?
+2Sometimes SP builders is even faster than R34 artists...
+2Manual loading isn't a problem of gun itself.
But i agree about HE shells.
I actually made something like that (iirc it's named "turtle graphics"), but gun's bullet flies away with speed given by "smaller box", so you need sort of blocker that will stop turtle before firing.
If you have more than two bullets at almost-same place, you will see two different boxes instead of one colored, because tracerColor can't use 32-bit colors.
You will need 8-128 guns (one for each color) and sort of multiplexer linked on AGs (Activate1&!Activate2&!Activate3...) (you can add blocker from previous paragraph here).
You don't need huge grid, you need one small (like 12x12 bullets +circles for radial coords) attached to turtle, because in most cases human remembers relative coords (twenty hands above old tree) instead of absolute ones.
Winch is very, very fragile, let's use old good pistons instead.
And still i don't think it will be very accurate.
Just see at this build in game - each gun is connected to some others, but still it looks like a rope from guns instead of solid rod.
I agree with @Rodrigo110 .
+2In other challenges and tournaments it works just like that.
Same question as @Rodrigo110
+2Also, can you tag me if you will change deadline one more time?
+2Why can't you make stabilizers out of jets inside this block?
+2How many blocks per 1000 kg do i need?
What if i can't attach vertical stabilizers?
Is it stable in horizontal axis?
She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute.
+2It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon... for twelve seconds.
Just grab, not simple.
@MrCOPTY Maybe, but why?
+1Yes, iirc Randomusername used that.
+1High-speed part is kind of PD with
being dampener.Version tree at 2024-11-17T08:01Z:
+1JSON (starting at a7bta6): {"uXG6QL":{"Juqh0F":{"yUqF40":{"V7mG41":{"CAiXMf":{"rVbbR6":{"6t93Bx":{"3gzkmM":{"lK9P1j":{"Iwbo7a":{"6csf1s":{"1qS1l7":{"107i4I":{"hVNvmA":{"86gnwh":{"Wk3a92":{"yi1Fs5":{"zgO3lP":{"ReQ53F":{"BiQO9o":{"Y71Du7":{"Y03wZj":{"oKuPV3":{"HmD5Eb":{"curO5f":{"fWqxB0":{"0hE2s9":{"EEU7OU":{"d4O2lO":{}}}}},"o9Y216":{"5dGUjf":{"LVzyx7":{}}},"z07iGr":{},"vCfb0G":{}},"UChFa4":{"rY957g":{}}},"7s1zIT":{"y58pg5":{"fJvU3W":{"YA13zl":{}}}}},"YRyM8N":{},"GOVncl":{"wmONxo":{}},"74e1BJ":{}},"l15867":{},"V3d46F":{},"AVCY24":{}}},"jAffBm":{"k9nMbp":{"V9r3f3":{"iQ27gM":{}}}}}},"w2V1Jw":{"B0741s":{"DenG2i":{}}}}}}}}},"7hhqJ2":{"JMEc48":{"a9976O":{"lJ25nM":{"I83BTS":{}}}}}}},"Xd40z0":{}},"l6J2Y7":{"99Cgr1":{"ATKJa1":{"y7qaP7":{"iBz858":{}}},"250Ug3":{"zZO4s2":{}}},"JW32OA":{},"8RYxBA":{}},"66qjqO":{}}}}}}}},"P9TM0B":{}}
That must be a ton of labels. XML file weights ~2mb, and that's usual weight of 2000-2500-part build.
+1@RMZSPFan [un]fortunately she is the one with tentacles here.