@Alternation Explosions in SP1 are not well-adapted to a good damage model.
I'm not sure if they were updated when the damage system was revamped, but it certainly doesn't feel right.
@TheGliderGuy While people (especially Mods) love to say that points don't matter, it cannot, and should not, be understated that the reason many people build stuff on SP, or do things at all in this world, is for the reactions and, hopefully, support, of other people. Most, spare the occasional mouse, sentient plane/tank, or living rock, on this website are human. Humans are social creatures, and many of them will go to great lengths to impress their peers.
Seeing that a great, long effort, intended by and large to impress others, turn out bust or overshadowed can be greatly disheartening. Do keep in mind that upvotes regulate visibility through Top and Hot lists, as well as sorting by Best on a profile. Most people on this site probably aren't playing this game in a vacuum. It's not about how fast or how maneuverable your jet is, or how technically advanced its paneling or FunkyTrees is, it's about if other people like it, and if your time spent was worth it.
So while the numbers may not be super important, they indicate others' reactions, which very much so are.
There are other qualities to this, of course. Getting a bunch of upvotes on a trash can may be much less satisfying that getting a couple on something you worked really hard on/care about strongly, but with comments of praise and deep encouragement (that is, about the features of the craft/effort itself, rather than simply being a new player. That's a different sort of support).
@LJh1 I just put up a vote. Vote on that.
Anyways, this is super gonna get removed.
And as a non-American, it’s pretty annoying to see someone lead into this without even specifying that this is for the US presidential election. The US may be important but it’s not the centre of everyone’s universe. Don’t act like it is.
@TheMouse @Boeing727200F Perhaps the brick is more survivable, but I feel like the Phat Phuck would do more damage to innocent bystanders if it ran aground...
Victorians need entertainment too! Even if it comes from chaos.
I had an old iPod many moons ago. Last time it was turned on was like 4 year ago, after a long period without use even then (wouldn’t charge without significant finicking, now is functionally bricked), and it lagged like hell. I was at the lowest settings and running very, very simple craft. Wish I recovered more, but it’s far too late.
An even older device? Good luck with that.
@TheCommentaryGuy Isn't the internet a wonderful place...
I genuinely don't know how you can make an accurate replica and still get the scale so off. Isn't that what Fine Tuner is for?
@MrSilverWolf Two mods active at once? Is the Rapture soon or something? Should I be hearing trumpets?
Was PhilipTarpley crucified? Is it his second coming?!
@LunarEclipseSP Alright you settle this what is the best way to eat the meat wall?
Fried? Grilled? Broiled? Baked? Seared? Raw?
Whatever the hell McDonald’s chicken nuggets are?
The more people I outlive the stronger my plans will be
+8@AndrewGarrison so, uh, what kind of game is this again?
+7@Alternation Explosions in SP1 are not well-adapted to a good damage model.
+6I'm not sure if they were updated when the damage system was revamped, but it certainly doesn't feel right.
I am wheezing.
+5This shit is gold.
How many times has that been? Good lord, absolute comedy.
I guess we doin circles now
+4@TheGliderGuy While people (especially Mods) love to say that points don't matter, it cannot, and should not, be understated that the reason many people build stuff on SP, or do things at all in this world, is for the reactions and, hopefully, support, of other people. Most, spare the occasional mouse, sentient plane/tank, or living rock, on this website are human. Humans are social creatures, and many of them will go to great lengths to impress their peers.
+4Seeing that a great, long effort, intended by and large to impress others, turn out bust or overshadowed can be greatly disheartening. Do keep in mind that upvotes regulate visibility through Top and Hot lists, as well as sorting by Best on a profile. Most people on this site probably aren't playing this game in a vacuum. It's not about how fast or how maneuverable your jet is, or how technically advanced its paneling or FunkyTrees is, it's about if other people like it, and if your time spent was worth it.
So while the numbers may not be super important, they indicate others' reactions, which very much so are.
There are other qualities to this, of course. Getting a bunch of upvotes on a trash can may be much less satisfying that getting a couple on something you worked really hard on/care about strongly, but with comments of praise and deep encouragement (that is, about the features of the craft/effort itself, rather than simply being a new player. That's a different sort of support).
+3Google Fuselage
+3At least it's about planes lmao
+3At least it's about planes lmao
+3They're coming back hypnotized mark my words
+3And here I thought the position was abolished…
+3Are the Devs trialing it again? Trying to see if new people would be willing to do it?
@Majakalona Somewhere between child and abused adult
+3@VietnameseGuysWithTheAK Welcome to Idaho
+3@Majakalona get the new guy initiated, would you? Thank you.
At first I thought that was Donald Trump
+3Now I realize I need to get my sight checked
I think it was the uncanny smile tbh
@LunarEclipseSP You are a menace upon the turtle population
+3The thumbnail looks like a Bosnian Ape Society thumbnail lmao
+3"To make it more comfortable to see and clear to read."
+3I assure you, it makes everything worse.
wtf is the font
Lmao wut
+2@crazyplaness Drunk with power
+2@crazyplaness Only a Mod for a few days and already at it 1984ing history.
+2@overlord5453 Graingy studies suggest economic centralization with improved working conditions is vastly more efficient in the long run. So, no.
+2@Boeing727200F With what you said about those I don't think the CEO would want those in our properties.
+2Also, *Effective
Bud just ceased to exist lmao
+2@TheOfficalMarylander That presents a problem for this account.
+2Not in favour.
@LJh1 I just put up a vote. Vote on that.
+2Anyways, this is super gonna get removed.
And as a non-American, it’s pretty annoying to see someone lead into this without even specifying that this is for the US presidential election. The US may be important but it’s not the centre of everyone’s universe. Don’t act like it is.
@TheMouse @Boeing727200F Perhaps the brick is more survivable, but I feel like the Phat Phuck would do more damage to innocent bystanders if it ran aground...
+2Victorians need entertainment too! Even if it comes from chaos.
I never could have guessed.
+2I had an old iPod many moons ago. Last time it was turned on was like 4 year ago, after a long period without use even then (wouldn’t charge without significant finicking, now is functionally bricked), and it lagged like hell. I was at the lowest settings and running very, very simple craft. Wish I recovered more, but it’s far too late.
+2An even older device? Good luck with that.
My comrade in commune if you try to play SimplePlanes on that thing it is going to fricking explode
+2@TheCommentaryGuy Isn't the internet a wonderful place...
+2I genuinely don't know how you can make an accurate replica and still get the scale so off. Isn't that what Fine Tuner is for?
What an intriguing conversation!
+2I wonder if my good comrade @Majakalona has anything insightful to add to this?
+2@MrSilverWolf Two mods active at once? Is the Rapture soon or something? Should I be hearing trumpets?
+2Was PhilipTarpley crucified? Is it his second coming?!
Also this is inferior to my own design by virtue of its enormouse size.
+2Truly the Platinum of our time.
+2Quiet, huh?
I can help with that!
+2You mean pfp?
Well that's just me so idk tie?
@DeadlyDialga That’s… concerning.
+2I can make that 4 if you like :)
+2@WisconsinStatePolice Is it mail-in?
+2@Rb2h ok
@bouncydogfuneral Good to hear
That was ages ago
+2@LunarEclipseSP Alright you settle this what is the best way to eat the meat wall?
+2Fried? Grilled? Broiled? Baked? Seared? Raw?
Whatever the hell McDonald’s chicken nuggets are?
@Majakalona how squishy is Daev?
+2@Pakkoyan I am not currently accepting Canadian Dollars, only Soian Dollars.
+2Oh yeah how does Mouse like American cheese?
+2I predict: Post takedown
+2@CrestelAeronautics could you send some Dpics?