18.8k F104Deathtrap Comments

  • Do you ever feel bad for the ship builders? 4.9 years ago

    @Omel If you look through the posts of any platinum shipbuilder, you're certainly going to find a variety of cargo ships tankers.

  • Do you ever feel bad for the ship builders? 4.9 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon I only build planes, myself. Hell, I only make replicas of planes, my idea of variety is the number of engines. But I do admire the detail people cram into trucks and tanks and ships on here.

  • Results Of The Luftwaffe Challenge 4.9 years ago

    @MAHADI Sorry, just wish more people would do their challenges this way.

  • Results Of The Luftwaffe Challenge 4.9 years ago

    Congratulations MAHADI. By actually taking the time to link the top 20 planes and post analysis for each one. There are so many shamelessly lazy challenges these days, and it's great to see somebody doing the right thing. So here's to you!

  • Upload limit sucks....... 6.2 years ago

    Upload limit is awesome. Some people spend months building a single plane, and they get buried under piles of 5 minute uploads.

  • Is there any way to completely rescale your whole plane? 6.3 years ago


    When you rescale the whole plane in finetuner, if you only scale in one or two dimensions, some parts will be distorted in unexpected ways. So always go 2,2,2 or 0.972, 0.972, 0.972 etc.

    Also be careful to use "relative scale" and to uncheck "calculate mass" and "engine power"

  • Credit Where Credit is Due 6.3 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot It is. :)

  • Any tips for camouflage? 6.3 years ago

    Do we need another Spitfire? Has it been 3 hours already?

  • You know you practice STOL too much when... (ZERO DISTANCE LANDING) 6.3 years ago

    @Chancey21 XD You brought the plane to a stop midair and fell 30 feet straight down. With a gravitational acceleration of 9.8 meters per second squared, that means you hit straight into the ground at 30 mph. If a truck ran into your plane doing 30, would you call that a crash?

  • Map Mod Collision Help 6.4 years ago

    At first, I thiught that screenshot was a photo!

  • TAKING A LEAVE 6.4 years ago

    That's a good idea. Online "fun" is not worth real life stress. I hope you feel better.

  • Experience The Thrill of 2-D 6.4 years ago

    @Phoza I hate that I love that you said that.

  • Simpleplanes feels dead now 6.5 years ago

    No, you didn't.

    Posts like this are pointless.

  • GUYS ITS COMING 6.5 years ago

    1/5 Not funny, original or interesting. Poor grammar. Ineffective use of capslock. Would not read again.

  • challenge has ENDED! 6.5 years ago

    Number of parts: 29

    F A I L

  • Today Is 9/11/2001 6.6 years ago

    Yup, it's my birthday. All you fools better never forget!

  • Part count bias on the site 6.6 years ago

    Yup. Big pretty stuff gets the votes, but that's ok. People who put in time and effort deserve a little fame. But downloads are what I shoot for, I want people to enjoy what I've made.

  • IM STILL ALIVE!! 6.6 years ago


  • "The Mig"(Top Gun) 6.6 years ago

    AKA Iran's "brand new, completely indigenous" fighter for 2018. lol

  • YIAY to make fun of my name 6.6 years ago

    Change it to "I only make messerschmitts"

  • Mercedes Citaro K 6.6 years ago

    For best results, spawn in the air.

  • FineTuner Scaling 6.6 years ago


    A little optmized

    So because you had some issues after messing around with the game in a way that the designers never intended, now they need to revise their code for you, free of charge?

  • FineTuner Scaling 6.6 years ago

    Scaling engines is fine. Mass scaling engines is a quick and effective way to turn your plane into a bug filled disaster.

    As others have mentioned, wing pieces are unaffected by scaling. The provide the same lift no matter how they are scaled, but ailerons that are 40 feet out from the centerline of your plane are much stronger than seemingly identical ailerons 2 feet from the centerline of your plane. In other words your control surfaces can be affected by scaling, but not the way you expected.

    Also, be sure to scale all 3 dimensions evenly, otherwise things get hilariously messy.

  • Teaser + Final update 6.7 years ago

    Worst P-38 ever.

  • I discovered how to control the direction of the convoy (no mods) 6.7 years ago


    My face hurts from laughing.

  • NEED SOME STUFF 6.7 years ago

    Just slap the default gyro on it.

  • Petition to limit users to ONE FORUM POST PER DAY 6.7 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck "with testing I have found the post limit"

    No surprise there. Was it necessary to post all that crap in 4 separate comments?

  • Maritime Patrol Aircraft Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    By your criteria, some of the most iconic maritime patrollers would be disqualified. The Martin PB6-M Marlin and even the first half of all PBY Catalinas lacked retractable landing gear. Almost all WW2 patrol bombers and even many post war designs sported guns and even cannons.

    Are these rules in place to emphasize aircraft that are currently in service? Or just quality concerns?

  • Is this how to build a jet? 6.9 years ago

    Looks great except the landing gear. It needs to go much further forward. Like this

  • The one looming problem with this game.. 6.9 years ago

    Yup. If I am not 100% in love with the plane I'm working on, I end up playing Fallout or Skyrim and 3 months go by and the plane never gets made. Then I find a plane I do love and need to build and I come back.

  • Sub assemblies 6.9 years ago

    What they do is save you lots and lots of time! Say you need to build a plane that has 4 identical engine nacelles, rather than building all 4 from scratch, you can copy-paste them using the subassembly feature. It's also a great way to move chunks of one build into another project, just tear off the parts you need, save it as an assembly open tge new project and load the saved assembly from there.

  • Messed Up Stuff in Last Couple Days, I Hate Life. 6.9 years ago

    @Fred19 @ForeverPie Guys, they've been talking about that stuff for 2,000 years. If it's your firm religious belief that the world is about to end, I won't argue it with you but try and remember that things are much, much less awful for most people today than they once were.

  • Read this 6.9 years ago

    6 uploads in one year, calls everyone else lazy

    Seems legit.

  • Planes falling out of the sky after one piece is shot off. 6.9 years ago

    Just think how frustrating it is for people in real life. The F-105 had its pitch control severed in combat so often that they installed special spring-loaded jaws that would clamp down, holding the tail in a neutral position while the pilot could steer the bird home using the main wing flaps to control pitch.

  • Mi-26 carrying... the Antonov 225! 6.9 years ago

    You should make one carrying St. Basil's cathedral.

  • My artwork V-2.0 6.9 years ago

    Nice! China sure was crazy about those Farmers, way more than the Russians were.

  • Mil Mi-26 6.9 years ago

    CONGRATULATIONS, you've just beat the game.

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.9 years ago

    @ForeverPie Pie, we all like Mattangi. And we miss him. He might be dead, or he might not be, but he's certainly not posting on here anymore. Whatever you choose to believe about this whole thing, please keep in mind that no one is trying to be hurtful.

  • ALIENS 6.9 years ago

    Ancient people don't get enough credit. When I see clowns on the "History" channel talking about how aliens made the pyramids in Egypt and Central America, it makes me want to puke. Can you imagine how pissed off you'd be if you and everyone else in your city spent half a lifetime building monuments that could outlast millennia only to have people in the future so dumb and lazy that they couldn't believe anyone had the motivation and skill to build them in the first place?

    EDIT- Not directing this at anyone here. Just a rant. Also, the History chan is a joke.

  • I QUIT 6.9 years ago

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is why you can't always trust sans-serif fonts.

  • Simple but Useful tips-2 Making Realistic Wings 6.9 years ago

    Couldn't favorite it, so I bookmarked it. Great post.

  • WHO WOULD WIN? 7.0 years ago

    @ProcessedPlAnEs Try again, my dude

  • I have a theory... 7.0 years ago

    I wonder why people get all wild and crazy about aliens, but not unicorns or the easter bunny. Real shame.

  • Sideswipe w/ new build at 130 MPH at Gold Prix... 7.0 years ago

    The link is dead, Jim.

  • Tips for making seaplanes? 7.1 years ago

    OK, so the short fix is use a gyro. The gyro will probably interfere with pitch, though.

    The long answer is that the reason your plane wants to nose-down is because the engines are too high. Seaplanes have to mount the engines up high, resulting in a center of thrust that pulls the nose downward (just like having an engine on only one wing would pull the plane in circles). The real-life solution for this problem is a big, strong tail that can pull the nose back up again. Check it out: Catalina, Hercules, Sunderland; they've all got HUGE elevators. Pulling up all the time is a pain, so another thing that can help is if you angle the horizontal tail downwards 1 or 2 degrees so that it constantly pulls the nose (or attach it to a VTOL rotor so you can adjust it as needed).

  • Wasp 2D painting 7.1 years ago

    This thing is gonna make an EXCELLENT dogfighting adversary!

  • Great! Even KFC is communist?! 7.2 years ago

    Joke is like food, not everyone get.
    -Joseph Stalin

  • Convair F2Y ''SeaDart'' 3.4 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 I read a joke once where Soviet engineers were demonstrating Rocket-Assisted-Takeoff interceptors to Khrushchev. "You see, premier, the jet can be launched from the back of a truck. It needs no runway to take off."

    "Excellent" he said, "now where will it land?"

  • I should just delete this. 3.5 years ago

    Mobile stuff is weird. Theres often a good reason why the mobile version wont do something. Have you considered getting a computer?
