After some research and laziness alike, the only max value I can find is the max value for the VTOL Nozzle’s built in rotators. If I set it to 0 they don’t move even if you move the VTOL slider. Would they still function if I made a new value and put max in the EngineThrustPort section? @TheFlightGuySP
Okay I think I figured it out! The rotor blade is WAY too heavy and produces too much torque for the gyroscope to counter. If you try using overload to set the mass of every part in the rotor to 0 then reduce the speed of the rotator, that might is the problem.
EDIT: It might be something with the VTOL thrusters that push it into the air. It only seems to have instability problems when I VTOL up.
Yeah helicopters in this game don’t have the best controls. They’re very difficult to fly if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. I’ll see what I can do but don’t expect much from me!
This is the first actual helicopter I’ve ever been able to fly properly. Maybe it’s because I’m incompetent and I still don’t know how to control them, but regardless, this thing solved that problem. Props!
This one is free to use but you don’t need to give credit. Probably because you won’t have a device to give credit from after you use it for 3 seconds.
I just ripped the fancy labels and screens out of the stock wasp. The little gauges and stuff are easy, just slap ‘em into a cockpit and change the preset to what you need! @F14Tomcat1974
Hello again! I genuinely can’t believe I found this again. Since the last time I’ve seen this, I’ve basically mastered XML modding. This still came as a surprise to me when I saw just how many guns this thing has/
After some research and laziness alike, the only
value I can find is the max value for the VTOL Nozzle’s built in rotators. If I set it to 0 they don’t move even if you move the VTOL slider. Would they still function if I made a new value and put max in theEngineThrustPort
section? @TheFlightGuySPThat might work, assuming I could make the exhaust resemble its normal size with the scale modifier. Thanks!
It’s so adorable!
Cool plabne
I love pulling 80G turns and turning everyone inside the aircraft to paste, you don’t?
+1This is literally the stock wasp
Struggles to take off and gain altitude
It looks awesome and it flies alright, but its severely underpowered and struggles to takeoff/gain altitude.
What even is this… its just massive clumps of blocks XD
Kamikaze works wonders
At this point we can just call it a “2-yes-2”
+1Okay I think I figured it out! The rotor blade is WAY too heavy and produces too much torque for the gyroscope to counter. If you try using overload to set the mass of every part in the rotor to 0 then reduce the speed of the rotator, that might is the problem.
EDIT: It might be something with the VTOL thrusters that push it into the air. It only seems to have instability problems when I VTOL up.
Yeah helicopters in this game don’t have the best controls. They’re very difficult to fly if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing. I’ll see what I can do but don’t expect much from me!
Well clearly its stealthier if you re-upload the stock aircraft. Some magic happens with the website and poof! XD
This isn't even yours LMAO
Same with this one…
So what exactly was the point in uploading this? It’s literally the same aircraft with a different paint job…
+1“Mach .935? Uh, yeah. Totally.”
“Currently not mobile friendly.”
+1How ‘bout I do it anyway?
-me, an iPad user.
Can’t exactly call this hypersonic if it struggles to accelerate and fails to break the speed of sound at 46,000 feet.
+3Not exactly advanced, but it should do.
FYI this is a work in progress. Another update should come out later this week.
I’m having a lot of fun with this. Enjoy the free successor points!
If you crash you’re going straight to Brazil.
Yeah, it’s definitely gonna get cooler once I’m finished with the cockpit.
add multiplayer
It has severe control issues taking off and hovering, and only becomes stable after ~1 minute of sustained flight.
The over-edited memes trend is long dead.
+3I crashed and it blew out my speakers.
“No idea what I have unleashed upon the world”
Now I know it’s gonna be good
Edit: AND ITS A DRIFT MISSILE? It just keeps on giving!
+2This is the first actual helicopter I’ve ever been able to fly properly. Maybe it’s because I’m incompetent and I still don’t know how to control them, but regardless, this thing solved that problem. Props!
+1Might as well be a VTOL with the super maneuvers.
+1Too many parts XD
“Definitely doesn’t have 18,000 pounds of crack on board.”
+2I suppose it’s not meant to fly like a normal airplane?
No can do. You have more points than me. I can only spotlight people with less than 660 points (as I type this). What I can do is upvote!
This one is free to use but you don’t need to give credit. Probably because you won’t have a device to give credit from after you use it for 3 seconds.
+1I just ripped the fancy labels and screens out of the stock wasp. The little gauges and stuff are easy, just slap ‘em into a cockpit and change the preset to what you need! @F14Tomcat1974
+1The problem is people with iOS devices. GameCenter (the service that iOS uses) doesn’t work on Windows.
Well, at least your cockpit is better than anything I’ve made XD
+1I only decided to read the instructions after sitting in confusion for 7 minutes.
One model has more parts than a majority of the aircraft I’ve built
+4There’s actually only 1 layer of guns on each wing for a total of 6, I just XML’d them to fire really fast and uniformly!
Edit: I completely misunderstood your comment XD
+1-Me 2 minutes ago
Love the design again!
“It’s not infinite fuel, it just has so much fuel that you could never feasibly use it.”
Love the design!
Hello from 3.7 years later!
Hello again! I genuinely can’t believe I found this again. Since the last time I’ve seen this, I’ve basically mastered XML modding. This still came as a surprise to me when I saw just how many guns this thing has/