25.2k JohnnyBoythePilot Comments

  • Uh Oh... 6.5 years ago


  • SR2 - Procedural Landing Gear 5.7 years ago

    These would be real sweet in SP, and so would SR2's customizable jet engines.

  • v1.7.1.0 - Minor update info 6.8 years ago

    1.8 Confirmed! SP isn't dead yet! :D

  • Mobile Dev Console 5.5 years ago

    1.9 confirmed? :)

  • My clearly stolen Harrier Jet 5.7 years ago

    Sounds like someone's jelly the competition's plane may be better. lol

  • Sodium chloride 6.1 years ago

    T A B L E S A L T

  • My own suggestion for the next update 6.1 years ago

    Or at the very least, expand the limit to like, 50 or 100 instead of 10.

  • Man’s Paradise 4.9 years ago

    7/10 urinal dividers need to be taller.

  • B-52X 2040 6.1 years ago

    How'd you get the muzzle flash of the 120mm howitzer?

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    "Game engines are like people in that they can get old and crusty if you don't update them often."
    I have 2 questions:
    1: How do game engines get crusty?
    2: How do you update people?

  • [Trailer] F/A-87 Filibuster 5.6 years ago

    YES!!! I never knew I needed this in my life so badly. Using the F-8 as the base for this design was absolute genius! That is one heck of a sexy fighter!

  • SU-57 5.9 years ago

    The E.E. Lightning was actually the first aircraft in history to super-cruise without A/B. The final variant of the Lightning, the F.6, was able to stand toe-to-toe with the F-15 Eagles of the time... at least before it runs out of fuel... ;)

  • Hot Air Balloon 6.2 years ago

    That's cool and all but....
    Can it go Mach 4?

  • Avalon Industries TWC-1 ''Richard'' Tactical Wheelchair 3.3 years ago

    When Stephen Hawking has had enough

  • FS-21 Flanker Eagle 4.9 years ago

    confused screaming

  • Why, YouTube? 5.7 years ago

    YouTube being YouTube again

  • Ducc Challenge! [25 upvote prize] 5.8 years ago

    I think I know the perfect build for this challenge: Duck Hunting Simulator.

  • Free Cam is ON 5.8 years ago

    T H I C C B O I

  • Ugandan Chungles 6.2 years ago

    We started 2018 with Uganda Knuckles, and we'll start 2019 again with.... reincarnated Uganda Knuckles....

    This meme just won't die lol...

  • Alaska Q400 Stolen|You Can't Make this Up 6.6 years ago

    GTA V in real life...

  • I have 100% definitely figured out what I’m gonna build now. (Not a twin otter! XD) 6.8 years ago

    Very very excited for Deadstick. The thing about Deadstick is it's geared strictly toward a niche part of real life flying and virtual flying: Bush flying! You won't find jets or flight levels in this sim. It's all low and slow, stick-and-rudder flying, as well as dead reckoning. You can do bush flying in FSX/P3D or XP11, but Deadstick is doing it at a MUCH finer level than any other sim. In Deadstick, you'll have an avatar/character that can get out of the cockpit and walk around the aircraft to perform maintenance, load/unload cargo manually, pre-flight, etc. and the aircraft, while fictional and being heavily inspired by the Piper Super Cub, is going to be study-level like A2A. This means random failures can happen and things can go wrong not only by how well you fly the airplane, but how you maintain it and take care of it as well. Deadstick will also feature a fictional environment that's heavily inspired by Idaho and Alaska. It will also feature dynamic, ever-changing weather. The detail in Deadstick overall is going to be far greater than FSX, P3D, FSW, or XP11. And the developer said as the game goes on more aircraft/bush planes will be added.

  • SimpleRockets 2 Mobile Beta 7.0 years ago


    Second Glance: Wait.....

    Third Glance/Realization: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • The most relatable SP .gif you've ever seen 3.2 years ago

    "Stupid panel why won't you just go in the wing!! That's your home! Are you too good for your home!? ANSWER ME!!!"
    -Some frustrated SP builder probably

  • Mk4 Supra 3.3 years ago


  • Sea Plane 3.3 years ago

    I actually like it. For a "default" SP plane its actually really good IMO. Plus studying this plane helped me learn fuselage shaping and cutting really well for building my 6-seat turboprop I'm making.

  • Multiplayer Nukers be like 4.5 years ago

    This is WAAAY too accurate! 😂😂😂

  • Area 88 - Postponed 5.1 years ago

    Y E S

    This should give me plenty of time to properly finish my build and description, and possibly implement some Funky Trees into my build as well (which I'm still learning and a huge noob at).

  • Vought F8U-2NE (F-8E) Crusader 5.5 years ago

    "When your out of F-8's, your out of fighters"

  • My ticket to GOLD?! 5.5 years ago

    C'mon folks! Lets get squid boi his gold!

  • Daily Memes! 5.6 years ago

    The whole fixing engine cowling with duct-tape thing wasn't actually duct-tape the guy was using; It's a pressure-sealed aluminum tape called "speedtape" and it's a stop-gap measure to fix something until it can get fully replaced. Speedtape also can't be removed off of a part; once you put it on something, it's on that part forever, and you can only remove the tape by replacing the entire part.

  • Simpleplanes Memes 2.0 5.7 years ago

    Add this meme to your next SimpleMemes post.

  • Beautiful Waterfall! | SimplePlanes Mods Showcase #1 5.7 years ago

    What's your recording software & editing software? I use Bandicam & Shotcut.

  • B-36 peacemaker (Convair) 5.7 years ago

    I was thinking of that saying "6 turning 4 burning" (Peacemaker has 6 piston engines and 4 turbojet engines).

  • My own suggestion for the next update 6.1 years ago

    Although window/transparent fuselage blocks would be nice.

  • Everyone's dreaming of 1.8 6.2 years ago

    I think some realistic possibilities for 1.8 are:

    1. Hollow fuselages
    2. Glass/transparent fuselages
    3. Improved flying AI (too predictable in dogfights; keeps using the same tactics)
    4. Another island (possible but unlikely)
    5. Extra control sliders (like VTOL and trim sliders)
    6. Maybe, but just maybe we could see AI turrets that can be added to your build.
    7. Oh yea, make AG-9 a darn action group!
    8. Extra weapons or new gizmos

    At this point I don't see MP ever being officially added to SP, which isn't too bad as the MP mod is fairly fine.

  • [WEBW]F-16 cockpit Simulator 6.3 years ago

    Beautiful! Although I have to ask....


  • Caption This Photo! 6.8 years ago

    Is that a..... MiG-21...... drowning?

  • Wanna hear a joke? 6.8 years ago

    Wanna hear a joke?

    Flat Earthers

  • Wright Bay Incident 6.8 years ago

    I know many don't like the RP in the SP forums but can you at least tolerate the really well-done RP's like this? This is a good example of a detailed RP.

  • Jundroo, please explain. >:( 6.8 years ago

    We should also have AG-9 as an extra activation group. Why isn't 9 used?

  • PLZ help with airplane post's description! 6.9 years ago

    Put # on each end of your sentence or word you want to customize the font style. You can do #, *, ``, or,` around the word or sentence to change it's font.

    `= red font
    # = changes size and makes it blue or black
    * = make sit italics or bold`

    Add more like ###Example Word### make sit like this #Example Word #. You can add up to 4 hastags (#) on either end of your word or statement. I think you can only add up to 3 of these *.

    Oh I forgot you cant change fonts for the most part in comments, only in descriptions.

  • Thunder Strike Mission 7.0 years ago

    Two Words: SAM CITY
    Those freaking SAMS are nuts!

    Also how do you make these missions? I'd love to make WW2 style missions that follow a campaign.

  • UFO 7.2 years ago

    Whats this I smell? A new meme coming along?

  • Luft-Waffle 7.3 years ago

    Ah so this is what Hitler used to escape to the moon!

  • Scout Miro 2.8 years ago

    The only thing missing is that 70's interior smell XD

  • Cherokee 140 3.4 years ago

    Ah yes the Hershey bar wing. What a fun plane to fly IRL.

  • We're doing merch! 3.4 years ago

    I'll take your entire stock.

  • LTV A-7E Corsair II 4.8 years ago

    One thing I never understood about the A-7 was why it had such a massive airbrake on the belly.
