25.3k LeonardoEngineering Comments

  • NEW RULES 5.3 years ago

    @EternalDarkness can I keep Rick Rolling people?
    Or is it still considered a crime against humanity? 😂

  • NEW RULES 5.3 years ago

    @UltimatePlayer123 okay

  • [TEASER] T-12A "Scirocco" - I swear it's going to be the last one. 5.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii I knew people would have associated it to the VW, dammit..

  • Vale, omnis 4.4 years ago

    Always has been

  • Leonardo AT-12B Vento 5.1 years ago

    @FairFireFight thank you very much!
    I actually well know both your T-2 and your F-104G , I studied your bay doors in detail :)
    I didn't use your technique as on the T-2 because it lacked the actual space to do so in the AT-12B

  • Focke Wulf - Triebflugel 5.3 years ago

    @Noname918181 you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention

  • RPI-11 Glasgow 5.3 years ago

    I finally started watching Code Geass just because of this build

  • QM-8 Target Drone 5 months ago

    @TheMouse @Graingy thanks guys :')

  • Cruise Missile - Beta 5.1 years ago

    That's not what the proof on concept was about. It was to show the possibility to create custom deploying winglets for custom weapons.
    And yes, you can have all the weapons you want that work like that, but the only hard part is the installation, as you have to reset the ammo(x) count in every inequality of the rotators following the order that the weapons were installed with.
    To rename a weapon, simply add name in the left column of the Weapon window with Overload, and then add the name in the right one.

  • Cruise Missle 5.1 years ago

    You didn't change anything, except for adding a couple of wings and bombs..

  • Leonardo T-12A Scirocco 5.1 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon sure, just a couple for now.

  • Target Drone 5.1 years ago

    You did not copy. This is the exact same build.
    Take it down by yourself, or a moderator will.

  • Leonardo T-12A Scirocco 5.1 years ago

    Thank you @edensk !

  • FB-WS-200201-023B 5.1 years ago

    I'm honestly in love with those kind of builds. Good job

  • MQ-98 5.1 years ago

    Finally, what a shame that Osea isn't in the game.

  • o c t a h e d r o n 5.2 years ago


    5th Angel

  • Sukhoi Su-25 "Frogfoot" 5.2 years ago

    @Hedero thank you!
    I've put a lot of effort in this build, and it took me 4 days straight of work to be completed

  • Cessna 172S Skyhawk 5.2 years ago

    Worth the wait, glad to see you're back!

    And by the way, you went too far with that display, for real.

  • Leonardo LF-114 Falco 5.2 years ago

    UwU thank you!

  • Focke Wulf - Triebflugel 5.3 years ago

    You've earned my forgiveness.

  • Caproni Ca.60 5.3 years ago

    Le vent se lève! . . . il faut tenter de vivre!

  • Focke Wulf Ta-283 5.3 years ago

    I see wunderwaffe.
    can't contain the need of doing
    the Reich thing.
    enjoy wunderwaffe.

  • V something 5.3 years ago

    And also a way more accurate rappresentation of pulse jet engines than the ones made before the update!

  • Heights that youve never thought of 5.3 years ago

    Now I understand what your name meant.

  • NEW RULES 5.3 years ago

    @EternalDarkness personally I don't see the issue with challenges though..
    I perfectly agree with the new rules, do not get me wrong, but if it's a challenge there should be no problem, as it doesn't concern the build itself, but it's like creating a Forum Post.
    Even though in-game made depictions like the one made by @SnoWFLakE0s on his Santa Gift Box challenge look pretty neat to be honest!

    Anyway was there any special reason behind this choice?

  • Mitsubishi A6M5 Zero-sen 5.3 years ago

    "I'm just going to sit here, waiting for a Ki-61 to appear on pancelvonat's gallery.
    Then I will reach true happiness.
    " - Sun Tzu

  • M.1 5.3 years ago

    @Mustang51 I agree with you my friend, it reminds me of one of those early-war French fighters like the Arsenal VG-33 or the Caudron C.714

  • Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat 5.3 years ago

    @Mustang51 I agree, such a high accuracy and level of detail are hard to find.

  • Leonardo AT-1B Mozzie 5.3 years ago

    sadly, they would collide with the Landing Gears when retracting

  • Personal Milestone Achieved! 5.3 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon thank you, even though someone thinks the opposite..
    anyway, I won't let my love for aviation being surpassed by the hate of few!

  • Leonardo AH-121 Dardo 5.4 years ago

    @Tang0five thank you!
    I actually took a lot of inspiration from the A129 Mangusta, and by a lot I mean that this could be a licensed version.

  • H-101 Alicanto 5.4 years ago


    "Good artists copy, great artists steal" - Pablo Picasso

    By the way, I just took inspiration from the most used Helicopter Design in the world, and by doing so, it tremendously resemble the Jet Ranger

  • Leonardo T-1A "Asso" Aerobatic 5.5 years ago

    @BaconRoll you are breathtaking!

  • JM-303-700 4.4 years ago

    This will probably be my last upvote.
    It's all yours man :)

    Per aspera ad Astra!

  • LEAVING TIME. 4.5 years ago

    @spefyjerbf nope bro, it's just Da Vinci.

  • curb your simpleplanes 4.5 years ago

    I think I laughed a bit too much.

  • Cruise Missile - Beta 5.1 years ago

    No, the zero in the means that when the ammo count for the weapon named "Cruise Missile" is set to 0 ( in this case, as soon as the missile is fired) it activates the rotator.
    You can also use inequalities, like ammo("test") < 2, so when the ammo count goes below two, the rotator will engage.

  • Cruise Missile - Beta 5.1 years ago

    Whoops, sorry! I completely misinterpreted the first half of the comment!

  • Leonardo T-12A Scirocco 5.1 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon yes, in the AT-12B version.

  • Leonardo T-12A Scirocco 5.1 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon whoops, sorry man, sure.

  • Leonardo AT-12B Vento 5.1 years ago


  • Leonardo AT-12B Vento 5.1 years ago

    @Hedero don't worry, I'm feeling better now.
    I had to undergo two surgeries to my lower abdomen, but I'm having some complications, and the pain hasn't completely disappeard yet.
    It is nothing really serious, this was a joke compared to other surgeries I had in the past.

  • Boeing-Saab T-X 5.1 years ago

    @BogdanX I wanted to upvote it because of the huge effort that has been put in recreating those outstanding details, as it was made on a iOS device.
    But I must of course agree with you, this plane isn't even able to fly properly.
    Apart from the aesthetics, everything is wrong with it in terms of functionality, as it can't even lift off without exploding because of its landing gears and parts colliding.
    With some proper notions about collisions and xml modding, this could have been more than a little gem, but right now, it's just a good static 3D model.
    Anyway, people decided they liked it, and it appears to have a pretty good download to upvotes ratio of %14, probably because of the looks.

  • Hello! 5.1 years ago

    Hello and welcome!

  • QM-8 Target Drone 5.1 years ago

    @TTHHSSSS thank you!

  • Leonardo T-12A Scirocco 5.1 years ago

    @nameisalreadytaken thank you! I'm actually surprised!

  • QM-8 Target Drone 5.1 years ago

    @Woozyliana second line on the instructions:
    "Be careful, spawning them at any "Approach" location, will make them pop up as friendly."

  • QM-8 Target Drone 5.1 years ago

    @Hedero thank you! Even though it actually looks like something I can't say because of NSFW rules

  • QM-8 Target Drone 5.1 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot thank you! Not the most useful among my creations, but I thought it was worth the upload

  • Trainer Jet Teaser 5.1 years ago

    Hey @nicolascolissi14 !
    I'm sorry, but at the moment I am not planning to build a new Attack Helicopter, as all the progress on the H-101 Upgrade got lost.
    Maybe you'll see one in the near future
