I know this is huge; a much more parts-efficient version with modern building techniques and a more functional bridge is in the works! Watch this space.
@AndrewGarrison gotcha! Are the cameras sort of spawn points in that scenario? I'll tag you in the finished build and see what you think. One day I'll get a VR setup...
@AndrewGarrison Is it possible to walk around in VR? I'm building an airship with a complete interior, and I'm wondering if there's any point in making the various doors operational, etc
@Craigdimension4 hmmm, no... Both props should work normally, albeit with diminishing power above 15000ft or so. If you climb above 20250ft or thereabouts the engines that simulate lift should detach though. Which engine exploded? I'll try to recreate the bug and fix it.
@EternalDarkness Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback! Fixed both issues; I definitely uploaded an older save file. Smoothing is somehow a feature I hadn't played with, but I love it!
@CrazyCatZe Damn, I'm not on your level at all coding-wise, but I love that! Especially the seaplane version. I'll dig into the code and see what I can reverse-engineer.
@EternalDarkness Fixed, thank you for spotting that! Yeah, set opacity at 95%, but it could be even higher. The cockpit is definitely a casualty of the part limit, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@AndrewGarrison Excellent note! I'll tweak it; I just wish I could see it properly. Does the VR perspective use the exact same camera position? Also relevant to making sure the gun sight works properly!
@AndrewGarrison Thank you for your kind words! Let me know if this runs well in VR (I don't have a headset) and I'll go ahead and publish.
Edit: Shoot! I updated this with a forgotten catapult connector and deleted the old one, but you beat me to it. Can't see the comment on that one now! Did it work?
@laSoul thanks! Yeah, it's such a cool cockpit design that I must have gotten a little carried away... If only I could figure out how to get the pistons to fully retract every time they're deactivated. "zeroOnDeactivate" doesn't seem to have that effect.
@ZHUAREVONI Nice! I'll give it a try, although I haven't had explosion issues. Definitely runs best with physics set to high... Also check the attachment points on the forward-most of the three cross-braces on the nose gantry. It might be loose and contributing to those pesky explosions.
@MrPanzer I'm so sorry to be the bearer of that news 😂
Always good to see more airships!
@WinsWings Thank you!!
@ijntaihou44 "Get her in the air and she handles like a dream"
I know this is huge; a much more parts-efficient version with modern building techniques and a more functional bridge is in the works! Watch this space.
@WinsWings Yes! So many good possibilities from that world...
+1@AndrewGarrison gotcha! Are the cameras sort of spawn points in that scenario? I'll tag you in the finished build and see what you think. One day I'll get a VR setup...
@AndrewGarrison Is it possible to walk around in VR? I'm building an airship with a complete interior, and I'm wondering if there's any point in making the various doors operational, etc
Nice! This looks like something out of Last Exile. Love the aesthetic.
@WinsWings Thank you for an awesome challenge! So many good planes!
+1Edit: thank you!!
27 parts! Nicely done
+1@Craigdimension4 hmmm, no... Both props should work normally, albeit with diminishing power above 15000ft or so. If you climb above 20250ft or thereabouts the engines that simulate lift should detach though. Which engine exploded? I'll try to recreate the bug and fix it.
It's 2024! About time we got flying cars.
+2@EternalDarkness Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback! Fixed both issues; I definitely uploaded an older save file. Smoothing is somehow a feature I hadn't played with, but I love it!
+1@CrazyCatZe Damn, I'm not on your level at all coding-wise, but I love that! Especially the seaplane version. I'll dig into the code and see what I can reverse-engineer.
@EternalDarkness Made several of the changes you suggested!
@CrazyCatZe wrote the code for the roundels! I'm not sure why their @ isn't working in the description text.
@AndrewGarrison Thank you! Are you able to interact with a seat that isn't a stock cockpit seat while in VR? Does it even matter?
@CrazyCatZe Thank you!
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Haha, thanks! No shortage of lore! I built it for a D&D campaign, so it's only the tip of the lore iceberg.
+2@CrazyCatZe saw that right after I replied 😂
@CrazyCatZe Yes I did! And I see it's all consolidated now - awesome.
This looks great, and flies well. Nicely done.
I'm very impressed with how good your builds look while maintaining such a low part count.
@WinsWings haha, thanks! I appreciate that
So damn good!
+1@Speedhunter That's really kind of you, thanks!
+1@FatPilotOne Thank you! I saw a cool ornithopter build by @Wibbley a year or so ago that used the glass-as-fabric trick and I thought it looked great.
+1@EternalDarkness Oh that's a good idea!
+1@WinsWings Thank you! I got to see one in a museum in Portugal and I've always thought it was cool.
+1@atgxtg probably the best part of "You Only Live Twice"
@EternalDarkness Fixed, thank you for spotting that! Yeah, set opacity at 95%, but it could be even higher. The cockpit is definitely a casualty of the part limit, but I'm glad you enjoyed it!
This is awesome! Love an autogyro
This is awesome! Really nice build.
Very nice!
+1@WinsWings The Wind Rises is so beautiful! I'm not sure if it's my favorite (I'm a sucker for Laputa), but I think it's probably Miyazaki's best.
+2@AntonWings This looks great! I love building Miyazaki's aircraft, but haven't played with this design at all.
+1@Freerider2142 thank you!!
@Engine440 that's next now that the new Savoia is finished! Going to try and reduce the part count a little bit.
@AndrewGarrison Okay, this is more like it!
+1@AndrewGarrison Excellent note! I'll tweak it; I just wish I could see it properly. Does the VR perspective use the exact same camera position? Also relevant to making sure the gun sight works properly!
@AndrewGarrison I've got an update out that I'm pretty happy with!
@AndrewGarrison Thank you for your kind words! Let me know if this runs well in VR (I don't have a headset) and I'll go ahead and publish.
Edit: Shoot! I updated this with a forgotten catapult connector and deleted the old one, but you beat me to it. Can't see the comment on that one now! Did it work?
@DrGoat thank you! Can't take credit for the looks - that goes to Denis Villeneuve, Sam Hudecki, and the rest of that design team.
This is gorgeous. The integrated ramp/landing legs are perfect.
+2@laSoul thanks! Yeah, it's such a cool cockpit design that I must have gotten a little carried away... If only I could figure out how to get the pistons to fully retract every time they're deactivated. "zeroOnDeactivate" doesn't seem to have that effect.
@Swinly Thanks! It was such a good bit of prop design that I couldn't resist having a go at it
@gingerbreadman yeah, go for it!
@ZHUAREVONI Nice! I'll give it a try, although I haven't had explosion issues. Definitely runs best with physics set to high... Also check the attachment points on the forward-most of the three cross-braces on the nose gantry. It might be loose and contributing to those pesky explosions.
Controls added to description!