This flew over my house about a year ago when I first started planespotting. I tried to find it for over a week, and the Google search that found it was "What is the four engined jet that has the funky airbrake". Awesome modeling, great performance, and just an all around awesome plane. 👌
This is truly the best online community on earth. I just uploaded an old plane because why not and I got the welcome squad (Thank you @Zaineman @Majakalona @ChaseplaneKL @TheMouse @420ismyGod @50calchicken @winswings @Aviator01 @BeastHunter ) and woke up with like 10 upvotes. You guys gave me the encouragement to build another plane with a cockpit. You guys are truly the greatest!
Nice! It’s completely normal that it randomly explodes, it’s a Simpleplanes thing. Also here before DA MAUS.
+6He’s been slacking lately…
+4This plane needs to be banned from all donut shops
+3If the F-104 and the X-15 had a baby...
+3This flew over my house about a year ago when I first started planespotting. I tried to find it for over a week, and the Google search that found it was "What is the four engined jet that has the funky airbrake". Awesome modeling, great performance, and just an all around awesome plane. 👌
+3This is truly the best online community on earth. I just uploaded an old plane because why not and I got the welcome squad (Thank you @Zaineman @Majakalona @ChaseplaneKL @TheMouse @420ismyGod @50calchicken @winswings @Aviator01 @BeastHunter ) and woke up with like 10 upvotes. You guys gave me the encouragement to build another plane with a cockpit. You guys are truly the greatest!
+2@jamesPLANESii Best video ending ever: "Yep uhhhhhhh"
+2Also @MAPA Congratulations on 200k!
+2Someone needs to explain all of the wars here lol.
+2This should be at Omega Mart or something
+2@Majakalona @TheMouse @Rjenteissussy @SimplPleyns Should be fixed now
+2If the English electric lightning and the German corsair had a baby…
+2Haha A-10 go brrrrt
+2This is a very fun plane that I enjoy flying. Great job!
+2My emotions: Yeah! Oh nooo. Where L1011. Ooooh 727 maybe. THIS THING IS FREAKING AWESOME.
Can't wait for those regional jets. Congrats on 176K @MAPA. Godspeed.
+2Simply beautiful
+1This plane is completely normal™️
+1Ah yes, the nuke pod.........
+1YEAH! Congrats @Rjenteissussy!
+1Beautiful Livery
+1The funniest Droop Snoot in the world.
+1@Thunderhawk I'll look into that.
+1One of my favorite planes. Beautiful.
+1Cue "Home Alone" flashbacks
+1Obviously this is, uh, does not appear to be a nominal situation.
+1I'm getting TFS vibes.
+1Awesome plane. I'd spotlight if I could...
+1That is very nominal
+1This is amazing
+1@MA2211c I'm the guy who thinks this game is a flight simulator. I have beefy computer and flight yoke.
+1I saw a license plate that said:
Live Free Or Die
Most 'Murican thing ever lol
+1@Zaineman Spotlighted! Awesome plane! Welcome to the community @Rushil321.
+1@Majakalona Agreed
+1The engine kinda looks like an eye....
+1Yeety McBois.
+1Looks like something from Topgun Maverick