4,841 NovaTopaz Comments

  • Could we add the option to change the imperial system to metric system? 8.8 years ago

    @TheMasterSoldier While most of the world does use the metric system, all naval aircraft and ships still use knots, and even land-based aircraft uses the imperial system for their speed, most of the time. They are the only imperial units that maintained it's presence in aircraft(and ships) since the metric system became globally used. Knots, Nautical miles, and Miles per hour(usually the former 2, though, which, while a Non-SI unit/s, are incorporated into it because of aeronautical and nautical purposes, so... Where are your SI units now, huh? WHERE ARE THEY? jkjkjkjk).

  • The Delphinus Investigation: 8.8 years ago

    ... Honestly... Why?

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.8 8.8 years ago

    AWESOME! Seriously, devs, you are the best :) . I really don't think there is anything else that could be asked of you for this update, and will certainly keep everyone busy for a while until another update is made.

  • We need a mobile app for simpleplanes.com! 8.8 years ago

    @Gdc2001 It's not really a 'need'. It's a want. It's not necessary for the game to function, and can be done easily with a normal web browser. The only issue I find is that with mobile, it's really a pain to upload aircraft if they have many parts... They crash a lot of the time when you try to upload

  • Customizable Future Tank (and announcement) 8.8 years ago

    Possibly over the summer?

  • Thank You All for Platinum! 8.8 years ago

    Well, hope to get the CFA-44 released by the weekend, if not earlier. If all goes well, I'll be gold very, very soon :)

  • TEASER! :p 8.8 years ago

    What the...

  • BaconCargo B-110 "Fat Slime" 8.8 years ago

    I'll download at some point. Way too many things I've missed flying or anything else, lol....

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.7 8.8 years ago

    @nathanmikeska Have to check, I asked it on the previous patch page, but I needed to ask if there was a way to set a function to the gear button. Not that it will matter(can always set it to VTOL all the same), but I completely forgot that when I was asking for the extended pistons.

    Looks like a nice update all the same :)

  • tired of people ripping people off 8.8 years ago

    If they rip it off AND somehow it's not a successor, then it really is ripping them off. Otherwise, the original makers do get points. Though, honestly, they are usually taken care off for provided they are reported.

  • Witch was update was the most irritating to wait for? 8.8 years ago

    ... To be honest? From a timeline prospective, it would HAVE to be 1.2. It had the longest time in prospective to 1.1 in terms of next update. It took on the order of 6-7 months, longest update wait, though I'm pretty sure most of that time was consumed trying to fix the issues in the community, which really made it unnoticeable, given how bad the problems were. Otherwise... Probably 1.3 for most people. But why did you asked?

  • Avatar Bird (Completed!) 8.8 years ago

    ... Wat.......

    I've got to try this out when I get the chance...

  • Design problem. Let's reach re-entry speeds. 8.8 years ago

    If you used structural wings with control surfaces, those problems shouldn't occur as often.

  • more realistic idiling, propeler bluring, and a button to do realistic electric starts of prop engines? 8.8 years ago

    @letsgofast11 but also, TBH, there is another issue with that. Electric starts are not reliable ways of starting the engines, and electric starters were a luxury on older aircraft, even WWII(with a turboprop, on the other hand, there is no need for any kind of starter, as the prop is run on a jet engine rather than a regular engine, and therefore doesn't require a electric motor to start it, only needing it to start the compression of the air with the inlets, and that's it. Technically, the T3000's are turboprops, and therefore a electrical starter on them would be... pointless, IMAO), and usually had to have the props MANUALLY rotated to get the engine to 'catch' and start running. So... Yeah.

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.6 8.8 years ago

    Actually, I have to ask... Do you have any way to allow a rotator(or any device that requires input) to be activated by the Gear button? @AndrewGarrision @PhilipTarpley

    Last minute, I know, but I needed to ask, because I completely forgot about that fact when I asked for the extended by default pistons, XD.

  • Unlock mode for simpleplanes 8.8 years ago

    @Brields95 All things considered, they don't know what game they will be making next, so there may possibly be something like that. No promises on any kind of thing, but I know a while ago with the new game they were planning, they had no idea what it was going to be... So anything is possible.

  • more realistic idiling, propeler bluring, and a button to do realistic electric starts of prop engines? 8.8 years ago

    Idling... Sure! Propellors already blur, though, and electric start? For simplicity sake, ain't nobody got time for that!(but seriously, though, you don't want to wait a minute for prop start-up, IMAO)

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.6 8.8 years ago

    Looks like you added the option for those pistons, so my suggestion must have gotten noticed(or someone else said it, either way). Nice! Now I can continue in earnest on the CFA-44! Thanks, devs!

  • We never have upvoted 8.8 years ago


  • We never have upvoted 8.8 years ago

    They disabled it.

  • Throttle stuck at 50% and can't slow down. 8.8 years ago

    ... Did you switch how the throttle operates?

  • Devs, is this a prank or a really weird bug? 8.8 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr Wat.

  • LNG Carrier 8.8 years ago

    @Kimo May try it when I get home... probably not going to go well, though, lol.

  • Devs, is this a prank or a really weird bug? 8.8 years ago

    @HellFireKoder Probably not. But having it say never is kinda funny, IMAO.

  • Beta suggestion, and possible bug? 8.8 years ago


    Tagging you just in case.

  • Devs, is this a prank or a really weird bug? 8.8 years ago

    Haha, GG, Devs! Seriously, that's a pretty good joke.

  • Flooding in Houston 8.8 years ago

    @USA2001 Citizenship in the Nation. Supposed to watch the news and the like...

  • Flooding in Houston 8.8 years ago

    And you reminded me of what I was supposed to be doing for boy scouts(merit badge).... Darn it.

  • LNG Carrier 8.8 years ago

    looks nice.

  • Why did you join/ play Simpleplanes? 8.8 years ago

    Anyway, during that time, I also started to look around through it's links, and found a BSC Navies wiki.... This was almost 4 years ago. At the time, it looked really nice, with a lot of RP going on when I first looked at it's recent wiki activity. I thought I'd try it at some point, but I never got around to it... I'll talk about that later in this. Anyway, pretty much dropped off those sites for over a year, at least from most of the activity, only checking the BSC one when I was bored and wanted something to read, and still passively played BSC every now and then, grinding up for better ships, while playing other games that I was more interested in, a lot of them shooters, management, or strategy games. I came back around a year later, during 8th grade, where I wasn't doing the best, and felt I needed some way to withdraw from the world... I turned to those old sites, made an account for myself, and started commenting. At the time I joined, though, quite a few tragic things were happening... pretty chaotic, really. I mostly tried to make myself known in the BSC navies RP in the first month, though I ended up doing a lot of things wrong and halted activity on the wiki(RP wise) for almost 2 weeks. I'll skip over most of the history, but I started making friends and 'accomplices' by the time it was mid summer, and also got the Hansa mod for BSC. Skip over several months, and I was pretty much one of the more respected community members, though not the most... Well, we'll just say that I mostly tried to maintain the community and the RP for a side job, and didn't get too much for it(not that I cared). Around October/November of 2014, a person in that community showed pictures of... well, stuff, every now and then on the chat. I pretty took the most backroad way of figuring out what it was by looking at what the window of the screenshots showed, lol(didn't realize he actually said it in the chat. Never noticed, I guess, lol). That's pretty much how I found simple planes. That person in the community? ... Tato(Better known as UnstableOrbit here.). The rest is history, as they say. And it's pretty obvious what mod he is making, lol.

  • Why did you join/ play Simpleplanes? 8.8 years ago

    ... This goes back a long, long, loooonnnnnggggg time. 5 years ago(or was it 6? IDK), I believe, I got my iPod touch 4th gen, which I think at the time was kinda a 'new' thing, and I got to start playing games that weren't on one of the old computer's I used(no real games on it, just a few on disk and then flash games whenever the rest didn't work). One of the first ones I ever got on it, and still have on my iPad mini, is/was Battleship craft. First actual digital building game I ever played, and was really what got me into this entire genre of games, and was really what sparked my interest into the military as well, ships in particular(though I did have a passive interest in it years before, when reading books on things like airplanes, which did fascinate for a while, among other things.). I played BSC for almost a year, and had really good stuff. But I got bored of it... So I deleted it and came back around the time it added aircraft, which got me started back on playing it. I rarely kept up with the news on it, but I found a BSC wiki, which I read up on every now and then, and saw a blog that BSC was getting removed from the appstore, and there was a fundraiser(actually Buyout Initiative, but still, think you guys get the point) going on to buy the rights. At that time, I was a passive observer at best in that community, and really didn't pay attention pay attention to who made it or who was commenting or etc. Only much later would I know the drama that went on there(which for the simple people here, I will not go over it. It's a bit personal, we'll just say that... Not for me, but still. If you know what that went through, you'll know the reasons. So for anyone who asks what happen, take it up with me privately(AKA not this website, possibly on a chatroom PM), or not at all)...

    Going to segment this into parts, to make it so it doesn't cut the entire end off. Part 2 up next.

  • Future project announcement 8.8 years ago

    I didn't sign up for the mobile beta. Figured I'd give other people on iOS a chance.

  • YF-23 Proto-test 8.8 years ago

    Changes: Not much, really. Just made the 2 parts of the V-tail where were PRONE to rubbing against the aircraft, getting stuck, and then try to move further, breaking the aircraft, just disabled the part collisions. Otherwise, only minor changes.

  • Stop With The Teaser Posts! 8.8 years ago

    ... There is nothing wrong with teaser posts. If you just do it every now and then, it's fine, especially if your uploads are fairly infrequent. Now if you upload 5 aircraft a day and do them for every single aircraft, it gets stupid very quickly. Otherwise, there is absolutely no problem with those kinds of posts. Compared to other forum posts, they are kinda infrequent. In fact, there really hasn't been much in terms of those in the last... IDK, 12+ hours(other than the one BEFORE your post, which what I assume your complaining about)?

  • Buggy Jump 8.8 years ago

    @PhilipTarpley Possibly for mobile, break up the islands into different maps you can load up? I think the real issue would be mobile being unable to handle it all at once. It could possibly load them up individually, though, depending on how much the weaponry takes up, the snow island may need to be cut out? IDK.

  • im new who are you?? 8.8 years ago

    @Flightsonic Lol.

  • Update Suggestions 8.8 years ago

    Actually, it's pretty easy to make torpedos at this point. And in order for there to be armor plates... the current guns would have to be reworked, A LOT.

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.5 8.8 years ago

    I really need to stop playing my tank and warship game/s if I really want to play with this update... Nah, I'll do those for the time being, but I'll squeeze in some time when I get it. In fact, may as well do it now...

  • how could the dev add multiplayer if that was the next thing 8.8 years ago

    @SimpleTechAndResearch HellFireKoder is just one person doing it. There is also UnstableOrbit...

    @AceSquadIndustries ... It's still in alpha or smtg like that, what do you expect? And what do you mean by DLC? DLC is simply Downloadable Content(AKA what you already do when you download someone else's plane or get a mod), and with Steam or many other options, you can't charge for those mods unless it is made DLC by the creators of the game.

  • Xml is illuminati! 8.8 years ago

    WWII ENDED in 1945. Be specific with that sort of stuff! And the Bell X-1 is not a jet, it's a rocket with wings flying in level flight, manned. That's basically all it is. You really screwed up in that section, IMAO.

    X-Box One was released two years ago... This game is BARELY a year old(since release, which was sometime in... Like, december or smtg of 2014! X-box One was released the year before)

  • What's your favourite? jets or props? 8.9 years ago

    ... Let's be honest, all airplanes are great, wether they have a jet engine, a prop, a turboprop, or a combination of the 3 in varying degrees. As long as it's made well, who really cares?(I know some will, but still)

  • Project Reveal 8.9 years ago

    ... :O

    Omergod! Looks great, BoxGlow! Almost looks like something from IRL. Can't wait to try it! But now that this update has things such as pistons... Time to really build the CFA-44, how it was truly meant to be designed. But also, given what Andrew has confirmed to me(with disabling aircraft collisions on parts), I'll also be remaking(or how the movies sometimes call it, 'remastered') the YF-23.

  • Alpine 7 8.9 years ago

    Looks nice.

  • What's the FIRST plane you have ever made? 8.9 years ago

    Does this count? XD. Pretty much the first thing I actually built. It's long since been broken, though, due to the physics changes that happened when I updated the SP beta to the one with SAM challenge(1.01 beta? I forget)(The version I had when I made that was... 0.5.smtg?). For actual first LEGITIMATE aircraft... Well, actually, that got deleted when the website got an update for deleting aircraft. But I made this and this afterwards.

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.3 8.9 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison That works. Just was asking, because so far, the only one I saw it with was the resizable wheels. I'll recheck once I get back from camp tonight(?). May it require me to drag out a new part?

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.3 8.9 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Any answer on my question?

  • P-51 Mustang- Base defence destroyer 8.9 years ago

    @Oicraftian ... Your overcomplicating the problem. Sure, you could do it legitimently by loading a lot of air to ground missiles, but in practice it's pretty impractical, even on a good aircraft, unless you use a large, fast aircraft to outrun the missiles.

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.3 8.9 years ago

    ... I really wish I could provide more constructive feedback, but don't really have any.

    I do have a question, though. What parts get the disable aircraft collision? So far, I've only seen the resizable wheels getting it by looking at the XML. And can the rotators get a second rotation function with XML, or do you have to use two rotators linked together? Asking these because if either is the case with rotators, I may be able to fix the YF-23 completely(as the whole root of the problem with it exploding was it colliding with the aircraft blocks, sticking, and then trying to move beyond that, causing the blocks to break apart and causing explosions). If the rotators can accept two rotation functions, I could simply use a small rotator and not have to deal with using 2. If they can have disabled part collision, it also fixes that problem. Also probably for a few other blocks if used to make aircraft landing gear(fuselage blocks, shocks(haven't seen them with a disable function), etc).