6,490 WhiteRabbit Comments

  • With all these requests for 1.8, you guys have forgot the most important feature. 6.7 years ago

    Its been said by the devs, and by the looks of all the teasers. SR2 will basically replace SP. Planes will be a thing in SR2. I dont get why people dont get that. I can build planes in KSP for example. But the superior thing about SR2 over just updating SP is i can build a Single stage to orbit plane. Or i can build a plane and launch it to ankther planet with an atmosphere and fly around that planet. People.... SR2 IS your Simple Planes update.

  • Aero Effect is Free Today 6.6 years ago

    I gave you guys 1$ when this was still a beta hehe. I played for a good 5 minutes truth be told. But i more payed the dollar for Jundroo in general. You guys deserve it. I purchased SR SP Steam SP Mobile and Aero. I like supporting you all. That being said, RELEASE SR2 SO I CAN GIVE YOU MOAR MONEYS.

  • I’m felling like I’m getting bored 6.5 years ago

    Try an entirely new style of building or just build something you never built before. I hadnt built for like a year. Then i announce i will be doing 1 last build before SR2 releases and it will be a panel style build which ive never done a paneled plane ever before, and now i have 3 builds in the works. I never thought i would enjoy the tedium of panel builds but im loving it.

  • My first featured plane! 6.6 years ago

    Bus* so technically you still have 0 featured Planes. Just messin with ya. Congrats on the feature, great build.

  • GeeBee -Merlin- 7.1 years ago

    @Endgame2 it lurches forward with the gear down. They arent fixed so be sure to retract them. Its pretty darn stable with some down trim with gear up.

  • Video Teaser 7.1 years ago

    The next must have mod right after Fine Tuner and Overload!

  • Upcoming Mod? 6.6 years ago

    @WNP78 i am beyond ecstatic to hear you are pre planning SR2 mods.

  • Also Regarding Tags 6.6 years ago

    @FastDan my vids wont really start until the mobile version is out tho. As my laptop cant seem to run a recorder while playing games. Where my mobile recorder has no problem with it. :/

  • Also Regarding Tags 6.6 years ago

    @FastDan i was oDDD, the channel doesn't exist at all anymore :/ i do regret removing the videos i had done, mostly for the people i had included in the videos sake, not my own. I owed it to them to have left the videos up. I plan on making videos for SR2. Though in a different format. Not a 'Reviews' format.

  • SSTO Updoot 6.6 years ago

    @FastDan thanks!

  • For my Final SP build, I have decided todo something ive never done before. 6.6 years ago

    @Tessemi been there, done that. My oDDDynamics account had 35k points when i deleted it lol.

  • Can you help me with this? 6.6 years ago

    Follow the breadcrumbs @RodWan left leading to @Minecraftpoweer comment that suggests that you looks at @Chancey21 link that he posted.

  • Gen 2 of builders starts here 6.6 years ago

    honestly if there were "Generations" of good builders throught out SimplePlanes history. You would probably be around 8,9 or 10.

  • Pixel Pop Pictures and Virtual Tour 6.7 years ago

    This looks amazing as always. My favorite part is the "Coming soon to Steam early access" i hope soon is true!

  • what is wrong with society 6.7 years ago

    @Awsomur i laughed far too much at CMAN. Lol

  • Custom weapons 6.7 years ago

    I think another forum post to discuss the proper ratio of forum post to build posts is needed.

    For real tho. Custom weapons are always good!

  • With all these requests for 1.8, you guys have forgot the most important feature. 6.7 years ago

    @DemonSniper8 its full 3D. Initially in very early development theybwere planning 3D rendered but on a 2D plane. Like original SR. But devs quickly announced it would be full 3D. So flyong a plane around Smearth is just like flying around SP sandbox.... Except....ypu get an entire PLANET to fly around. Not just a small few islands.

  • Predictions and Thoughts on SR2 6.8 years ago

    I think your prediction of SR2 not getting alot of attention is 100% wrong.

  • TVC Engine -oDDD one- 7.0 years ago

    @wafflecakes thanks for the Golden Push, Broder!

  • What happened to oDDynamics? 7.0 years ago

    Yes i am a little whiterabbit nowadays. A few users spotted my buildstyle lol. I will be oDDDx on SR2 aswell.

  • DH.88 -Comet- oDDD 1337-T 7.0 years ago

    @CaesiciusPlanes thats odd how you spelled oDDD ;)

  • DH.88 -Comet- oDDD 1337-T 7.0 years ago

    @CaesiciusPlanes thank you very much!

  • Lol this is funny 7.1 years ago

    Funny yes, Language appropriate for the website, not too much.

  • WHAT!?! More GeeBee Teasers Bro! 3 new models. 7.1 years ago

    @SomeFox oh thats coming trust me

  • GeeBee -Merlin- 7.1 years ago

    Ooohhh :blushes again: another feature! Thanks again Devs and Mods!

  • 'Bloody Valentine' GeeBee Model R 7.1 years ago

    Woot Featured! :Blush: Thanks for the Valentines Present devs!

  • 'Bloody Valentine' GeeBee Model R 7.1 years ago

    @Helicopterboy i feed my planes well lol

  • _Instrumentation 7.1 years ago

    RiP for android lol my phone cant handle it :( cant wait to load this up on my PC!

  • Deprecated Mods Release 7.2 years ago

    Wow! My old oDDDynamics designer background is in there lol :blush:

  • How to make a button set throttle to specific % 2.1 years ago

    @PlaneFlightX aww shucks, ty for the answer.

  • Cadillac Sport S2020 4.6 years ago

    @Treadmill103 working on a beautiful civ sport prop with a nice pinstriped paintjob and super cool wheel wells for the gears. Making a simple custom canopy and an animated cockpit too to take advantage of the new Glass. Love the fuselage smoothening, finally can make amazing streamlined props.

  • Cadillac Sport S2020 4.6 years ago

    @Carbonfox1 thanks Fox! Maybe I need to make a Foxtail Prop racer now that i see you're still here too!

  • yeet thy skideet 6.2 years ago

    Hello there.

  • The SR2 trailer LOOKS AMAZING!!!! 6.4 years ago

    Yeah, I peed alittle when i watched it. Cant wait.

  • I wonder how many of us will continue to play SP after SR2 releases 6.5 years ago

    I dont plan on playing SP at all once SR2 is out.

  • Regarding “Should I post it / build it?” Posts. 6.5 years ago

    Tl;dr "should i build it/post it" always. "Yes, dont ask you twit. Just post it."

  • I’m back 6.5 years ago


  • SimplePlanes 2: What features would you add? 6.6 years ago

    @KingHandspider SimpleTesseract

  • Also Regarding Tags 6.6 years ago

    Ha my old youtube tag still appears

  • For my Final SP build, I have decided todo something ive never done before. 6.6 years ago

    I play the game the way i play, you play the way you play. @InternationalAircraftCompany

  • SSTO Updoot 6.6 years ago

    @randomusername i plan on attempting to remake this in SR2 when it is out. To be a SSTO.

  • For my Final SP build, I have decided todo something ive never done before. 6.6 years ago

    @InternationalAircraftCompany actually kinda yes. Forces me to evolve my building styles.

  • For my Final SP build, I have decided todo something ive never done before. 6.6 years ago

    @Tessemi ive had 5 ;) been here nearly 3 years. I like to delete entire collections... Ha. Had a short lived SP Youtube channel for maybe 6 months.

  • For my Final SP build, I have decided todo something ive never done before. 6.6 years ago

    @Mostly hope not. Building on Android. Should be no more than 400 parts.

  • A Final SP build as SR2 looms just on the Horizon. 6.6 years ago

    @Carbonfox1 when SR2 is out. I will no longer play SP at all anymore most likely.

  • A Final SP build as SR2 looms just on the Horizon. 6.6 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 i like the idea of the variable geometry, will assist in re entry when the build is made in SR2. Im just hoping a hybrid or Aerospike engine will eventually be available in SR2. Otherwise separate engines for in and out of atmosphere flight will be needed.

  • A Final SP build as SR2 looms just on the Horizon. 6.6 years ago

    @BaconEggs true, not enough tho. More wamt to see interesting concepts people may know of or stumbled upon that ive never seen before. Elites ships imho jist arent exotic looking enough for what im looking for i guess.

  • A Final SP build as SR2 looms just on the Horizon. 6.6 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 your train of thought is def matching mine. Small fins for lift in atmosphere. But balanced in Zero G with full lateral thrust controls.

  • A Final SP build as SR2 looms just on the Horizon. 6.6 years ago

    @DerekSP how can you say no interesting things to explore in a plane i. SR2. Instead of having a small group of islands. There will be ENTIRE planets to fly around and explore. Plus with a persistant sandbox you can build a base of in-game parts and continuously add to it. Also think about launching a rocket with a payload of a piwered glider that unfolds. You could launch from earth, get yourself to another omanet with an atmosphere ( here is where the custom planet maker is interesting) enter orbit, detaxh payload, de orbit, unfold powered glider, and fly around an ENTIRE NEW planet in its own atmosphere, totally new physics to fly in and explore how flight works in THAT atmosphere. All this sounds like a hyge upgrade to the simple planes model. And all this sounds 100 times more interesting to me than what the SimplePlanes sandbox offers.

  • A Final SP build as SR2 looms just on the Horizon. 6.6 years ago

    @RailfanEthan <--- this guy gets it.