19.0k Zippy6 Comments

  • H8K 5.8 years ago

    Since you can’t use pc why don’t you put some reduced drag fuelselage parts in your sub assemblies?

  • VerAero Whisper mk.1 5.8 years ago

    @SelectAKey lol well to be fair mine is a straight up replica, no inspiration or other original ideas to be had.

  • MikoTestScripts 5.9 years ago

    @mikoyanster you need ideas for mission objectives???

  • Custer CCW-5 6.1 years ago

    @wafafet21 I made the airfoil shape, then duplicated it many times. Then I made a fuselage part that had the diameter I wanted. Lastly I rotated and nudged the airfoil sections together using the perimeter of the large fuselage as a guide.

  • 1:1 Avro-Roe IV Triplane 1911 6.1 years ago

    Avro-roe row your boat...

  • Saro London Flying Boat 6.1 years ago

    @AerialFighterSnakes bad?

  • General Aviation Challenge [CLOSED] 6.1 years ago

    Is there such a thing as a too long desc?

  • New plane poll 6.2 years ago

    Do you want High altitude fighter?

  • Hinge rotator problem. 6.2 years ago

    Dont forget to set the doors to zero collision too. It may help with the rotation. I have this same problem come up all the time. My build I'm doing now worked fine but I tested it halfway through the build process and it had magically attached itself to another part. Also be careful, the smaller (or thinner) you make a part the more finicky it will get.

  • BNRV-230f 6.3 years ago

    @BaconRoll epic

  • BNRV-230f 6.3 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot hmmmm I wonder why.......

  • Horten X Volksjäger 6.3 years ago

    @Freerider2142 yeah boi go for it

  • V-1 Flying Bomb 6.4 years ago

    I can’t begin to understand how mind numbing it must have been to do that intake! Absolute mad lad.

  • Martin-Custer Vortex™ 6.4 years ago


    Seems familiar for some reason... can’t think of why...

  • Hs p.75 6.5 years ago

    @Mustang51 I'll keep ya in mind. It could be a while tho... hope you have plenty of patience to spare!

  • Hs p.75 6.5 years ago

    @Mustang51 That sounds like a build request to me :)

  • Join My Air Force Challenge! [Winner Decided] 6.5 years ago

    @BaconRoll kewl. Who are ur friends with who have their own countries? Do any of them mind being made as vanadias enemies/rivals/competitors?

  • P-51D-30 Fixed 6.5 years ago

    The man the meme the legend.

  • Join My Air Force Challenge! [Winner Decided] 6.5 years ago

    Ok so I have many questions.
    1. Country is Vanadia correct?
    2. Is this country large or small? Large industrial capacity y/n?
    3. Who is the leader and what position do they occupy (pres, prime min, monarchy, etc)?
    4. What era is your air force looking for? Current gen (f22), older gen (Vietnam/ Korea) next gen (sumthin spacey)?
    5. What allies does this country have? Enemies?

  • CAC-15 6.6 years ago

    @XjayIndustrys my next version will be even nicer.

  • BK 3.7 Cannon 6.7 years ago

    Not bad...

  • Back to SimplePlanes again 6.7 years ago

    I always wondered if sometone actually built this. It is called SIMPLE planes after all.

  • Modded Weapons and Countermeasure 6.8 years ago

    No desc + me = very confused.

  • What do the units for length equal? 6.8 years ago

    If you are getting your dimensions in feet however, you will need to convert to meters first. So (# of feet)(0.3048)(2) will give you the exact number of in game units you want. For example 6ft is equal to 3.65units.

  • Flettner Fl 282 6.8 years ago

    @Tengam “Kolibri” is German. You are thinking of “Colibri” which is French. Both do mean the same thing however.

  • ! Dogfight Tournament 7.0 years ago

    07 @FgFg

  • ! Dogfight Tournament 7.0 years ago

    @FgFg XD

  • Horten ho 229 sneak peak 7.0 years ago

    Very good for an early build. Keep it up!

  • Centurion MK.VII Turret 7.1 years ago

    mebbe I will make a chassis...

  • Supermarine Spitfire MkVb(tropical)(0.3mi) 7.2 years ago

    lol it looks very cartoony!

  • Mitsubishi Ki-73 7.2 years ago

    As someone who is obsessed with WWII style aircraft some advice I can give you that the main landing gear is too far back. Putting it closer to the leading edge would look much better. Or alternatively make it a tricycle landing gear arrangement.

  • Grumman TBF-1C 1.6 years ago

    @Koko11 is the part count too high or you just
    cant use the turret?

  • Custer CCW-5 (CIAS) 2.3 years ago

    That's pretty Pog ngl.

  • D3A1 [Continued] 2.6 years ago

    @pancelvonat Unfortunately I do not speak any Japanese at all, so I hope Google can help me translate XD


    If you ever want to collaborate on another aircraft please let me know. I would be more than happy to help.

  • I’ve given up…. 3.0 years ago

    why is it too much?

  • Remaster Challenge [CLOSED] 3.0 years ago

    perfect timing for me. I missed the deadline for my last build. since mine is already 80% done I should be able to meet it this time.

  • Boeing Model 306 3.2 years ago

    @TheHaggisBasher I could, not interested. Plenty of other b17s on the site.

  • Progetto 54 3.2 years ago

    @AdmiralWheatman Been thinking about it. new version would be vr compatible and thus fairly mobile friendly (goal would prolly be 350parts max.

  • Funky colors. 3.4 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming bruh I literally said its fixed.

  • Funky colors. 3.4 years ago

    @WNP78 thank you that worked. Thank you again for your time. Keep up the great work! (loving the update, cant wait for VR!!)

  • Funky colors. 3.4 years ago


  • Funky colors. 3.4 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE that makes sense, although this was not happening before yesterday. even though the update was a couple weeks ago.

  • SPVR cockpit "guide" 3.4 years ago

    Should I just tag you in an unlisted build so you can test to see if the controls are all within reach?

  • bjac.co Lioness Mk.II ATV 3.4 years ago

    hehe funny number

  • Alright, I need y'all's help 3.7 years ago

    Flying wings are always cool.

  • Textured Fuselage Block 3.9 years ago

    Lots of potential, very steep learning curve I think.

  • Vogt & Tank Vt-156 "Lammergeier" 4.3 years ago

    You can get the triangle method to look pretty thin in my opinion. Also does not have to be as parts intensive as you are thinking it is.

  • FW-190 A8 4.3 years ago

    Why is landing gear retracted partway?