@Aeriast from my experience - adding weight to them and adding 2 additional connections to the inner wing segment (just detach the wing, put in 2 small fuselage parts before and after the main wing connection poitn, and stick it back) will probably help.
@ChiChiWerx it was a problem for me for a long time as well)
luckily, all the doors on this plane (and many other tupolev planes) are two parts. Front small opens on the same speed as gear rotates and they dont collide as they are short. Rear parts open first and then close even with gear down. They have a mechanism with 3 different speed rotators (90 deg fast one direction, 90deg 20% slow same direction and 180deg 20% opposite direction, easier to disassemble than explain))) . But the second time you deploy landing gear it rotates backwards. So i made two of them in one place - they move in different directions and you either see one or another each time. And they are "no collision"
Well, the model is quite controversial. It's really good in terms of design, detail and effort, but it is so much out of scale, proportions and form...
Pretty good. Only two questions:
1) why do wings bounce so much on their joints? That never happened to my planes with variable wings geometry
2) how to retract landing gear?
@AndrewGarrison can you please add a possibility to assign custom veriables to VR inputs? at least when you get to a VR versiob of SP2 ?...
Also, it would be nice to have pistons than extend in a curve with defined radius, to use as flaps rails
@Liamrblackwell weird) did it explode? try spawning strictly on the ground. when spawning in air on speed it seems like too complex models tend to bend when loading and triggering collisions in parts.
BTW, i've recently made a waypoint system for them, might upload soon. it allows to manually save and delete waypoints (from existing list though) and will follow the route
p.s. by the fact it loaded, guess you have the simplewings installed correctly. Have you tried a 4 engined one? may be it will work better? there is a link in a plane description
@jerome4895 hi. sorry, got preoccupied too recently. also had no gaming machine up until this sunday, just got a new one, still setting up. Yes i can still help, just not too quick, going onto vacation this weekend.
you mean a steam acc for messaging. Yeah, will find an id. Can you share a link to a plane?
@Trainzo it is 7years old))) i have a lot of ideas to remake this modell, but have no time(((
I will be completing a muuuuuch better tu-16 soon.
Got troubles with turrets and bomb sight though... and some functions like fuel tanks control are not yet implemented (i basically port it from my cv-660 modell with some tweaks)
I may post a sneak pick soon
@jerome4895 hi!
Actually yes, quite a lot
The only trouble may be a lack of time. Are you in a hurry? It may take a couple of weeks before i have a more or less free weekend. I accidentally won a green card lottery, have to make a lot of preparation as soon as possible...
Though if it will be ok to use most of a cockpit from this plane or cv-990, it will be faster.
@DEADSHOT16 too much parts count unfortunately. it actually helps a lot to make sure there are no bots active.
also i've found that lights from SP_Extra mod add a lot of lag. no mod's version is smoother.
Though i really got away with low FPS only when i got a new laptop)
Я тут делал набор двигателей с программным управлением, процедурой запуска, панелью и т.д., в т.ч. для ан-22. не хочешь добавить в модель? в принципе могу и кабиной от ту-114 с программой поделиться (автопилот, приборы, и т.д.) . если что - обращайся, готов помочь. думаю к ан-22 будет несложно подогнать. Я ее более менее доделал, осталось только прописать топливную систему (точнее адаптировать с другой модели, как работает можно глянуть здесь и в целом отмарафетить внешне )
@DEADSHOT16 Hi! Not much closer to the end. facing too much job load and other business( but if you want a sneak peek, i can show you a current version.
BTW, did you try the convair 990?
@jamesPLANESii nope. at start (like 3-5+ years ago) all the parts got stuck to each other, true. but there were no parts that lost connections in progress. than the devs fixed smth - and for 2-3 years it was like perfect. the new wing was exactly like original, with all the connections retained, no sticking parts, flexibility and mowing parts were perfect. and like 1,5-2 y ago it got fucked up again (and even more) . i tried rolling back version by version just to find where it broke, but to no use(
@PlaneFlightX yeah, was still interesting to ask)
BTW, can you share the video you are using? and where you sourced the code parts you've mentioned? I have some simple mod ideas, guess it's time to go above funkytrees)
@alann well, but it is simple to fly) you can take off in any airport on the map and land on any runway except for the Bandit without ever touching a yoke)) only clicking switches)))
BTW, i've added wright 2nd runway and Avalanche coordinates to the list + remade some other things, will upload an update in some time
@WNP78 Indeed, i've understood that standard drag coefficient works only while a bomb is a part of a plane.
At first glance seems like these formulas may be enough for me to modify calculations.
Thanks a lot!
Hi! I'm trying to make a bomb sight right now, and came to a problem with bombs drag coefficient. Currently i've made a simple calculation that omits drag. It simply calculates a time of a freefall of a bomb without drag, than calculates a distance that a bomb would travel on the speed of a plane taken at the drop moment, and than an angle of a right triangle corrected by pitch angle.
Unfortunately it only works if a plane drops a piece if a fuselage with grag set to 0. even if you set a bomb's drag to 0 in XML, it starts repidly decelerationg as soon as it leaves a plane, presumably when it is dropped, its path calculation omits XML drag setting. So a stock ingame bomb always imopacts noticeably behind any other object with 0 drag.
Thus, can you share some kind of an inside how the bomb aiming calculation works in this mod? Or hopefully, may be you make some kind of a bomb sight camera, that simply aims at the point of impact instead of drawing a green line?) Thanks a lot!
@DEADSHOT16 Well, i got a bit bored with that particular plane (Tu-114/126) and temporary switched to Tu-104 (almost finished, with full interior, instruments, autopilot and ILS landing indications) and Tu-16. I'll keep you posted, think you'll like them too. Same complexity level))
@Maosulli oh, sorry, forgot to send you the planes with SW, i've finally finished them:
1) https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/OTL4z8/Convair-CV-660-Regio-For-SimpleWings-with-autopilot-and-autoland
2) https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/P5pJ5P/Convair-CV-990-for-Simple-Wings
@KAMIKAZEEEE i don know, really. it just did not stop to work, it was a surprize for me when i've read about the problems on this page. It also still works after i reinstalled the game and the mod. Also i've found some more players for whom it also still works (PlaneFlightX said he just reintalled it and it started to work), and there is a possibility that for others it only glitches when you drag a new part from the list in designer, but works ok when you load a plane already with SP parts. try this one as an experiment? https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/OTL4z8/Convair-CV-660-Regio-For-SimpleWings-with-autopilot-and-autoland
p.s. i will get a new laptop early aprill - would not be surprized that it may be dependent on a pc hardware, drivers, etc (current laptop is like 2019 or 2018). Will let know if it will stil work
p.p.s. Both mod and game are on the latest version. Even tried experimental build - still works
@LimesLusania Hi. I'll try this week, but can't guarantee, will be on vacation next week.
So far i'm trying to separate engine controll code from other plane controls code (there is more than 200 lines... and engines are bound to fuel and electric system to start up and electric and hydraulic systems are dependent on the engines...))))).
BTW, do you want it with cocpit control panel, or i can just bind engines to activation groups? if so - which ones?
@Sense2 well, worth trying... it might be powerful enough
Yet if you have an option to play on PC, it would definitely be better. Apart from the parts count, all the controls are on the switches and buttons in the cocpit. It takes ~ 20-25 clicks to power it up and get ready to fly) might be difficult on a phone screen)
@Sense2 as far as i know, they can not( It's because Apple and Google treat moda as a kind of uncontrollable imported code, that can include viriuses.
I've made a no-mod version anyway. Unfortunately, it is still too heavy and barely works on most cellphones no mods
@SemedianIndustries i definitely know where xmls go to)))) this all is heavy on notepad+ input))) i just found an "update xml" menu here on the site.
Btw, do you know, is it possible to update screenshots for the plane?
And can you remind me a syntax to add pics to the text?
I've tried  as i used before but it doesnt seemingly work. Dunno if it cant get pics from a picshare, or if i do smth wrong
@AlbertanPlaneMaker Hi! I've found that SPExtra was updated and all parts schanged name from XPExtra_ to SPPlus, thats why it lacked parts. New version works better as all parts now accept funkytrees input, i will reupload a plane with new mod in an hour
@teddyone02 i'm afraid it would be dificult to delete cockpit, all main features like autopilot, autothrottle, autoland, fuel and engine management are operated by switches( it wont even start engines without them( kinda i can return it to simple controls, i think it will still be like 1200 parts (judging by older versions), just without all the main fun
@AlbertanPlaneMaker Hi, i've made a total no mod version. Can make a version only without SP_Extra if you like. Should i make it with simple wings (better flying) or not? Does it work on your pc still?
@GenrichTitov but may be somebody can make a mod with a transparent wing panel or fuselage?
+1@Aeriast from my experience - adding weight to them and adding 2 additional connections to the inner wing segment (just detach the wing, put in 2 small fuselage parts before and after the main wing connection poitn, and stick it back) will probably help.
+1I totally remember making planes like this)))
+1@ChiChiWerx it was a problem for me for a long time as well)
+1luckily, all the doors on this plane (and many other tupolev planes) are two parts. Front small opens on the same speed as gear rotates and they dont collide as they are short. Rear parts open first and then close even with gear down. They have a mechanism with 3 different speed rotators (90 deg fast one direction, 90deg 20% slow same direction and 180deg 20% opposite direction, easier to disassemble than explain))) . But the second time you deploy landing gear it rotates backwards. So i made two of them in one place - they move in different directions and you either see one or another each time. And they are "no collision"
Well, the model is quite controversial. It's really good in terms of design, detail and effort, but it is so much out of scale, proportions and form...
+1Well, it's really detailed and well crafted, but proportions, and, especially wing form are totally wrong...
+1Pretty good. Only two questions:
+11) why do wings bounce so much on their joints? That never happened to my planes with variable wings geometry
2) how to retract landing gear?
@AndrewGarrison can you please add a possibility to assign custom veriables to VR inputs? at least when you get to a VR versiob of SP2 ?...
Also, it would be nice to have pistons than extend in a curve with defined radius, to use as flaps rails
@Liamrblackwell weird) did it explode? try spawning strictly on the ground. when spawning in air on speed it seems like too complex models tend to bend when loading and triggering collisions in parts.
BTW, i've recently made a waypoint system for them, might upload soon. it allows to manually save and delete waypoints (from existing list though) and will follow the route
p.s. by the fact it loaded, guess you have the simplewings installed correctly. Have you tried a 4 engined one? may be it will work better? there is a link in a plane description
@jerome4895 hm, that was easy... sent you an request
@jerome4895 kinda cant even remember last time i used discord. need to find a password first)))
@jerome4895 hi. sorry, got preoccupied too recently. also had no gaming machine up until this sunday, just got a new one, still setting up. Yes i can still help, just not too quick, going onto vacation this weekend.
you mean a steam acc for messaging. Yeah, will find an id. Can you share a link to a plane?
@Trainzo it is 7years old))) i have a lot of ideas to remake this modell, but have no time(((
I will be completing a muuuuuch better tu-16 soon.
Got troubles with turrets and bomb sight though... and some functions like fuel tanks control are not yet implemented (i basically port it from my cv-660 modell with some tweaks)
I may post a sneak pick soon
@jerome4895 hi!
Actually yes, quite a lot
The only trouble may be a lack of time. Are you in a hurry? It may take a couple of weeks before i have a more or less free weekend. I accidentally won a green card lottery, have to make a lot of preparation as soon as possible...
Though if it will be ok to use most of a cockpit from this plane or cv-990, it will be faster.
Can i take a look on the plane?
@AndrewGarrison can you please port customisable jet engines from SR before leaving the game with no more updates? )
@DEADSHOT16 too much parts count unfortunately. it actually helps a lot to make sure there are no bots active.
also i've found that lights from SP_Extra mod add a lot of lag. no mod's version is smoother.
Though i really got away with low FPS only when i got a new laptop)
@FatPilotOne Привет!
Я тут делал набор двигателей с программным управлением, процедурой запуска, панелью и т.д., в т.ч. для ан-22. не хочешь добавить в модель? в принципе могу и кабиной от ту-114 с программой поделиться (автопилот, приборы, и т.д.) . если что - обращайся, готов помочь. думаю к ан-22 будет несложно подогнать. Я ее более менее доделал, осталось только прописать топливную систему (точнее адаптировать с другой модели, как работает можно глянуть здесь и в целом отмарафетить внешне )
NK-12 with control panel
@DEADSHOT16 Hi! Not much closer to the end. facing too much job load and other business( but if you want a sneak peek, i can show you a current version.
BTW, did you try the convair 990?
@jamesPLANESii nope. at start (like 3-5+ years ago) all the parts got stuck to each other, true. but there were no parts that lost connections in progress. than the devs fixed smth - and for 2-3 years it was like perfect. the new wing was exactly like original, with all the connections retained, no sticking parts, flexibility and mowing parts were perfect. and like 1,5-2 y ago it got fucked up again (and even more) . i tried rolling back version by version just to find where it broke, but to no use(
@PlaneFlightX yeah, was still interesting to ask)
BTW, can you share the video you are using? and where you sourced the code parts you've mentioned? I have some simple mod ideas, guess it's time to go above funkytrees)
nice and cozy
Great, just what the doctor ordered.
though i think AG for older smoke trails did accept funky trees, that allowed for some workarounds.
BTW, may be you can make the same for SP_EXTRA headlights?
SP Extra
@alann well, but it is simple to fly) you can take off in any airport on the map and land on any runway except for the Bandit without ever touching a yoke)) only clicking switches)))
BTW, i've added wright 2nd runway and Avalanche coordinates to the list + remade some other things, will upload an update in some time
@WNP78 Indeed, i've understood that standard drag coefficient works only while a bomb is a part of a plane.
At first glance seems like these formulas may be enough for me to modify calculations.
Thanks a lot!
Hi! I'm trying to make a bomb sight right now, and came to a problem with bombs drag coefficient. Currently i've made a simple calculation that omits drag. It simply calculates a time of a freefall of a bomb without drag, than calculates a distance that a bomb would travel on the speed of a plane taken at the drop moment, and than an angle of a right triangle corrected by pitch angle.
Unfortunately it only works if a plane drops a piece if a fuselage with grag set to 0. even if you set a bomb's drag to 0 in XML, it starts repidly decelerationg as soon as it leaves a plane, presumably when it is dropped, its path calculation omits XML drag setting. So a stock ingame bomb always imopacts noticeably behind any other object with 0 drag.
Thus, can you share some kind of an inside how the bomb aiming calculation works in this mod? Or hopefully, may be you make some kind of a bomb sight camera, that simply aims at the point of impact instead of drawing a green line?) Thanks a lot!
@DEADSHOT16 Well, i got a bit bored with that particular plane (Tu-114/126) and temporary switched to Tu-104 (almost finished, with full interior, instruments, autopilot and ILS landing indications) and Tu-16. I'll keep you posted, think you'll like them too. Same complexity level))
BTW, try these, they can even land automatically:
!CV-660 with simple wings
!СV-990 with simple wings
These two fly a lot better with mod, and it actually works for most players. !There is a no mod version anyway
@CL125 pretty much that was the idea)
BTW, what about SimpleWIngs? does it work for you?
@Maosulli oh, sorry, forgot to send you the planes with SW, i've finally finished them:
1) https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/OTL4z8/Convair-CV-660-Regio-For-SimpleWings-with-autopilot-and-autoland
2) https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/P5pJ5P/Convair-CV-990-for-Simple-Wings
@KAMIKAZEEEE i don know, really. it just did not stop to work, it was a surprize for me when i've read about the problems on this page. It also still works after i reinstalled the game and the mod. Also i've found some more players for whom it also still works (PlaneFlightX said he just reintalled it and it started to work), and there is a possibility that for others it only glitches when you drag a new part from the list in designer, but works ok when you load a plane already with SP parts. try this one as an experiment? https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/OTL4z8/Convair-CV-660-Regio-For-SimpleWings-with-autopilot-and-autoland
p.s. i will get a new laptop early aprill - would not be surprized that it may be dependent on a pc hardware, drivers, etc (current laptop is like 2019 or 2018). Will let know if it will stil work
p.p.s. Both mod and game are on the latest version. Even tried experimental build - still works
Wonderful job!
Do you need autopilot, autoland and fuel management systems for your plane?
@DEADSHOT15 in progress, cockpit and fuel management systems are not yet finished) i've ripped the engines and code from it to share for another user
@LimesLusania sure. upload a plane as unlisted and send me the link please
@LimesLusania Hi. I'll try this week, but can't guarantee, will be on vacation next week.
So far i'm trying to separate engine controll code from other plane controls code (there is more than 200 lines... and engines are bound to fuel and electric system to start up and electric and hydraulic systems are dependent on the engines...))))).
BTW, do you want it with cocpit control panel, or i can just bind engines to activation groups? if so - which ones?
@Sense2 well, worth trying... it might be powerful enough
Yet if you have an option to play on PC, it would definitely be better. Apart from the parts count, all the controls are on the switches and buttons in the cocpit. It takes ~ 20-25 clicks to power it up and get ready to fly) might be difficult on a phone screen)
@Sense2 as far as i know, they can not( It's because Apple and Google treat moda as a kind of uncontrollable imported code, that can include viriuses.
I've made a no-mod version anyway. Unfortunately, it is still too heavy and barely works on most cellphones
no mods
@SemedianIndustries i definitely know where xmls go to)))) this all is heavy on notepad+ input))) i just found an "update xml" menu here on the site.
Btw, do you know, is it possible to update screenshots for the plane?
And can you remind me a syntax to add pics to the text?
I've tried

as i used before but it doesnt seemingly work. Dunno if it cant get pics from a picshare, or if i do smth wrong@SemedianIndustries never mind, i've found it
@SemedianIndustries nope, actually. Can you teach me?
Update, no missing parts error, better lights arrangement, less sensitive pitch control
Update, no missing parts error, better lights arrangement, less sensitive pitch control
@AlbertanPlaneMaker Hi! I've made a new one with updated SP_Extra version. Should work fine
@MrShenanigansSP that doesnt work for some modded parts(
@AlbertanPlaneMaker well, may be a bit later. it seems like it doesn't work correctly with FT) sorting it out)
@AlbertanPlaneMaker Hi! I've found that SPExtra was updated and all parts schanged name from XPExtra_ to SPPlus, thats why it lacked parts. New version works better as all parts now accept funkytrees input, i will reupload a plane with new mod in an hour
@teddyone02 i'm afraid it would be dificult to delete cockpit, all main features like autopilot, autothrottle, autoland, fuel and engine management are operated by switches( it wont even start engines without them( kinda i can return it to simple controls, i think it will still be like 1200 parts (judging by older versions), just without all the main fun
@AlbertanPlaneMaker it wont be difficult to delete only the SP_Extra, will upload tommorow
@teddyone02 afraid so... cant delete much though, most parts probably go to cockpit controls and wing structure.
@AlbertanPlaneMaker Hi, i've made a total no mod version. Can make a version only without SP_Extra if you like. Should i make it with simple wings (better flying) or not? Does it work on your pc still?
@teddyone02 @ApplePies84 @AliceShimada - i've made a version without mods
Can i enter with anti-speed challange? I've just finished a plane i've started 5 year and 10 month ago))))))))