Also benig able to disable the wobble on hinges its quite hard building airplanes made out of rubber
PreventBreaking on Winches every moving part has it, why not winches too?
Funky Function for all weapons ever wanted to try fighting an ai plane armed with rocked pods?
And the dreaded question..........
intergration of Multiplayer for all platforms
Hear me out!
Since the first day of Simpleplanes Launch devices all around the world have never stopped developing, to the point that some phones have the capacity and memory/ram that rivals some computers. I myself have a phone that can handle upto 3000 parts without hickups, more than enough to run any multiplayer server.
It may be complicated, but definitly do-able
One final request??
*If you are make a sequal to Simpleplanes? *
Try making the games aircraft backwards compatable, this wil make it one of the rare examples of videogames that can do it. Maybe it wil be a good marketing point? Jundroo is still a company and making your games stand out will 1. Revive the Original. 2. people wil try to buy both games and maybe doubling profit.
I get this post is not for suggestions, but it’s just that rare to see that many devs in one place, the webpage to suggest is basically dead. The only place where it has a microscopic chance to be seen is in posts like this.
Great work!
Although I don’t think this will fix this issue entirely
Trust me, when SP2 drops, this issue will absolutely skyrocket.
The thing is, AI that can automatically make new emails, make a new account and continue its tirade on the SP site within 2 minutes more or less
It’s a good thought, however I am afraid this won’t solve the issue on the long term.
The ONLY way to fix this, is to make sure they pay for it to get into the website. Like buying a game.
Maybe by posting a single aircraft to their profile before being able to comment on creations.
Right now, it’s just too easy to comment. Scammers are very persistent until you touch their wallet
I realy think the and servers were Way more reliable, they were down only one day per year, the new one goes down very frequently, sometimes a hole week long
And speaking of shady stuff: theres this crap like this (Not the craft itself as its absolutely bonkers how good it is)
But the comments. just look at the chatGPT generated stuff advertising things i do not trust. And if people click those links, there could be anything behind that link.
I have like a half a thousand followers, if my account gets cracked there will be definitly some people who will click those links and lose their computer.
Well, a few years in the future we wil try to play simpleplanes in simpleplanes on simpleplanes within simpleplanes wich also is running on simpleplanes.
Oh i think theres a thing everyone fergot to mention
for a plane game i do miss the presence of a sonic boom.
And also, could you please add
for winches? i can already see the possibilities with my mad creations.For benig an airplane game, I do miss the presence of a sonic boom
+14Unlockable parts? something unique and whacky
a campaign of some sort?
benig able to disable the wobble on hinges
its quite hard building airplanes made out of rubber
PreventBreaking on Winches
every moving part has it, why not winches too?
Funky Function for all weapons
ever wanted to try fighting an ai plane armed with rocked pods?
And the dreaded question..........
intergration of Multiplayer for all platforms
Hear me out!
Since the first day of Simpleplanes Launch devices all around the world have never stopped developing, to the point that some phones have the capacity and memory/ram that rivals some computers. I myself have a phone that can handle upto 3000 parts without hickups, more than enough to run any multiplayer server.
It may be complicated, but definitly do-able
One final request??
*If you are make a sequal to Simpleplanes? *
Try making the games aircraft backwards compatable, this wil make it one of the rare examples of videogames that can do it. Maybe it wil be a good marketing point? Jundroo is still a company and making your games stand out will 1. Revive the Original. 2. people wil try to buy both games and maybe doubling profit.
+11I get this post is not for suggestions, but it’s just that rare to see that many devs in one place, the webpage to suggest is basically dead. The only place where it has a microscopic chance to be seen is in posts like this.
+10Imagine dogfighting in 1942 and getting shot in that little strut that holds the wing on the airframe.
It just asks for benig a flying coffin.
+9Races with more than one opponent, would be fun doing an giant airrace or car race with more than 4 opponents
+9What about adding stickers?
its very hard to make decals nowdays
+9a simple fix would be a minimum amount of aircraft to be able to comment.
Like that you must post one aircraft minimum to be able to talk, that way they have to buy simpleplanes to be able to spam.
And i dont think the gamble bots would want to bet their money that.
+8Q: Will all the parts have extensive xml?
like benig ble to put anything on any input/output?
?different example
I see a lot of potentional, but winches are just too weak in their current state (for my monstrousities that is)
Bug critical
Game sometimes softlocks your entire pc when trying to save or go to the parts list
+8Maybe before you leave the game to die
,let us have more customization? Like making cannons shoot rockets?
Preventbreaking on winches?
Input for weapons? Like throttle guns or cannons firing on activation groups?
Or benig Able to disable wobble?
Or integrating mods in the game like smoke trails?
Or MP?
Choose what sound comes out of what part? Imagine how annoying a jet with winch sounds would be.
+8Instead of leaving blood and death behind, it leaves maths.
+7flyout looks better, however, simpleplanes has more freedom of creation.
+6I don't see godzilla on the front page on flyout.
Designer crashes when changing part style from Hemisphere-1 to Sphere-1
+6something that was possible before in overload
Test out your boat's durability by getting hit from a wave of torpedoes!
Manned torpedoes?
+6Now, make simpleplanes run in simpleplanes
+6@Alisuchanka it just makes it 10 times funnier
+6It's a missle that digs graves before it hits you!
Now you don't have to burry the people that got exploded by the thing!
+6*oh shiete I sound like a psychopath now*
@X99STRIKER i noticed, it realy likes turning into a spinning ball of doom when it does
+6yes, it behaves like one and has a tiny boat-structure on top. it can be a funny easteregg that spawns extremely rarely
+6Can it be download ed WITHOUT dropbox plz??
+6Great work!
Although I don’t think this will fix this issue entirely
Trust me, when SP2 drops, this issue will absolutely skyrocket.
The thing is, AI that can automatically make new emails, make a new account and continue its tirade on the SP site within 2 minutes more or less
It’s a good thought, however I am afraid this won’t solve the issue on the long term.
The ONLY way to fix this, is to make sure they pay for it to get into the website. Like buying a game.
Maybe by posting a single aircraft to their profile before being able to comment on creations.
Right now, it’s just too easy to comment. Scammers are very persistent until you touch their wallet
ah yes, what a beatifull lady
Proceeds converting it into a missle
+5@KevPlayzz then buy more money
+5hmmm yes, very clear
+5It does have a good function, it makes my creations even more ungodly and terrifying when they come for ya
+5@Maydawg1022 thats maybe bec the fire button does not show when unactivated, try adding a second gun
+5its face looks like it is gonna try jumping in front of a train in a few seconds
+5Well, atleast i know my Terminator snapping turtle makes 230g turns lol
+5I realy think the and servers were Way more reliable, they were down only one day per year, the new one goes down very frequently, sometimes a hole week long
+5this looks funny, but needs some more explosives (make it a tactical nuke for comical effect)
+5@AndrewsGarsion seen it before in the forums
And speaking of shady stuff: theres this crap like this (Not the craft itself as its absolutely bonkers how good it is)
But the comments. just look at the chatGPT generated stuff advertising things i do not trust. And if people click those links, there could be anything behind that link.
I have like a half a thousand followers, if my account gets cracked there will be definitly some people who will click those links and lose their computer.
+4@AndrewGarrison Could you incorporate these parts in the main game?
SP might not get any updates, but adding user parts will definitely keep the game alive and healthy.
+4@Lawpark25 or just implement the smoke trails mod into the live game.
+4Now the final touch would be to turn this into a working missle
Well, a few years in the future we wil try to play simpleplanes in simpleplanes on simpleplanes within simpleplanes wich also is running on simpleplanes.
+4@Mastereldo try making the grass more realistic, like making each blade of grass out of Boom 50 to make the experience more realistic
+4Time to write an entire bible of passwords
+4@masotan15 Finally! somone somone with similar interests!
+4looks like that snatchy thing that one diesel had wich i fergot the name off
+4@Gestour DANM, 161 successors that is a monster amount!
+49E+3862589000 ST
+4just the funnies thing ever seen XD (also very creepy)
+4Could you also add more races and with multiple opponents?
Also benig able to spawn ai that follow the race tracks?
Like when spawning a bush plane on gold prix raceway, it will try to follow the track?
+3It sure did destroy my hearing
+3"This is a static prop LOL"
well, not for long
your static missle stand-in will be a nice addition to my collection
+3Next Bo'o wa'er