A bit late, but I find the screenshot of an Aurora bomber being escorted by a pair of Vorobeis cool, lore-wise. Zanitsva and Gilead is supposed to be opposing blocs, sorta like east and west thing. Seeing them fly together have some degree of implications of the geopolitical shift caused by the Siren invasion.
Third Contact means this is still the battle from previous report right? It's rather interesting to see that what seems to work best to fight the Siren Fighter is dogfights rather than BVR fights. Now the question is, have the TFM command begun some sort of program to like, make select pilots specialize in dogfighting?
@0ut16w Yeah I thought it made sense when I read the lore. It's like Yukikaze's Super Sylph only having 4 AAMs because it's a recon aircraft with the AAMs just for defense/conversion reasons.
They punching each other when they got railguns n shiet
Masterful shape dawg, I love it. It looks so sleek and cool.
You truly make good stuff bro.
Amazing cooking bro
+2Tank, I like tank.
+1@ShinyGemsBro and you correct them
Finest Zanitsvan armor.
You make damn good tanks.
Hell yes. Now I can imagine how she looks like when she first greeted humanity during her landing.
UMPK kit, nice
New monarchii war???? Hell yes, how to join?
+1I have a feeling it's inspired by the BTR-112 Cockroach from Tom Clancy's Endwar but I might be wrong. Nice build
Nice stuff bro
@spetzavodheavyindustries your wife
+1Those edits are FIRE
Eye lens made in Simpleplanes
+1Honestly quite rad, not common to see SP stuff being 3d printed despite it being an existing feature.
+4A bit late, but I find the screenshot of an Aurora bomber being escorted by a pair of Vorobeis cool, lore-wise. Zanitsva and Gilead is supposed to be opposing blocs, sorta like east and west thing. Seeing them fly together have some degree of implications of the geopolitical shift caused by the Siren invasion.
This is literally peak fiction bro
Flipino Siren 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
Nice work
+1Lots of them sure be landing. Will earth be turned to a battlefield for friendly Siren to fight against bad Siren?
It looks like a plane.
Damn can I participate
What the heavens you're back, that's cool. Welcome back.
I hav e afeeling this is reference to F-18 Tomcat
+2Nice, love it.
Goddamn man you always cook, amazingly so.
The GOAT Is back
But me no have track mod, can't play it waa
Why is this plane have propellers facing upwards?
+1VTOL J-10
Cool plane
Third Contact means this is still the battle from previous report right? It's rather interesting to see that what seems to work best to fight the Siren Fighter is dogfights rather than BVR fights. Now the question is, have the TFM command begun some sort of program to like, make select pilots specialize in dogfighting?
@ShinyGemsBro oo I see, good luck bro, praying you'll ace your exams.
When Siren War update
Simpleplanes so popular Russia started copying Hellkeska
+1Massive beauty. But I'm now interested in the aerial battleship the US got. Wonder what their form would be, would it be like PW aerial cruisers?
+1@ShinyGemsBro nothing fancy this time but I hope it helps the war effort.
Buset improve segede gaban
+1@ShinyGemsBro how long till the TFM CentCom hits their credit limit?
Because I'm planning more stuff
Woah, you're back!!! Welcome back dude
@SpetzavodHeavyIndustries itu kan stabilizer jirrrr
Emang fungsinya biar turretnya tetep bidik ke arah yang sama
@SpetzavodHeavyIndustries makasih bang
Baby MiG-29
@FOXHOUND26 Thanks!
+1@0ut16w Yeah I thought it made sense when I read the lore. It's like Yukikaze's Super Sylph only having 4 AAMs because it's a recon aircraft with the AAMs just for defense/conversion reasons.
+1Interesting weapon compartment... Very nice.