107k GuyFolk Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    I want missile (and maybe HE cannons) to be less damaging overall.
    When my plane got hit by it I just don't want it to be an instant kill especially aircraft that carry explosive ordnance, it really just disappear.
    It'll be better if missile just tear a big chunk off an aircraft or cause a fire and perhaps fuel leaks.
    You know... going down in style.
    One thing we love more than our airplane is blowing them up to smithereens, perhaps a beautiful one.
    (Through xml modding it can be somewhat achievable but I think it'll be best if the dev doing it.)

  • It's been a good ride. 3.0 years ago

    On this day of every year, there are so many SP player announcing their leave but that's nothing compare to this time in history, with that hide-the-pain smiles, where Andrew announce his leave.
    Also, happy 40th birthday.

  • SW-13 Solun | Flying Wing Glider 3.0 years ago

    This is truly (statically) unstable aircraft in both pitch and yaw axis, quite a rare sight to be seen.
    Good job.
    Also, I want to know your location.

  • New SAMPLE-Cartoon image of simpleplanes 2.3 years ago

    I guess the body proportion is not an issue here, this is pro level in my eyes.
    Also, I think it'll be funny if she have to constantly balance her head to prevent her hair from falling off since it's unconnected-grey.

  • SU-57 'Felon' mobile friendly 3.0 years ago

    Have you test flying this before posting?
    A wing falls off when I spawn.
    It's mobile friendly because the wing fall off, this is a scam.

  • My nerves are in a critical stage 4.4 years ago

    Just don't do it.
    Go grab something nice to eat, get some nice sleep.
    And after that if that "thought" still remains, go to the doctor and tell them everything.
    Sneak out of your house/school if that is what it takes.
    Don't give up.

  • I guess Reworkable was banned ? 2.5 years ago

    The account not showing up might be because of the ban, permeant or not I don't know.
    I'm sure it's because of plagiarism.
    This might be a good place to start.

  • B-29 Superfortress Teaser 3.4 years ago

    Damage model looks amazing.
    That's something we don't see every day.

  • P-40F-10 Warhawk 3.4 years ago

    I just realized that they used this plane as a thumbnail for the 1.11 update.
    The cockpit detail is indeed amazing, it may not super detailed but the feel man... , it feel legit.

  • X-05 FlyByWire (updated) 2.3 years ago

    This is certainly one of the top tier fly by wire.
    And it's super rare to see the fbw lock the nose to where I left it, to do this is already impressive enough.
    Only thing I find weird is pitch control at high aoa (with AG1 on), I'd want horizontal stabilizer to have more pitch control, as of now it just go parallel to the airflow at high aoa which will produce effect similar to losing horizontal stabilizers and can cause the plane to flip at high aoa.
    And I've noticed that canards have pitch control I've mentioned earlier so I suggest adding canard code to horizontal stabilizer code.
    From my experience, canards and horizontal stabilizer can run on the same code. (some control have to be inverted of course)
    Also, please try some of my latest jets, you've been away for so long you missed many of my cool PSM jets lol.

  • How to do PSM 3.3 years ago

    Oh god!! I've been doing PSM wrong for all these year.
    I left my engines intact and write those complex FT code for the tvc hoping that they will help controlling the plane when control surfaces are ineffective just to find out today that terminating engine works the same way.
    Also putting "PSM Capable" on my plane make it fly like a dream, too.

  • Transformers-Blitzwing 2.1 years ago

    Jaw dropped.
    But I already spotlighted another Transformer build.
    It's transform just like this build.

  • Fat Amy? No. Battle Penguin? Yes. 2.2 years ago

    Months maybe?
    But again, I'm busy so I guess it can be done in 2-3 weeks of constantly playing SP.

  • Electronic Scale 2.2 years ago

    Suspicious substances on the scale....
    Might be salt.
    Might be snow.
    But I think it's crystal Math.

  • Mitsubishi X2 "ShinShin" 2.6 years ago

    This is a prefect example of how to use AngleOfAttack to prevent stall.
    I think you might like it.

    This might be a little too complicate but I think this build explained a lot about artificial stability.
    Hope this answer your questions.

  • SuKhoi-Su-57 3.1 years ago

    The shape looks way better than mine if anything.

  • TETRIS 3.1 years ago

    Great game always come with Easter eggs.
    If you know what I mean.

  • The most relatable SP .gif you've ever seen 3.2 years ago

    When it finally in place
    Know your f*king place, FUSELAGE.

  • Not DCS 3.4 years ago

    Don't be sad, that's how I learn FT.
    Tinkering with other's build is the best way to learn.

  • What happen if your plane hit the debris after the explosion 3.6 years ago

    More explosion.
    More debris.
    Less plane.

  • GuyFolk Simulator 2021 3.8 years ago

    You look at where you going.
    Real GuyFolk let the force guide the plane lol.

  • W H E E L S 4.5 years ago

    Springs weak.
    Plane is heavy.
    Mom's spaghetti.

  • UF-58 Advanced 1.9 years ago

    Cool fly by wire.
    I think this is good candidate for more unstable and psm type of flying.

  • 19 48 749 Nordschleife Best Time WR !!!!!! 2.1 years ago

    This run is full of focus, commitment and sheer f*cking will.

  • SuKhoi-Su-57 3.1 years ago

    You build this on Android?
    That's already impressive.

  • Sukhoi Su-57 Akula (Markov) 3.1 years ago

    Nice shark mouth.
    Could be more detail in the main body though.

  • X-02S Strike Wyvern ''Archange'' 3.2 years ago

    I want it to be easy to fly, detail comes second.
    I fly with half my brain shut off anyway, that's why my plane need to fly me instead.

  • Karl's Flug Inline4 Vf.DF. 3.4 years ago

    This is genius way to simulate fabric body.
    Nice job.
    And it sounds funny when crashed lol.

  • P-40F-10 Warhawk 3.5 years ago

    I really like the details of the cockpit especially the girl picture I assume named Samantha.
    A quick suggestion though, you should connect the yellow reticle to the g-simulated camera instead of the sight itself so it'll simulate how those sight work irl a lot better.

  • Aerial refueling 3.5 years ago

    @BBCP117 @rexzion
    It's not too difficult with practice I think.
    I just recently discovered that lower the stick sensitivity helps a lot, like 70% easier, I tried that on stock tutorial plane and it works for me.
    But the biggest problem is judging the depth from a 2D screen lol.

  • GuyFolk's SU-57 oven freindly 354 parts 3.6 years ago

    Center of mass is a bit off so it'll be a bit unforgiving to fly.
    Mass is lower than original, try to keep it close to the original to preserve acceleration and t/w ratio.
    Landing gear act weird I think it is because stock gear can't handle the weight without extensive xml modifying.
    Other than that, it's ok.

  • XF-14 mod 22 'Skull and Rose' 3.9 years ago

    I based it on "opposite attract" and work together.
    Like sword and shield.
    Like tongue and teeth.
    Like Ying and Yang.
    Too much philosophy lol.

  • Regular Icosahedron 4.0 years ago

    Such an elegant way to build something.
    Why eyeballing the shape when you have math in your tool box lol.

  • [Tutorial] Unstable plane and how to make them. 4.1 years ago

    All hell break loose when there are alphabets in a math equation.

  • X-02 Wyvern vs ET Pyramid 4.3 years ago

    GG (not) ez

  • Su-57 1.6 years ago

    Beautifully made.
    If you interest it making plane more realistic, I suggest you to start with thrust to weight ratio.
    You'll feel the weight of the plane and more real too, sometime you can't just accelerate away from falling.
    Just set thrust from the engine to match those in the real world. (might depend on the source but it'd not be a lot difference anyway)
    Also, set the plane weight to match the real world which I think you don't have problem with.
    And that will make the plane 50% real already, easy right?
    Now adjust drag to get the desire top speed since you can't change thrust anymore so all it's left is drag to play with. (This process required many flights of testing)

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 1.6 years ago

    And now it'll be hard to go back to non-fly by wire plane lol, same goes for me.

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 1.6 years ago

    6 cam is 6 parts.
    It's 6 part too many for me

  • F-22 (Black VR Edition) 1.8 years ago

    This definitely feels difference.
    Good job.
    And I just don't understand the "1) Corrected YawRate Expression", you can make yaw rate and angle of slip be 0 at high bank angle?
    Or am I missing something lol, from my exp, I can keep yaw rate 0 but angle of slip will increase at high bank angle and if I keep angle of slip 0, the plane will yaw toward the ground like a dart at high bank angle.

  • Lockheed YF-22 1.9 years ago

    Fly by wire feel somewhat snappy for some reason.
    idk why since the code is similar to my F-22.

  • some codes I made 2.0 years ago

    Code broke, pain.
    Code work, euphoria for a week.

  • F-35B WIP showcase 2.1 years ago

    If you can understand the messy code of my Raptor, good.
    But if not, don't worry, even I can't understand it without re-learning stuff I've learned when the code was written.
    My auto trim is kinda advanced stuff and it can't work without a solid fly by wire.
    I suggest you go to my bio and watch 3 videos there, start from the most basic.
    First video introduce the aoa limiter to prevent the unstable plane from stalling.
    Second video introduce pitch rate, roll rate and yaw rate into the equation to eliminate unwanted movement.
    Third video is quality of life improvement.
    And you'll see that those basic are present in my Raptor in some shape or form.
    Also, my Raptor is using PID function, it's kinda it's own thing that you will need to learn.

  • Z's SU-30 2.1 years ago

    Guess I'm late to the party lol.

    I could not get this aircraft to be stable and become Post Stall Maneuvering Capable -Zainman 2023-

    From that quote, you've just experience the fundamental of making PSM aircraft.
    Stable plane can't stall easily so no PSM for it.
    Unstable plane can stall easily but unflyable.
    So we need fly by wire to control the 'unflyable' part so it can fly normally and can do PSM at will.

    The main reason that your previous work can do PSM so well is because of the code in the thrust vectoring and the raw power of the engine.
    I've noticed that there no code in the plane so this will be on a harder side to fly.
    And this plane is very heavy compare to your previous builds, that's mean it'll be hard to get it to spin but it will be harder to stop spinning to. (According to papa Newton)
    For this plane I think you'll need to write some code into not only thrust vectoring but in control surfaces as well, they need to work together.
    You can copy the code from my tutorial in my bio if you are really into this sort of stuff, it'll show you how to code both thrust vectoring and control surfaces. (spoiler alert, its pretty much the same code)
    And I think Khanhlam and skyjay can help you with it if I'm not answer in time.

    And finally, about the cockpit, I think scaling it might mess up the layout of it so I
    strongly suggest that you'd build it from the ground up to suit the plane. (not just this one but in the future)
    And who know, you might discover some new cool design in the process.

  • Fat Amy? No. Battle Penguin? Yes. 2.2 years ago

    Is VTOLing count as PSM? XD

  • YF-23 'Black Widow II' 2.2 years ago


  • F/A-42F THEMIS 2.4 years ago

    The build quality is nice.
    Interesting tvc nozzles.
    I have some quick suggest for you.
    - Change the wing that responsible for roll to flat-bottom air foil, it has best high aoa characteristic so the plane will not act weird when pitch and roll at low speed.
    - I think the FT code should be tuned more, the RollRate and YawRate axis could be more sensitive because I've noticed that the plane try to correct those rates but not as much.

    Also, I think the code is a mixed of difference style, I'm surprised that they work well together.

  • FA-37 Gray Wolf - teaser 2.4 years ago

    Those HUDs look like eyes and it's kinda cute.

  • Piaggio P-180 Avanti II 2.4 years ago

    Thanks for showing me this.
    This cockpit is fantastic.
    I like how "real" fake weather radar work lol, never see this in SP before.
    And artificial horizon align with in-game HUD is also a nice touch.

  • F-22 'Raptor' update 1.11 2.5 years ago

    @CR929thenewSPplayer @CorporalWojak @NormalPeople404
    T goes Brrrrtttttt.

  • F/A-402 Archangel 2.6 years ago

    Thanks for showing me this plane, it do PSM well, I guess CaptainFranchfries is you in the past lol.

    I think this plane fly really well, using high thrust to overcome the plane innate stability to do PSM is a nice way to start but it can comeback to bite you in some rare circumstance.
    And I think you tuned the plane really well to get to this point.
    I also flew the Better Maneuverability Version too, it fly better and smoother.
    Good job.
