85.6k Leehopard Comments

  • Fc-912C 3.3 years ago

    @Shiraina Every shot has its own custom setting. Global illumination/Ambient occlusion/Blur effect has the most visual impact on scene, and has been adjusted for each scene. And I used Photoshop to edit the overall color and tone.

  • Fc-912C 3.3 years ago

    @BogdanX If I can use 2 parts or more, it would be easy. with just 1 part, Probably I can, but I don't find reason to do that. it takes too much effort. The text label has a lot of possibility, Basically it can be used as a vector drawing tool. But it's not made for drawing. It has no layer, masking, proper alpha blending or render priority options, so we have limitations on the shape we can draw.

  • Fc-912B 3.9 years ago

    @p6284 it's not the Beast, from this map

  • Name as many planes as you can 4.1 years ago


  • Il-2 NS-37 4.2 years ago

    @IceCraft https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attitude_indicator

  • Fire Control 4.3 years ago

    Clouds, Ocean, Zoom

  • Fire Control 4.3 years ago

    Wave size 15+-2
    Ocean speed 0.8
    Number of grids 4
    Other settings are default value

  • Placinorth FLA-39B Labmer 4.4 years ago

    quite rough but overall proportion and design is very nice. I thought that this is a real model, not created...

  • McDonnell Douglas F/A-18A Mobius One 5.1 years ago

    neat and brilliant work, I like this plane!!!
    you can add name for assign different roles to each missile
    Example image

  • Gerat 720 - Corp.Dietrich 5.3 years ago

    I've never knew that the cannon can be used for Anti-Air

  • Funky Trees! 5.3 years ago


  • Easy way to Carrier Landing 5.3 years ago

    @CruzerBlade yes

  • Rally Chassis 5.4 years ago

    @DaKraken I've learned from books and websites in Korean... You don't have to be a professional or expertise level to making SP car. Everything you need will be available on youtube or wikipedia.

  • Leonardo AT-1B Mozzie 5.5 years ago

    this deserves 100+

  • McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II 5.5 years ago


  • FA-57 "Blaze" 5.5 years ago

    its performance is quite unrealistic but the design is cool and having good proportion.

  • SS-F.1 Peregrine 5.7 years ago

    I love the design

  • Replicas or Fictionnals ? 5.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii It takes me longer to make a fictional build. Because I have to concern about almost every single tiny part. ofc I refer many forms of real things, however It takes a hell of a long time to thinking. What does that part function in real plane? Does it have proper shape in my build? Is the position appropriate? Nevertheless, thinking like that is the most amusing part when playing SP. When I building replica I just pasting things and it's not fun to me.

  • Replicas or Fictionnals ? 5.8 years ago

    Fictional. To me, making replica is boring. Just fitting the blueprint, specs, and there's no fun factors of create something. Just playing with other user's replica build is enough.

  • 2S38 Derivatsiya PVO 5.8 years ago

    @KRAYTEK999 sure

  • 2S38 Derivatsiya PVO 5.8 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Exactly that's right. I've just come up with an idea that would have been better to hide one more gun for set the bullet's average velocity.... the real PKMT's muzzle velocity is around 850m/s, but I set it in game to 1000m/s, same with the shell's speed, for lead calculate.

  • F-413B Orca 6.0 years ago

    @Stonewarrior272 just use, no patent

  • New Map coming soon... 6.0 years ago

    can't wait

  • Terzo 6.0 years ago

    quite over-scaled and difficult to control, but it has devoted modeling and unique sound..

  • Is it drawing time? 6.0 years ago

    @TitanIncorporated @Chancey21 @AWESOMENESS360 thanks :) I've learned just a little..

  • Experimental Hovercraft 6.0 years ago

    @xXRaindropXx playing on mobile? I didn't tested on mobile...

  • CoaxHelikit3L 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama helping people is rewarding, just credit me when it's done

  • CoaxHelikit3L 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama combined with your design
    adjust blue parts if you want

  • MFH-300A update 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama Okay, any specific or reference model?

  • MFH-300A update 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama yup sure

  • Helikit3 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama you can try with THIS
    almost perfect for you.... I think..

    the blue mast part is safe for edit or attach to others

  • Helikit3 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama I recommend you to examine this build.
    it's my very old swashplate heli without finetuner nor overload, so you can easily understand how it works.

  • Helikit3 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama longer mast affects not much. 2blade coax will theoretically more stable, I've tested but it was more unstable... maybe there's a mistake in blade or somewhere but idk now. if you suffering trouble with helikit, try to save its engine and rotorunit to subassembly and attach to your completed plane body. not to make 'from' helikit, if you working in that way, rotorblades will attached to other parts unintentionally.

  • Helikit3 6.6 years ago


  • Helikit2 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama base hinge rotator is for mast tilt. most helicopter's masts are tilted to front for forward flight. it's hard to tilt and editing the whole rotor set, so I put it on the hinge. I'm pretty sure that 3 blades will more stable. and scaling with fine tuner might work but you'll have to tune and adjust for some hours.

  • Helikit2 6.6 years ago


  • X-725 M1 cpx 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama okay I got it.

  • X-725 M1 cpx 6.6 years ago

    @Hyattorama I don't have but it's easy to make so I can give you if you want
    I need detailed specs to make it, like diameter, max lift, scale of mast, etc..

  • HH-811 6.6 years ago

    @Minecrafteum You can disable basic gyro with AG8. basic gyro has 100%/100% of speed/stability, but the heli weighs over 20t. nothing dramatically changes even if you disable all the gyros. quite stable without any gyro.

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.9 years ago

    Pilot Cpt. Phil-yeong, Choi (spells might be Pil or Young) and WSO 1st Lt. Ki-hoon, Park

  • @Mattangi is a LIAR 6.9 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii dead pilots was captain and first lieutenant. and posthumous promoted to major and captain.

  • F-5E Tiger II 7.0 years ago

    Simple but nice proportion, like it

  • Unofficial SimplePlanes List of Real Pilots! 7.0 years ago

    KATUSA F-15K pilot? maybe a joke. never heard of them. KATUSA belong to Army(and dispatched to US 8th army), and all of them is enlisted men. not Airforce nor officer. and ROK Army doesn't use any fixed wings.

  • Suspension help 7.2 years ago

    Here's double wishbone push rod suspension test car. it's quite old design, so I didn't know about modding yet. full in-game build. looks ugly but actually works.

  • Fw 236 Z-1 7.2 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick motivated by Bf 109Z

  • XML help needed for engine exhaust size 8.0 years ago

    exhaust effect size is fixed to world's xyz axis of coordinates.
    just only 'longer' effect can't be done...
    I think you may can scale down the engine and set it hide in nacelle

  • Fc-912C 6 months ago

    @Dragoranos Sure

  • Fc-912C 8 months ago

    @Schiwi17 Select the CM Dispenser part and find '[(x)]' shaped button in the right side menu. When the Variable Outputs window opens, fill in the Ammo - Variable Name as desired. You can import the specified variable into the text label.

  • Disqualified Pencil 10 months ago

    @GSair That's fine. but this is not the design I created, just a replica of real one.

  • F-112 Delta Spear 10 months ago

    2024.05.08 Added engine nozzle movement when A/B is on, that I missed at first release.